10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin

truther July 25, 2013 41

Here is the way the mainstream (AKA liberal) media likes to portray Trayvon Martin, the teen who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman:

10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin

But this photo is misleading. At the time of his death, Trayvon was actually 17 years old. And he was far from the innocent-looking 12-year-old shown above. He had a history of violence, drug abuse, and suspension from school. Here is what Trayvon actually looked like at the time of his confrontation with George Zimmerman. These are the photos you will never see in the mainstream media:

130523170103-01-trayvon-0523-story-top trayvon-martin5 tm trayvon-martin-finger

PS Trayvon-file  trayvon-martin-photos.jpg.pagespeed.ce.098emgSf2k Trayvon Martin at 17



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  1. TJ Lewis August 1, 2013 at 7:25 pm - Reply

    Even if Trayvon M , was a convicted criminal Zimmerman was not a Uniformed guard or a Policeman in Uniform, I would have challenged his authority in the same setting. Mr.Z is a criminal from my point of view.

    • 5 War Veteran August 3, 2013 at 11:07 am - Reply

      Challenging authority is a little different than breaking a nose and bashing someones head into the pavement. How many head bangs does it take to kill a Zimmerman? A simple twist of fate and we may have known.
      Oh wait, nope, because THAT would not have been news.

    • 3GWTOFT August 26, 2013 at 8:23 pm - Reply

      Zimmerman was walking back to his truck as told by the ‘CIVILVIAN DISPATCHER” and the thug attacked him cause he was high on dope. Sorry the little thug and ganster got killed, but just as it was testified in court, he was on his porch and told his girlfriend he was going back to get that cracker.

  2. carl July 26, 2013 at 10:53 am - Reply

    the media has caught this and will run with it ,trying to stir the pot .This sad thing is politics now,divide and conquer .Race card will be played to the hilt ,here on L.I. a black man came out of his house with a gun ,the kids were fighting over a girl he shot a white kid in the face killing him the man was judged innocent and set free.It dose happen and did.

    • dee July 28, 2013 at 10:21 am - Reply

      you have no idea of what your talking about wow! The white kids weren’t fighting over a girl they where breaking into his car and others at 3am, he came out told them to stop and let them know he was armed (unlike zimmerbitch) the white tug that was shot tried to rush him he fired twice. the reason he was acquitted is because the white tugs friend who was committing crimes with him testified to this fact. SO PLEASE DO YOUR FUCKING HOME WORK

      • 5 War Veteran July 29, 2013 at 12:39 am - Reply

        No Dee. you do not know what you are talking about Carl is mentioning an entirely different event from the Black Crime watch event. So do your home work before jumping to conclusions.

  3. PineApple July 26, 2013 at 4:38 am - Reply

    Trayvon wasn’t even thinking about Hog Head zimmerman. He did not confront HOG Head; instead Hog Head zimmerman confronted him. If I were Trayvon I would have confronted him also. Trayvon didn’t initiate the physical confrontation, he verbally confronted him. You idiots are something else.

    • 5 War Veteran July 26, 2013 at 12:11 pm - Reply

      I am guessing that you never listened to the 911 recording?

  4. PineApple July 26, 2013 at 4:35 am - Reply

    I’ve had worse students. I guess this gave Zimmerman, who knew nothing about Trayvon, the right to kill him. After reading this crap I am no longer a conservative. Thank you for revealing who you really are.

  5. Amin Hussain-El July 26, 2013 at 2:12 am - Reply

    I don’t understand the pictures or the comments associated yherewith. The iddue was what was Trayvon doing when confronted by Geirge Zmmerman and the evidence only suowd he was returning home from the store do the pictured are irrelevant. He dhould have not have been shot or even followed.

  6. ELA July 25, 2013 at 11:26 pm - Reply

    The tattoo on his wrist says Sybuna, that’s Anubys backwards. Anubys – or Anubis – is the Egyptian God of the underworld. Martin’s father is a Grandmaster Freemason in South Florida. Checkout the following video:
    Trayvon’s dad looks like one of the illuminati card characters. I’m starting to think that this whole thing, including the family Zimmerman “rescued” from a car, might be a hoax.

    • doesntmatter July 26, 2013 at 8:52 pm - Reply

      now I knew his father was a mason….didn’t realize the tattoo was anyubys backwards o_o…and this is all making ALOT more sense now. definitely a sacrifice, and definitely in the cards to be played. *sigh, this has just screwed up my morning…this is out of hand and they are digging deep in the bucket pulling out ALL the stops. the ride is officially in extra high gear, and it will from here on out get more and more treacherous…im just glad and thank God that im finally ready -_-.

  7. 5 War Veteran July 25, 2013 at 10:56 pm - Reply

    What parts of he was caught with a break in tool and women’s jewelery as well as a pot pipe and a baggie with pot residue IN HIS LOCKER AT SCHOOL. What part of his FIGHT CLUB videos and his posting on his twitter account that he attacked a bus driver, or the fact that he was 17 years old out at 3 am to buy the components that make “Lean” or the fact that he had liver damage from drinking shown in the autopsy. Or his video where he asks a fighter to “come back” because there was not “enough blood” makes it so difficult to believe he may have been a “thug”?
    After all this 17 year old 6foot one inch man chose to confront Zimmerman instead of just heading home. Of course the woman Trayvon was talking to did put the fear into Trayvon’s head that Zimmerman may have been a gay stalker. Instead of Trayvon calling 9/11 himself. But of course then Trayvon was also high at the time of the event too.

    Read the bloody transcripts, watch the trial videos, read the autopsy. Go to his twitter and face book pages and read what he posted.

    The parents are to blame. The media and political agenda’s are to blame for everything else. Why didn’t we hear anything at all about the 61 black kids who died in Chicago during the trial?
    Don’t their lives count because those deaths were black on black crime? Stop being hypocrites. Is “hypocrite” a too big word?

    The problem here is certain people are choosing to believe the media hype instead of doing the research and finding the real truth. Sometimes from Trayvon Martin himself.

    Anytime the media presents pictures of a victim that are from 5 years before the event, they are trying to push a feel bad agenda. Sensationalism sells news. Stop buying the propaganda. Or can’t you recognize the truth with your own eyes? That child above stopped being a child long ago when he decided to play “big man fighter” and use illegal drugs and attack bus drivers and break in to peoples homes to steal jewelery and take drugs to school. These were all poor choices and confronting and attacking Zimmerman was just one more in a long list of poor choices. This was a failure of the family and the school system that did not enforce the law.

    Is Trayvon responsible? Yes. Is his parents responsible? Yes. Is the system responsible? Yes? Is racism responsible? There was no evidence. No sign of a white man forcing pot on that child no sign that a white man made him go out and buy the components of “Lean”. No white guy mad him do break-ins and steal women’s jewelery. No white man said “Hey Trayvon, that guy following you might be a gay stalker.” No white man said “Hey Trayvon go after that man break his nose and bash his head into the pavement.”

    What part of Zimmerman calling 911 indicates he was intending a race crime? And as usual the police were late which is exactly why Zimmerman on CRIME WATCH was doing his job. Because the Police cannot prevent crime, only clean up afterwards and they still fail 98% of the time to catch the criminals. These are FACTS. Get over it.

    • doesntmatter July 25, 2013 at 11:03 pm - Reply

      so with all that being the case….he deserved to be followed, and shot to death?? lol….good one vet…are YOU working for mainstream now?? o_o

      • doesntmatter July 25, 2013 at 11:07 pm - Reply

        ok ok…ill admit I didn’t read all of your comment bcuz after the first paragraph, it just reminisced all your others…and I wasted no more time on the rest. BUT as I scanned through it seems as if you are finally coming to your senses. hopefully you have opened your eyes vet, cause I know you are mentally stronger than what than those this gov gets a ball out of preying on….I only hope -_-.

      • Elaine July 25, 2013 at 11:46 pm - Reply

        IF he was a threat….and he was….then yes..when someone comes after you, are you going to just allow them to beat you? kill you? rob you?
        Have you ever been robbed?
        Have you ever had someone break into your home?
        Have you ever been threatened?
        If you haven’t, you do not know what you are talking about.

    • K.J.K. July 25, 2013 at 11:42 pm - Reply

      if u r a real vet–u were trained to kill- thing is that condo complex in FL was not a war zone.

  8. PHUGEMAWL July 25, 2013 at 9:50 pm - Reply

    Regardless of anyone’s opinions on the issue, none of the above photos indicate at all that the kid was a thug or a criminal. So, what’s the real agenda here?

    • doesntmatter July 25, 2013 at 11:00 pm - Reply

      the real agenda here is to pull out all the racist azzhats that’s been hiding and lurking in dark corners, waiting on their cowardess opportunity to show their true colors….and my my what a rainbow they have lol. the gov has been ITCHING to pull these hateful ppl out of the cracks to join those who proudly discriminate and hate others due to the shade of their skin…while all the while trying to connect one bad seed to all the seeds. honestly I hope things continue to spiral….so that all these morons can see they were being played WORSE than the black ppl who so-called is the reason for this countrys downfall. when they have to look square in the mirror, and face themselves, is going to all be worth it. im not black, white, latino, or asian…they all have their faults, the same as my race…but we are all HUMAN BEINGS…and THAT is all that matters to someone who hasn’t been brainwashed into thinking differently.

      unfortunately 95% of americans ARE brainwashed….therefore TPTB has much fun with these ppl…they toss a quarter in the sky and they all jump for it, as TPTB get a hearty laugh from it all, and push their worldwide agenda at the same damn time. morons begets morons….morons are equivilant to ignorant self loating racists.

      • K.J.K. July 25, 2013 at 11:47 pm - Reply

        maybe you have good sentment-but very hard to disiver your abbs., and etc.

        • doesntmatter July 27, 2013 at 12:51 am - Reply

          saaaaame to you bud o_o

          • doesntmatter July 27, 2013 at 12:53 am -

            BUT the only abbreviations I used were “ppl” for people, and “TPTB” for the powers that be….that may help 😉

    • 5 War Veteran July 25, 2013 at 11:09 pm - Reply

      Am I to assume that the smoke he is playing with is from a cigarette? Remember cigarettes are not sold to minors. How about the damage to his own nose from being broken? How about the most likely illegal tattoo? (Tattoos are legal at 17 if parents give permission) that one is well healed. By the way Sybuna is a world of warcraft term.
      Trayvon’s own videos show he was not an “innocent” kid.

      • doesntmatter July 25, 2013 at 11:19 pm - Reply

        and just how many “innocent” ppl are walking the face of this earth?? o_0…sooooo are you saying Zimmerman is perfect and “innocent”?? lol, surely you are not. it amazes me that there are hundreds of thousands of OUT OF CONTROL teenagers, in this very country…many worse than whats been supposedly exposed on martin. if one of those teenagers was walking in their own neighborhood, do they deserve to get shot too because they are not as you like to call it “innocent”??? I mean, this really sounds insane, and it seems like im one of the very few who sees that in this country (other places in the WORLD, they will NEVER understand this story, and I cant even explain how good that made me feel…I am afterall, not freakin insane). he was a troubled kid, like majority of what america breeds, and you know that. so what he has a tattoo of some game on his arm…there are kids with GUNS tatted on their bodies, with guns in their POCKETS as well o_o….there are some CELEBRITY kids with HATEful tattoos on their bodies….yes, the same celebrities that these moronic parents teach their own children to glorify.

        like the other poster said, this isn’t martins fault….its americas fault for being the lowdown, non moral having, God eliminating, violent inducing, hateful, mental segregating, discriminative, greedy, selfish, lost and confused, damn near bankrupt country that it is. now you wana blame martin losing his life on THAT, then so be it…but to say it was because he was a troubled teen like hundreds of thousands of others in YOUR country, is just plain ol pathetic….and underneath it all, racist.

      • K.J.K. July 25, 2013 at 11:49 pm - Reply

        oh ok to kill him because of his way of life? u r creating assumptions.

        • 5 War Veteran July 26, 2013 at 12:19 pm - Reply

          A “way of life”? doing drugs at 17 or younger? Is that how you raise your kids? Fight club for a juvenile? Is that how you raise tour kids? Smoking anything underage, is that how you raise your kids? Underage and out at 3 am is that how you raise your kids? Drimnking codeine based concoctions that damaged his liver? Is that what you allow your kids and their “lifestyle”.
          If so them expect to bury them young because YOU allowed it. It is your choice to avoid being a responsible adult and letting your kid get in trouble. Is crime a lifestyle you promote in your children?
          Hey, I listed facts. The fact is I had nothing to do with it and neither did you.
          God will clean it all up in the end. Trayvon got a head start. Will your kids be next because you failed at parenting and their “lifestyles” are theirs and well yours is yours too.

          Just remember when the $hit hits the fan and you are starving be VERY CAREFUL because my lifestyle says protect my family at all costs.

      • PHUGEMAWL July 26, 2013 at 9:16 am - Reply

        Nonetheless good buddy, the article is still biased, I saw plenty of that in my years working for an Ahole named Rupert Moloch … . And further, I’ve known many more white redneck scumbags than black ….. just sayin

  9. Elaine July 25, 2013 at 9:31 pm - Reply

    In a different article a couple of weeks ago, there was a phone with him holding a weapon. Why isn’t it here?

  10. BARBBF July 25, 2013 at 8:54 pm - Reply

    Now can we see the photos of Zimmerman slapping his former finance or one of him throwing a women at a house party against the wall???

    • doesntmatter July 25, 2013 at 9:22 pm - Reply

      of course not…the ignorant wants to remain willfully ignorant -_-.

    • Elaine July 25, 2013 at 9:32 pm - Reply

      Could you provide; either the police report for that; or a photo; or an article?
      Or, do you make this up as you type?

      • BARBBF July 26, 2013 at 3:23 am - Reply

        The information is online. No need to make anything up. Do a Google search. You can read it if you want to. As far as police reports….I should have mentioned he was arrested for attacking a policemen who was questioning him..that police report is available. The judge ordered him to attend AA for his drinking problem…that was his sentence. From the Washington Post:


        George Zimmerman’s relevant past
        By Jonathan Capehart, Updated: May 28, 2013


        But thanks to Florida’s incredible sunshine laws, we know a few relevant things about Zimmerman.

        In July 2005, he was arrested for “resisting officer with violence.” The neighborhood watch volunteer who wanted to be a cop got into a scuffle with cops who were questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking. The charges were reduced and then waived after he entered an alcohol education program. Then in August 2005, Zimmerman’s former fiance sought a restraining order against him because of domestic violence. Zimmerman sought a restraining order against her in return. Both were granted. Meanwhile, over the course of eight years, Zimmerman made at least 46 calls to the Sanford (Fla.) Police Department reporting suspicious activity involving black males.

        We also know that Witness No. 9 accused Zimmerman of molesting her when they were children. The relative’s revelation is appalling but irrelevant. What most folks don’t know is that Witness No. 9 made an explosive allegation against her cousin. “I know George. And I know that he does not like black people,” she told a Sanford police officer during a telephone call in which she pleaded for anonymity. “He would start something. He’s a very confrontational person. It’s in his blood. Let’s just say that. I don’t want this poor kid and his family to just be overlooked.” At the end of the call, Witness No. 9 urged the officer to “get character reports from other people and see if he’s ever said anything about black people, about being racist or anything like that because I guarantee you there’s somebody out there who will say it.”

        That phone call was significant because it was placed two days after Zimmerman killed Trayvon and a couple of weeks before the case drew national attention. Witness No. 9 wasn’t seeking attention. “I’m a mom,” she told police. “I can’t stand seeing that some kid got shot and killed over a stupid fight, especially one that my [redacted] … because I know who he is.”

        • 5 War Veteran July 26, 2013 at 7:21 am - Reply

          While I appreciate information provided it started with ”

          “When George Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin the night of Feb. 26, 2012, he ignored an admonition not to do so from the police dispatcher.”

          911 is not police dispatch, it is a triage of sorts that determines the priority of calls. The 911 operator told Mr Zimmerman this “We do not need you to do that.”

          That is not an admonition.

          What we see from MSM is bias and if the smallest part is biased we can expect the greater part will be presented biased.

          In addition this story from the Washington Post is from May 28th before the end of the trial on July 13th. So this “relevant past” “evidence” was either made available during the trial or it was not allowed. Determined to be not relevant. Regardless it is not up to us to convict or acquit.
          However remember bias is unacceptable. Not once did the Main Stream Media show a picture of the street hardened 17 year old tattooed Trayvon Martin with the nose broken during his “fight club” encounters. Instead the PROJECTED image of an innocent 12 year old boy was portrayed and portrayed quite often.

          You see his “fight club” background was not fully published, neither was his history at school where they found a “break in weapon” and women’s jewelery as well as a pot pipe and pot residue in a baggie in his locker. Nor did they make common knowledge Trayvon’s personal fight club videos including one tempting a fighter for a second match “Because there was not enough blood.” Nor did they release hit twitter account tweets taking credit for attacking a bus driver.
          Nor did they release that Trayvon’s liver showed damage most likely caused by drinking a codeine based drink called “Lean”. Of which Trayvon was carrying two of the three ingredients on his way home. Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Iced Tea. Why weren’t these facts mentioned in the trial at all?

          Also Trayvon was high from smoking marijuana the night he was shot. Trayvon made a poor choice to turn around and confront Zimmerman. He also mad a poor choice in friends because the woman he was talking to on the phone put the fear of a homosexual stalker in his mind. Then Trayvon turned around and decided to confront Zimmerman in what perhaps could have been seen as a gay bashing scenario.

          As you said the information is out there and there is plenty more now the trial is over isn’t there?

          So was this a racial incident or a gay bashing incident or a drug induced situation of poor choices.

          Who really is responsible? George Zimmerman whose duty as a neighborhood watch to report suspicious activity? Trayvon Martin who was a 17 year old adult high on pot (illegal) out buying two parts of a three part concoction (also illegal when used in that manner) or Trayvon’s parents for failing to keep tabs on their son who should have been at home in bed at that time of the night? 3am

          Where do your responsibilities to your children and society end?

          Finally ask yourself why this trial was any more important than any other regarding the death of a child? Ask why black on black crime makes up 73% of the child related deaths yet we hear nothing and do not see any proactive activities from the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Why don’t we see any media sensationalism regarding Black on White crime?

          You already know why, because racism is apparently not news worthy when a black kills a white even though all the evidence involved indicates it was a racist event. Apparently “reverse racism” does not count as racism. It is only is news worthy “racism” when a white kills a black because that is much rarer than when a black kills a white.

          That is what the Elite owned Main Stream Media promotes. Sensationalism sells. Can you trust it for unbiased truth when that truth interferes with the the bottom line.

    • Elaine July 25, 2013 at 9:41 pm - Reply

      This is more proof of him holding a gun:

      I have provided you with this…NOW, you provide us with the photo(s), article, police report or something to prove your point.

      He was a thug. If he was white, what would you say then….OR, do you always take the side of the poor little black person (yes, sarcasm) who is violent because???????

      • doesntmatter July 25, 2013 at 10:52 pm - Reply

        LOL….the same reason we can find everything negative under the son on martin, is the same reason we can NO LONGER find everything negative under the son on Zimmerman.

        you sound no better than sharpton…”He was a thug. If he was white, what would you say then….OR, do you always take the side of the poor little black person (yes, sarcasm) who is violent because???????”…only difference is sharpton would’ve worded it to prove HIS point. are you aware (in your obvious small small spectrum of life) know that there are WHITE, LATINO, AND ASIAN thugs????? of course you don’t, because you are racist like the majority of this country.

        only thing is, GOD isn’t racist…and whether you want to acknowledge Him or not, one day your racist ways will catch up to you….half will be due to your own willful ignorance, and the other half will be due to God allowing you to reap what you oh so proudly sow. mo power to ya, sweety o_o.

        now….back to swooning for your government -_-

        • doesntmatter July 25, 2013 at 10:54 pm - Reply

          I really hoped I wouldn’t have to make the correction of the word “sun”….but considering the frame of minds in here, I went ahead and did it….


      • BARBBF July 26, 2013 at 3:32 am - Reply


        But as details about Zimmerman’s life prior to the murder pour in, it appears less and less likely that Travyon initiated a fight with the 28-year-old, which Zimmerman told authorities. Why? Because Zimmerman has a history of violence and a criminal record to prove it.

        Zimmerman has been arrested for assaulting a police officer and for domestic violence. In addition, he reportedly lost his job as a bouncer because of his temper. A onetime coworker of Zimmerman told the New York Daily News:

        “He had a temper and he became a liability,” he recalled. “One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted. … It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.”

        That happened in 2005, the same year he faced charges of “resisting officer with violence” and “battery of law enforcement officer.” He got the charges dropped by undertaking an alcohol education program. Knowing that Zimmerman had a pattern of violence certainly casts doubt on his version of events and that racism alone motivated the killing of Trayvon.

        Did Zimmerman kill Trayvon only because the teen was black? I think it’s more complicated than that. Zimmerman’s history of violence reveals a man easily provoked. But Trayvon never would have wound up in Zimmerman’s crosshairs had the former bouncer not considered the teen to be a suspicious person, and I do think Zimmerman would have viewed Trayvon in a different light had the student’s skin been lighter.

        • 5 War Veteran July 26, 2013 at 8:28 am - Reply
          • dee July 28, 2013 at 11:13 am -

            Im just going to repost my last comment:

            you have no idea of what your talking about wow! The white TUGS where breaking into his car and others in that neighborhood at 3am, he came out told them to stop and let them know he was armed and had called the cops (unlike zimmerbitch) the white TUG that was shot tried to rush him he fired twice. the reason he was acquitted is because the white tugs friend (the other TUG) who was committing crimes with him testified to this fact. SO PLEASE DO YOUR FUCKING HOME WORK

          • 5 War Veteran July 29, 2013 at 12:30 am -

            Im just going to repost my last comment:
            you have no idea of what your talking about wow! The white TUGS where breaking into his car and others in that neighborhood at 3am, he came out told them to stop and let them know he was armed and had called the cops (unlike zimmerbitch) the white TUG that was shot tried to rush him he fired twice. the reason he was acquitted is because the white tugs friend (the other TUG) who was committing crimes with him testified to this fact. SO PLEASE DO YOUR FUCKING HOME WORK

            I agree the event I provided was also not a race related event. It was an example. However the word is THUG not tug a tug is something use to push barges.

            I did my HOME WORK. I watched the trial, I read the news paper accounts, I watched the media videos as well as read the transcripts of the interviews in the investigation process.
            I listened to the recordings.
            I watched ABC alter the interview of the lone black juror and twisted what she said to suit their racist agenda. A little cutting and editing can make anything seem like something else.

            There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE to show that George Zimmerman committed a race crime. There is plenty of evidence to show that Trayvon was a thug. Fight Club/ Break in tool and jewelery that he claimed was not his, found along with drug paraphernalia in his school locker, an autopsy that showed liver damage cause by drinking and drugging. Videos he created as well as texts that indicate sweet little Trayvon was not a sweet as the Media pushes. What is the description of a thug?

            A cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.

            Was Trayvon cruel? His fight club video where he asks his last opponent to return because there was not enough blood might indicate a cruel nature. And his admission in his video that he attacked a bus driver . .? Was he a robber? Considering his school locker had a “break – in tool and jewelery that he said was not his own?

            We do not know Trayvon’s motivations that evening only that he was carrying two parts of “Lean” and he was under the influence of illegal drugs. What we do know is his “friend” was filling his head with ideas related to homosexual stalkers. We do know that Trayvon confronted Zimmerman and attacked. Without knowing Zimmerman was carrying a weapon. Zimmerman did not pull the weapon immediately. That did not come into play until after his nose was broken and his head slammed multiple times into the pavement.

            Had the tides been turned Trayvon might have become a murderer. It was Trayvon who decided to confront Zimmerman instead of just going home. His female friend on the phone was the instigator of that decision. His parents were to blame for allowing him to run unfettered as a child.

            A shooting in self defense is not murder. Murder is PRE-MEDITATED. Zimmerman had no intent to attack or kill anyone that evening, he was just doing his job as a crime watch. There is no point in being a crime watch if you do not witness a crime. There is no point in being a crime watch is one does not follow the possible perpetrator and remove all possibility of a crime being committed.
            What is a store detective? A person who follows shoppers with the intent of witnessing theft. Just the presence of a “watcher” should deter most from committing crime. One does not expect a shoplifter to attack the store detective.
            Trayvon assumed that Zimmerman was a threat. Zimmerman wasn’t. He was a crime watch.
            Anything else is conjecture and media hype. Assumptions and accusation are meaningless.
            Fact: Trayvon as an underage kid should not have been out at 3 am. Fact: crime had been continuing in the neighborhood. Fact: Trayvon had illegal drugs in his system. Fact: Trayvon had liver damage caused by long term use of illegal substances. Fact: Trayvon participated in fight club. Fact: Trayvon was found with stolen items in his possession. Fact: Trayvon was participating in illegal activity. Fight Club is not legal. Smoking pot is not legal, breaking in to peoples homes and stealing jewelery is not legal, attacking a public servant – bus driver is not legal, using OTC meds like codeine based Robitussin for other purposes than it’s labeled purpose is illegal. (remember Robitussin is an ingredient in meth)
            Even with all of the above to consider Trayvon as innocent is just plain stupid. No Trayvon was not committing a crime walking home at 3 am unless there was a curfew. Was he committing a crime when he was attacking Zimmerman? Yes it is called assault. Did he have the intent of murder in mind? We will never know. Was he capable? Can there be any doubt? What we do know is that Zimmerman did not pull his weapon until after being attacked.
            The difference between the video linked above and the Zimmerman event was the crime watch had his weapon pulled and warned the child before the child attacked him. Perhaps that was a failure on Zimmerman’s part? He decided to wait until he was attacked and felt his life was threatened before he pulled his gun. At least Zimmerman bears the physical evidence of the attack, the other crime watch gentleman did not wait that long.
            We have had numerous thefts recently since the Trayvon trial began in our neighborhood. I have a CWP concealed weapons permit. At my age should I wait until I am attacked and beaten senseless or shoot first and ask questions later? What happens if I wait and the assailant takes my weapon and shoots me? Will he hang around for the police? Or will he run off with the weapon and use it again, after all he will be a murderer then. How do you think criminals get illegal weapons? They steal them.
            I do know I will provide warning if possible it all depends on the situation. My father was attacked, he walked past two men and they turned around, threw a towel over his head and beat him senseless he was 64 years old. The mugged him and robbed him. They also said they had a gun. My father was hospitalized for 3 days and had many stitches. The attackers got away with $7. The hospital bills were over $4000.
            My father took lessons and got his CWP luckily he never needed it.

            What are the points? Every situation is different, shit happens, it will happen again. Which person do you want to be? The criminal, the victim. the protector, or the person on the outside making decisions on media based manipulation and assumption. It behooves all of us to do the research and read the testimony, watch the videos and understand the evidence before making decisions.

  11. zainol arif July 25, 2013 at 8:20 pm - Reply

    He’s looking to innocent…. I dont know what happen to this world …. is it the new world order better?

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