4 Reasons Why a Conspiracy Theorist Might Believe a Devastating Event is Imminent

Pakalert November 6, 2010 7

Nicholas West

Is a major earth-shattering event about to happen in America which could trigger global chaos?

Based on heavy speculation, and some startling facts, there seem to be some indicators that suggest something big may be about to occur.

  • Fed stimulus, Part 2. Yesterday we had the announcement of more Federal Reserve stimulus, known as “quantitative easing,” which dumped another exorbitant amount of money on an already saturated system.  Nearly all independent experts agree that this is the death knell of the dollar.  The National Inflation Association just released a statement that this move will trigger inflation and starve the middle class.  The rest of the world is still weighing in on the global ramifications of such a move to the world’s reserve currency.  Brazil said that the U.S. fired the gun in the currency war and they are ready to retaliate; China is prepared to set up a firewall against the latest Fed move; and Germany warned of growing protectionism around the globe stemming from the latest U.S. manipulation.  Some are now predicting that a bank holiday is imminent, with a likely date set for November 11.  Is QE2 the final tipping point toward financial disaster?  Or will it weaken resistance against another imminent disaster?
  • Obama and warships to India. Much is being made out of the massive amount of armaments that Obama is taking with him on his trip to India:  34 warships, an aircraft carrier, and enough troops and security to be an invasion force.  As Indian press has stated, the very heart of The White House is moving to India.  Not much has been said, however, of the speculation that 200 corporate CEOs will be along for the ride.  Add this to an apparently last-minute decision to bring his family — all for an economic summit — and one might wonder what is being expected.  As Steve Quayle asks, “When in U.S. History has a sitting President taken off on an overseas trip for an extended period of time, with 65 airplanes, 34 warships reportedly 3,000 people including his friends and cohorts, at the pinnacle of an economic and political upheaval?”

  • November 6th false flag nuke. Forums are busy discussing hidden messages within The Simpsons contained in a recently posted video (see below) that offers a warning.  There was indeed a strange previous connection to 9/11 which appeared on a 1997 episode of the same show.  Curious parallels exist between the plot lines of these two shows that seem peculiarly focused on specific dates and numerological imagery.  Could there be indications in this cartoon of 9/11/01 foreknowledge and a coming event on 11/6/10? Invert the two dates, watch the video, and decide for yourself if this episode titled, “To Surveil With Love” is an indicator of a false flag event and the full implementation of a surveillance police state to follow.
  • The Web Bot Project. Half Past Human has released their latest “Tipping Point” graphs.  The period of time we are entering indicates “tension language” building around a major event in the coming week that could set off 2 months of severe disruption.  This event is projected to be far larger in scope than 9/11 and all other terror events combined.

The four points above are indicators that only enhance the climate of disaster already being fostered by government and military announcements that range from aliens to asteroids to global pandemics.  Then there is always CERN’s Large Hadron Collider to offer up a disaster scenario.  With the government itself propagating conspiracy theories, anything is possible.  We’ll apparently know soon enough if this latest matrix of conspiracy data changes from theory to a terrible fact.

Web Bot Project Discussion (John Waterman)

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  1. sohail November 21, 2010 at 6:49 am - Reply

    when ever i go to pakalert a message come account frozen what is this???

  2. Ned November 16, 2010 at 10:02 am - Reply

    Having read much about ‘ Mormonism an the Magic world View’ and their belief in the occult, Numerology, I found it intresting that Martin Haris who lost the first 116 pages of the Book of Mormon ‘The 116 lost pages’- when you flip it 180 it read ‘segap tsol 911 eht.
    Very strange indeed

  3. ravenise November 8, 2010 at 10:31 am - Reply

    I wish I had more information like license plate numbers and photos, but unfortunately at the time I failed to do so. They were living there for two to three weeks, and due to the multiple security cameras in the vicinity, they most definitely were recorded on the camera system. Les Visible briefly mentioned my story in his blog here:


  4. ravenise November 8, 2010 at 10:14 am - Reply

    there was a typo in my info, it was 2 Israelis not 3, two Israeli males

  5. ravenise November 8, 2010 at 10:08 am - Reply

    There was some very suspicious Israeli activity in the neighborhood in the second half of August. There were three Israelis temporarily living next door to me for a short time, they claimed they were here to pick fruit, particularly cherries. There were two French associates with them who claimed to be from Quebec. Their consort included two identical late 1970 / early 1980 hollowed out camper vans which they were in the process of modifying and cutting up inside. They were tearing apart the floor and compartments inside, and refitting them. I didn’t get too much of a view of what they were doing to the vehicles. They parked both vehicles around their small cabin in such a way which concealed most activity behind the vehicles and the entrance to their cabin. They parked in such a way that nearly blocked road access to me and my neighbors.

    I went over there one day and met them. At some point during the conversation I asked was what they were doing to their camper Vans. One of the individuals said that they were modifying the van as a “gift” for “his brother.” His alleged brother showed up a few minutes later and they changed their story. I asked them, a gift for your brother… but your brother is right here? They changed their story, trailed off and claimed they would be leaving one of their vans at “Sun Kee farms” and picking it up during next year’s cherry season. They never did leave their van there. Within five minutes or so of talking to one particular individual he divulged that they were Israeli. I first asked him if he was a Mossad agent, then questions about Israeli involvement in 9/11, and the Palestinian genocide. The main Israeli that I was talking with had mid shoulder length dreaded hair; tattoos all over his body, and claimed he wasn’t religious. He was a second generation Israeli. A friend of mine in the neighborhood actually went with them to a local archery range where the Israelis exclaimed how they wanted to go hunting in Canada with bows because they were illegal in Israel. It was not hunting season at the time.

    This all took place in Creston BC, Canada, @ Hi-Way Cabins/Race Track Gas. They stuck around for about two weeks and kept to themselves for the most part.

    One particularly suspicious event occurred… as eye witnessed by at least two people. A total of six men arrived in the back of two brand new ford trucks. These men were burly athletic or had the physique equivalent of d-line football players. They were walking around frantically spread out in a couple of groups and were looking for these vans. Multiple witnesses overheard them say “those are the vans right there!” They got more frantic, went back to their trucks and talked amongst themselves and then got back out and walked from either side of the gas station getting different viewpoints of the vans. Then they got back in their trucks and drove away.

    This is all speculation, however very compelling and odd… for all we know these individuals could have been Israeli spies or associated with rising concern of an Israeli false flag plot in Canada. If Israel is planning another false flag to back another mass murdering genocidal war, who is to say they won’t target Canada?

    • ravenise November 8, 2010 at 10:25 am - Reply

      Another note, when my friends went with them to the archery range, the Israelis told them that their next stop was Victoria Island, off the coast of Vancouver, and from there the gulf islands.

  6. Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) November 7, 2010 at 1:11 pm - Reply

    Janab Sajjad Ahmad ji, and my other brothers and sisters,

    Aslaam O Alaikum!

    Humanity has been hiding ever since Ashoka the Great, laid down his weapons for the peace in the world, as discussed by Sir Mohammad Iqbal Sahib, one of major advisors of the Father of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Janab MA Jinnah. The latter was the only statesman produced by the South Asia, whose life was a ‘White Spotless Sheet’. Quite likely, I do not think I am wrong in perceptions and observations, the second spotless and clean statesman produced by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been the Hon (Janab) Gohar Ayub Khan. The latter is one of the Foreign Ministers produced by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan since its inception, i. e., 14th August, 1947. Since that day, the ‘Humanity’ all over the world is busy in performing a ‘Naked Dance’, leaving all values of the human life aside. This Naked Dance will continue for the times to come. Politicians and other non-governmental agencies will do nothing as far as the ‘sufferers’ are concerned. These sufferers are all over the world and none of the continents has been spared.

    Well, I would limit my comments on two areas which I have presented/selected below:

    1. Whether one takes all fleets of the armed forces or calls it a ‘submit’ of the two nations. This cannot be a submit between two nations, which are far wide apart like the North Pole and South Pole. One has every means of facility for its people, but the past record of Vietnam, Korea, Philipines, Iran, Japan, etc., are self-explanatory to reveal how far this North Pole, so to speak could and will go. Secondly, the other party, supposedly the ‘Economic Power Hose of South Asia (European News segment of the CNN of 24th September, 2009)’. was asked to show how a nation where more than 400 million (4-million) people go to sleep hungry everyday of the weeks, for 52-week and 365 days of a year, could be termed at the Economic Power House of South Asia? Based on what sort of economy, in addition to persecutions, genocides, pogroms, staged encounter killings, from IDAJK to the Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, Khalistan, under the occupation of the Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy, coupled with humiliations, dehumanization, etc., to the Southern states and north-estern states, are all killed and their voice is suppressed by the armed forces, armed personnel, the draconian laws, Indian Armed Forces Act to make them immune to stand before any law of the country, provided there has been any law left to use by, at two-third of the law makers, the criminal politicians, including the ‘unelected’ Chief, Council of Ministers, the New Delhi administration (NDA), known as Manmohan Sinh supposedly a ‘Brahmin or Hindu’ in ‘The Sikh Identity’. What this criminal South Asian nation, the alleged Indian democracy can offer to anybody?

    On the other hand, as the Honourable Steve Quale points it up, ”

    As Steve Quayle asks, “When in U.S. History has a sitting President taken off on an overseas trip for an extended period of time, with 65 airplanes, 34 warships reportedly 3,000 people including his friends and cohorts, at the pinnacle of an economic and political upheaval?”-PakAlert Press 6th November, 2010.”, he has rightfully said that his President cannot have any hopes from a country of 400-million, out of a total population of over 1.2-billion, hungry mouths.

    The major world order is not to find jobs for the US jobless, that is, too, in a country of more than 400-million hungary mouths and the country where more than 50% do not have toilet facilities. Let us wish president all the good wishes and success in his mission. The major blessings to the President Obama will come when he is going to go to the one of the major ‘genocide of the Zulu tribe in Africa, who was the Sgt. Major in the British Redcross, the person who advised the Right Honourable Sir Winston Churchill to accept the leadership of Adolf Hitler on Nazis, the person responsible for the genocide of millions of the citizens of the “annexed” Sikh Nation, Punjab and Bengal, before 14th August, 1947; this person was the ‘naked faqir’ MK Gandhi, the father of the ‘Brahmins-Baniyas-Hindus’.

    Further, on the genocide of the innocent citizens of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir (IDAJK), I would like to state that no one else will come out for their rescue, but they themselves. The people of the IDAJK has to take the hard decisions for their survival and future. With the same token, the writer has to say to all other non-Brahmins, non-Hindus and the Sikhs of the ‘Landless Sikh Nation’ to take necessary steps for their ‘survival’. Their guidance will come from the ‘Gurbani’ inscribed in Guru Grant Sahib, the Holy Scripture of Sikhs.

    Finally, what I see about the genocide of the IDAJK by the Brahmins-Hindus armed forces, my heart cries. May the Khudawand Bakhshinda gives you the strength to bear all these inhumane treatments. You are ‘not’ alone my brothers, sisters, children and elders. Where there is Will, there is Way!

    No Mr 10-25% or his administration will help you.

    Your brother,

    Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)

    Editor in Chief, International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435


    Indian state terrorism against Muslims in Kashmir

    Waseem Shah
    (Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir)

    The 8 year old innocent was killed by Indians during current protests. I haven’t heard any NGO protesting working for childhood protection. Have you?

    Obama and warships to India. Much is being made out of the massive amount of armaments that Obama is taking with him on his trip to India: 34 warships, an aircraft carrier, and enough troops and security to be an invasion force. As Indian press has stated, the very heart of The White House is moving to India. Not much has been said, however, of the speculation that 200 corporate CEOs will be along for the ride. Add this to an apparently last-minute decision to bring his family — all for an economic summit — and one might wonder what is being expected. As Steve Quayle asks, “When in U.S. History has a sitting President taken off on an overseas trip for an extended period of time, with 65 airplanes, 34 warships reportedly 3,000 people including his friends and cohorts, at the pinnacle of an economic and political upheaval?”-PakAlert Press 6th November, 2010.

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