Advanced Space Based Weapons: ‘Rods from God’

truther December 19, 2011 1

The Intel Hub
Shepard Ambellas

Steaming from the Rand Corporation (Think Tank) document published in 2002 entitled “Space Weapons, Earth Wars” the spaced based weapons platform  ”Rods from God” is now one of many in operation.

The fact that this type weapon can decimate it’s target by way of stealth with kinetic force is impressive but creepy.

In principle, 20 foot long tungsten core rods 2 feet in diameter will drop out of the gravity well from space, spearing toward earth with pinpoint precision at 10,000 feet per second, hitting with the kinetic force of a nuclear weapon (with no explosion).

An excerpt from EndWar Wiki reads;

The kinetic kill vehicle launch platform consists of a satellite armed with 12 telephone pole sized Tungsten rods loaded into 12 launch tubes mounted on one end of the satellite . The satellite employs high efficiency photo-voltaic panels or “wings” to generate electricity directly from sunlight. The satellites are then placed in orbit and must be reloaded after each use, or de-orbited and a replacement launched. The current US system consists of an unknown number of such satellites, though the number is assumed to be more than one.

A POPSCI article excerpt reads;

The concept of kinetic-energy weapons has been around ever since the RAND Corporation proposed placing rods on the tips of ICBMs in the 1950s; the satellite twist was popularized by sci-fi writer Jerry Pournelle. Though the Pentagon won’t say how far along the research is, or even confirm that any efforts are underway, the concept persists. The “U.S. Air Force Transformation Flight Plan,” published by the Air Force in November 2003, references “hypervelocity rod bundles” in its outline of future space-based weapons, and in 2002, another report from RAND, “Space Weapons, Earth Wars,” dedicated entire sections to the technology’s usefulness.

A New York Times articles except reads;

In an age of rogue regimes and pre-emptive war, states developing clandestine nuclear programs know better than to leave them in plain sight. Anxious to ward off an American or Israeli attack, Iran, for example, appears to have buried its uranium-enrichment halls under 30 feet of earth and concrete. No doubt, canny proliferators will soon dig even deeper and better-armored holes.

As more, advanced space based weapons platforms are developed there will be new threats that the “powers that be” are now busy creating, pushing fear amongst the general populace (in a psychological warfare-style manner).

In the cold war era — kids in school were forced to participate in  ’nuclear bomb drills’ and were instructed to duck and cover under their desks, traumatizing the students mentally in a PsyOp conditioning program.

This technology dovetails with the Boston Dynamics ground based FEMA/DARPA contracted “Big Dog” and a new breed of hunter seeker robots that could be used against civilians in times of disarray as 2012 (the year of truth) approaches.

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  1. Michael Cook December 19, 2011 at 9:26 pm - Reply

    Just how many deadly weapons systems are there? We, the general public are aware of and see these weapons in use in many war zones across the planet; and there devastating affects. They are constantly being upgraded to be even more lethal. We all know that man can destroy himself many times over, and the subsequent affect that would have on all other life forms, and the planet itself, is speculated on by many. What is really disconcerting is the fact that we are, and can be so destructive, is NOT ENOUGH? We seek, or at least those who are the “Powers That Be” want to be even MORE destructive, and not only destructive, but to be able to be destructive in a variety of ways; hence this insane pursuit of NEW and more deadly means to kill and destroy. With such insanity and mans past history there is nothing more certain, that the greatest catastrophy to befall mankind is just ahead. A catastrophy of his own making.

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