Did God Really Create Sexes In Humans?


  Did God Really Create Sexes In Humans?


                        God created the first human being (only single) on earth in God’s own image. Hence among all other living beings; God had created, God called only the human being – ‘adam’ (human or man). In the original Hebrew language word ‘adamah’ means ground. Therefore, actual meaning of word ‘adam’ is – made from dust, made from clay or made from earth. God neither gave proper noun “Adam to the first created human; nor did God give proper noun “Eve” to the second created human. God simply remembered them by a common noun ‘adam’ by which God used to call both the humans (Genesis 1: 26). God did not give any name to any living being either; God created all the things and kept them on earth under the rule of first human. First human gave all names (common nouns and proper nouns) to every kind of living beings on earth (Genesis 2: 19-20). This job was assigned only to the “first human” who must have completed this task after so many years. Only thereafter the formation of second human took place. So, first human called himself man and called woman to his partner (Genesis 2: 23). Name ‘Eve’ came into existence even after a longer time. Only after their fall in sin, First human gave a proper noun ‘Eve’ to the second human (Genesis 3: 20) andthereafter first human obtained name ‘Adam’ as a proper noun only for himself,  in the real sense.            

                          Both the humans disobeyed, God’s first and the only one commandment. When God came to visit (actually to save) them in The Garden of Eden, they were hiding.So,God called out “adam where are you?” this question (Genesis 3:9) is mostly misunderstooddue to the interpretation of two words in the question. (i) Word ‘adam’ (as if, a proper noun for a man alone) and (ii) a use of word ‘you’ (as a singular word). So, we assume, ‘adam’ was the first human (husband), the head of the second human (wife). Therefore, God’s question was not for the second human (wife) and so on! Is God partial? Before asking the question, didn’t God know; who broke his commandment first? So above question probably was asked for Eve alone (since both were called “adam/s”)! But we think, as if, the proper name ‘Adam’ for a male (man) was given by God himself (Genesis 3:9).  In support to our assumptions, ‘adam’ (first human) took initiative and replied God. (In fact, the second human; who took initiative in breaking God’s law first, was frightened very much and was not in a position to reply God!). Hence, we find only first human replied God’s initial queries, so we assume that God’s above question was for a man (male) alone. In fact, the question was for both the interpretation should be like this: – “adam (God meant two humans) where are you (both)?”

       Didn’t God give equal status to both humans? Didn’t God know; both humans had eaten forbidden fruits, in Eden Garden, before he asked above question? God’s question was certainly for both the ‘adam/s’ (meaning – ‘created from earth’) and not at all for “Adam” alone. For both of them were created in God’s own image (Genesis 1: 26, 5:1)!  

It seems, due to the fall of our original fore parents ‘adam/s’ : – From the word ‘adamah’ (dust) last letters ‘ah’ were removed and same letters were added reversely; in the name of faithful person “Abram” to change his proper noun “Abra’ha’m” (Genesis 17:5) who became a first spiritual father of God’s chosen people. And letter ‘i’ in the name of his wife “Sarai” was replaced by letter ‘h’ to make her proper noun  “Sara’h'” (Genesis 17:15), who became a first spiritual  mother of God’s chosen people too! In a proper time, God exchanged place of worldly, physical parents “Adam and Eve” by replacing spiritual parents “Abraham and Sarah”, only for the saved people from the whole world.

                God; in the Bible, did change names of some people and kept names of some people. Name ‘Jacob’ was completely changed to “ISRAEL”. Name “JOHN” was given through heavenly angel to ‘John the Baptist’ and the highest of all the names “JESUS” is from heaven too! God the creator has every authority and right to give the names or to change the names of his creations. Yet God did not implement his authority or right in the Garden of Eden, in naming – Adam and Eve, who were the only original humans created in God’s own image. Therefore, God had given them total possession and full authority on the earth. God wanted them to settle each and every matter on the earth as per their own free will. Adam was authorized to name all things which God had created on earth. Thus God established total human rule on the earth.  

                God just or simply didn’t create earth and everything in it, God created each and every thing with specific purpose. In my first article “Purpose of Human Creation on earth” I tried to point out some (secretly hidden) purposes. Now let us see some more (secretly hidden) purposes. God created earth in the replica or shadow of heaven. There exists difference, in the objects and in their shadows. God kept some differences too; in between heavenly and earthly subjects! With some specifically visible and secretly hidden purpose:-  

(A) Residents of heaven – Almighty God, categories of Angels, 24 Elders and some creatures in heaven possess spiritual bodies called celestial bodies. Celestial bodies can disappear and reappear in their original or even in some other forms. They can change their sizes (bigger or smaller dimensions) as per the requirement suitable for the form. But all the living beings on earth including humans were given bodies created from earthly minerals and materials (earthly chemistry). All earthly bodies are given limited powers and capacities. God had made them little less than heavenly angels in above physical aspects.

(B) In heavenly spiritual (celestial) bodies, there is no record of sexuality indicated in the Bible. We find no Goddess, no female angels, no lady elders, no she creature etc. in heaven. Therefore, no marriages are performed in the heaven (Matthew 22: 29 -30). That is why, no records of reproductions are found in heavenly beings in the Bible. But on earth; the story is quite different and opposite.

(C) Bible testifies that God is spirit (John 4:24), God’s body is spiritual (Celestial). There is no Goddess in heaven. Therefore, on earth, God first created only ‘Adam’ in God’s own image. When God created Adam from the clay (in the male form), why God did not create Eve from the clay, side by side at the same time (in female form)? Adam was the only human on earth for a very long time; busy in giving names to all the subjects on the earth (Genesis 2:20). After completing the task, when Adam started to look for the partner in his own likeliness then only, in order to fulfill Adam’s will (Genesis 2:18), God extracted Eve out of Adam’s own body. God touched only chest section of Adam’s body to form Eve, why not some other section? God made “a helper, a partner, a companion” for Adam; who was of equal status and equal strength in every respect. Eve was like a duplicate (clone) of Adam, not female like thing as we expect or assume today. God did create females for all other living beings on earth except for Adam. God created resembling partner for Adam out of Adam’s own being, in Adam’s own image and Adam was ultimately created in the image of God himself (Genesis 1:26)! Eve was not made as a sex partner for Adam. If Adam was created in God’s own image and Eve was extracted out of Adam in female form then there must be a female form present in God’s own inner being as well! Instead Bible emphasizes, God is one and only one. God simply possesses three personalities inside himself – Father, Son and Holy Spirit and none of them possess female character. Is God described in male and female image, anywhere in the bible?

Please note that – God even did not call Eve as a ‘Female’ and Adam as ‘Male’, why? After God extracted Eve out of Adam’s body (this is an important point), it was Adam who imagined and identified himself as a ‘man’ and to Eve he imagined and identified as a ‘woman’ how come? Naturally Adam observed sexes in most of the living creatures on earth, while giving names to male and female pairs (Genesis 2:23). But for God, both were formed ultimately in God’s own image and both were in imperishable earthen bodies (adam/s) only!

            God did bless Adam and Eve to multiply in number to occupy the earth (Genesis 1:28, 5:2) like other living beings did as well. Not necessarily by sexual pairing alone; like other living beings on earth reproduced. So, how human reproduction was possible, without human sexual union? (Question seems meaningless due to the true facts, human pairs and their offspring are described throughout the Bible).

                    God gave birth to his only son JESUS in a spiritual form (Hebrew 5:5, Psalm 2:7 see KJV), how? God simply uttered words (John 1:1-5) and Jesus in the form of God’s “Word” was born in heaven in the beginning; with shining his light over the waters first (Genesis 1: 1-3). Afterwards, at decided time, Jesus was to take birth on earth, in human physical form. Jesus’ earthly parents Joseph and Virgin Mary’s sexual union was avoided too, until Jesus was born (Matthew 1:20-25); why? But after Jesus’ birth; same Joseph and Mary did reproduce their other children naturally, why? They were their own children, but only Jesus was the son of God most high, so Jesus’ birth on earth though in human form; was bound to be supernatural too! However, births of Jesus indicates that human sexes were not in God’s original plan, but human sexuality was in a free will of Adam who was in an imperishable form. Adam’s will actually was fulfilled letter on via sin and finally was approved by God the creator; through human being’s physical deaths.

          So long Adam and Eve (both) remained in God’s own image and till they preserved their imperishable bodies, they individually by similar way or (probably) by some other (unrevealed, secrete) way could have given birth to their children, how come? Only God knows!! For example, on this earth there are (1) Non Sex Creatures – There are no male and female sexes in a microscopic one cell creature called Amoeba. Their reproduction takes place without sexual union, but only by self divisions after maturity. In all living beings, various tissues are formed. All tissue cells reproduce their own kind without sexual copulation and they multiply too like Amoebas, to form the organs in the body. (2) Two Sex Creatures – Almost all of the living beings posses either male or female sex in an individual body. They reproduce only after sexual matting of male and female. (3) Multi Sex Creature – In a microscopic creature called “Liver fluke” male and female sex organs are found together in a single creature. So, a single liver fluke is able to lay eggs by self- fertilization or even after a cross copulation of two liver flukes both the liver flukes are able to lay their eggs, for the reproduction of their own kind. Few months back, I read in a news paper, news published with a photograph of a man in UK, who was found pregnant. In this end-time’s mad sexual world, some men and women are able to change their own sexes by operations and hormone therapies. So were sexes originally created in Adam and Eve or sexes became an additional development, after eating the forbidden fruit, as a side effect which actually started the gradual process of death in their bodies? Is the question of research in the bible?  

          Why God kept such examples in the Nature? May be to point out that, apart from sexes God has kept other options too, for the reproductions and multiplications to happen on the earth (for human reproductions?). If Adam and Eve did not eat the forbidden fruit in which death (together with hidden sexuality) was kept, human reproduction system could have become different than other creatures’ and possibly without sex too!

      All above writing may be acceptable; except the main point of human reproduction without sex, which sounds too foolish! Bible verses (Genesis 1: 27, 5: 2, Mark 10:6) clearly state that, God made humans as male and female. There are many other Bible references which support above verses. The booklet “Songs of songs” in Bible and some other passages as well, try to explain even spiritual things, comparing with or in terms of human love and human sexuality! So, is all above writing in vain? (This answer will be revealed by the end of this article). First, go through the following questions and their answers:- 

(1)   Question. – Is God holy? ……. Keep your answer ………. (Yes / No) …………. ready in your mind ………. Only after answering in mind ………..  Verify it with the following verses …….   (Exodus 15: 11, Daniel 9: 24, Isaiah 6: 3, 40: 25, Revelation 4: 8).   

      Answer If your answer is ‘No’ – means, you know the better biblical answer. God is not simply holy. Angels and spiritual beings in heaven are all holy; any person from earth can become holy after the forgiveness of his / her all sins. But God is not only holy. “God is most holy – supreme holy – he is holy of holiest”! So much holy and pure is the Lord the creator! Before him every holy person bows down and the whole universe trembles. That is how Bible describes and testifies God’s holiness.

      (Here, meaning of word ‘holy’ is Pure, without any sin, without any spot). Supreme holiness is the extreme state of purity and absolute sinless state which only God possesses).  

(2)   Question – Why some verses in the Bible also say that ‘God is holy’ for examples – (Psalm 99: 9, Mark 1: 24, 1Peter 1: 15)?

Answer- In the Bible, word holy also means separate, separated for the purpose or cause. God is separate, he is different and unique, and no one is like God in the entire universe.  Jesus is a God (God in trinity). Jesus had to come on earth, in the physical form of a common man. Jesus could not come as holy of holiest. He had to come only as holy so that he could accept the sins of the world and sacrifice (die) himself on the cross. How “Holy of Holiest” would die? Never at all! By considering this fact, Jesus had to leave his supreme holiness in heaven, become holy like common man; to become sin and die on the cross for forgiveness of sins of people. Therefore, Bible verses also quote God (Jesus) is Holy! But the better answer for question one is “God is holy of holiest”. This answer gives perfect idea about God. “God the father, now God the Son and God the Holy Spirit” only are (That is one God in trinity alone is) Holy of Holiest in the Universe.

(3)   Question – In the Garden of Eden God used to visit Adam and Eve regularly, though both were completely naked. How come, God who is holy of holiest (in his supreme purity) could see, fully grown up (human) male and fully grown up (human) female, completely naked? 

      Answer – (I) Do anybody mind visiting naked babies? No one! For God, Adam and Eve were just like small babies; so long they were in immortal (imperishable) bodies and so long they did not commit any sin! They were acceptable to God’s supreme purity; there are other stronger reasons too!

(II) Adam and Eve’s bodies were made of dust; yet in the likeliness of angel’s bodies (without any shameful organs of sex and dirtiness of excretory functions like vomiting, passing urine, cleaning bowels etc.; present in them). Therefore their nakedness was not shameful and filthy, even to the eyes of supreme pure God. This answer sounds quite sensible even though not described or written clearly in the Bible. As a matter of fact; in the Bible, even word ‘naked’ is also condemned, whether it is used in terms of physical nakedness or used in terms of spiritual nakedness, why?

That’s why, naked means dirty, filthy and shameful too! Go through these Bible references – (Genesis 9: 20-27, Isaiah 58:7, 2 Corinthians 5: 3, Job 1: 21).

(III) Adam and Eve were both naked but they did not feel shame (Genesis 2:25) Why? The simple and logical answer is, there was nothing to feel shame of, in their angel like bodies (though their bodies were created from dust), so they could even stand in the presence of “holy of holiest” God. It seems, only after eating the forbidden fruit, drastic perishable changes occurred in their bodies and formation of sexes (which led them gradually towards death). For that they felt shame. To hide the dirty changes occurred in their nude bodies, they made the garments of fig tree leaves to cover their filthy nakedness.

(IV) Now, even God could not see and tolerate their newly developed dirty and filthy nakedness. Garments of fig tree leaves were not sufficient, they were too poor to cover their new nudity therefore, God was compelled to make garments of animal skin (by sacrificing an animal) to cover their filthy and shameful nakedness (Genesis 3: 21). Under the blood of same sacrifice, God had to tie them in marital knot declaring them husband and wife, in order to protect them from sexual defilation with Satan’s fallen angels and defilation with the sexual creatures; which God had created on earth.  

(4)   Question – In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve only ate the fruits of forbidden tree, they did not commit big sin like robbery, murder, not even sexual matting (adultery?). Yet God, who is so just, forgiving, merciful and loving became so furious, that he drove them out of Eden garden forever. Not only that, but also God announced heavy sufferings and brought cruel punishment like DEATH (Genesis 3: 19) upon them and upon all the forth coming generations of mankind to be born on the planet earth, God also cursed the things which God made supportive for human kingdom on earth, why?  

   Answer – (Some relevant reasons are pointed out bellow. (Some other reasons you may find in my second article “The world of natural and spiritual fruits”.

 v (A) Adam and Eve did not trust in God the creator’s true words, so they committed two sins (I) unbelief and (II) disobedience – which lead them into serious disasters. 

v  (B) Eve trusted in the lies of God’s arch enemy Satan and Adam trusted Eve, therefore, both ate forbidden fruits, they disappointed God very deeply, destroyed God’s main  purpose in human creation and also ruined God’s best plans prepared for each and every human, to be born on the earth in the future.

v (C)  God created and blessed Adam, Eve and even their forthcoming all human generations to occupy and rule over entire earth (Genesis 1:28). Thus God thought to create their children too, naturally in immortal form (imperishable body chemistry). That is why God strongly warned Adam, Eve about the tree of fruits of DEATH (Genesis 2: 16-17, 3: 2-3), yet both neglected the warning, ate the fruits and due to their disobedience they lost the IMAGE of God from their inner beings and lost their own immortal forms too!

     They obeyed to Satan’s lies, (a serpent, an animal, Satan is also called ‘beast’). Therefore, after consuming the forbidden fruits, Adam and Eve’s bodies became mortal (perishable body chemistry). Their inner beings too were transformed in the IMAGE of animals. Hence likewise in animals, sexual and excretory systems and their suitable parts got developed inside the bodies with external organs for respective systems bulged out of their bodies too! Adam’s words became true. Adam had called himself male; so he became sexually man. He had called Eve female; she became sexually woman (Genesis 1: 23). By unexpected, sudden and wrong way via same partner Eve, the words of immortal Adam’s mouth, expectations of his heart and mind all were fulfilled, to face the tragedies throughout his own life and for lives of his forth coming physical (perishable) generations (i.e. all mankind).

Why demon spirits also prefer to enter only in human bodies?

       An army of demons stayed in the body of one man. Jesus came to set the man free, so demon spirit’s army expressed their second preference, to go into animal bodies. Jesus caste out an army of demons; it went into ‘a large herd’ of pigs (Mark 5: 1-13). A single human body can accommodate up to 2000 demons inside it!, but an unclean animal body; like pig’s could not accommodate even one demon spirit inside it, all 2000 pigs died (see the ratio of accommodation of evil spirits in, 1(human body) : 2000 (animal bodies)! Isn’t that shameful for a fallen human body?).

      So how we fallen humans can boast ourselves to be in the image of God? It seems animals are holier than fallen human beings!Therefore, during Old Testament times, animal sacrifices were acceptable to God and not human sacrifices, not at all! Example – Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis chapter 22). Exception – Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Jesus after all was a son of God, came to earth in only human form to save only mankind by his self sacrifice and thereafter by his own resurrection.

             Why some animals are in heaven? May be, they could reach there, before humans! Hence, it is correctly said that, animals are better than humans! May be therefore, it is said that, humans possess many animal instincts inside them. May be therefore, scientist Charles Darwin’s ‘Theory of Evolution” became acceptable world-wide. Therefore, even in this modern, well developed and advanced end time’s world, people are behaving more like animals and less like humans in each and every section of life. Even in their (so called) religious activities!

v Now human generations are to be reproduced by systems similar to animal sexual systems and never by other secrete systems, which God had planned for them before their creation. God may reveal his secrets in due course of his times (this is God’s nature).

(I)  Now Ecologically, creatures are best human companions on earth. God created all living species for the company of Adam and mankind. God did not create animals to save human beings.

(II)  In the Old Testament times, repeated animal sacrifices only were able to cover human sins until the holiest sacrifice of Christ Jesus on the cross, which is able to wash out human sins completely.

(III)    God did not create both, creatures and human/s on earth, simply as living show pieces. Main purpose of human and creature creation was to protect earth (God’s foot stool) from satanic forces, defeat and destroy all satanic kingdoms present under, on and above the earth and in the space (heavens). Human physical and spiritual war to conquer Satan and demons is the main concept in the Bible.  

               God created creatures living also to raise creature troops to fight under Adam’s leadership, in wars against Satan’s every force. In the beginning, Adam was all alone human (like a Tarzan in the movies). Adam might be talking with every kind of living creature created on earth (Proof – Eve talked with snake, not knowing that he was Satan).

     (a) Birds; was an air force of Adam, to face the demons attack coming from the high places of heavens (space) and skies (Ephesians 6:12).

    (b) Animals was Adam’s army, to fight and face demon attacks coming from the lonely places (Matthew 12:43) like deserts, jungles, mountains etc. on the lands.

    (c) Fish and the creatures in the oceans and waters on earth, was Adam’s navy and amphibian troops, who would fight with the demon attacks came from the depths of oceans, seas, under grounds and even from the hell beneath the earth (2Peter 2:4). This all was per-planed and set ready by God (Genesis 1:31).

   We never know or never can imagine the First class world created by God before the sin of Adam-Eve. It became second class world after the sin. Second class world was wiped out in Noah’s time. After the flood, till now is in existence the third class world, in which we are living today. What world we see and what things we know, in the same perspective we try to see and understand the Bible and try to see and analyze the mysteries in the book of Genesis too! For better perspective, we have to think over humans lived in second class and first class world conditions and only thereafter we may be able to know little bit of heavenly things and then lastly about Almighty God most high, who is above everything. 

So, after Adam’s desire, God made Eve as an additional warrior and companion to raise human army for the wars. Not to become just a sex partner to enjoy sex and only reproduce children and settle in the family life forever. Now God expected that, animal troops and human army together would fight with Satan’s forces defeat and destroy them sooner, than Adam alone would do under his single command. Thereafter, human/s would rule the earth in the company of creatures with peace, joy and in the fellowship of God and God’s heavenly family forever and forever.

This plan was quite feasible so long Adam and Eve were in imperishable bodies and did not eat the forbidden fruit. But due to sudden and unexpected deception of Adam and Eve, only by the lies of Satan, none of the wars, to protect earth (God’s foot stool); took place. God’s plan and main purpose of creation on earth was blown up by free will; given to humans. Thus God’s plan and main purpose became hidden mysteries in the Bible.

Now instead of conquering Satanic kingdom, protecting humans, all creatures and the earth became God’s urgent priority. Taking advantage of Satan’s victory on humans without any war but only by sheer lies, God also changed human’s feasible physical war with Satan’s forces into a spiritual warfare. Therefore, Jesus became physically human to replace Adam and fight a physical war alone on the cross, on behalf of fallen mankind. Jesus (Second Adam) empowered his disciples taught and demonstrated an example of fighting a spiritual warfare with demon army on earth (Mark 5: 1-13).  

v (D) After Adam and Eve’s fall, in The Garden of Eden, God came for their rescue. God sacrificed some animal (It was first sin offering made on earth, in The Garden of Eden) to cover newly developed nakedness in humans and God covered it under the blood of animal sacrifice. God made garments from sacrificed animal’s skin and gave them to wear (Genesis 3: 21), to protect them from defiling by sexual relations with demons the fallen sons of God (Genesis 6: 1-5) or further defiling by sexual unions with animals (Leviticus 18: 23) or sexually defiling with other human relations too!

v  As per God’s forth coming flood, God couldn’t have given Noah three sons before the flood, so that God could command Noah to gather pairs (sexual) of all creatures inside the ark along with Noah and only his wife (as a specimen of human sex pair). In order to restart human reproduction as well in the second part of creation of living beings on earth; after the floods.

     Instead, God included Noah’s family inside the ark, among the sexual pairs of creatures, why? God did not create humans like other creatures on the basis of their sexes, rather God created humans by   virtue of a family. God looked at Adam and Eve as an origin of human family on earth. Just like, God has his own heavenly family and son Jesus too (without any Goddess) in the heaven. No sex difference in God and his son, likewise no sex difference was in Adam and Eve who were created originally in God’s own image to rule the earth. When Adam spoke about human Male / female formation, Bible predicted human separations from their own families in future, in order to form pairs like animal pairs (Genesis 2: 23-24), by which a blow was given to God’s concept of human family too! 

v (E) As times passed by, God passed harder laws for sexual unions among mankind and sex restrictions within human family relations too! (Leviticus: chapter 18). If God created sexes in every leaving things on earth; including human beings, why so many sexual restrictions only on mankind including, cruel punishment of death by stoning (Deuteronomy 22: 23-24, John 8: 3-11)? Why no free will of sex to mankind likewise other creatures and animals? Hence, the question arises; did God really create Adam (male) and Eve (female) as per (Genesis 1: 27)? (In this end times, people in advancing countries are rebelling in order to approve ‘free will sex – bills’ and even are obtaining legal sanctions from their respective governments!)       

v    (F) Two groups of very special people are mentioned in the book of Revelation. A group of 144000 saved men, chosen from12 tribes of Israel (Revelation 7: 1-9) and144000 saved men, chosen from all other races on the earth (Revelation 14: 1-5). Only after completion of their total number 288000, Jesus’ second coming on earth will take place. Why only men? These special men have not defiled themselves (sexually) with women; they kept themselves pure.

       Aren’t there saved women on earth who have not defiled themselves (sexually) with men? Didn’t they too keep themselves pure? Why none of such women are included? What does this indicate? Creation of women (for sexuality) was not in the original plan, it was an addition for Adam’s freedom of will, in the approved plan of God. Even marriages are just casual permissions, and not mandatory rituals from God. But one, who marries, gets trapped inside the frame work of marital laws, made by God to avoid human defilation from sexual relationships (out of marriage) and defilation with other creatures too! So, in thousand years rule of ‘God the Son’ Jesus’ on the planet earth, it seems, like in heaven, masculine gender will be prominent in earthly grammar and in Jesus’ kingdom too!

Therefore, great apostle Paul in order to serve God alone did not marry yet advised to marry those who are serving God, but are not strong enough to resist their sexual desires throughout their entire life-times. Only married apostles of Jesus; out of 12, had to leave their own wives and families to follow Jesus, when Jesus called them to serve him alone. Why no single female disciple was included in the closest group of 12 apostles by Jesus?

Leaving his preaching in Samaria ( Acts 8 : 4-40), God’s angle made Philip to run and catch the chariot of only one passenger, an Ethiopian; who was eunuch as well. Philip shared God’s word to him and saved eunuch’s life, why? It seems impotent people have better chances of salvation than the people having sexes or sexual desires inside them! Paul’s advices and his personal life reflect the same themes.

Human sexuality is not God’s own creation. Yet, man, woman and impotent persons are same human spirits for God who does not consider their sexual status. God considers every person only as a spiritual being and God desires to offer every person, the imperishable body and thereafter a glorious body to live with him forever. 

v  (G) Circumcision – I had seen a small boy’s sufferings after circumcision. It is a painful and cruel ritual in the Old Testament of Holy Bible. The ritual is meant only for men, why?

 The only ritual in the Bible, it creates links between sex, reproduction and separation of race. The ritual indicates painful cutting for sexual desires, a knife means limitations on sex for God’s chosen race. Just after the birth (compulsorily on the eighth day) a very first still painful ritual for male infants is performed directly on their sex organs, it certainly indicates; sex formations in human beings is not as per God’s plan but as per Adam’s desire which lead mankind away from God’s plans, into Satan’s traps. Adam was man who first longed for sex partner therefore male children of chosen race had to go through this punishment sort of ritual. Adam’s desired sex partner Eve became the root cause for human disobedience therefore all women also had to go through hard labour pains to bring out babies they conceive by sex. If God really created human sexes, why so much pains,  painful rituals, harder sexual restrictions, laws and cruel deaths by stoning etc?  Why no freedom of free sex? It point outs that origin of human sexuality became the key of all destructions mankind and God had to face and pay for. Sexes in mankind were not in God’s desire or God’s original plan for mankind at all. Only after the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, cruel law of death by stoning is vanished, ritual of baptism replaced circumcision (Colossians 2: 11-12). With such few exceptions restrictions in sexual laws continued in New Testament too!                                 

Above five points (C-D-E-F-G) strongly indicate that, in fact God did not create sexes in Adam and Eve. Development of sexes in them seems the combined results of – Sins of Unbelief and Disobedience (spiritual poisoning) plus Consumption of the Forbidden Fruits (physical poisoning). Secret of human death by formation of sexuality was hidden inside the forbidden fruit. After all; human body is bound to react on the consumption of every healthy or unhealthy substance. So by above arguments; I can state that in the beginning God didn’t create human sexes as such. Formation of sexes in humans was the actual result of eating forbidden fruits, whose destructive chemical effects caused unwanted external and internal organ growths in the human bodies resulting in gradual deaths which became descending heredity flow for forth coming generations. God was the creator of the forbidden fruits too! God the creator of each and every thing accepted the moral responsibility to became ultimate creator of human sexes too! Therefore, Bible declares that, God made them (Adam-Eve) male and female.

[Descriptions of consuming of food (manna), tree of fruits of life, river of living water, drinking of grape wine in heavenly feasts etc. are in the Bible. So, are there toilets too, in heaven? No chance! In heavenly being’s immortal bodies (immortal chemistry) all pure consumable items are consumed 100%. So, no excretory organs are formed in immortal bodies. Hence dirty civil systems like toilets, bathrooms, drainage etc. are not in the clean and holy heaven. No formation of any dirty or shameful organs of sex and excretory systems are present in any immortal body! So no sexual reproductions! Therefore, no marriages are performed in heaven (Matthew 22: 30). No dirty excretions, no filthy garbage. So, obviously food and clothes are not necessities in heaven but are there as a luxuries of heaven! One can live even without bread in heaven (Matthew 4: 4). One can play, swim, dive in or even walk on the river of living water instead of just drinking it for living (John 4: 13-14). Immortal bodies possess such powers; they cannot die and cannot decay. Jesus never committed sin on earth therefore even though Jesus came in perishable human body, he could not die; Jesus had to hand over his spirit to his heavenly father who in return, did not allow Jesus’ mortal body to decay. God resurrected Jesus’ body, on third day for the resurrection of mankind, through his own son Jesus.]   

v (H) So after Adam and Eves fall due to all above reasons, God knew that every human on earth will take birth in only perishable body and in male or female form as well (in the image of an animals?). So, God wanted every born human to die. Hereditary of Death was already present in the fruits, which Adam and Eve had consumed. But without God’s word of approval death could not come on their perishable bodies. God prolonged the time of immediate death (Genesis 2:17) by introducing some other punishments in between (Genesis 3: 14-19). In the mean time, God made above animal sacrifice and converted earthly time into God’s time (one day equal to one thousand years) and God converted their eternal death merely in to physical death. (Genesis 3: 19). Therefore, Adam lived up to 930 years (less than God’s one day time) and people got a chance of bypassing their eternal deaths through the saving power of Christ Jesus (Genesis 3: 14-15). God cursed Satan the actual culprit, the deceiver and a liar, restricted his powers and authorities over fallen mankind on the earth, right in The Garden of Eden before God driven Adam–Eve outside.  

(5)   Question – Why God did not limit the death penalty only up to Adam and Eve, by replacing new human pair, creating the pair in God’s own image too!, in order to save; all forth coming mankind from sufferings and deaths? But God could not do so, since (i) God already had blessed Adam and Eve; after Eves creation. (ii) God himself planted the tree of death in the Garden of Eden, why?

Answer – Some reasons, applicable to the question are given bellow:-

Ø (A) Just after creating Eve, first of all, God blessed Adam, Eve and even their forth coming generations too! God never cancels his blessings, his words, his promises his plans and purposes. God is capable to fulfill them at any cost and even through impossible situations. God is good, just and unchangeable. If Isaac, being human; even did not cancel the blessings, which he gave to Jacob (Genesis 27: 1-38), so how could God almighty cancel the blessings he gave to Adam-Eve and forth coming mankind? Therefore being servant of God, one has to think twice before blessing other people. Never shower your precious blessings upon incapable people, else you may feel sorry letter like Isaac, cry like Esau who lost all the blessings; kept for him by his father Isaac and repent like God (Genesis 5: 2, 6: 6 KJV).  

Ø (B) God planted the tree of Death only for enemy Satan and his demons. Not at all to test Adam & Eve as we assume. See my first article, “Purpose of Human Creation on earth”. The fruits of the tree had power to convert any immortal body chemistry (celestial or earthen) into mortal (perishable) body chemistry. Thereafter, by the process of death and decomposition, destroy the fallen mortal body forever. If fallen angels ate forbidden fruits, their immortal celestial bodies developed all perishable systems and organs including sex organs too and they become mortal and die! If fallen angels made sexual unions with some creatures then undefiled creatures together with immortal human army, in the wars; could destroy mortal demons easily or even the diseases could kill them soon (Example – Mark 5: 1-13). But, demons wouldn’t be able to form sex relations with humans so long humans were in immortal bodies.

But, due to unexpected fall of Adam and Eve instead, demons (fallen angels who were once sons of God) got a great advantage to marry fallen human’s daughters directly and started to reproduce giants on earth till Noah’s time. Demons must also have defiled living creatures on earth, sexually to reproduce dinosaurs and different animal species too, which are now only found in fossils (Genesis 6: 1-7)! All; those reproductions were not according to heavenly plans. Therefore, God the Just; was compelled to destroy whole life stalk on the earth; existed right from fallen Adam’s time (This became, first part of Creation). But, God the love considered only righteous Noah and decided to continue the existence of life on earth to accomplish heavenly plans (Genesis 6: 8-9). Therefore, God ordered Noah to collect the samples of undefiled pairs, of all living species inside his ark. God purified them by the baptismal waters of floods (1st Peter 3: 20-21). So, the life continued again and grew on earth after Noah’s flood (This became second part of Creation). Just before Noah’s flood, Tree of the fruits of life, which was well protected (Genesis 3:24), in “The Garden of Eden”, was removed and it was planted in heavenly garden called “Paradise” (Revelation 2: 7). But the tree of fruits of knowledge of good and bad (Tree of Death), which was kept free for demons, was wiped out together with Eden garden, in the floods of Noah’s time. Jesus came to restore the originality of the creation which will be fully accomplished on the earth, only after Jesus’ second coming on earth.

Ø (C) Adam was created in God’s own image, so his partner too was ultimately in God’s own images. How God could destroy his own images, without trying to save them first?  

Ø (D) By desiring we may receive many things as per our desire, though our expectation may not be satisfied fully. By an accident Adam’s expectation was fulfilled, but at the cost of tremendous loss to himself, to his partner Eve and to his forth coming children the mankind. People have to go through pains, sufferings and deaths. Even God the creator has to share their sufferings, pains and the death sentence (Jesus’ Death on the cross).   

Ø  (E) God had to sacrifice his only begotten son Jesus (John 3: 16, KJV) on the cruelest altar (The Cross), to rescue and save mankind from the clutches of eternal death. Jesus had to kill the death by his own death, on behalf of mankind. God resurrected Jesus, so that through Jesus’ resurrection, all mankind should be resurrected, get imperishable bodies and obtain new eternal life too! For which they were not entitled. Jesus restored back, what all mankind had lost in “The Garden of Eden”, in order to accomplish God’s all original good plans for the mankind.  

An Example: – In certain country’s biggest business city; there was most important meeting. Country’s topmost VIPs of various fields gathered to create many improved plans, for the prosperity of the country. To represent their views in the parliament and to obtain the approval orders from parliament for plans’ implementations. All of them boarded on one train and started towards capital city. The train came on the center of a bridge. River under the bridge was flooded furiously. Unexpectedly bridge collapsed, all passenger on the train died. That was the huge blow for the country. Railway minister of the country was residing in the capital city, who took the moral responsibility of the miss-hap and resigned his post, why? The railway minster was not an engine driver or guard on that train. He was not a signal controller near by the bridge who could stop the train. He was not an engineer who designed the bridge or the railway track. He was not a builder who constructed the bridge. He was thousand kilometers away from the site of an accident when it occurred. He is not in the picture at all to whom somebody can blame! Yet he took the blame on his own shoulders and sacrificed his post, on the grounds that, he is the supreme authority in the country for railways. Under his authority and during his administration period, the disaster occurred. So he resigned his post!  

           The mishap occurred in “The Garden of Eden” was not according to God’s original plans or will, but due to (I) Adam’s want and thoughts (II) lies of Satan and (III) Eve’s deception. Yet good God took the full moral responsibility upon his own shoulders (similar to above Example) on the grounds of planting the tree of forbidden fruits there in the garden and as a creator of everything on earth. Satan’s victory over Adam and Eve was based on total lies and cheating. Therefore, God used his supreme authority, like power of “Veto” used in the United Nations. God sanctified it by animal sacrifice then under the promised seal of his own son’s sacrifice, God passed his “Heavenly Veto” declaring, ‘God made man and woman’ on earth. Therefore, the echoes of this ‘heavenly veto’ are reflected throughout the Bible. And even in the spiritual biblical descriptions, like in the booklet “Song of songs”.

                        After the actual creations, very long human history period of 3000 years was passed by. Only thereafter, Moses was revealed a very brief account of actual history of creation. Moses wrote it (without dictation) in the book of Genesis. Therefore, all other details remained secretly hidden in Bible, as mysteries of Bible.

                 All above details are based on The Bible: – While reading the Bible, some puzzling questions and their sub questions arose. On searching their answers in the Bible itself, some direct or indirect subject links and some reference links found begin to indicate that creation of sexuality in mankind seemed not matching to their concepts in the Bible. Feasibility seemed hidden in the Adam-Eve’s deceived fall. So forbidden fruit became secrete key factor to an additional development of sexes in humans (to fulfill Adam’s desire as per freedom of his will) only after God’s sacrificial approval to protect Adam and Eve from eternal death. Here we see the difference between God’s thoughts and human thoughts, God’s will and human will, God’s plans and human plans, lastly God’s ways and human ways (Isaiah 55: 8). Satanic lies and Adam Eve’s all wrong steps (even both didn’t repent before God, instead they tried to shift their sins on one another) brought God’s wrath on earth which made human life miserable on earth and adversely affected God created; every good system on earth. Heaven like first class world was fallen into the hell like second class world (category).  

Please note the additional verses in the book of Genesis about human creation and human sexuality upon which all other Bible references and descriptions are based:-    

(1) Genesis 1:26 and 5:1 :-These original verses indicate that the creation of human beings was only in God’s own image. (Thereafter, a vast time gap was in between – Read a starting paragraph.)

(2) Genesis 1:27 and 5:2 :- These separately added verses are to show humans separation from God’s own image by splitting up into two different sexes (and approval of God under the first sacrifice of an

                                              animal made in The Eden Garden on the virtue of human generation’s physical deaths).

       When (Genesis 1:26-27 and 5:1-2) are not considered with existence of time gap. Then though the verses are separate though verses are adjacent to each other, a non logical interpretation is assumed that God created humans in his own image means only in God’s nature (spirit), not necessary in God’s (sexless) body form. God is spirit but he also possess celestial body thus God created humans in his own image means with spirit and body (sexless as well). Bible gives equal importance to human body and human spirit. Therefore, actual origin of sexuality in humans becomes the subject of research (hidden secretes) in Bible. To support our assumption, some descriptions based on the status of second class world and third class world are available in the Bible. Are they sufficient to give us the actual picture of first class world and first class two humans, which existed once up on a time?

In the Bible, creation of human beings on earth can be sub divided into three parts.

(1) Creation from Adam’s period till Noah’s flood :-  (First creation)

(a) While in God’s image, Adam and Eve were a part of God’s family on earth. Earth and every thing on earth were under their total command. Adam – Eve and world was in a first class category.

(b)  Fallen Adam and Eve lost their total rule on earth and brought God’s judgment and destructions on earth. Mankind became slave of Satan. Humans and world fell in the second class category.

     To save Adam – Eve and creation, God the father covered their fall which was due to Satan’s lies and God the father made garments of animal skin (Like wedding garments made for

      husband and wife?) (Genesis 3: 21-22). (That was a first wedding on earth; solemnized by God the father; in The Garden of Eden. Just to irritate culprit Satan!).

      After further human falls by sexual defilation with demons (Genesis 6: 1-6) all living beings were fallen in the third class category, so God was compelled to destroy the life on earth in Noah’s time. 

(2) Creation maintenance in fallen state after the flood, due to righteous Noah: – (Second creation)

     But God found only one Righteous man Noah. By saving Noah and his (undefiled) family and pairs of pure (undefiled) creatures, God decided to continue the life on earth.  After the total destruction in

     Flood, new life reproduced on earth can be termed as a second creation (a continued part of first creation). So after Noah’s floods saved second class world continued on earth. But again sinful and sexual

     human nature, pushed mankind and world back in the third class category. So God is going to destroy third class world at the end of the age, in which we are living today.

(3) Creation back to original form, Jesus’ efforts :- (Restoration of creation)

     Just before starting his mission on earth, Jesus Christ; first showed his honorable presence in the wedding at Cana, blessed the couple, by performing his very first miracle, in the same wedding

      (John 2: 1-11). Adam and Eve lost their fellowship with God due to their perishable physical bodies to which sexual developments in their bodies played key role. But after the declaration “God

       made Adam (Male) and Eve (Female)” (Genesis 1: 27, 5: 2, 2: 23-24), God the son (Jesus) conformed father’s declaration again and supported it on earth (Mark 10: 2-9).         

                     Jesus is coming back soon on earth to rule only for one thousand years (Revelation 20:4-6) that is ‘for God’s one day’ only, why not forever? During Jesus’ rule, alive but unsaved people will be on the earth too, so marriages, reproductions and even deaths will continue as usual but their life spans (in sexual bodies) will be restored back to age before Noah’s flood (Isaiah 65: 20), fromminimum hundred years (a time limit given to them for repentance) to maximum thousand years for the saved ones, born during that period.

          Resurrected people (in sexless bodies) will come from heaven with Jesus; they too will reproduce children during that period, by God’s unrevealed original plan of human reproduction. Children, grand and great grand children born to them (in sexless bodies) under Jesus’ kingship will never face death (Isaiah 65:23) to accomplish God’s unfulfilled will.

           It seems God’s both original and approved plans of human reproduction, life and death will go on under Jesus’ kingship. Step by step Jesus will be restoring the original state and an original form of every lost thing; every lost system and God’s blown up plans, which occurred by the cunning lies of Satan followed by human disobedience, in The Garden of Eden.

             Jesus will also have to fulfill the expectations of people of Israel who are waiting for their Messiah to come, conquer their enemies and establish his peaceful and prosperous kingship in the holy land of Israel. Therefore only from Jerusalem, Jesus will rule the earth for thousand years. In that period maximum human lives will be saved (record break in entire human history).

           Jesus on his first visit to earth came as a lamb of sacrifice to prepare the way to heaven from earth and to complete the process of restoration of God’s lost image in mankind by Jesus’ sacrificial death resurrection and ascension to heaven. On Jesus’ second visit to earth as a king will be, to implement the results on earth and in the lives of obedient people. But Jesus as a judge will be, to punish and destroy rebels who remained in the image of enemy Satan. Lastly, all rebels, fallen angels and Satan will be thrown in the lake of fire along with hell and last enemy the death, too (Revelation 20:10, 14-15, 21:8)

New Earth and New Heaven :  After The Day of Judgment, present heaven and present earth will pass away and new earth and new heaven (sky around new earth) will replace them. New Jerusalem (built in present heaven) will descend and will be established upon the new earth. Saved people in Jesus’ thousand years rule, will be resurrected (in sexless bodies). They will occupy New Jerusalem to descend with Jesus on The New Earth (Revelation 21: 9-11). Saved human spirits without resurrected bodies, rest in paradise and can only enter present heaven but resurrected bodies with saved spirits inside them will live on New Earth which will become future heaven. So the new earth will be like, combination of present heavenand first class earth in Adam’s time. Saved people resurrected in sexless bodies are in the actual physical image plus spiritual image of God. They only will be allowed to live on the new earth together with God, Jesus and all heavenly living beings forever and forever. (Revelation 21:3).  No feminine gender will be found (in the grammar) on new earth. Every person will be brother of another person and Jesus will be brother of all (Hebrew 2: 11-12), what does it indicate? Saved church will no more be bride or wife of Jesus even in spiritual sense on The New Earth.

                     Only on The New Earth, every saved person will be allowed to eat the fruit of life to obtain glorious body forms to remain permanently in that form that is in God’s own image in real sense.

                     In “The Garden of Eden”, Adam and Eve lost the chance of eating the fruits of life instead they ate the fruits of death. After the fall of Adam-Eve, God protected the tree of fruits of life in The Garden of Eden and letter on the tree was removed from Eden Garden and was planted in The Garden in Paradise!

           Death through sexuality became hidden secret of forbidden fruit, for the human fall from God’s image (sexless body) causing human separation from God and the life, by transforming sexually born human generations into the image of Satan causing their attachment to death.

                     Jesus Christ is the only bridge of salvation for a journey of mankind between fruits of forbidden tree and fruits of life supportive tree. Jesus is the way which starts from Eden Garden (once existed on present earth), goes via present heavenly garden Paradise and ends up in the Eden Garden planted on new earth.         

Final conclusions;(Human sexes were not in the original plan of God. It was an additional version in the plan made only for Adam’s desire of free will.)

£ (1) In Bible translations; words ‘God created‘ and God made‘ indicates very minute; yet very important difference. Word ‘create’ indicates originality while word ‘make’ is a better word to indicate the changes made; in the originally created thing. One cannot create changes in the already created thing; he has to only make the changes in the already created things. Therefore (Genesis 1:27, 5:2)‘s perfect translation is, “God made them Male and female (Mark 10: 6)“which gives the perfect understanding of above arguments on the formation of sexes; in mankind. Creation of human’s sexes was not in the will of God, otherwise; for Jesus’ birth God could use Joseph and Mary together naturally and yet Jesus could become Son of God spiritually while son of man and son of David physically (as per Jesus’ titles given in the Bible).

£ (2) On earthly languages and in their grammars, differences and confusions are occurred due to only heavenly interference (Genesis 11: 5-9). In most of the languages there are three genders (i) Masculine (ii) Feminine (iii) Neuter / Neutral (In this category people who physically look like man or woman but sexually impotent; are also included. They can’t reproduce children hence they are not interested in marriages. Hence they have better access to salvation). In India’s national language ‘Hindi’, only first two genders are there; the third gender is absent. Genders indicate differences in sexuality. There is no sexual difference in heavenly beings. God, angels, 24 Elders, some creatures etc. are called by masculine genders only. It is a common grammatical part (gender) of heavenly language and a heavenly grammar. There is no any male, female or impotent character in heaven too. Therefore, in the beginning God created only Adam on the earth. Eve was created afterward and lastly of all the things on earth, that too, only after Adam’s desire.

£ (3)  In the beginning God had created Adam alone. Inside the old temples only men were allowed to serve God. In both groups of 144000 special righteous people only men are included. This is indicative of God’s dislike over the formation of sexes in mankind. God never differentiate men and women on their physical or spiritual status. Both are equally precious for God.

£ (4)  To the repentant thief on the cross Jesus said “To day you will be with me in paradise”. The thief died, his dead body remained on earth, only his saved spirit went up to paradise, which is an outer   garden like part of heaven (A place like Garden of Eden!), why? No human fallen mortal body (sexual) is allowed to enter in any part of heaven before or after death.

£ (5)  After Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus ascended to heaven, with the same cursed, perishable body which was nailed on the cross and which even faced death! How come?

Jesus is son of God. Jesus was God’s own image though Jesus came in human form. Therefore, people who saw Jesus saw God. (I) Adam was also formed in God’s image but Adam lost his imperishable form and so, he lost his immortal, bright (radiant) physical appearance too! (II) So Adam’s mortal physical appearance became normal like a common man. (III) Jesus must have come in the same normal Adam’s appearance (Philippians 2: 7-8) on earth. (IV) Jesus kept his immortal form ready in heaven, which resembled with Adam’s immortal appearance! Which, Jesus showed to his three disciples at the time of Jesus’ transfiguration (Matthew 17: 2) and probably after his resurrection too! Even Jesus, son of God, born of Virgin Mary on earth, was in a perfectly perishable man’s form, had to keep his immortal body form ready to wear, before ascending to heaven. How important is the necessity and purity of immortal body, to enter heaven! (V) Adam opted for physical wife Eve, but Jesus bought through his own sacrifice a spiritual bride “The saved earthly Church”. God is going to accept only “The Saved Church” under the spiritual relationship act, as Second Adam’s wife (second Eve?). (VI) Jesus came to restore everything which Adam had disturbed. (VII) Therefore, by all these reasons, Jesus is called “Second Adam”.  

£ (6)  Only two righteous men, in the Bible, Enoch and Elijah were taken in heaven with same perishable human body, how come?

             Note that both are males (again none is female). It seems both of them, are representing an original human pair ‘adam/s’ and to maintain the link of human companionship with God the father in heaven, they are kept there to represent God’s original desire before sin. Now it seems they are allowed to remain only in paradise can’t enter heaven. In the End times they will be sent back on earth. They will be killed in Jerusalem, why? After three and a half days they will be resurrected, (obviously with their immortal bodies) they will ascend back to heaven, may be only thereafter, they will be allowed to enter next parts of heaven. (Revelation 11: 3-12). Therefore, even Satan with his immortal celestial body, is allowed to enter up to “Paradise” only (Job 1: 6). If you enter someone’s house-garden or sit in the waiting room, means you went in that premise. It is not necessary for you to go in every room and every corner of the house. Term “going in heaven” is used in the same manner, in the bible. 

£ (7) To demonstrate the truth of resurrection, Jesus and his disciples raised many dead people in their same mortal forms. Therefore, nobody could go to heaven or nobody is alive till today; they all died again, why? That was only a demonstration of resurrections in future.

    They were not resurrected in immortal bodies. Every person’s immortal body is prepared and ready in heaven, a duplicate body (1st Corinthians 15: 44, 50-57) sexless form?  On the Days of Raptures, only saved alive people’s mortal bodies even without death, will be changed directly into immortal f


Source by Mr. A. D. PACHARNE

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