How An Episode Of Pokémon Inspired The US and Russian Militaries To Create “Zombie Guns”

Steve Watson


Top US Military brass once considered creating “non lethal” weapons that would literally zombify everyone within hundreds of meters. Bizarrely, the officials cited a Japanese television broadcast as their muse.

In 1997, an episode of the popular “Pokémon” cartoon caused almost 700 japanese viewers, most of whom were children, to experience a vast range of ailments from blurred vision, dizziness and nausea to hyperventilation, convulsions and even seizures and cases of temporary blindness.

The severe reactions were caused by a virtual explosion scene that flashed red and blue light on the screen at just the right frequency to effect the brain and trigger a photosensitive reaction.

In a follow up study, it was revealed that close to a quarter of those affected by it experienced at least one more convulsion in the five years following the broadcast of the episode.

The incident served as a reminder that visual stimuli such as flashing lights and whirling circles can cause altered consciousness. It is believed that around 1 in 4,000 people are susceptible to seizures induced by such visuals, however, the number of people affected by this Pokémon episode caused some to question those figures.

The incident was also a very visible example of how the human brain can be manipulated and how consciousness can be altered on a mass scale.

Indeed, earlier this year, US Army documents were uncovered that specifically referred to the Pokémon episode and how the military could develop weapons that replicated such effects.

“It is thought by using a method that would actually trigger nerve synapses directly with an electrical field, essentially 100% of individuals would be susceptible to seizure induction.” the documents read.

According to the documents, Army researchers believed that everyone within confined areas could be induced into seizure via “Excitation directly on the brain” using an electromagnetic pulse weapon fired from “hundreds of miles” away.

The documents also mention other potential weapons including using radio frequencies to manipulate body temperature and “mimic a fever.”

The Army claim that the research on the weapons was halted at a relatively early stage. However, since that time many forms of non lethal weapons, including heat rays and audio devices have been actively deployed.

In addition, earlier this year, Russian officials announced that they are also developing the same kind of “zombie gun”. Australia news outlet the Herald Sun reported that the concentrated energy gun would be capable of attacking the central nervous system of its targets — inflicting varying levels of pain, and essentially turning enemies into “zombies.”

Russian leader Vladimir Putin reportedly told journalists that “…the technology is comparable in effects to nuclear weapons but more acceptable in terms of political and military ideology.”

The next generation of non lethal weapons currently under development include direct-energy, geophysical, wave-energy, genetic, as well as psychotronic weapons.

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