Is There Fake Video Footage in The 9/11 TV Coverage?

Eliot Estep


Before I begin, I would just like to say that I mean no disrespect to any of the victims, families, and all those affected by the terrible events of 9/11. My intention has always been to find out the truth about what really happened, how, and, if possible, why. It is one of the most defining days in modern history and many of us remember it as if it were yesterday. I was 12 when it occurred and could not grasp the significance and impact that it would have on my life at the time. More than 5 years later, after watching a 9/11 documentary that raised several valid questions about the legitimacy of the official story, I began to research this event more thoroughly. This spawned my own awakening, as I realized that if the government and media could lie about an event so huge, there were probably many other things that were deliberately falsified and covered up. I still cannot say with certainty what happened that day, but by going through the following evidence, it is important to look at it as a possibility.

While the controlled demolition of the 3 WTC towers has been extensively covered and documented, [1] I would like to bring our attention to the 9/11 media coverage that was shown to us that day and following it. For the overwhelming majority of us, we watched the days events unfold on TV, and our perceptions and beliefs about this event are greatly affected by what we saw that day. More than 11 years later, we have now seen videos of planes hitting the WTC possibly hundreds of times in a highly dramatic and realistic fashion, so our collective belief that planes hit the towers runs deep.

But what if what we saw on TV is not what actually happened? Is it possible that the TV footage was manipulated to make it look like the Twin Towers were hit by planes? Could image-layering, computer-generated imagery, and other professional editing techniques have been employed to create this illusion? What if the towers were really hit by cruise missiles or drone planes instead? While this may sound far-fetched at first, reviewing the footage again for yourself in this pivotal video will reveal to you that this is almost certainly the case.

September Clues is a documentary by video/audio engineer Simon Shack that thoroughly examines the 9/11 television coverage from all major media outlets, including the “amateur footage” released afterwards. Using in-depth comparative analysis of both video and audio of the most pertinent footage, the film conclusively demonstrates that the footage of the planes is not authentic and was actually fabricated. The planes are nothing more than digital superimpositions complete with sound effects and an attempt at “movie-like” realism. The so-called “amateur footage” released afterwards are digital forgeries made by media and video professionals which are supposed to convince us that a real variety of genuine footage exists of this event.  This is something that really must be seen and felt for yourself to be truly understood.

“When criminals have unlimited access to instruments of mass persuasion, solid proof of their crimes are hard to expose.  On September 11, 2001, almost all pieces of evidence were quickly removed.  In fact, all but ONE.  It is spread all over America on tapes recorded by American families and verifiable on official TV archives: the 9/11 Television Coverage.” – Simon Shack, creator of September Clues.

By watching just the first 5-10 minutes (Part A) of this video, you will begin to notice some disturbing trends that continue to present themselves throughout the TV coverage. For example, you will see the infamous “nose in-nose out” shot, where the plane is shown to emerge through the other side of the building with its nose perfectly intact.  Immediately after this occurs, the picture is blacked out in an attempt to hide this digital mistake. This was one of the first shots of the second plane hitting the tower from FOX’s Chopper 8, although it was not given virtually any attention afterwards for obvious reasons.  All the other live angles are covered, including the coverage shown internationally.

Here are just a few of many disturbing anomalies including:

* In the CNN footage, the news anchors do not even mention seeing a plane after it was first shown quickly crashing into the second tower at 9:03 AM.

* 17 of the “firsthand witnesses” who claimed to see the first and second planes worked directly for news media or are the spouses of media employees.  September Clues covers this revealing phenomenon in detail.

* Reporter Don Dahler of ABC reports hearing a missile and “not an airplane”, while Dick Oliver of FOX reports that several witnesses “thought they saw a missile.”  They are both quickly corrected by the news anchors and this idea is never given airtime again.

* The vast majority of civilian witnesses report seeing a “small plane” and there does not seem to be any kind of consensus as to what type, size, or color it actually was.

* Depending on the footage, different flight paths are shown, which is highly contradictory.  One angle shows the plane dive-bombing into the tower, which is an impossible maneuver for a Boeing 767 that is claimed to have been approaching at 590 MPH near sea level.

* There appears to be a 17-second delay between the actual attacks and the screening of the footage, and all major news networks had some kind of audible “trigger” which occurred precisely 17 seconds before the explosions in the second tower occurred.

* The audio is faked and varies widely depending on which clip you see, particularly in the “amateur footage.”  For example, one sample of a woman screaming is found both on the amateur film and TV coverage in an identical match.

* Several “slips of the tongue” occur regarding missiles throughout the day and later on: from CNN anchor Vince Cellini, Donald Rumsfeld, and 9/11 Commission member Tim Roemer, who mentions a missile hitting the Pentagon before quickly correcting himself.

* Many more technical issues regarding the footage, including the backgrounds used actually being digital composites, as well as the use of actors to provide false testimonials about “what they saw” following the event.

The usage of missiles on 9/11 is actually not such a hard phenomenon to comprehend. Shack believes JASSM AGM-158 cruise missiles could have been used, which look eerily like a plane indeed. [2] Logically, it makes far more sense than the official story of 19 Arab hijackers being able to foil the most advanced air defence systems on the planet — 4 times in one day. It would be much more feasible to simulate or falsify the appearance of planes crashing into the towers digitally than actually having it happen.  After all, why do we believe that planes hit the towers in the first place? Because we saw them on TV or on some kind of digital medium at some point, over and over again until it sank in as being real.  It is quite possibly the biggest lie and psychological operation in modern human history, being a truly collective event that has had such a profound impact on the direction we have taken globally over the last decade.

Regarding the Pentagon, it is well known that a Boeing 767 cannot fit into a 16-foot wide hole that pierced through all five layers of the building. The hole is nowhere near big enough and there are no plane pieces near the crash site. Even CNN’s initial reporter on the scene Jamie McIntyre states (at 18:36) that there is “no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon.” Therefore, it is much more plausible and likely that a missile was used in this case, and most likely with the Twin Towers as well. Of course, the government later claimed to have identified all the bodies of the victims on these non-existent planes.  This alone raises massive implications about the simulation of victim deaths which must be considered. The wreckage in Shanksville, PA is similar, with nothing more than a large crater in the ground with not a single piece of plane debris in sight. Again, all the victims were “confirmed and identified.” Are we really expected to believe that planes crashed here? This defies all logic and physics.

While it may be hard to accept at first, it is almost certain that no commercial airplanes were involved in the attacks of 9/11. The “highly-realistic” image we have of a plane crashing into the towers is nothing more than cartoon physics when you really look at it.

It is difficult to accept because many of us cannot fathom the implication that specific elements of the media and government would actually go to such lengths to stage an operation like this. My response to that is that they can and they will continue to. By studying the underlying agenda of the power elite and those who manage societies, 9/11 was most certainly a pivotal event to advance their agenda and vastly expedite their processes of increasing wars and restricting liberties across the globe.  It is likely that the operation itself was highly compartmentalized, where everyone participating was informed strictly in a “need-to-know” capacity only.  It is probable that only as many people as needed were used (my guess is less than 100), with the threats and reinforcements of bribery, blackmail, and coercion being implemented to ensure silence among those who really know what happened.

Untold amounts of death, misery, and suffering continues to occur worldwide as a direct result of the 9/11 attacks.  Therefore, it is imperative that we remember that the main weapon used on that day was the *television* — not the fanatical acts of 19 Arab hijackers (many of whom are still reportedly alive). [3]

This is the real 9/11 truth. What the vast majority of all 9/11 truth documentaries and researchers don’t cover is the television fakery that was used to sell this version of events to the world.  In fact, it is likely that some of the most popular 9/11 documentaries like Loose Change are actually covertly-funded controlled opposition [4] that deliberately spread the false idea that planes hit the towers, meanwhile covering other anomalies such as the Pentagon missile and controlled demolition of the three buildings with seeming veracity. Several of these groups have actually banned the discussion of “no-plane theories” outright, refusing to even consider that media fakery has been used in any way. This is highly revealing of the integrity of some of the influential figures and leaders in the “truth movements,” which often have underlying agendas that are not so readily perceivable upon first glance.

It is not widely known that the use of all electronics was severely disrupted in New York City on the morning of 9/11. Many clocks in the city stopped working precisely at 8:45AM. Cell phones, video cameras, NYFD firefighter radios, the WTC internal communication system, and the Port Authority’s equipment were all either malfunctioning or blacked out entirely. [5] The possibility of directed EMP/HERF energy currents being used as a means to maintain total visual control of the scene must be considered in this case. This would be done to ensure that genuine footage of what actually happened to the towers is minimized or prevented entirely from emerging publicly.

Another highly disturbing trend that Shack has uncovered in his research involves the photo forgery regarding the 9/11 victims. By visiting the official 9/11 memorial websites, it has been shown that a large amount of victims have had their photos duplicated and edited to appear as distinctly unique images. [6] The reason for these digital forgeries is unknown but reveals the possibility that computer-assisted false identities may have been used to simulate some of the victim deaths. Additionally, there are huge discrepancies in the death tolls among the memorials, ranging in a difference of several hundred people. This raises the important implication that 3000 people may not have actually been killed on 9/11, whereas the actual number is most likely far, far less.

 Potential Fake Photos –

I am almost certain that if we were shown the 9/11 TV coverage again today as it was played out in 2001 on live TV, we would have no doubt that those planes were faked.  Back then, we were not used to such widespread exposure to highly dramatic and ultra-realistic footage that is so common now in movies and TV shows. Our perceptions have now changed drastically, but the majority of us still believe that planes hit the towers. I encourage you to watch September Clues or to visit the official 9/11 TV archive [7] and verify this critical issue for yourself.

If fabricated television and video footage can fool almost the entire world, then what else are we being lied to about? This is something worth considering as we continue to awaken and perceive major world events with more clarity and objectivity than ever before. While it is not known exactly what transpired on 9/11, the truth about what did NOT happen is becoming clearer and clearer by the day. We must understand that television is still being used as a weapon of mass distraction to keep us thinking and conforming within acceptable bounds of consciousness. It’s time to turn it off and to reclaim our minds and critical thinking capacities to their fullest extent!

As we continue to empower ourselves with our own ever-evolving truths and understandings about the world, keeping an open and discerning mind when confronted with new and challenging information remains vital. When we see things for what they really are, we can begin to detach from all the drama and get back to the root issues at hand, such as the knowing that peace and a sustainable paradigm are not possible when war is used as a means to “solve conflicts.”  Only by addressing our most pressing issues at their core can we begin to see tangible, positive change finally emerge on a personal, communal, and global scale.

For more information, I highly recommend a visit to to read important articles about what may have really happened on 9/11, including:

* Deconstructing 9/11

* Who Did 9/11?

* The Memorial Scams

* Obstacles to the Truth

* FAQs: what about the planes and passengers? The eyewitnesses? All the other video footage?

Thank you for reading this far and for giving this important issue your consideration. I believe it to be vital in our collective awakening process. May all the victims and those affected by this tragic event be forever blessed and remembered. Your service to humanity and all of life will not be forgotten! May the truth be revealed for all to know and see.

Sincerely and with love,



[1] Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth –

[2] AGM-158 JASSM Cruise Missile –

[3] “Hijack ‘suspects’ alive and well” – BBC News, September 23, 2001 –

[4] “Loose Change: The Financiers/Webmasters Exposed” –

[5] “Visual Control of 9/11” –

[6] “The 9/11 Memorial Scams” –

[7] September 11 Television Archive –

[8] 9-11 Truth is Limited Hangout – ‘September Clues’ –

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