Israel Defense Force Vet Offers Holographic Google Glass Competitor

Nicholas West

Tech behemoths Google and Microsoft have jumped into augmented reality full force. The principles behind first-person, human-computer interface systems have been around for many decades in combat zones throughout the world in the military Heads Up Display system (HUD). What began pre-WWII for fighter pilots, has found its way into the consumer market through video games, vehicles, and info-glasses. Contact lenses are also in development by the Department of Defense through a system called iOptik – which is projected to be available to consumers in 2014.

The military origins of nearly all high tech systems that trickle down to the consumer is a standard part of the military industrial complex. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that a new competitor to Google in the augmented reality field is Meta – a company being chaired by Meron Gribetz, an Israel Defense Forces veteran.  The company seeks to take the Google Glass concept one step further by incorporating the world’s first holographic wearable interface.

Meta’s CEO Gribetz worked in an “elite technological unit” of the Israel Defense Forces and, according to their website, he has studied at Columbia University in the field of neuroscience. This is important to note, as Obama’s BRAIN project and its counterpart in Europe have invested billions in order to directly merge humans with machines. There is also a distinct pursuit of military-level mind control embedded into their respective initiatives.

As CNN has noted, “Meta makes you a real-life Tony Stark.” That doesn’t appear to be hyperbole; there is actually an app in development called “The Iron Man Project.” The Iron Man reference just as easily could be a Minority Report reference when the full functionality is examined. A world is quickly arriving where the data stream of the Internet and its connected devices has entered real-world practical experience.

Aside from the sales elements that attempt to show how their product surpasses Google Glass, the core concept is demonstrated on their site to be so immersive that it transcends mere augmentation and aims to introduce an entirely new form of interactivity with the surrounding world.

For example, there appears to be no direct interaction with the glasses themselves; the Meta Pro glasses integrate all of a user’s devices as a holographic representative projection in front of you any time you activate. You literally see your physical phone and laptop screen in front of you. All applications are there as well, and are updated from any use in the holographic realm. The company also plans 500+ new applications that form an entirely new computational universe. A look at “The 15 Best App Ideas” include:

  1. Augmented Medical Technology
  2. META Larping: The Augmented Virtual Live Action Role Play
  3. Pool Aiming Assistant
  4. AR Sports – Play With The Best
  6. AR Robot Fighter – Game
  7. Real Life MarioKart!
  8. Home Concert
  9. Cognitive AR Cube Game
  10. Sky Writers
  11. Lightsabers – Become a Jedi
  12. AUGMENT THE WORLD – learn, create and develop together!
  13. Jumanji – An ultra-real fantasy board game!
  14. Personal trainer
  15. Animate the world –

Others include 3D printing, “love augmentation” for the bar scene, and a host of ways to enhance your driving experience.

Lest this sounds like I’m endorsing a slick new product, I’m definitely not. Rather, this list is indicative of the feel-good phase of convenience, safety and video games that we see anytime new tech rolls out. It’s the very same pitch that one can read about with the new Wi-Fi technology that can see people through walls.

Rather, it highlights the technology that has been available in the military realm for likely quite some time, giving us a hint at where the true intentions lie. This is only what fell off the table in the scrap heap of consumerism.

Furthermore, as I’ve stated many times, every element of our high tech society is proving to be a gateway toward enhancing the surveillance-military complex that is now the foundation of the U.S. and possibly the world economy. Until we use technology within a framework of respect for our inherent rights, we are likely only to get the NSA scandal on steroids if leaps like this one are realized. It’s bad enough that devices not even connected to our bodies can track, trace and database us. What can we expect to happen when we are wearing these devices? Or, as neuroscientists and transhumanists would love to see – these devices embedded into our brains to create “natural machines.”

Here is a YouTube that demonstrates the virtual battle that is commencing between the Meta Pro and Google Glass systems.

And here is an additional look at some of the apps as they are pre-enacted:

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