
Here we go again…just a couple weeks after the Madonna Illuminati Super Bowl Symbolism…Nicki Minaj has shown us once again that we are being subjected to the views and beliefs of these freaks on an ever increasing time frame. I was appalled at the performance of Ms.Minaj on the 2012 Grammy’s, to see this symbolism become more and more open is rather freighting….the powers to be have quickened their assault on the public in an increasing manner.

They are starting to tell everyone what is coming…take the name of the song she performed on the Grammy’s…Roman Holiday…if you look up the term on Merriam-Webster’s dictionary it says a Roman Holiday is: 1. a time of debauchery or of sadistic enjoyment

                                   2. a destructive or tumultuous disturbance

The thing that needs to be understood is theses artist and I use that term “lightly” are just puppets for the Illuminati….they have sold their souls to these scums in exchange for fame and fortune…but what they do not understand is they are put out in the public eye to advance the agendas of these monsters.

Looking at the definition of Roman Holiday, we can see it is all about evil and bad doings….I think the second part of the definition is the most revealing ….”a destructive or tumultuous disturbance” we are being conditioned on a subconscious level to accept what ever it is they have planned in the near future…I am amazed at the frequency they have been exposing their end-game.

More and more sheeple are removing the wool from their eyes everyday, so in turn they have to speed up their antics, the more people that awaken the harder it will be for them to continue moving forward in the way they have been. It is my opinion that they will resort to other means if the subliminal way becomes less effective. Their end-game is fast approaching, they have been planning this for a long time and will not let anything get in their way….

You may ask…what can we do against this evil? We can spread the word, these thugs like to be hidden in plain sight…if we continue to expose them, it will become increasingly harder for them to subject the people to their evil intentions…You ask, what are their evil intentions? They have a plan to enslave and take over the world….This is not about money, it is about total control over you and me….they will take all the money to control. 

After watching the below video, you should be asking questions…what is up with the symbolism in the video, what is the purpose of something like this….is this for real? Yes, it is for real….

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