Obama Demands You Don’t Read This!

The government is no longer shut down. Congress handed the man a blank check and permission to go for the TTP trade agreement with China putting us further in debt.  That didn’t stop Obama from issuing an ultimatum to the press and the internet journalists. He demands you stop reading this!

That’s right, in a speech today, October 17, 2013,  he says that he wants you to stop reading media sources except his approved sources. He makes it a point to skewer journalists, activists, and talk radio that wish to express their First Amendment rights. In fact he says you shouldn’t listen to any of us.

Almost in a line with Senator Dianne Feinstein (D CA) when she attacked the First Amendment and demanded that the term journalist be defined. When they were debating on the Senate Bill to restrict the First Amendment in committee and later when it was launched onto the Senate Floor, Senator Feinstein compared all Internet Media and bloggers to “Seventeen year old girls writing an internet blog.” While we could argue the finer points of asking Senator Feinstein what she would feel would about Thomas Payne and Benjamin Franklin writing and running their own printing presses what is the difference. We could even through Patrick Henry’s letters and speeches what would be the difference. We don’t understand how or why the Senate or the President Obama administration would want to differentiate our founding fathers.

It seems like most people in this Administration take a great disdain to any media outlet they can not control. This should be troublesome to all people no matter their political affiliation. By what right do they have to try to determine what is and what isn’t “real” journalist or your First Amendment Rights. If anything the last few years have been an exercise in proving a state ran media is not the answer, but that does not keep them from trying.

The President himself states that the results of this shutdown are dire to be certain. While no one won and no one lost, we don’t know what the economic impact will be. We know the economic outcome will not be good.  Even he says this. Isn’t that what all of us at Freepatriot.org have stated?

Despite this he demands you ignore “…activists, bloggers, and talking heads”. You know, the ones that have brought you true news lately. He might as well have said to ignore our Founding Fathers. Without activists, bloggers, newspaper writers, journalists, and talking heads, we might all feel a little bit different still under a foreign country’s rule. Then again, those that learn nothing from history are doomed to repeat it.

You can watch his speech here:

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