Paul Craig Roberts: America Has Become Murder Incorporated And Is Planning WW III.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary for Policy in the Reagan Treasury Department. He could be called the conscience of the Reagan Republicans.  The other day in a radio interview Roberts said America has become Murder Incorporated. America has spent trillions of dollars killing millions of Muslims for no rational reason.

You might remember the 7 nations General Wesley Clark said America was to invade beginning with Iraq in 2003. That list came from PNAC (Project for a New American Century) which originally received it from the Israelis. PNAC also received fake intelligence reports on Iraq’s non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) which they passed onto the White House through the Office for Special Plans in the Pentagon. The OSP was a group created by PNAC for the purpose of getting America to fight a war for Israel in Iraq to do regime change.

That decision to invade Iraq was mentioned in a position paper called A Clean Break: A Strategy for Securing the Realm which was written in 1996 for Prime Minister Netanyahu by Richard Perle who has dual US-Israeli citizenship. Perle is a member of the Bilderberg Society’s Steering Committee. He was also on the US Defense Policy Board and a co-founder of PNAC.

Israel through PNAC had told the US military to invade 7 countries for them. The list of 7 nations was Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.

That is why Paul Craig Roberts used the words Murder Incorporated to describe America. We are not a righteous nation defending the poor and oppressed. Historically, Murder Inc was an organized crime syndicate created by Louis ‘Lepke’ Buchalter who killed people for money. The United States is not being paid to invade countries for Israel. In fact the US paid Israel over $30 billion in aid which the Israelis cycle back in part to buy American politicians.

President Obama surrounded himself with ‘Soft Power’ advocates like Susan Rice and Samantha Power. Obama did attack Libya and Syria using proxies. That fit in with the ‘Soft Power’ program. It also met the guidance given by Richard Perle in A Clean Break. He had written in 1996 that Syria should be attacked by proxy armies over the issue of chemical weapons. Nobody believed the charges the Obama admin just recently made that Syria was again using chemical weapons to kill civilians. All of the previous allegations had been proven false. Obama followed the Israeli agenda by attacking Libya and Syria for them.

General Clark has recently said ISIS was created to attack Hezbollah for the Israelis. Israel was defeated by 3,500 Hezbollah fighters in the 2006 Lebanon war. ISIS has fought against Hezbollah but they also attacked Syria and Iraq. The Syrians are Hezbollah’s closest allies. The US hired Jihadist proxy armies including Al Qaeda and ISIS to attack Syria using false allegations of chemical weapons. The US paid the Jihadists to kill 300,000 Syrians including 100,000 Christians.

You might have noticed that the US never did get around to attacking Iran. In 2007 PNAC member Dick Cheney ordered US Navy Seals to attack a US Navy ship in the Persian Gulf so he could use the incident as an excuse to launch World War III by striking Iran for Israel. The Navy Seals refused to obey Cheney’s order so he backed down. Cheney had another go at starting WW III on August 8, 2008 when he and the Israelis convinced the nation of Georgia to fire a tank and artillery barrage at South Ossetia killing almost 2,000 civilians in the first few hours. That did not work out well for the conspirators. Russia defeated the Georgians and their US and Israeli advisers rather quickly.

Obama and his ‘Soft Power’ advocates have teamed up with George Soros and have tried to get a war with Russia going full blast in the Ukraine. Victoria Nuland (Nudelman) is the wife of Robert Kagan who works at the Brookings Institution. He is a member of PNAC. Kagan’s father Donald and his brother Frederick also are prominent Neocons.

George Soros helped Victoria Nuland engineer a coup against the Ukrainian government on Feb. 22, 2014. The initial cost of the coup was $5 billion to the US taxpayers. Since then $450 million in US aid went missing for the Ukraine’s Defense Department. The US and European taxpayers are funding this American coup in Kiev through multilateral EU and IMF loans which can never be repaid.

The Trilateral Commission which is a sister organization to the Bilderberg Society had decided early in 2014 to isolate Russia. David Rockefeller and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild who founded the Bilderberg Society also founded the Trilateral Commission. So now we can see why Dr Roberts said America has become Murder Incorporated. We are giving weapons to a man who is shelling civilians with heavy weapons in order to provoke a Russian response just as Dick Cheney had done in Georgia.

Dr Roberts also said the US is currently staging ‘Soft Power’ or Color revolutions in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan to isolate Russia. This is as I noted were the instructions of the Trilateral Commission. It is as if the American people had no government. He also noted that there are military planners in the US who are crazy enough to believe they can win a nuclear war with Russia using a First Strike strategy.

William Binney, the NSA whistleblower, said ‘America is no longer a country with a government. We have a government with a country.’

The Trilateral Commission’s decision to isolate Russia was motivated by the declining economic fortunes of the US, Great Britain and Japan who constitute its core membership. There is reason to believe that there are time limits on exactly when this war can start. The US and the entire world are headed into the worst Depression in 500 years because we have more Unpayable Debts than anytime in history. The Good News is that if there is No War, then the Financiers will lose control of the government. The Bad News is that they are trying to maneuver us into a war precisely for that reason.

Dick Cheney’s attempts to launch a world war in the Persian Gulf and again in South Ossetia were turned down by the US military and by events on the ground.

Obama has an extremely unpopular puppet leader in Kiev. An Army has to have confidence in their leader. Poroshenko has turned the country over to Monsanto, Joe Biden’s son, to the European Union which is feasting on the poor people of Greece and to a gaggle of Jewish opportunists who are relieving the people of their assets while sending them to die fighting a real Army.

I recently wrote of a Mossad operation to convince Christians in America that the US economy will crash in September of 2015 because the United States has provoked the Wrath of God. This followed an earlier article which said that World War III or some other disaster should strike America on or about the Blood Moon on September 28, 2015. This Four Blood Moons prophecy also originated in Israel

I am inclined to believe that the economy could crash anytime between now and the end of 2016.

The American military had a rather rude awakening when the USS Donald Cook, an Aegis class destroyer, on April 12, 2014 was overflown by a Russian Su-24 jet armed with the Richag AV radar jamming device which has the codename Khibiny. The Su-24 disabled the ship’s defenses and made 12 simulated bombing runs right over its defenseless prey before flying away.

Meanwhile, the US is spending trillions of dollars on weapons that either  don’t work or underperform. The F-35 is a disaster. The co-creator of the F-16 said the F-35 is incapable of defeating even an Su-24 in a dog fight. It is not stealthy. And it does not do well in the rain.

American military personnel have been subjected to one tour after another in poorly thought out wars. Afghanistan seemed to be about the US Banks and the CIA getting a corner on the world’s opium supply. And the wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria appear to benefit Israel. There is nor reason for American troops to confront Russians in the Ukraine. Nobody believes the Corporate media. And Obama has not yet seized control of the Internet.

The Bottom Line is that I do not see either the crisis in the Ukraine or the several in the Mideast as enabling Wall Street to convince American soldiers to fight World War III.

And I see the coming economic collapse compelling Americans to give up their role as Wall Street’s and Israel’s personal Murder Incorporated. When the Dollar Dies, we will not be able to charge foreign wars to the National Charge card.

I remain hopeful that we can avoid World War III and that we can remove Wall Street and the City of London from power while somehow restraining Israel.

I mentioned the Four Blood Moons. I wrote about them here:

Was John Hagee Told By The Israelis When They Plan To Blow Up The World?

Was John Hagee Told By The Israelis When They Plan To Blow Up The World?

I recently wrote about the lack of a Jubilee (Debt Cancellation) causing Judgement to be laid upon a nation:

Shemitah 2015 Demystified: Will The Economy Drop Like A Rock In September

Shemitah 2015 Demystified: Will The Economy Drop Like A Rock In September

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.

The Psychopathology Of Being Jewish And Getting Away With It

The Psychopathology Of Being Jewish And Getting Away With It

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