Start Prepping with Grocery Store Sales

Modern Survival Blog

In today’ economy we are often hearing from readers that are having trouble ‘prepping’. They are trying to make ends meet and can’t figure out a way to stock up and become prepared with their own supplies. Over the years, I have found that many people simply do not know how to shop. Take advantage of sales!

Let’s talk about food shopping. If you are new to prepping and survival, starting to grow your own food stock is an easy way to start prepping in general. Whether you have a lot of space to store or not very much space, you can still be budget conscious and get started. Once you see your supply of food start to grow, this will more than likely inspire you to start stocking up on other things such as hygiene/paper-goods, first-aid and medical supplies, gardening and hand tools, etc.

There are three local grocery stores here where we are currently living. One, in particular, seems to run better sales than the other two markets. I strongly recommend that you take advantage of the sales if you are prepping. You will be able to increase your supply and save some money.

Here are some examples of the sales my local store has had in the last 2 or 3 weeks. You could buy a boneless pork roast, buy 1 get 1 free, so I did. Chicken breasts, buy 1 get 1 free, so we got some of those too. Large eggs, 1 dozen, buy 1 get 2 free, so we did! I know some of you may be thinking, oh we don’t eat that many eggs.  Ken and I eat 2 eggs a day, that’s a dozen in 6 days. The expiration date on the eggs is still 4-weeks away. Even if we used less eggs than that, I still would’ve bought one dozen and gotten 2 dozen free and given the free ones to family. Hello, they’re free!

The meat we bought got wrapped and put in the freezer. Most meats can be frozen for 4 months up to a year. Get the FREE meat! I’ve got some news for you…the prices are only going to keep rising. Take advantage of the sales, use coupons and barter with someone else (family-friends?) if you need to exchange for an item you are needing.

Things like toilet paper, paper towels and kleenex have no expiration dates, get several when they are on sale and stock them up. If you have the room, then stock up on these items. Remember, the prices are only going to continue to rise.

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