Truce or Consequences – The Cunning Cover for Continued Genocide

Zen Gardner

These so-called peace proposals are just the same old tactic of these psychopathic rulers. Keep the talking going while the genocide continues, all while any claimed “aggression” by those they’re slaughtering justifies anything they want to perpetrate on the target population.

This recent “truce” proposal supposedly proposed by an Arab neighbor was clearly a sham from the get go, and even the terms “truce” or “ceasefire”  imply the Palestinians are the aggressors and are some kind of equally powerful standing army of heavily armed crazed militants terrorizing the “innocent, peace seeking” Israeli population. A bald faced, fabricated lie.

Meanwhile, 40,000 Israeli troops are amassing on imprisoned Gaza’s border and are warning Gazans to get out or be killed. Time to gin some more PR propaganda and political smokescreening.

How US and Blair Plotted “Ceasefire” Scam

We now have confirmation from the Israeli daily Haaretz of what we should have suspected: that the idea for the so-called Egyptian “ceasefire proposal” was actually hatched in Washington, the messenger boy was arch-war criminal Tony Blair, and the terms were drafted by Israel.

The intention was either to corner Hamas into surrendering – and thereby keep the savage blockade of Gaza in place – or force Hamas to reject the proposal and confirm the Israeli narrative that it is a terrorist organisation with which Israel cannot make peace.

According to Haaretz, Blair secretly initiated his “ceasefire” activity after “coordinating” with US Secretary of State John Kerry. On Saturday he headed off to Cairo to meet with the US-backed Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to persuade him to put his name to the proposal.

Immediately afterwards, he travelled to Israel to meet Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday afternoon. Sisi and Netanyahu were then supposed to thrash out the details. When they failed to do so, Blair intervened again on behalf of the Americans and the pair spoke by phone on Saturday evening.

Here’s the key paragraph from Haaretz:

Senior Israeli officials and Western diplomats said the reason the Egyptian cease-fire initiative was so short-lived is that it was prepared hastily and was not coordinated with all the relevant parties, particularly Hamas.

Wonderful that throw-away last line. In all this activity, it never occurred to the US, Blair, Sisi or Netanyahu – and no doubt Mahmoud Abbas, who is strangely absent from this account – that it might be necessary to sound out Hamas on the terms of a ceasefire it would need to abide by.

Now it seems Kerry is using US muscle to get Egypt, Qatar and Turkey to strong-arm Hamas into surrendering.

It’s depressingly predictable that the corporate media have swallowed the line of Israel accepting the “ceasefire proposal” and Hamas rejecting it. What Hamas did was reject a US-Israeli diktat to sign away the rights of the people of Gaza to end a siege that cuts them off from the rest of the world.

But there is a long pedigree to such deceptions. It is reminiscent of a hasbara favourite: that the Jews accepted the UN partition plan of 1947 while the Palestinians rejected it. The reality – then, as now – is that the colonial powers sought to strip the Palestinians of their rights and their homeland without even consulting them. [Emphasis mine] (Source)

The Peace Scam

Once again this is modern day Orwellian Newspeak. But when it comes to talking no one can outdo the Zionists. They love to fill the airwaves with their propaganda, knowing full well the world is swayed by words. At the least nations and even public sentiment are stalled from taking action while so-called diplomats take as long as they can with fake peace overtures and hollow promises, all the while extolling the virtues of their benevolent, protective motherlands while continuing to dehumanize as well as demonize the enemy du jour.

The entire premise of the Zionist agenda is based on a peace scam built on engineering agreements. The Balfour Declaration, nothing but a note of allegiance to the Rothschild dynasty rubber stamping their wicked agenda, is a perfect example. This was to “establish a home for the Jewish people” thus bringing peace to these poor, persecuted and vanquished innocents.

You’ll notice the last line of this grovelling scrawl that turned the course of history towards an ongoing genocide of true innocents reads:

“I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.”

Hey, no conspiracy here. Just peacemaking.

And it’s not just a war of words, but of power derived from massive financial control.

The “Agreement” That Initiated Never Ending War

The people of this planet should ALL be aware that the modern Zionist State of Israel traces its origins, indeed owes its very existence, to the so-called Balfour Declaration, actually a letter from Britain’s Foreign Secretary to the 2nd Baron Rothschild, a member of the SAME FAMILY to whom a large proportion of the world’s ”Debt” is currently owed. (

So this banking dynasty, honoured and married into by the British Royal Family and Establishment, and considered ‘untouchable’ by all mainstream western political parties, must bear a large measure of responsibility not only for much of the chaos and suffering in the Middle East since 1949, but also the pandemic ”Austerity”, banking hegemony, strangulation of business, and wage-repression, which holds back progress towards prosperity in much of the modern world.

Some estimate the Rothschild Dynasty’s wealth at up to £500 trillion, HALF THE WEALTH OF THE ENTIRE WORLD, and they have amassed this unquantifiable, unimaginable fortune by profiting from human misery. As well as sponsoring assassination and terror, they have funded both sides in every major war and upheaval since the French Revolution…. As Emperor Napoleon of France said in 1815: ”Money has no motherland. Financiers are without patriotism and without decency; -their sole object is gain.”

But most people will have to find this out and make the connections themselves, for they will not be reminded by the mainstream media (which is largely owned or controlled by Rothschild co-conspirators), nor will they be informed by the ‘education’ system in the West, which is similarly constrained and controlled. (Source)

Information Is the Key

Most people are unaware of the above information. Not just because it’s not available in corporate mainstream news or history books, but because they are intimidated from even considering such knowledge. The Zionists have been so successful in their media blitzes, historical revisionism, and outright scare tactics the past century that people don’t even dare delve into this subject. It’s reminiscent of 9/11 truth and other such engineered events.

“My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with the facts.”

Well, tough. The facts have been unleashed like never before and humanity is feasting on them and learning to draw their own conclusions. And as one realization leads to another the dots begin to connect, and bam – another awakened soul now contributing to the world wide tidal wave of Truth.

The awakening is real and it’s bring down their house of cards.

Keep it rolling!

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