When You See What He Puts On His Kids’ Lunches, You’ll Understand Why He’s The Father Of The Year.

Megan McCormick

In 2008, David LaFerriere made up his mind to shock his kids at school, illustrating on the sandwich bags he packed in their meals.

Every day at lunch they’re greeted with a new creation that their dad has made for them.

Source: flickr.com

Not to mention a fun reminder that lets them know their dad is thinking about them while he’s at work.

Source: flickr.com

With some graphic-design humor sprinkled in, since that’s Ferriere’s occupation.

Source: flickr.com

Downright tricky fake-out maneuvering makes a sandwich look like a sandwich even though… it’s a sandwich.

Source: flickr.com

Dave’s work has been featured on Sharpie’s website and his following has grown, as more online artists have taken notice of his work.

He says that despite the fame he’s gained from the project, the drawings he makes will always be primarily an act of love for his sons.

Source: flickr.com

“The sandwich bags are something that my boys and I share together,” he told flickr. “But the comments people leave about a parent doing something similar really touches me, because there are other parents that love their kids just as much. And they love them enough to leave a little note, a little whatever it may be… that’s just something that brightens their day when they get to their lunch.”

Now five years after that first drawing was made, he has created over one thousand lunchtime surprises, cataloging them all on Flickr.

Source: thekitchn.com

David says the most touching comments he receives are from parents who do similar things for their kids… just because they love them.


Ultimately, time is the most valuable resource we have and spending it on the people we love most is vitally important. Share this if you think we need more dads like David!

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