End Times Predictions: How A Comet Strike Will Destroy Earth (Full Documentary)

Pakalert October 21, 2015 16

In this end of the world and end times predictions video, you are going to witness the answer for one of the most asked questions in the world right now “How a …


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  1. Mathew Porter August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    Well we are all certain that a comet or an asteroid strike of huge magnitude will certainly destroy the earth, but will it ever happen. That's the million or probably billion dollar question.

  2. Jason Bourne August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    Well that's certain scary and terrifying but are we going to witness it in our lifetime? I think not. Hope I will never be proved wrong.

  3. Sammy Martin August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    I say that whatever you predict are a load of bull. Asteroids, comets, etc., are always in the space and if they come close to earth, we certainly have technologies to avoid them. So there is no need to worry about any asteroid predictions.

  4. Eric Stone August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    I think you have already predicted the end of the world with your another video saying that the world will end come December, 2015. Then, what's the point of this video?

  5. John Maxwell August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    Seems that if an asteroid impact on our world, it would cause devastation beyond our wildest dreams. I hope that it will never happen.

  6. marc Parkinson August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    1. Did not happen.2.  The only one close is a comment that should pass 1.3 LU from the earth on the 31st.(that is 310K miles, remember the earth is about 8K miles wide).Nothing to worry about.

  7. Salma Melton August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    Its December idiots news people and nasa would have warned us dumb end of the world

  8. 多米音乐多米音乐 August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    2015 passed already

  9. otherworldtrader1 August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    a meteor is a one very large rock (some times with a few smaller rocks around it. It could be form the size of a car to the size of texas in which the damage would be according to the size. the astroid is a lose collection of rocks, dust which could differ from 50 to thousands encircling each other or the largest rock in the collection. these could be from greatfuit size to mountain size . a comet is supposely a large collection of dust and water/snow/ gas, ice(ice balls) a comet composed of ice/water/dust should burn up in the upper atmosphere. so why are comets thought to be the most dangerious of the three

  10. Caleb Beasley August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    That's dumb, I mean, say a comet comes; we can literally create a mini black hole, one of, if not the, strongest forces known to date, yet not divert a comet, seriously people? That just makes no sense, regardless of how you look at it…

  11. VicMackeyful August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    hopefully Bruce Willis will still be around for a meteor strike, he's really the only one with the experience to save us…

  12. jc cloud August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    Why do these comets in all these videos always land in the pacific ocean near SF. Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.

  13. Samuel Purser August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    never be the end of the world again the dinosaurs died by a massive earth quake I'm betten

  14. Samuel Purser August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    or that ice age

  15. evidenceonlythanx August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    Ahhhhhhhhhh, more RELIGIOUS FEAR PORN, from our religiously deluded brothers and sisters. Why does this not surprise us anymore ??????????  Over 20 BILLION dead people have tried to pump this FEAR PORN into human society over THOUSANDS of years and 100% of them have turned out to be COMPLETELY WRONG, and the ramblings of horribly deluded and misguided ignorant fools. 20 BILLION dead ass-hats who lived and died in complete delusion as to the World in which they live, trying to scare the shit out of themselves and any person stupid enough to listen to their insane ramblings. The ''religious message'' that you or some other person has access to a source of ''infallible knowledge from a completely unverified Supernatural World, via a voice in their head''. The desire of the ''religiously educated'' to disregard VERIFIABLE REALITY, in favor of ''magical voices in their head'' is THE most dangerous and destructive ideology that humans have EVER concocted. The ''religious message'' has led to the perversion, suppression, rape and murder of every human right that humanity has ever fought to gain. It is no coincidence that the most religious areas on our planet are the most BLOOD SOAKED. And the LEAST religious societies and countries on this planet are the LEAST violent and criminal. The Middle East is the classic example of this effect, but not the only example. Where ever religion and power over human society are coupled together it is mandatory that perversion of human rights and a river of blood WILL follow, ….. every time. There is NO right or wrong religion on our planet, THEY ARE ALL WRONG. It is the 'god hypotheses' itself that is the criminal in human society, causing division, fear, mistrust, loathing, racism, sexism, tribalism, rape, murder and perversion. Those that can't see these VERIFIABLE FACTS for themselves are people who are hypnotized and entranced by the ''religious message''. The ''religious message'' is delivered on the back of THREATS OF TORTURE AND PUNISHMENT. Any ideology that must use these tools to force itself into human minds is perverted from the very get-go. What other group in society would YOU allow to threaten your family with torture and punishment and get away with it ? NONE, would be my guess. Why we let misinformed, misguided, deluded RELIGIOUS lunatics to run around our societies attempting to scare the shit out of each other and YOUR CHILDREN, is currently unknown. IGNORANCE leads to FEAR, and FEAR, leads to VIOLENCE. And the religiously deluded are the most ignorant people that we currently have in Modern Society, and traditionally as a group, the most violent in human society. People ADDICTED to FEAR PORN like this religiously deluded lunatic is attempting to pump into human society should be ASHAMED of themselves and have a RATIOANAL re-think as to where they are planting their intellectual flag, and what INSANE IDEOLOGIES they have been PROGRAMMED to support.

  16. ike August 15, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    shill list….check _/

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