Gun Confiscation Notices Go Out in New York

truther December 3, 2013 4

New York Democrats, despite the Governor stating explicitly that gun “confiscation could be an option” in his state, tried desperately to say that such an idea was simply right-wing paranoia.

Then in January, when debate on the SAFE Act began (After it was passed in the middle of the night), Democrats were caught with a wish list of items they wanted included in the gun legislation.  Items that included “Confiscation of ‘assault weapons’” and “Confiscation of ten round clips.”

Gun Confiscation Notices Go Out in New York

Now it looks like the gun-confiscating Democrats in New York City are getting their wish…

Via Truth About Guns:

New York’s SAFE Act is a bad, bad thing. It requires people to register, sell or transfer (out of state) “assault rifles” and “high capacity” magazines. Many Empire State gun and standard capacity ammunition magazine owners have complied. Many have not. So, at some point, the State’s gonna go get ‘em. People on both sides of the law enforcement divide will die and the s will hit the fan. Meanwhile, there it is: the reason why expanded background checks, indeed all background checks and any type of registration, set the stage for confiscation. And tyranny. [ED: This notice was sent for New York City residents, based on New York City laws, not necessarily SAFE Act provisions.]

Here is a copy of one such letter:

Gateway Pundit writes:

Anti-2nd amendment Bloomberg taking one last stab at the constitutional liberties of the people before leaving office. NOTE that the notice does NOT mention an option in which the officials will be coming to their door with warrants to search. Maybe that’s because they know they can’t survive legal challenges to support confiscation and will have difficulty obtaining warrants to do so. Thus the notice seems to rely on cooperation and compliance of the people to willingly turn in the guns and to fill out bureaucratic paper work.

Tyranny only has power over the people if we grant them that power. Our G-d given rights are guaranteed by the constitution and these right’s are given by G-d—not man. Hopefully, all Americans will remember this truth.

Governor Cuomo would like you to believe that only right-wing ‘extremists’ think that they are coming for your guns.  But it’s actually the Second Amendment-trampling Democrat extremists who really do want to take them that are the problem.

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  1. Larry December 6, 2013 at 8:29 am - Reply

    According to the Military channel every Iraqi household (our enemies) are allowed to keep one rifle and ammo for Ali Babba (criminals). Why are we arming our enemies and disarming ourselves?

  2. Regina Igors December 4, 2013 at 8:21 pm - Reply

    Truthful comments by Stan Sikorski and 5 War Veteran. As the article states, there is no legality to coming to a person’s door and confiscating. Therefore, it isn’t mentioned. However, in reading the “order” to turnover one’s guns, it is a real joke. The 2nd Amendment is not adhered to, but indicating the importance of showing a “utility bill” as proof of residence where the guns would be stored? What does this tell Americans? The utility companies are working for the Gov and their paperwork is more important and legal, than our Constitution?

  3. Stan Sikorski December 3, 2013 at 11:21 pm - Reply

    You have to be a complete moron to comply with this jewy garbage, let alone live in the jewed state of New York. This country needs a good cleansing, a Kristallnacht to cleanse the jew from our country. They are dangerous, blood thirsty, and hateful. They mean to do us nothing but pain and death. Everything they touch turns to shit. They have been trying to disarm us for a long time because they know that as we wise up to their deceits we will use those arms to destroy them and their appeasers. That time is quickly approaching.

  4. 5 War Veteran December 3, 2013 at 10:58 pm - Reply

    Just another sign of how effing stupid Americans and specifically New Yorkers are. You let the Zionists in and allowed them to kill children in blood ritual and this is what you get.
    Metispaeth, look it up and see the deaths caused by Zionist mholes. You allowed the crime in your cities and your state government you now are getting what you are paying for.

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