Koch Brothers EXPOSED : 2014 ( ft . Bernie Sanders ) • DOCUMENTARY FILM FULL • Brave New FILMS

Pakalert January 21, 2015 20

billionaires David and Charles Koch have been handed the opportunity to buy our democracy , in the form of giant checks in the House, Senate , and soon , perhaps …


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  1. Lucifer December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    The Koch Bros are the ISIS of ploutocrats.

  2. Gmac December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    Wow this is very interesting, it's like I'm watching a corporate version of 1984.

  3. Tiny Swan December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    Those school board members were school bitches ans shills for the the absolute worst examples of WRONG WING republicans.

  4. Adrian Meglene ThaVigilantescarecrow725 December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    multiculturalism is dead 2016.

  5. barneycarparts December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    Well I did my due diligence thanks to Google, This is Very expensive high quality video funded in part by George Soros featuring left leaning or left radicals also funded in part ny George Soros.

    You can tell this is propaganda because it uses partial sound bytes, emotional sequences and takes issue time lines out of sequence.where it tends to emotionally sway the watcher.

    Warren Buffet, Bill Gates Steve Jobs. George Soros are democrats and the richest people in America. Why aren't they supporting these issues by giving more to the Government instead of starting their own trusts and action committees? Because they know this crony lazyfair Government does not work!!! It wastes multi billions of tax dollars.

    For the top 1% (Buffet, Gates Apple etc, ) to give money to corrupt people in Unions Corrupt people in agencies like Acorn Planned Parent Hood and IRS is foolish. Here is an example of waste. Why do we need Planned Parent Hood? Obamacare is supposed to handle breast exams birth control and abortions. Planned Parenthood Is redundant.

    Why do poor people keep voting for Democrats who intentionally keep them poor?

    You see, sympathy and empathy for the Poor down trodden underdogs is what keeps money and power flowing to the democratic machine. But its the Democratic liberal party that promises free stuff and keeps them down, giving their jobs away.

    Obama's cabinet of advisors is full of former Goldman Sachs, big bankers who caused the Housing bubble. Jeffrey Immelt CEO of GE is Obama's Jobs Czar. GE paid near Zero Taxes in 2012 and shipped thousands of jobs to China. Currently GE only has 65,000 employees in USA and hundreds of thousands overseas.

    Social Security in 1950 there were 6 workers paying into SS for every 1 who was withdrawing from it. Because of the baby boomers retiring at the rate of 10,000 a day, there are now 3 workers contributing for every 8 that take money out. Now Congress is stealing from Social Security to fund Medicare.

    When the economic crash came and people were laid off when they ran out of unemployment benefits, thousands of formerly able bodied workers fraudulently applied for Medicare disability. Granting disability to these unemployed nearly crashed Medicare so they have to find funding from stealing from Social Security. People on Medicare are removed from the unemployment list and so it "appears" that unemployment is going down. 5.5% unemployment are completely bogus stats.

    Same thing for easy student loans a student is not counted as unemployed but eventually they leave college and have to pay back the near trillion dollar debt. Its a crisis looming.

    Two thirds of new jobs created were part time to get around Obamacare mandates. That means a lot more part time minimum wage fast food jobs. What we really needed were full time permanent manufacturing or high paying technical jobs but those were moved over seas by the high USA corporate tax rates highest in the world @ 35%. And, the corporate profits stayed overseas. Like GE General Motors, Apple and Microsoft. If we had a flat tax like 14% for corporations and 14% for individuals and no loopholes where Warren Buffet hired Tax lawyers and pays as little as 10.5% 0n his billions and his secretary paid 27% on her salary, we would have much more job growth and money in the treasury to pay down the debt.

    There are crooked politicians and bankers in both parties. Vote for the people who will let you earn your dignity not false promises to intentionally keep you down.

    Don't be fooled by well funded propaganda videos like this. Do your own research find out for yourself what is true for you.

  6. Chris Bowflex December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    I feel bad that my dad has to for Koch. I get to hear what they do to employees first hand, along with how corrupt the management is. Safety is not a concern of theirs, just pure profit I swear. For my senior year in high school I was assigned to job shadow someone, so I chose a Koch employee to get inside the plant to witness how they fucked humans and the environment. It all seemed scripted, and the smell was horrible. In fact, when I was near the water 'treatment' ponds my heart was beating hard and I could barely breathe. That shit water was black, nasty, frothy and all of it was going straight into the Mississippi River. It's fucked. We're fucked.

  7. Charles December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    Why the Koch bros dont just simply DIE ????

  8. The Brony Wiking December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    I am a Socio-liberal and I hate every thing the Koch Brothers stand for. But I'm sorry to say that this movie just feels like propaganda to me, with all the flashy visuals and tense music. But maybe I'm just european and this is how you make all documentaries in america.

  9. Kim Toney December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    a must see

  10. rabismenow December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    I appreciate this documentary.

  11. Eastern Precision December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    kill'em Fucking all (including the people they own) is the proper answer. Seeing we are not the Nazi trash (Hitler Bastards) like they are. Vote for Bernie. . .. I AM.

  12. Berkl66 December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    Koch Brothers=Chaos+Evil!!!
    Everyone affiliated with their organisations in any way should be ashamed.

  13. angelo nelo December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    BERNİE SANDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. carmizeth marinho December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    Agora as crias dessa praga esta instalada aqui, representada em forma de grupelhos que se juntaram, com o propósito de derrubar o governo Dilma e acabar com o Partido dos Trabalhadores; seus representantes de rua são o MBL, Vem Pra Rua, Partido Novo, alegando que o PT é totalitário! só mesmo na fala de fascistas aprendizes de vigaristas e lobos roubadores; essas pragas tem cara de anjos, mas são o demônio em forma de gente. O discurso é mesmo, "governo totalitário, cotas são racistas, bolsa-família é compra de votos, querem a política da meritocracia (pra eles) não trabalham, seu trabalho é esse, juntar-se com a oposição, até chegar a privatização do Petróleo da Petrobras, se passam por jovens "patriotas,"as vezes arrancam lágrimas em alguma seção plenária por terem feito resistência nos corredores da câmara, com apoio de políticos de direita envolvidos em corrupção, ou saudosos da ditadura, quando cantam, " estamos na rua pra derrubar o PT"!

  15. aidan Stenson December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    Someone needs to make an anti Koch organization

  16. syntaxed2 December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    They are trying to undermine all public programs so that the private alternative seems the better option.

    The goal is to privatize every sector, even law enforcement.

  17. AlphaMgtow December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    interesting how you didnt mention about their charity, their whole political views that they are against bailouts, they are against substities, they are against state controled and created monopoly, they are pro marihuana legalisations..


  18. Jonathan Smith December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    A bullet and long range rifle can touch them

  19. Greg Liv December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    lefty bs

  20. Values Privacy December 6, 2015 at 1:39 am - Reply

    Bernie Sanders is just another Pro-Zionist stooge of AIPAC. Any politician who will not stand up against our unjust actions in the middle east over the last 50 years.. over the atrocities committed by the illegitimate murderous apartheid state of israel… is a fraud.

    Not another American life, not another American dollar, for the middle east. Fuck'em all!

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