Message To World Leaders: Don’t Start World War 3

Pakalert January 17, 2017 1

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  1. HeadNods January 18, 2017 at 2:01 pm - Reply

    "You guys are awesome" lmao
    Sorry, appreciate the message, but I don't get people, how does it even come this far.
    Today it was on the news, the 8 richest people on this planet earn as much as 1/3th of the population of the world and nobody is stopping them, Trump was in the news saying the first thing he'll do as president is build the wall and was calling out Angela Merkel for her "bad" migration plan, which is one of the most loving migration plans in the world right now.
    Not a single western leader is trying to stop Boko Haram in Africa because there is nothing to gain from it for them.
    Every country still uses millions of the peoples tax money for military purposes even though war right now would mean the end of the world as we know it, while at the same time leaders all over the world cut the spendings on social security "because of national debt that needs to be paid off". Nuclear weapons can destroy the planet and America has invaded a lot of other countries because they make nuclear weapons and it's dangerous, but at the same time America has the highest amount of Nuclear weapons on the world, while it should never be used in the first place, so why even make them?
    And the people still don't realize that the capitalistic system is causing so much greed, exploitation, manipulation and individuality on the planet that it's actually ruining people all over the planet, but because we in the Western world have it good because of it, we don't care and accept it.
    What a road we're on. I'm curious to what will be in the history books in a hundred years from now.

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