NATO Preparing For World War 3

truther October 29, 2011 6


According to reliable sources, China has attempted to warn Russia of US and NATO plans to initiate a global armed conflict. This conflict has reportedly moved from the drawing board to an activation stage. According to both Chinese and Russian Intelligence Sources, the US and NATO plans include among other, the deliberate implosion of the US- and EU Economies, destroying the worlds financial systems, and the launching of a massive conventional war throughout North America, Africa and Asia, as well as the Middle East. The war plans include the release of biological warfare agents designed to kill millions if not billions of people. The NATO strategists rely on their ability to sue for peace when the coming conflict is at its highest, to call for the establishment of a “New World Order” under the pretext of preventing the destruction of the planet and civilization as we know it. – NSNBC by Dr. Christof Lehmann

Dominant Social Theme:The world is a dangerous place and the West has to be prepared to defend its citizens from terrorism – any place, any time.

Free-Market Analysis:Are we headed toward world war? Dr. Christoff Lehmann seems to think so. He comes with significant credentials, at least if his Internet bio is to be believed. And regardless of the credibility of Lehmann himself, the current global environment is poisonous and almost anything seems possible.

Within this context, Lehmann’s post (excerpted above) seems perfectly rational (even if one accepts that much of this sort of writing is likely disinformation). For the purposes of this article, we’ll take the argument at face value. Here’s a backgrounder on Lehmann from a website called The 4th Media:

Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982, Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology in 1986, Advisor to Joshua Nkomo on the Impact of Torture and Psychological Trauma on Conflict Solution and Reconsiliation in Zimbabwe´s Politics in 1986-1990, Advisor to Nelson Mandela on Social Politics, Public Mental Health and the Effect of Psychological Trauma on Peace and Reconsiliation in 1994-1997. Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination. In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as “The Embargo on Truth” by founding and running an independent webmedia:

Lehmann’s thesis in this recently published article is that NATO is going to initiate a worldwide “conventional” war. This runs counter to our belief that the elites have few choices when it comes to war as a sociopolitical transformer because of nuclear weapons. Nonetheless, we note the obvious ratcheting up of military action around the world. Unfortunately, it makes such military madness far more feasible.

The Anglosphere power elite has in aggregate been acting like a maddened dog in heat; there is no explaining multiple wars in the Middle East and Africa without attributing it to deliberate policy. NATO and the US are involved in at least seven wars in the Middle East currently, and the wars in many places are escalating, not diminishing.

In one way or another America/NATO is involved in wars, or at least significant military activity, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Uganda and Libya. Emergent spheres of expanded military activity include Pakistan and Syria.

This is the proximate result of a rule change at the highest levels. In 2005, the elites struck down The Treaty of Westphalia, which had put a stop to the religious wars in 1648 by emphasizing the primacy of the nation state.

The deed was actually done by the UN‘s Security Council. In its place was adopted R2P, Responsibility to Protect, which mandates that the “West” in aggregate interfere with a nation’s sovereignty in order to to “protect” citizens.

As a result, NATO and America are now embroiled in military actions in numerous parts of the globe. This is not in our view “coincidence.” But Lehmann’s perspective is that this is only a prelude to an even larger and more comprehensive war.

Ordinarily, we’d write Lehmann off as something of a crank. But the Anglosphere power elite, obsessed with creating world government, has changed the rules and become far more aggressive of late in terms of using military power. We certainly would grant the possibility of a war against Iran, or an expand theatre of war in the Middle East that turns military skirmishes into full-blown Pentagon aggression.

There is something else as well. Muammar Gaddafi‘s death in Libya was not merely noted by the mainstream media; it was actively celebrated, including video of Hillary Clinton‘s delighted cackling over Gaddafi’s evident lynching, painfully delineated. Seemingly dozens of videos charted every bloody detail of his death.

This is no coincidence in our view but an emergent dominant social theme having to do with the Anglosphere’s determination to change the frame of reference regarding war.

The Western mainstream media has treated military bloodshed with extreme repugnance over the past half-century. But all that is evolving now. The elites seem to be conducting a desensitizing exercise to make people accept a much higher threshold of violence, and even to revel in it. Here’s some more from Lehmann’s article:

The armed forces of NATO, Russia and China have never been as close to open and all out conflict as today. A recent and sobering report of the Russian Intelligence Service FSB, details the fact that the USA and NATO are currently planning and actively preparing for all out war on all continents. After the recent meeting between Russian P.M. Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Huan Jintao, both Russian and Chinese military forces have been placed on highest alert …

Before leaving for Beijing, Putin received a sobering report from the Russian Intelligence Service FSB. The FSB report to Vladimir Putin supported reports from the Chinese Intelligence Service and China´s Ministry of State Security, MSS, which were among other based on intelligence received via the former Blackwater operative Brian Underwood. Underwood is currently held in the US on charges of espionage.

One of the preparatory stages was reportedly doctrinal and strategy changes wherein the training of its soldiers shifted from counter insurgency to more conventional warfare and tank on tank battles … The FSB evaluates the situation as so threatening, that it explains in its report, that the only thing needed to activate the war plan is a call for the full mobilization of 1.5 Million US Reserves. Their activation can come at moments notice, and needs no further authorization by the US Congress.

The US plans for global dominance date back to as early as 1998 and the “Project for a New American Century, PNAC”. One of the think tanks members, former US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, warned in September 2001, that if the war fails to significantly alter the worlds geopolitical map, the US will not achieve its aim to become the worlds only ad dominant superpower.

There are two major historical trends here from what we can tell. One is the Greater Recession itself, which is harrying elite economic structures. People are losing faith in the system, and this is a danger to elites plans and their use of economic terrorism to build ever-greater global governance.

The second historical trend is the oft-mentioned intention of the Anglosphere elite itself to do whatever is necessary to create a one-world order. It is not enough simply to introduce chaos into the world. One must generate war as well, presumably a much larger conflict than that which is occurring now.

Conclusion:Again, we have no idea if Lehmann’s reports are correct, or if they are a kind of alarmism or outright disinformation. But they certainly raise interesting questions about the level of Western bellicosity and the reasons for its existence. Unfortunately, it is impossible at this point to discount the reality of what the West is up to. And it’s not really the West anyway: It’s the Anglosphere power elite and its great central banking families evidently racing to fulfill their world-spanning goals before the Internet Reformation fully exposes these designs.


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  1. carmela isabel g. buenconsejo January 11, 2012 at 8:09 am - Reply

    ohhhh!!!! my God what the hell!!!

  2. John November 1, 2011 at 7:47 pm - Reply

    This World War 3 is going to happen, it talks about it in the bible. So yeah get ready for this to happen.

    • along vi britannia February 8, 2012 at 11:39 am - Reply

      November 1, 2011 at 7:47 pm
      This World War 3 is going to happen, it talks about it in the bible. So yeah get ready for this to happen.

      reply : ‘ Lame~ ‘

  3. Saif Qazi October 30, 2011 at 5:25 am - Reply

    This is an undeniable truth. For all the hullabaloo we see in Middle East, this certainly has the State of Israel smiling because if in Middle East an Islamist governments win the elections, which funnily enough is already happening, then the State of Israel’s existence would be in doldrums. However, this will not happen. What will happen is State of Israel would unleash weapons against the Arabs in Middle East, of such magnitude that would inevitably begin a war. With Israel would stand up US and UK and all those countries that have friendly relationships with Israel. Look it in any way, that will in itself begin the World War.

    The important point to note in here is that, US Dollar’s going to collapse in the very near future and with it all the paper money, rendering it useless. I dare say, the times coming ahead of us are probably going to be the most toughest times one has endured in the last 100 years.

  4. Michael Cook October 30, 2011 at 12:26 am - Reply

    World War One – World War Two – World War Three is inevitable. There is no need for dissection, analysis, or the reading of the tea leaves to know what is coming. The obvious is staring us all in the face, only those whose life is one of total denial, and where truth is their enemy, refuse to see what is coming. The writer of this article could be right, how and where or what will be the catalyst to set world war three in motion is anyone’s guess though. My bet is that religion will be high on the list of probable cause, seeing its history is filled with bloodshed and being the fomentors of wars without number. Who’s to say it has not already begun?

  5. JURM Ben ISman - Giovanni Ioannoni October 29, 2011 at 9:07 pm - Reply

    Vedete, il credere o non credere alla probabilità largamente diffusa nel Mondo sulla prossima venuta della fine del Mondo ( “ dei nostri Tempi “ ) per tutti o quasi per tutti, non è detto che sia in assoluto la cosa in se.

    In ultima analisi, il punto, non è tanto per come sia predisposta la cosa nella nostra individuale mente cervello spirito e pensiero comunque sia, essa risponderà alla volontà DELL’IDDIO L’UNICO NOSTRO SIGNORE.

    Sia fatta la sua volontà, rimettiamoci e affidiamoci a GESU’ CRISTO e alla Santissima Vergine Maria Madre di NOSTER PATER DEUS.


    Fratelli Figli di DIO DELL’ALTISSIMO, Cibiamoci per bene ( simbolicamente ) del Santo Cibo in noi e Santifichiamo il dono che riverseremo ogni attimo al nostro Amato Prossimo.


    In fede,

    JURM Ben ISman – Giovanni Ioannoni

    Noi Figli di DIO L’ALTISSIMO siamo il frutto del nostro Unico Creatore, appunto L’IDDIO UNO L’ONNIPOTENTE, probabilmente avremo sì subito ingerenze manipolative di ingegnerie genetiche improprie sacrileghe esterne al nostro Mondo, vuoi di superfice che di introterra e esterne anche alla nostra atmosfera sia Terrestre che extraterrestre planetaria a noi Umani.

    Essi , “ gli dei “ siano rigettati definitivamente nello sprofondo del mare dei cieli.
    Azioni pianificate indebitamente ai nostri danni, dettate dai così detti “ dei “ sacrileghi, che continuano imperterriti nella loro devastante ingerenza manipolativa sull’Umanità ignara.
    Essi, gli dei ne subiranno inevitabilmente le conseguenze a motivo della loro sacrilega ingerenza.
    Essi, “ gli dei “ siano rigettati definitivamente nello sprofondo del mare dei cieli, da adesso in
    questo tempo non si potrà più sostenere di non essere a conoscenza della cosa, da adesso in
    questo tempo siamo messi inevitabilmente di fronte a noi stessi.


    Con la presente Creazione del Nuovo Sogno rapportato al tempo di oggi dal nostro Unico Creatore L’Iddio Uno, espresso al suo umile tramite-strumento avviene il Nuovo Sogno, ma il Mondo degli Umani non se ne avvede o fa finta di non volersene avvedere.

    Importante sarà, che lo viva in se tra gli Umani, con nel CUORE IL NOSTRO UNICO CREATORE L’IDDIO UNO L’ONNIPOTENTE NOSTRO SIGNORE JESUS CRISTUS.

    JURM Ben ISman – Giovanni Ioannoni

    Giovanni, non era il discepolo che Gesù amava ?

    Giovanni , annunciò il Figlio dell’Uomo e l’ultimo Giovanni
    scrisse l’adempimento.

    L’Amore di DIO è rimasto ancora in me, per Grazia ricevuta
    e per Disegno Divino.

    Pur consapevole di essere indegno e inadeguato All’immane
    Compito del Disegno Divino Affidatomi, mi rimetto nelle
    mani del Signore Gesù Cristo e della Santissima Vergine Maria
    Madre di DIO.

    Giovanni, sa di Essere a loro Cura e Protezione a loro cura e Protezione Giovanni, sa di Essere.


    JURM Ben ISman – Giovanni Ioannoni

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