“Never Forget This Moment. This is how Barack Obama Acts, When Challenged or Resisted.”

truther October 4, 2013 11

As World War II veterans prepared to visit their memorial in Washington D.C. this week, the President of the United States issued an order indicating that the memorial was closed and access would be forbidden.

The government would cite staffing issues, because with the shutdown now in place, there would be no Rangers at the park.

“Never Forget This Moment. This is how Barack Obama Acts, When Challenged or Resisted

However, as noted on the National Park Service website, the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. never actually closes, even when there is no staff present.

The public may visit the World War II Memorial 24 hours a day. Rangers are on duty to answer questions from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. daily and to provide interpretive programs every hour on the hour from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m.

So, by what reasoning could the President not allow veterans access to a park that is always open?

Moe Lane weighs in:

It’s bad that the Obama administration deliberately – deliberately – targeted the WWII monument for special restrictions after a veterans’ group made the mistake of thinking that Barack Obama is a reasonable man who runs a reasonable executive branch, and thus would treat that group’s request for assistance with the respect that it deserved.

But this is the nasty part. This is the part where the spite comes into play.

…The WWII Memorial does not have a permanent security presence, which means that there is actually no valid, ethical reason why the Obama administration could presume to shut it down for the public. Not that the administration actually needs one. So they proactively locked down a previously-open national monument, and then presumed to tell the men whose sacrifice it honored that those men were not welcome at that place.

Never forget this moment. This is how Barack Obama acts, when challenged or resisted. He acts ugly, and mean-spirited, and shabby.

That’s the thing – there is absolutely no reason to restrict veterans in their late 80′s or older, who have made a cross-country trip just to see the memorial, from gaining access.

If there’s anyone that has a right to step foot onto the World War II Memorial, it’s the men who fought for the very freedom that gave Barack Obama the opportunity to become President of this nation.

But it seems that our President doesn’t see it that way…

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  1. laosuwan October 5, 2013 at 11:22 am - Reply

    mr obama is systematically helping jew hater george soros and his jew hating communist mentors destroy america and you americans babble on about mean spirited, stupid, non-sensical, short sided, whatever. you just dont get it. none of this is by accident or stupidity. your county is finished and this obama guy is just sent in to topple the tree.

    • Dan October 6, 2013 at 2:34 am - Reply

      For the first time I have heard someone who can actually see whats going on. The whole enchilada is to destroy the United States, the last bastion of freedom on this planet.
      Excellent observation…

      • Arlene Johnson October 7, 2013 at 12:53 am - Reply

        Both George Soros and Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) are Jews. Obama’s mother was a Jewess. I have the proof in photos of her in the nude if anyone would like to see them. In terms of Soros please see
        http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-30/51.html Scroll down about 75% to reach this info. This is my feature called Did You Know?

        Dan you are right that they are trying to destroy the United States.

  2. Guest October 5, 2013 at 9:04 am - Reply

    Well, most people might not agree, but I think he is right. Of course if, i were him I’d have payed for their way home at least! You see, in the past 100 years alone, have Americans been fighting “false flag orchestrated wars”. And ALL the veterans, need to be healed of all the memories & emotional baggage they have been carrying.

    Maybe next time we go to the memorial, let’s all talk about the many times we were duped, into fighting some one else’s battles for them. I bet it must have made the PTB feel all the more powerful, with so many useful idiots, that believed every w-o-r-d….

    • Arlene Johnson October 6, 2013 at 4:18 am - Reply

      You’re absolutely right, but it has been a lot longer than 100 years. It has been since and including the American Revolution which was not caused by a tax on tea, but on Rothschild’s refusal to allow the American colonists to have their own currency which Benjamin Franklin stated that they had to Parliament in London.

  3. formerparatrooper October 5, 2013 at 4:48 am - Reply

    These actions on the part of Obama and the Democrats represent an act of tyranny. They think we, the American public work for them. They have dishonored those who fought and died for this country.

  4. 5 War Veteran October 5, 2013 at 12:13 am - Reply

    To all ACTIVE DUTY military.
    This is how Obama and all Elite see your sacrifice. We veterans have been witnessing the disrespect and disdain this government has for us. How they have shirked their responsibilities contractually awarded to us.
    Obama started out with crotch salutes and bowing to Muslim dignitaries to degrading the US and its origins, to no longer draping soldiers coffins with flags.
    Would you if Ordered break YOUR Oath and fire on American citizens when you know that in the near future you will be one of us? Being disrespected by the very government that sends you into wars for Elite profits?
    Is this what you signed up for?
    I signed up to fight the scourge of Communism and now I am told by a POW Veteran John McCain to get used to communism?

    W T F ? Communism = Wealth Redistribution = a poorer middle class = a wealthier by percentage wealthy class = millions on the government dole and less responsibilities of these people on the dole. My medical costs have tripled in the last two months and I am not sick. It seems I am paying for someone else’s free “affordable care”.

  5. Graham October 4, 2013 at 11:26 pm - Reply

    The ‘lightworker’ strikes again!!!

  6. Ascot October 4, 2013 at 10:35 pm - Reply

    As a founder member of the WWII Memorial, I find it more than disgusting that someone such as Obama who never at any time has shown an iota of love, or even a grain of respect for the United States of America would deny entrance to such men who made this Country great.

    Apparently there was more “security” at that Memorial to keep 91 venerable veterans out, than what was EVER considered being sent to the aid of those Americans murdered at the Embassy in Benghazi.
    Let’s hope that what goes round, really does come round, and that goes for “Funeral Face” Harry Reid also. I have to wonder what life form exists in Nevada, if that’s the best they can send as their representative to Washington for the entire World to see.

  7. excalibur October 4, 2013 at 9:45 pm - Reply

    Poor little spoiled black brat, could not go to war. The Black Bomber strikes again.

  8. Victoria October 4, 2013 at 8:46 pm - Reply

    Where are our elected officials that swore to protect us from such a tyrant???

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