Obama Awarding Armored Tanks In Preparation Of Police State

truther August 13, 2013 6
Thomas Dishaw

As we incrementally creep closer to a police state,  the Lewiston Maine Police Department organizes an intimidation campaign to show off the newest crime fighting tools.

LPD recently unveiled the 1981 M113APC armored tank and  MARCbot IV robot,  equipped with a Xbox controller, to an unaware and uninformed general public.

Obama Awarding Armored Tanks In Preparation Of Police State

This gift, courtesy of the Obama Administration, is free to the LPD as a reallocation of military surplus. Of course we all know nothing is free in this country.  And why does a town like Lewiston need an armored tank? It can’t be the crime, because in 2011 they recorded 3 murders and in 2009 they recorded zero murders.

It appears Lewiston is on the cutting edge of crime fighting technology, being one of eight cities to adopt a Web-based crime-mapping application called Raidsonline, which gives its citizens access to realtime crime information, and alerts landlords when their is a call to one of their properties. This software will give the public and police departments access to crime trends and possibly be integrated into futuristic pre crime technology.With Obama continuing the tradition of Government handouts, and cities like Lewiston, ME and Milwaukee, WI willingly accepting these armed tanks to patrol their streets and citizens, it is evident that America is preparing for a police state.

Source: govtslaves

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  1. Tanya August 14, 2013 at 3:05 am - Reply

    There are currently 342 cities on RAIDS Online. That article referenced was from 2010, and those statistics are no longer accurate.

  2. Stan Sikorski August 14, 2013 at 1:05 am - Reply

    Lewiston is definitely out of the box when it comes to crime numbers. Look at the racial demographics and you see why. At 95.3% White and only 3 percent or less of other races, yu have a pretty mellow town there.

    Now places like Milwaukee, Camden, Chicago, or any other racially saturated city is going to be a criminal mess. Those folks just don’t have the same morals. And they are THE PROBLEM. They allow the police to develop these methods and tactics while raising the fear in the communities all over the country that don’t want their towns to become like those places.

    Racial harmony is a myth. And this government has done the most to promote, even force it on communities. The churches are second in promoting this dangerous garbage. Although the tyrants have many ways of turning the screws, forced racial blending has been most effective.

  3. James M Nunes August 13, 2013 at 11:27 pm - Reply

    The government is preparing for a financial and economic collapse. They know when the masses lose verything that they have worked for over a life time that they will revolt against the system. The job of the police is not to protect you. There job is to protect the corporation which is the elite and to arest and give citations to code vilolators, disidents, and people that revolt against the system. Liberty and justice for all who can afford it!

  4. doesntmatter August 13, 2013 at 10:49 pm - Reply

    “it is evident that America is preparing for a police state”

    it is also evident that all the centuries of poisoning its citizens actually worked to achieve complacent, dumbed down, poor self esteemed, apathetic, insecure, dependent, ignorant, selfish, amoral, poor valued individuals.

    how else do you prepare for ppl of such nature??

  5. 5 War Veteran August 13, 2013 at 10:40 pm - Reply

    It is all planned, do not be stupid enough to think anything less.

    • Linda Ferland August 14, 2013 at 12:50 am - Reply

      Absolutely right. Planned a very long time ago. All one had to do was follow the patterns.

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