Preplanned World War 3– False Flag Documentary, Britain Syria US Russia UN

Pakalert August 2, 2013 19

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  1. Ruma Jini March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    there's no use but i hope the same mistake of britain and the USA won't be repeated

  2. Senor Cabeza de Grande March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    Draft Obama's kids. Put them on the front line then you can ask me to help. Until you will sacrifice your children I refuse to sacrifice mine for the greed of the Zionist Elite…,THE JEW!

  3. JAYCFX March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    Really? Putin has always for the most part been the sensible one the that arena.

  4. Hannah Cohen March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply


  5. Hannah Cohen March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    If the US attacked my country, I would fight back to protect. So be it in the middle east…they have a right to protect themselves. Plus it is illegal to attack a sovereign country which the US does as they have bases all over the middle east….

  6. B5az5 March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    Come on people do not listen to the U.S, british and NATO and israel telling their damn lies anymore. We all need to realise that we've aloud our countries to become the horror stories of the planet. Remember when we all thought the USSR was the dark side, well now it's turned upside down and we are on the dark side and we better stop this crap now while we still can b4 they take all of our civil liberties and rights off us. Lets not lead our children into chaos. Stand up for freedom and PEACE

  7. Jeremy Guile March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    You must realize that the USA public and the US Government are not the same, we do not elect our government or control what they do. Our political system is nothing but a sham.

  8. josh macpherson March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    why are people always surprised to find out that their government does not care about them.,?.,? free health care.,?.,? if our own government thought we would throw them out they would nuke a u.s. city and claim "terrorists" to prove how much we need them., ., everyone that is not in the "ruling class" are terrorists to the "ruling class"., go home PEASANTS., watch American idol and don't think about these things.,.,';'

  9. TNToncourt March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    David "Rothchild" Cameron isn't wearing his Jewish cap?

  10. kpirzada27 March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    Good video, I thank you for it.

  11. Rod Crosser March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    Why is it necessary to build on violence.  Why can't the US take care of its' own people that are hungry, without housing, food, appropriate clothing.  All the veterans that have died, come home  mutilated, panic disorders, depression committing suicide and     begging for medical benefits from the government they fought to defend?  What about their voices and their scarifices over the past decades?  Is our government doing the will of the American people?  Are the American people so spoiled now that the population that suffered and died for our liberties and freedoms are just ignored?  Why are America's poor being stipped off the streets of our cities and put in Fema Camps? Wake up,  pray that the scales that blinds us and our government and the world's governments  be removed.  We are to pray for those in authority over us.  There is a reason why our Heavenly Father requested this of us   Abide by the Constitution of the United States of America and  the Bill of Rights.  Wake up.  Fukushima wasn't an accident, but the consequences will kill millions.Rod  There have been so many lies portrayed as truth

  12. Rod Crosser March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    China and Russia has TOLD  AMERICA    HANDS OFF SYRIA OR….. rod

  13. Sam Medhurst March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    having the same problem Antipodean  !!! Freedom of speech obviously means FUCK ALL on Youtube anymore!

  14. John Wu March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    UNIITED NATIONS EMPIRE IS THE ANTI-CHRIST.  According to Revelation 13, the 1st Beast has 7 heads and 10 horns.  The United Nations Empire includes all the 7 continents of the World.  The UN is soon to divide the world into 10 Economic Regions.  Never in the history of this world, that an empire is able to rule the whole world like the UN Empire. (Since the Tower of Babel)  Almost all the nations had surrendered all their powers and authorities to the UN Empire, without the consent, of their people.  The Club of Rome, had already approved through the UN Empire,  to divide the world into 10 Economic Regions.  This is the 10 Horns of the 1st Beast of Revelation 13.  The first of these 10 Regions is the European Union.  Once the EU, becomes successful economically, then the OTHER 9 Regions will be implemented, and established.  The leaders of these 10 Regions, will be appointed from the UN.  But according to Revelation 13, that one of the 7 heads, of the 1st Beast will be severely wounded, and it will appear to be dying.  But the wound will recover and the head will live again.  This is talking about the Antarctica Continent. The Antarctica is being defrosted by the scientists, through THE HAARP EQUIPMENTS,  that are owned by the SUPER POWERS in the UN Empires.  And it will cause WORLD environmental chaos.  But they will fix it again AND REVERSE THE CLIMATE THROUGH the HAARP weapons.  THE ANTARCTICA will be back to normal AGAIN.  Once we have the 10 economic regions, there will be another World Empire, THAT will be born.   It will be known as the NOW EMPIRE.  We will have a One world Religions,  and  have a One World political leader,  ruling the whole world.  The NWO is the second Beast of Revelation 13.  The NWO EMPIRE will force every human beings,  whose name is not on the Book of Life, to worship the IMAGE OF THE 1ST Beast,  which is the IMAGE OF THE UNITED NATIONS EMPIRE.  According to revelation 13 the Anti- Christ is not a man,  but an EMPIRE.  We have a leader in the UN,  but is not the anti-christ.  We will have a leader in the NOW,  but will not be the anti-christ.  THE ANTI-CHRIST IS THE UNITED NATIONS EMPIRE,  BECAUSE THE NWO EMPIRE WILL FORCE PEOPLE TO WORSHIP THE UNITED NATIONS IMAGE.  THE UN  IMAGE, will be  is the image OF THE BEAST WHOSE DEADLY WOUND HAD FULLY HEALED.  Through the UN, SATAN has been able to change everything.  The UN had already change the political laws for every country, established the world economic system, world military, world environmental laws, selecting the political leaders of our countries etc….They are using false flags, 9/11, GMOs, chemtrails, haarp, ufo's, cold wars, social engineering, geo-engineering, media, tsunamis, earthquakes and all natural disasters, depopulation  etc… to create fear and create solutions. They even create Communism against Democracies.  The Western Countries  vs The Eastern Countries.  In any Cold War, USA and Russia never directly fight with each other, but they wrecked the country they fight over with great damages.  It also allows them,  to dump their older ammunition and mines.  These things,  enable them to gain control of the world.  Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus the one and only true God, the UN and the NWO fits the descriptions of the 2 beasts of REVELATION 13.  Please hold on to your faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.  The Illuminati, Satanism, Occultism, Zionist, freemasons, new age, and Satan are behind the UN setup.   Christians can't stop the Anti-Christ, because, it is a biblical prophecy, that must be fulfilled.   Russia, USA, CHINA, BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY AND ALL THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD are all members of the UN Empire.  The governments are all being used by Satan for his evil purposes to establish his Kingdom from Jerusalem.  They set up Hitler to kill the Jews, so Israel can become a Nation again.  Their aim is to rule from Jerusalem after the Rapture, through the NOW EMPIRE, and establish the One World Religion and the One World Political Leader.

  15. Daisy Mae March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    Nuclear War needs to happen to cleanse this earth of bad rubbish.  Who could honestly think the world can continue in it's present condition and it's current direction?  Something MAJOR will have to happen to change the path because the world cannot keep consuming and keep taking without giving something back to Nature and Each Other.  Today's society is too selfish, motivated by money and greed.  To think that we can keep truckin in this direction without intervention is fooling ourselves.  But those people will certainly be the ones who dislike my statement.  Such a Selfish and uncaring society full of 'Takers' cannot continue in any civilization.

  16. Bryon Lape March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    There were chemical weapons used in Syria, but not by the government.

  17. Kay Jones March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    tony blair was fined for propositioning men outside public toilets in 1980's.

  18. Raouly B March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    Wats the opening song

  19. Khamosh Lehrain March 20, 2016 at 7:04 pm - Reply

    We cant blame US and UK, i think when Muslims are not united then any Tom, Dick and Harry will come and kill innocent people.

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