Something Is Wrong – Do You Feel It?

truther May 9, 2013 9

Ted Twietmeyer

 There is something “in the air” these days and many people are feeling it. Countless people everywhere felt it months before 9/11. Now that feeling is back. A better understanding of this feeling may eventually provide warning about an upcoming explosive event in our future. For some readers this entire article will be a bit “out there.” But that is just the nature of this subject. There is some repetition in this article to help the reader understand this intangible subject.

To explore this, let’s first look at a few things which function outside our 3D reality:

1. Thinking works without requiring physical form. While the brain itself has physical form, It is based on electrical signals taking place at the quantum level (a simple overview.)

2. Computers function by using electrical charges. A can opener exists and operates under the laws of 3D reality. A computer is subject to the laws of 3D reality for it to exist, just as our bodies are. However – what goes on INSIDE a computer at the chip level happens outside of time. Computation, processing and memory storage all take place at the quantum level.

3. Any electrical device or object, even a simple flashlight, operates at the quantum level.

Item (1) above is what we are concerned with. Shock to the population caused by explosive, public destruction like the Boston Marathon event or 9/11/2001 event sends out ripples forwards and backwards in time equal amounts. After terrible public events occur everyone feels sorrow, fear and even terror for quite some time. Strong emotions like fear and terror generate waves of negative energy. These waves may be able to travel through time outside of normal 3D space (more on this later.)

It may be possible to quantify the uneasy feeling people experience. Quantifying the uneasy feeling is something we are still working on. Actual amount of time in days, weeks or months can vary based on various factors.

Severity of negative energy rippled backward in time from a public explosive event may be affected by:

a. Proportionate to the magnitude of a future event – i.e., size of the explosion(s)
b. Number of casualties caused by a future event

For discussion purposes only, consider the period of time the population is deeply affected by a explosive public event is 6 months. Perhaps 6 months will be how far back in time that emotions will ripple and still be felt. It was several months before 9/11 that other friends and myself felt something was wrong, feeling much the same way we do now. Perhaps the magnitude of the “uneasy effect” is related to the magnitude of the coming event.

To visualize the effect of a future explosive event back in time on the population, a Gaussian (bell) curve may be used:

Something Is Wrong - Do You Feel It

NOTE – “Event – x days” is NOT intended to show, imply or predict there are 4 days remaining to the next big event. Tick marks on chart above are for illustrative purposes only.

As seen above, varying the equation changes the curve of the slope.  The higher up the curve a line is, the further-reaching and longer lasting effect in time on the population into both past and future. On the day of the event people experience the strongest emotions. This is also when negative energy ripples are initially sent backward into time. Orange curve shows how ill effects sensed by people from a explosive event lasts longer over time than other curves.

It is also known that terror in the population can affect remote viewing, too. According to one military source about 12 years ago, I was told they could not remote view the year 2013 because of a horrific event which occurred in late 2012. Only 2014 onward could be remote viewed. What they did remote view was massive destruction everywhere, as though civilization was destroyed. As of this writing in May 2013, nothing of that magnitude has occurred yet. Maybe they were remote viewing a different dimension or timeline than ours. Perhaps the future in another dimension experienced a catastrophic event.

Putting a numeric value on that “uneasy feeling” for the vertical axis of the chart is very difficult. It is highly subjective and varies from one person to another. Fractional values shown on the vertical axis of the chart are intended to represent a nominal value, indicating the severity of what people are feeling. X axis (across the bottom) represents time (in days) which the event is felt measured days, weeks or months into the past and future. Center of the curve marks the date of the explosive event affecting the population.  This is where fear and terror are at the highest levels.

When a grain of sand is dropped into a calm pond it has no noticeable effect on the water surface. Surface tension on the pond creates a threshold for disturbance. But a rock only an inch across dropped into a calm pond causes ripples which travel outward equally in all directions. In the case of a public explosive event of sufficient magnitude, ripples of fear and horror from a explosive event can be felt in the past from future event through time. After the explosive public event, the event itself will continue to be remembered an relived by the population. This too, fades over time as the bell curve shows.

A uneasy premonition or feeling began a few months ago for many people, long before the Boston event took place. It continues to be present in people three weeks after Boston. Some people feel it in the pit of their stomach, while others feel experience troubling unexplained emotions. As horrific as the Boston event was, it does not appear that Boston is the event causing today’s uneasy feelings. My comment about the Boston event is not intended to sound cold and insensitive, but the intensity of today’s “uneasy feeling” may be related to the number of casualties created by a given explosion or other event.

How can people sense the future? Human thought exists OUTSIDE of 3D space-time. It takes place at the quantum (atomic) level. Reality at the quantum level is extremely different than what we see at our macro level. Physicists have said that if we could see the quantum world with our eyes directly, it would appear highly distorted when compared normal reality. Our minds are more powerful than most of us realize. We can unknowingly connect (i.e., tune in) to other time frames, events, strong emotions generated by large masses of people, events at remote locations and perhaps events in other dimensions and accidents or deaths of twins, friends and relatives.

Perhaps that uneasy feeling many people feel today is about an event that happened or will happen in another dimension.
Or, there may be something very bad coming our way, like the equivalent of another 9/11.

There is something “in the air” these days and many people are feeling it. Countless people everywhere felt it months before 9/11. Now that feeling is back. A better understanding of this feeling may eventually provide warning about an upcoming explosive event in our future. For some readers this entire article will be a bit “out there.” But that is just the nature of this subject. There is some repetition in this article to help the reader understand this intangible subject.

To explore this, let’s first look at a few things which function outside our 3D reality:

1. Thinking works without requiring physical form. While the brain itself has physical form, It is based on electrical signals taking place at the quantum level (a simple overview.)

2. Computers function by using electrical charges. A can opener exists and operates under the laws of 3D reality. A computer is subject to the laws of 3D reality for it to exist, just as our bodies are. However – what goes on INSIDE a computer at the chip level happens outside of time. Computation, processing and memory storage all take place at the quantum level.

3. Any electrical device or object, even a simple flashlight, operates at the quantum level.

Item (1) above is what we are concerned with. Shock to the population caused by explosive, public destruction like the Boston Marathon event or 9/11/2001 event sends out ripples forwards and backwards in time equal amounts. After terrible public events occur everyone feels sorrow, fear and even terror for quite some time. Strong emotions like fear and terror generate waves of negative energy. These waves may be able to travel through time outside of normal 3D space (more on this later.)

It may be possible to quantify the uneasy feeling people experience. Quantifying the uneasy feeling is something we are still working on. Actual amount of time in days, weeks or months can vary based on various factors.

Severity of negative energy rippled backward in time from a public explosive event may be affected by:

a. Proportionate to the magnitude of a future event – i.e., size of the explosion(s)
b. Number of casualties caused by a future event

For discussion purposes only, consider the period of time the population is deeply affected by a explosive public event is 6 months. Perhaps 6 months will be how far back in time that emotions will ripple and still be felt. It was several months before 9/11 that other friends and myself felt something was wrong, feeling much the same way we do now. Perhaps the magnitude of the “uneasy effect” is related to the magnitude of the coming event.

To visualize the effect of a future explosive event back in time on the population, a Gaussian (bell) curve may be used:




NOTE – “Event – x days” is NOT intended to show, imply or predict there are 4 days remaining to the next big event. Tick marks on chart above are for illustrative purposes only.

As seen above, varying the equation changes the curve of the slope.  The higher up the curve a line is, the further-reaching and longer lasting effect in time on the population into both past and future. On the day of the event people experience the strongest emotions. This is also when negative energy ripples are initially sent backward into time. Orange curve shows how ill effects sensed by people from a explosive event lasts longer over time than other curves.

It is also known that terror in the population can affect remote viewing, too. According to one military source about 12 years ago, I was told they could not remote view the year 2013 because of a horrific event which occurred in late 2012. Only 2014 onward could be remote viewed. What they did remote view was massive destruction everywhere, as though civilization was destroyed. As of this writing in May 2013, nothing of that magnitude has occurred yet. Maybe they were remote viewing a different dimension or timeline than ours. Perhaps the future in another dimension experienced a catastrophic event.

Putting a numeric value on that “uneasy feeling” for the vertical axis of the chart is very difficult. It is highly subjective and varies from one person to another. Fractional values shown on the vertical axis of the chart are intended to represent a nominal value, indicating the severity of what people are feeling. X axis (across the bottom) represents time (in days) which the event is felt measured days, weeks or months into the past and future. Center of the curve marks the date of the explosive event affecting the population.  This is where fear and terror are at the highest levels.

When a grain of sand is dropped into a calm pond it has no noticeable effect on the water surface. Surface tension on the pond creates a threshold for disturbance. But a rock only an inch across dropped into a calm pond causes ripples which travel outward equally in all directions. In the case of a public explosive event of sufficient magnitude, ripples of fear and horror from a explosive event can be felt in the past from future event through time. After the explosive public event, the event itself will continue to be remembered an relived by the population. This too, fades over time as the bell curve shows.

A uneasy premonition or feeling began a few months ago for many people, long before the Boston event took place. It continues to be present in people three weeks after Boston. Some people feel it in the pit of their stomach, while others feel experience troubling unexplained emotions. As horrific as the Boston event was, it does not appear that Boston is the event causing today’s uneasy feelings. My comment about the Boston event is not intended to sound cold and insensitive, but the intensity of today’s “uneasy feeling” may be related to the number of casualties created by a given explosion or other event.

How can people sense the future? Human thought exists OUTSIDE of 3D space-time. It takes place at the quantum (atomic) level. Reality at the quantum level is extremely different than what we see at our macro level. Physicists have said that if we could see the quantum world with our eyes directly, it would appear highly distorted when compared normal reality. Our minds are more powerful than most of us realize. We can unknowingly connect (i.e., tune in) to other time frames, events, strong emotions generated by large masses of people, events at remote locations and perhaps events in other dimensions and accidents or deaths of twins, friends and relatives.

Perhaps that uneasy feeling many people feel today is about an event that happened or will happen in another dimension.
Or, there may be something very bad coming our way, like the equivalent of another 9/11.

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  1. doesitmatter May 12, 2013 at 10:07 pm - Reply
    • 5 War Veteran May 13, 2013 at 9:42 pm - Reply

      It very well could be or it could be an earth expansion event. the video is informative and supported by NOAA data.
      We do know something wiped out civilization three times now so this could be the beginning of the 4th.
      Something has been riding within the psyche, some impending doom as “modern science” slowly reveals that things are not what we have been taught/told.
      Things I have personally witnessed hidden within caves in the middle east as well as other things I was exposed to through my job certainly prove (to me) that we have been lied to for more than 70 years about the truth of things.

      Like the Vatican’s recent change of mind regarding visitors. Or the re translation of the ancient texts with a histological view (in-situ) showing the current KJV translations were either mistranslated for a purpose, that of controlling and fleecing the flock, or just because the original translators were plain stupid.


      Mauro Biglino, ex Vatican translator paid by the Vatican to re translate the ancient texts who quit after 20 books when he realized that what we were told is not what was written.

      My military experience supports his (and my) findings. In regards to what was written.
      17 years doing research pays off.

      Of course to the religiously devout who were taught and “believe” the bible is “the word” which the Vatican does not anymore, those who “believe” that the bible is perfect even when there are more than 280 contradictions within the bible. The ones who believe “Eating from the Tree of Knowledge” is blasphemous and who cannot recognize deception when it is handed to them on a silver platter which they paid for, well then I am an apostate. Be that as it may my devout religious upbringing did not prepare me for what I took part in and witnessed in the military in 1978.

      Soooo . . . .

  2. John Cook May 12, 2013 at 8:02 am - Reply

    Yes, there are so many civilisation rattling (or destroying) situations developing right now that I find it amazing people can believe they are all the result of incompetence, stupidity or simple venality. I think not. One of the few things I’m quite sure of it that a depopulation event is being planned for. And they are building bunkers, not for the common man.

    Re what you said about 2013 being unviewable – it’s similar to the story I heard from a group of very well respected remote viewers. That being the unexpected result of a trial done years ago intended to uncover truth about the future effects of global warming. They set a date to be viewed as the first of June 2013. What they saw there was stunning – a world just having suffered some sort of hugely destructive event that seemed to involve water. Like a biblical scale flood, world wide plague of earthquakes or multiple bolloid impacts, creating huge tidal waves. Mount Killamanjaro was drenched for instance so we are talking about a huge event.

    Good luck people, looks like this only gives us a few weeks…

    P.S. just for a bit of Good news – LENR, (cold fusion) is REAL. and there are way too many people working on it and getting REAL power out. It’s relatively cheap to work on too. So if we survive whatever will have Basicly solver the energy problem that was polluting the planet and it’s political systems.

    And Cannabis Really Does Cure Cancer. 🙂

    • 5 War Veteran May 12, 2013 at 8:30 am - Reply

      Yes cannabis really does cure cancer.

  3. rajab May 11, 2013 at 12:58 pm - Reply

    Most people can’t really get this, as they are totally addicted to their present life. They have a lot invested in the hypnotic/propaganda soup that they live in. I can’t even go into Walmart without feeling like I just walked into a casino in Vegas that is inundating me with awareness numbing alcohol, noise, lights, sound and some weird undercurrent/frequency that makes me not care about the value of money. When I leave Walmart, it takes an hour to destimulate. The other people who can feel the future ripples are usually labeled as crazy, bipolar or whatever. I will tell you what I saw. There will be an atomic device exploded very soon. Probably at the headwaters of the Mississippi river or near the Grate Lakes. That will be the new 9/11. That is when they will come by and throw their black boxes in your city and sort you out. The drones are already in the sky. We all went to sleep from the 60’s to the present. You are too late to stop it. Just get out.

  4. Wily May 10, 2013 at 9:09 am - Reply

    Whats in the air these days? Sin, including the sins of man and the loosed under world that satan’s minions (fallen ones, demons and men willing to do his bidding) – Sin takes one a shadowy hue. When figuring in the haar-projects darpa, cern gwens to say a few and not to elaborate one the extra wicked fallen ones that have been bound in Hades w/these liquid like chains soon to be release from the valley of the Euphrates! Anyone who takes the 6*6 rfid mark will be doomed because it will change the dna of man making them something other than. Salvation thru Jesus Christ is for man (humans) only!
    Tom Horn goes into this deeply including McGuire, Marzulli, Hamp etc – its time to really wake up!

  5. Bob May 10, 2013 at 7:26 am - Reply

    Something is wrong???????….in this country EVERYTHING is wrong and I can sure as the damned hell feel it.

  6. 5 War Veteran May 10, 2013 at 4:02 am - Reply

    This subject of “impending something” has been a mainstay of most if not all spiritual social groups.

  7. doesntmatter May 9, 2013 at 8:30 pm - Reply

    omg, really? if i wasnt confused BEFORE i read that, i sure am now lol.

    listen, regardless if we could predict the next time we take a dump, we’re still gona end up on a toilet relinquishing our time and energy to the dump. (that application can be used for the future travesties that are without a doubt sure to come o_o.)

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