The NWO Is Shifting Into Ramming Speed

truther March 18, 2013 5

Zen Gardner

Man they’re pushing hard and fast. This Jesuit Pope was popped into place before the sulfuric stink of  the last one could even clear the air. The hurry up no doubt was needed to take the spotlight off of that contrived removal and the ensuing inconvenient ongoing exposure of Ratzinger’s child abuse, financial enabling and cover ups.

The NWO Is Shifting Into Ramming Speed

And then he goes into hiding. Hard to fathom a world that tolerates this, but we’re living in one.

What’s encouraging is the amount of exposes appearing all over on the sordid background of this nasty new Italian “Argentinian” minion and the truth about the perfidy of the Jesuit so called “society of Jesus”. Boy, if that doesn’t sum up the hypocrisy of organized religion I don’t know what does.

But to the entranced this is still going right over their hived little minds.

Why The Hurry Up

This fast Vatican bamboozle is just one symptom of something we’re seeing in several segments of society. I think they’re nervous about completing their timeline and whatever other stupid goals they’ve set they think they need to fulfill according to their ignorant thinktanks, occult jerkwads or whatever.

It’s pitiful what they’re doing. Such desperation. Why? They’re scared.

Just look at the speed and profundity of other significant events now being orchestrated in our faces.

Here’s a quick six of biggies in our faces right now:

–The EU just moved to confiscate a percentage of savings in private accounts in Malta to bail out more corrupt banks. That is well beyond all previous levels of financial intrusion.

–The Royal Society announces their eugenics intentions in plain sight. Number reductions, and potential methods of doing so.

–Obama and company’s extremely rapid erosion of American civil and otherwise liberties via fascistic executive orders, including a subject never before confronted in such a crass, frontal manner – disarming the American public.

–Geoengineering models are being injected into mainstream media for acceptance of a model and potential need for “modification” by our illustrious bought off scientists.

– Emerging serious questions about the massively increased drone warfare and surveillance, both international and now clearly domestically aimed, becomes more accepted by default.

–”Reassigning” great water areas to algae growing fields at the expense of natural processes and serious pollution.  Serious stuff here.



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  1. luke March 19, 2013 at 4:12 pm - Reply

    Its easy if you have to be in a religion to believe and follow its “god” its a scam. true religion wouldnt care how or where someone found god only that they do

  2. Ascot March 19, 2013 at 11:18 am - Reply

    There is nothing new about the Vatican, it’s always been corrupt.
    Look at its teachings, they go completely contrary to what Christ taught.
    A couple of examples…. Jesus said about the priests of the time he walked on Earth. “They have a desire to be called father this, or father that; call no man father, you have but one Father, your Heavenly Father”.
    He also said, not to be like the heathens by being repetitious with your prayers. Okay all you Pope followers, get out your Rosary Beads and say the same prayers over and over and over and over again.

    Then there is the horrors of the Inquisition to be remembered.
    You can paint over a leopard’s spots with white paint, but the spots are always there under the surface.

    • 5 War Veteran March 19, 2013 at 11:45 am - Reply

      There is nothing new about the Vatican, it’s always been corrupt.
      Look at its teachings, they go completely contrary to what Christ taught.
      A couple of examples…. Jesus said about the priests of the time he walked on Earth. “They have a desire to be called father this, or father that; call no man father, you have but one Father, your Heavenly Father”.
      He also said, not to be like the heathens by being repetitious with your prayers. Okay all you Pope followers, get out your Rosary Beads and say the same prayers over and over and over and over again.
      Then there is the horrors of the Inquisition to be remembered.
      You can paint over a leopard’s spots with white paint, but the spots are always there under the surface.

      Excellent! A enlightened mind who understands the teachings of Yeshua bar Joseph! (renamed Jesus) The Church only used his teachings for their benefit and to spread control.
      Let no man place himself between you and God.

  3. eaglefever March 19, 2013 at 8:56 am - Reply

    Jesuits/Francisans are responsible for the demise and misdirection of the Inca’s, Maya’s and Aztec’s. They were ordered by the Church of Spain to convert those savages(16 million) and/or terminate them via the spanish military. They did it in the name of their god! Oh yeah, the church has their own army, the pope they will install on 3/19/13 is the answer to ALL world government to understand that the “power” of “the church” is the conflict of all world governments. History speaks as is written.

  4. 5 War Veteran March 19, 2013 at 1:35 am - Reply

    The new Pope is just another layer of lipstick on the pig whore of Babylon.

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