The Road to World War 3: Ukraine, Russia and American Imperialism

Pakalert February 22, 2014 16

Stefan Molyneux speaks with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on the violent protests in Ukraine , the evidence that the United States is fueling the conflict with taxpayers …


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  1. Tom D October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    Mike you are very ignorant go and join some history classes .i was born in Ukraine so do not bullshit amigo.
    Ukraine did not exist as a country until 1922 .and most of the population  in Ukraine are Russians the grater part of what it is Ukraine now  used to be Russia including Crimea.i think this is one of the most informative programs for some one who whats to  know the truth .

  2. draco6543 October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    What he is not mentioning is genocidal Jews are behind all of this. That is who the Neo-Cons are, they wish to start a disastrous war that will destroy Russia, Ukraine, and much of Europe and America as well. He's half right about this being about global hegemony, but what he's leaving out is whose hegemony. What all this is about is furthering JEWISH global hegemony.

  3. Nicholas Rush October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    One of many, a new world order, each day my minds eye sees another shade colder. The stars and the stripes mean a lot in my heart, the founding fathers message, why’d it have to depart? When tyranny strikes this land, in the guise of enemies overseas, the grand scam was planned, our true role in the middle east. They said rebellion to tyranny is obedience to god, repeating the term tyranny as if to foreshadow a facade. We fund the terrorists right? Then they turn their backs on us, same thing happened with Saddam, the bubble surely busts. Brought him up on a rope, then hung him with the same, our flag should be all red, that’s the color we have stained. Liberty won’t last, unless the knowledge spreads like fire, we’re past that stage already, plan unfolding they conspired. Trading liberty for security, simply doesn’t work, for we end up losing both, behind the masks they sit and smirk. Sermons written by a man, god’s will never inked, for what was written could’ve been contorted by a shrink; a racist or a murderer, could have written anything. Yet questioning is out of the question, so falsehood we will cling. The day our minds awaken as one, the liberty bells will ring! Take our America back, before it’s far too late, tyranny is lurking, through deception guides their traits. Whoever issues currency, controls the state as well, writing all the rules of the road, we’re lodged to buy and sell. Snatch the rights from our hands, for the private and elite, everything and the shirt on our back, even how we speak. Guns will kill a man, though a system that deceives, will rob the world of substance, stripping love to leave light thieved. A government so vast, they could grant your every wish, then feed you till you overflow, still you don’t know how to fish. Could grab it back at any time, don’t believe me just you wait, trampling the constitution, truly seals our fate. You call it patriotism, I say that it’s a veil, want to know where the blood is shed? Just follow the paper trail. Liberty once lost is truly gone forever, so with speed we need to plant the seeds to restore; and solve this grand endeavor!

  4. Brendan McMahan October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    Jeff's latest:

    And what shall we say of the Ukrainian girl who, a year ago, pleaded for assistance in freeing her country? “I want you to know why,” she said, “thousands of people all over my country are on the streets. There is only one reason. We want to be free from dictatorship…. We are civilized people … not a Soviet Union. We want our courts not to be corrupted. We want to be free.”

    Is that really so hard to believe?

    “I know that maybe tomorrow we will have no phone, no internet connection, and we will be alone here,” the Ukrainian girl explained. “And maybe police men will murder us one after another when it will be dark here. That’s why I ask you now to help us. We have this freedom in our hearts…. You can help us by sharing this with your friends…. Show that you support us.”

    Of course, there are many people in eastern and southern Ukraine who disagree with such sentiments. In eastern Ukraine the Russian lies are accepted out of fear of the unknown, and from a misplaced ethnic pride.

    Obviously, the Russian strategists have not been idle in Ukraine. Moscow’s agents have been very busy discrediting those who want real freedom. By calling the protestors in Kiev “Nazis,” and by saying that their goal is to kill ethnic Russians, we detect the dishonesty of the "other" side.

    It only takes a moment of reflection to realize that there can be no movement in Ukraine to kill ethnic Russians. In truth, the difference between Ukrainians and Russians is so negligible that such a campaign would be impracticable if not laughable.

    Was America sending billions to help the Ukrainians win their freedom? It may be true, though the origin of money from the West is not invariably given by those wicked malefactors at the infamous CIA.

    There are many in the West who would like to see Ukraine’s economy freed from its post-Soviet shackles. There are many who would like to see real freedom in every country of the world. But is this enthusiasm found in Obama’s White House? In truth, we may doubt the White House wants trouble with Russia.

    Obama is not a Russia-hater. He is not pushing for a massive rearmament. He has never been particularly strong on freedom for the Russian or Ukrainian people. And the CIA has not had an effective track record operating in this part of the world.

    Whatever money millionaires gave, whatever advice diplomats   gave to Euromaidan, it was from the heart (i.e., from those who wanted something good for the Ukrainian people). Yet we may admit that these generous people never understood the real situation in Ukraine; for they probably did not understand that Moscow has always viewed “independent” Ukraine as a fiction.

    As David Remnick explained, “In Putin’s mind, Ukraine is not a nation….” Or as Putin told President Bush, “You have to understand, George. Ukraine is not even a country.”

    end excerpt     J.R.Nyquist author at


  5. Isao MACHII October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    The Road to World War 3: Ukraine, Russia and American Imperialism:

  6. Jim Elias October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    "Hegenomy" = "don't take me seriously"

  7. Daniel Gilliéron October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    World War 3 will unfortunately be unavoidable. Baha'u'llah (1817 – 1892) declared that first, the nations of the world will arm themselves with infernal engines of war, and when fully armed will attack each other like bloodthirsty beasts. As a result, there will be enormous bloodshed throughout the world. Then the wise men from all nations will gather together to investigate the cause of such bloodshed. They will come to the conclusion that prejudices were the cause, a major form being religious prejudice. They will therefore try to eliminate religion so as to eliminate prejudice. Later they will realize that man cannot live without religion. Then they will study the teachings of all religions to see which of the religions conforms to the prevailing conditions of the time. It is then that the Cause of God (The Baha’i Faith) will become universal.

  8. Virza Martin October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    I always wander do the US would like to have NATO base in Red Square too? 

  9. El Grosso Ties the Knot October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    6:47 – did Paul Roberts just say that GERMANY kept its own currency? Man oh man oh man….

  10. Dragan Stanković October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    13:33 dr Paul Craig Roberts: American Press  functions as a propaganda macine- presstitutes itself.

  11. Александр Козырев October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    If you want war, we'll give it to you
    ps Russian people

  12. Old Slaw October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    US should pay dearly for the death of ordinary Ukrainians, Yugoslavs, Libyans, Iraqis, Afghans, Iranians, Syrians. US terrorizing the world.

  13. Dydreth October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    If this entire incident was created in order to spread the desire for war around the world, judging by the comments here, it's working.  Most Americans do not want war, nor do we want people around the world to be hurt in these God awful conflicts.  When I see the footage coming out of Ukraine, I can't help but think that these people just want to live their lives just as I do.  
    Not fighting the wars of these psychopaths is the only way for any of us to win.  It's time for poor men to stop dieing in rich men's wars.  I wish the Russian and Ukrainian people the best.

  14. Dan M October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    What people must understand here is that there is little to no distinction between the US, UK, Israel and EU. On paper, they appear to be separate entities, independent states, but the reality is that each one is owned and controlled by the global mafia, via the central banking system. The politicians we claim to 'elect' are nothing more than supervisors overseeing and implementing policies which come from the global mafia via their privately held central banking complex. Democracy is an utter farce, an illusion, it's sole purpose is pacification of the masses and distortion of the true nature of global hegemony. By falsely selling the romanticized notion of democracy and freedom of choice, we are lulled into a false sense of empowerment. Democratic government is nothing more than a front for the global mafia, at best, governments serve as the administrative arm of the mafia's international racketeering operation. So who are the global mafia then?

    First, I want to address the many comments here blaming the Jews. Now, in general there is no doubt that the Jews have many worrying characteristics that threaten peace. They are generally extremely racist, which is evidenced by their outright refusal to interbreed with non Jews and preserve their supposed genetic purity. They control wealth which is totally disproportionate to their numbers, and have overwhelming control of the global mainstream media and legal system. However, the Jews are not all blood thirsty supremacists, in fact, they are also used as a front by the global mafia, or a scapegoat rather. Here's how, and why…

    The Jewish race (they are a race, not a faith denomination) has been repeatedly infiltrated and manipulated by the global mafia for thousands of years. In other words, the global mafia have inserted themselves within Jewish circles, claimed to be Jews, and knowingly used this false identity as cover. The global mafia have existed since ancient Egyptian times, the pyramid is their symbol, as it serves as a visual representation of how they view the societal structuring of humanity, under their rule and direction. To understand their connection to Judaism and the Jewish race, you have to go back to biblical times and iron out the lie that is the story of Moses and how he saved the Hebrews..

    The mafia traditionally used Egypt as their base in the beginning, however, as the world got bigger they realized that they couldn't infiltrate every major player with as much effectiveness as they had been doing. They needed a tribe of people, trained in their ways, driven by a sense of both injustice and fear, who they could attach themselves to and use to do their bidding for them. There were many, many semetic tribes around at that time, so they selected one, for various reasons, and the Egyptian high priests (senior global mafia figures, remember, priest means keeper of knowledge) brought this tribe out to the most remote area of desert they could find and began an astonishing program of human conditioning. The head priest, or trainer, was Moses.

    If anyone has read Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", you'll understand the brilliance of what Moses did. Plato's story talks about how humans are basically products of their environments. In his example, he talks about how one could raise people in a secluded environment, or cave, and completely alter and distort those people's perceptions of their environment and reality. The talks about how the people would see shadows from the light above ground and not know what they were, and that they would therefore believe whatever their hidden rulers told them these shadows were. So, when this tribe was lead out to the desert for over 40 years, they were basically being re-conditioned and altered into serving as a proxy for the mafia.

    The bibles tells of "every first born son of Egypt" in a totally incorrect context. The aim was that all of the tribes children below a certain age would taken, and then raised in completely manufactured environment. These children would have no knowledge of their heritage, of the world beyond, or of their grandparents stories and beliefs. Moses was tasked with indoctrinating them and training them in political and financial warfare tactics. They were told that they had been chosen by god, banished by all foreigners because of their special place in gods eyes. For a child with no concept of reality, this is pretty effective indoctrination.

    As adults, now with children of their own, after 40 years of training, the mafia then told them that god was rewarding them and would lead them out of the desert into the nations of the world. They were given commandments and promised riches and success. One of these commandments, and I'm quoting the bible here, was: "“You shall not charge interest on loans to your brother, interest on money, interest on food, interest on anything that is lent for interest. You may charge a foreigner interest, but you may not charge your brother interest, that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you undertake in the land that you are entering to take possession of it".

    The tribe, infiltrated and occupied by mafia parasites, was then sent back into the world and gradually displaced among all nations. With the wealthy backing of the mafia, this was an achievable goal, although there have been many expulsions of the Jews throughout history. To this day, the global mafia still dominate the world through monopoly of finance, media, law and most importantly, knowledge. If you have any US dollars on your possession take it out and have a look, there's a pyramid symbol on the back, just like the ones built in their honour in Eygpt after their founding thousands of years ago. The Jews, while not perfect, are not all complicit in a collective conspiracy, they're a proxy vessel the mafia have used for several millennia. They've been conditioned and trained to be political and financial agents, and when there's a backlash people have always attacked and expelled them, while the global mafia's existence remains hidden within.

    How do I know this? Well, I'm sorry, but I can't tell you specifics. I'd recommend you start by examining Egyptian history, especially their symbology inside the pyramids, then just go from there and the rest will unravel.

  15. Dan M October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    I want to address the many comments here blaming the Jews. Now, in general there is no doubt that the Jews have many worrying characteristics that threaten peace. They are generally extremely racist, which is evidenced by their outright refusal to interbreed with non Jews and preserve their supposed genetic purity. They control wealth which is totally disproportionate to their numbers, and have overwhelming control of the global mainstream media and legal system. However, the Jews are not all blood thirsty supremacists, in fact, they are also used as a front by the global mafia, or a scapegoat rather. Here's how, and why…
     The Jewish race (they are a race, not a faith denomination) has been repeatedly infiltrated and manipulated by the global mafia for thousands of years. In other words, the global mafia have inserted themselves within Jewish circles, claimed to be Jews, and knowingly used this false identity as cover. The global mafia have existed since ancient Egyptian times, the pyramid is their symbol, as it serves as a visual representation of how they view the societal structuring of humanity, under their rule and direction. To understand their connection to Judaism and the Jewish race, you have to go back to biblical times and iron out the lie that is the story of Moses and how he saved the Hebrews..
     The mafia traditionally used Egypt as their base in the beginning, however, as the world got bigger they realized that they couldn't infiltrate every major player with as much effectiveness as they had been doing. They needed a tribe of people, trained in their ways, driven by a sense of both injustice and fear, who they could attach themselves to and use to do their bidding for them. There were many, many semetic tribes around at that time, so they selected one, for various reasons, and the Egyptian high priests (senior global mafia figures, remember, priest means keeper of knowledge) brought this tribe out to the most remote area of desert they could find and began an astonishing program of human conditioning. The head priest, or trainer, was Moses.
    If anyone has read Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", you'll understand the brilliance of what Moses did. Plato's story talks about how humans are basically products of their environments. In his example, he talks about how one could raise people in a secluded environment, or cave, and completely alter and distort those people's perceptions of their environment and reality. He talks about how the people would see shadows from the light above ground and not know what they were, and that they would therefore believe whatever their hidden rulers told them these shadows were. So, when this tribe was lead out to the desert for over 40 years, they were basically being re-conditioned and altered into serving as a proxy for the mafia.
     The bibles tells of Moses's "every first born son of Egypt" declaration in a totally incorrect context. The aim was that all of the tribes children below a certain age would taken, and then raised in completely manufactured environment. These children would have no knowledge of their heritage, of the world beyond, or of their grandparents stories and beliefs. Moses was tasked with indoctrinating them and training them in political and financial warfare tactics. They were told that they had been chosen by god, banished by all foreigners because of their special place in gods eyes. For a child with no concept of reality, this is pretty effective indoctrination.
     As adults, now with children of their own, after 40 years of training, the mafia then told them that god was rewarding them and would lead them out of the desert into the nations of the world. They were given commandments and promised riches and success. One of these commandments, and I'm quoting the bible here, was: "“You shall not charge interest on loans to your brother, interest on money, interest on food, interest on anything that is lent for interest. You may charge a foreigner interest, but you may not charge your brother interest, that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you undertake in the land that you are entering to take possession of it".
    The tribe, infiltrated and occupied by mafia parasites, was then sent back into the world and gradually displaced among all nations. With the wealthy backing of the mafia, this was an achievable goal, although there have been many expulsions of the Jews throughout history. To this day, the global mafia still dominate the world through monopoly of finance, media, law and most importantly, knowledge. If you have any US dollars on your possession take it out and have a look, there's a pyramid symbol on the back, just like the ones built in their honour in Eygpt after their founding thousands of years ago. The Jews, while not perfect, are not all complicit in a collective conspiracy, they're a proxy vessel the mafia have used for several millennia. They've been conditioned and trained to be political and financial agents, and when there's a backlash people have always attacked and expelled them, while the global mafia's existence remains hidden within.
     How do I know this? Well, I'm sorry, but I can't tell you specifics. I'd recommend you start by examining Egyptian history, especially their symbology inside the pyramids, then just go from there and the rest will unravel. The late Russian general Petrov knew all about the structures of the global mafia, as do quite a few in certain circles, sadly though he was assassinated shortly after he began giving lectures about the mafia in Russia.

  16. joey florez October 19, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    Let's Hope Russia Defeats Americunt Imperialism.

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