US developing genocidal bio-weapons: Prominent author

truther August 10, 2012 8

A prominent political analyst says the United States has proposed a bio-weapon that would destroy the part of the human brain associated with spirituality.

“An apparent Pentagon video, leaked by the hacker group Anonymous, details US military plans to develop and deploy a biological weapon that would destroy people’s receptivity to religion in targeted Muslim populations,” Dr. Kevin Barrett wrote in an article on Press TV website.

Barrett went on to say that the proposed bio-weapon would be distributed in flu vaccines and would “alter human genomic expression to produce a sort of chemical lobotomy.”

The analyst further described the Pentagon project as a clear act of genocide under international law.

“The culture of Islamic societies is an intensely religious culture; indeed, it is strong religiosity that holds these societies together. The murder of the central feature of the culture of 1.5 billion people would be by far the worst genocide ever attempted or even contemplated,” he added.

Barrett further argued that the Pentagon plan is a threat to all of humanity as religion and spirituality demand work towards justice. Therefore, the US plans to erase all the religious and spiritual resistance in the world in order to gain more power and invade nations.

“The Pentagon, whose job is to massacre the just on behalf of the wicked, would be happy – even ecstatic – if there were no-one left on earth who cared about justice. If they cannot kill off the just, the Pentagon psychopaths will be happy to give everyone a bio-chemical anti-spirituality lobotomy so that nobody will ever again work for justice in this world. This would, of course, signal the end of humanity,” he concluded.

The Pentagon, whose job is to massacre the just on behalf of the wicked, would be happy – even ecstatic – if there were no-one left on earth who cared about justice. If they cannot kill off the just, the Pentagon psychopaths will be happy to give everyone a bio-chemical anti-spirituality lobotomy so that nobody will ever again work for justice in this world. This would, of course, signal the end of humanity.”

Dr. Kevin Barrett


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  1. Dan Gilfry August 22, 2012 at 2:51 pm - Reply

    And that is the one goal of Satan; to get all MORONS to believe the lies of Satan and his Jews!
    I’d have to say he’s succeeded very well.
    Just lucky that a few of us still believe in God and
    still have our brains in our HEADS, instead of
    up our BUTTS!
    All of those who delight in having a kosher wiener
    up the old kiester, tickling the brain, can look
    forward to having one there for all eternity
    when they are condemned to Hell with their
    good-buddies the Jews! Mazel tov!

  2. Jade August 17, 2012 at 8:40 pm - Reply

    One minute we’re told that “Islam is evil” and now we’re told that this weapon would “kill off the just”? So which is it? Are they evil or are they just? Make up your minds already! Pfft!

  3. Zombie Survivalist August 11, 2012 at 4:54 am - Reply

    Religious fanatics are just so: Fanatical. You see it as God’s and Humanity pitting against the demon’s of the impending Armageddon. I see it as a small planet that had been used up so badly, resources are becoming so little due to our overpopulation. It is hexing homosexuality, plague and suicide, the only defense nature has against over-populated species (aside natural disasters), that has given us this problem. It is the trillions upon trillions of dollars that we insisted on creating when currency was born, being wasted on political and religious views, when we could be colonizing other planets and allow ourselves to grow evolve. Our evolution is stagnant, our minds becoming placid and stupid. If we continue on this path, the self-proficy of Armageddon will certainly come, though you’ll be dissapointed when it is not God and Satan, but our own selves, that destroy this planet, and we cease to exist as a species. Good job world.

  4. End time servant August 11, 2012 at 1:31 am - Reply

    I think we vaccinate the luciferians and there minions with some truth and find out what part of there brain is infected thus knowing what shoot to give and help relieve there evil ways thus putting a damper on lucifer

  5. karla August 11, 2012 at 12:24 am - Reply

    Almighty GOD is Sovereign and “Created” the Evil as well as the Good. He does His Will and Pleasure, and contrary to carnal mans fleshly thoughts and lacking True Faith that GOD will DO what He promised. GOD Created satan and his angels to SERVE only GODS perfect plan that ALL might be saved. PRAISE JEHOVAH in JESUS HOLY NAME…AMEN!

  6. jean moreau August 10, 2012 at 10:32 pm - Reply

    the U.S. was developing something like this years ago which would have turned all the Arabs into pederasts, until someone informed them that that was already the case.

  7. Dan Gilfry August 10, 2012 at 8:37 pm - Reply

    It is said that Satan would be set loose, like some evil messenger, at the end of time. We have seen him start two world wars and steal Palestine from the Palestinians. We have seen him turn America and the free world into a huge, Jewish concentration camp. We have seen him steal from the poor and give to his already rich children, the Jews. We have seen him pervert and desecrate everything that we human beings hold sacred. Now he is taking the final steps to ensure we don’t revolt when his children, the Jews, start yet another world war.
    But we should not fear Satan and his Jews. God has promised us He will come to our aid in the final battle, Armageddon, when human beings unite to wipe out Satan and his Jews for all eternity!

    • alex August 11, 2012 at 4:46 am - Reply

      You see it won’t be the end of the world just the end of time.

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