USA Attacking Syria Over Gas Attacks – World War 3?

Pakalert August 28, 2013 20

Syria’s foreign minister challenged the Obama administration and its allies on Tuesday to “produce the evidence” showing Bashar Assad’s government was …


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  1. Danae O. January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    Because I it was so nice to live in fear of having your city destroyed in a matter of minutes, I imagine. The war in Vietnam, where thousands of American and Vietnamese soldiers were pointlessly sent to die, was totally worth it. And the population of North Korea is almost completely isolated from the rest of the world. That must be fun.
    We came very, very close to the start of a nuclear war with the missile crisis in Cuba. I believe world leaders are stupid enough to do it, yes.

  2. Danae O. January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    As I said, empathy and collaboration are needed in order for us to have a moral code and work as a society. Empathy is what differentiates a "normal" person from a sociopath. Yes, emotions should not affect our perception of reality and phenomena, but a code of ethics is always required for a scientist.
    One thing is being rational, another is disregarding the welfare of others to achieve your goals. And ANOTHER is to justify death in the name of science.

  3. Carbosful January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    Well thats kind of obvious. Every country back then and still now are still out for themselves mostly. Just like any aspect of life really… You come first before a stranger do you not? It seems like you are being ignorant in this case. You are blaming someone else for looking out for themselves. Don't forget usa has lended to absolute most aid and has given the absolute most to help fight communism around the globe, With the truman doctrine and the marshall plan. 

  4. Carbosful January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    The ones actually stupid enough to believe that usa and soviet would go on a suicide mission ending in a kamikaze match were plain stupid.

    Both the Ussr and the usa are not retarded. When two super powers wage a nuclear war nothing will ever happen. As both countries are not stupid enough to suicide each other.

    This is proven in the cold war. A 46 year long threat war ending with nothing but threats. 

  5. Manuel Alanis January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply


  6. amir rock January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    Not Canada

  7. Danae O. January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    I'm saying that war is not only a consequence of conflict, it's also a cause. WWI was supposed to be the "war that will end all wars", but it ended up being one of the factors that gave way for the rise of the Nazi Party and WWII. The Cold War ended up dividing the world, and some countries remain divided to this day. "help fight communism"? You have to wonder if USA's methods or even goals were as good as you say. They were almost as (if not just as) extreme as Soviet Russia's.

  8. Danae O. January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    I'm saying that war is not only a consequence of conflict, it's also a cause. WWI was supposed to be the "war that will end all wars", but it ended up being one of the factors that gave way for the rise of the Nazi Party and WWII. The Cold War ended up dividing the world, and some countries remain divided to this day. "help fight communism"? You have to wonder if USA's methods or even goals were as good as you say. They were almost as (if not just as) extreme as Soviet Russia's.

  9. Danae O. January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    I'm saying that war is not only a consequence of conflict, it's also a cause. WWI was supposed to be the "war that will end all wars", but it ended up being one of the factors that gave way for the rise of the Nazi Party and WWII. The Cold War ended up dividing the world, and some countries remain divided to this day. "help fight communism"? You have to wonder if USA's methods or even goals were as good as you say. They were almost as (if not just as) extreme as Soviet Russia's.

  10. Danae O. January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    I'm saying that war is not only a consequence of conflict, it's also a cause. WWI was supposed to be the "war that will end all wars", but it ended up being one of the factors that gave way for the rise of the Nazi Party and WWII. The Cold War ended up dividing the world, and some countries remain divided to this day. "help fight communism"? You have to wonder if USA's methods or even goals were as good as you say. They were almost as (if not just as) extreme as Soviet Russia's.

  11. Danae O. January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    Stupidity is infinite and unpredictable, and humans (especially rich, war-funded, power-hungry politicians) can make VERY stupid decisions. And even if a nuclear war didn't actually happen, the Cold War caused actual civil wars in several countries, gave way to coups and dictatorships, and divided the world more than ever in history.

  12. Danae O. January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    My point is, even though war can force scientists to push research forward, it in itself is no excuse for forcing thousands of people to die (soldiers and civils alike) for something that doesn't necessarily affect them, and not even directly. There's already research. There's something called "love for what you're doing". There's always motivation (which is emotional) for discovery.

  13. Carbosful January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    USA and has given more money to help fight communism than any other country in the world. They have given more aid than any country would dream of. Most countries do not give a rats ass about anyone other than themselves, I hope you realize this. And I hope you do some research before you make false assumptions.

  14. Carbosful January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    One problem with your "love for what you'r doing"…
    This isn't the 1600's where science can be revolutionized with some house hold appliances and a great mind..

    Advancing most fields today require HUGE amounts of funding. Like building the Large Hadron Collider. Most of this funding comes from government funds and or operations. We are talking about billions of dollars. No one other than the government is going to poor billions of dollars into researches like fusion.

  15. Carbosful January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    And yet it revolutionized how we live today for the better. It has given us a better understanding of the world that we live in. And it has given us much more knowledge of the universe.

  16. Survivalistforllife January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    O.k., first of all, when you say "infidels", you are referring to infidelity, not Christianity. So do you know how stupid you sound when you say that? Because Christians are FORGIVEN of our sins, even if 'infidelity' was one of them, they are erased from the book of judgement, and there isn't a thing you can do about it.
    And I think thats what you hate most: that through OUR SAVIOR Jesus Christ, we are freed from sin, freed from judgement, and allah can't offer the same to muslims. -Sorry!

  17. cocacolaopenhappines January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    WARNING! WARNING! Jesus is coming he died on the cross and rose again.Jesus promised to come back time is short he
    is not coming in another thousand years but in our generation.All biblical revelations are coming? true,
    and go down to the one that says FINAL EVENTS OF BIBLE PROPHECY.Jesus loves you amen.

  18. Iceblue102 January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    US credibility plummeted from here. Every mention of REDLINE,  CHEMICAL WEAPON, ASSAD TO GO  by either Kerry, Obama, UN or others  is like stabbing themselves with their own words. 

  19. GamingChente January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    Golf thing lots of people in USA play shooting games 

  20. SuperElite27000000 January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    Watch out, Obama has a red line!

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