When Will Enough Be Enough America?

truther April 26, 2013 11


If the reality hasn’t dawned on you by now, you may well be a leftist.

The truth is that I cannot recall in my lifetime when our government has been so corrupt, so filled with lawless individuals who only think of themselves and not what is truly best for Americans.

 When Will Enough Be Enough America

America has a government that is slowly strangling the liberty out of its citizens and even though there are plenty of conservatives who rail against it, work to change it, and understand what is coming if we fail, the difficulty is that those in our government (aided and abetted by the media) do what they want to do anyway, often in total disregard for the rule of law.  It’s not only maddeningly frustrating, but it goes against the very core of the Constitution.

America is a Constitutional Republic and I’m sure you know that.  As such, we elect individuals who are duty bound to uphold and protect the Constitution upon which this country is founded.  We do not elect individuals so that they will do what the perceived majority wants done.  That kind of government is a Democracy, which America is not.

Even Obama gets this confused with his remarks about 90% of Americans wanting stricter gun control.  First of all, he’s lying because that percentage is something he pulled out of the vapid environment in his head.  Secondly, it does not matter if 100% of Americans wanted greater gun control measures to be enacted.  That percentage has nothing to do with anything and he knows that, but simply refuses to acknowledge it.  The Constitution clearly defines the 2nd Amendment as the right to keep and bear arms and it shall not be infringed.  Simple.  Clear.  Definitive. Elected officials are supposed to do all in their power to protect, uphold, and defend the Constitution, not engage in every subterfuge they can think of to circumvent or overturn it.

We have a Congress that passed Obamacare without even reading it and now is secretly trying to exempt themselves (and their staffs) from it that very legislation they created.  They couldn’t care less about us.

Our country is overrun with illegal aliens (No, they are not guest immigrants, Mr. Obama!), lawless Islamists, Communists, Marxists, and Socialists and others who want to see America destroyed.  It’s happening right before our eyes and it is the most frustrating thing I’ve ever witnessed because it seems that no matter what conservatives do, we cannot override the problem because no help comes from those who are duty bound to uphold the Constitution.

In the past few days we’ve witnessed bombs going off in Boston.  Days afterwards, while trying to find the one remaining suspect, the entire city was virtually shut down under unofficial Martial Law.  The worst part?  No one complained about it.  Overall, law enforcement was given high marks for temporarily eradicating the 4th Amendment.  Do people even think anymore?  Are they so concerned about their own safety that they are willing to have their rights removed without so much as a “but”?  Apparently this is the case, and you can be assured our government took notice…with delight.

We’ve also seen a Saudi national go from “suspect” to “witness” to “nobody,” but soon to be deported.  Why is he being deported if he supposedly has nothing to do with the Boston bombings?

We’ve heard Janet Napolitano testify before Congressional groups about this same Saudi national and it turns out that she lied.  Moreover, we have seen both Obama and Napolitano decide that they will no longer deport people who are illegally here.  This has forced the union for ICE agents to take Napolitano and the DHS to court so that a judge will force her to allow ICE agents to do their jobs!

We are witnessing one of the most disgusting, egregious criminal trials in recent history with Kermit Gosnell, the Abortionist facing 380 criminal counts.  Five of those counts are murder charges.  We have learned just how squalid the conditions were at Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors abortion clinic in Philadelphia and we have heard testimony and seen graphic photos proving that as far as Kermit Gosnell is concerned, the life of an unborn child is absolutely worthless.

In all of this, as mentioned, the media aids and abets.  It tries very hard to place blame where it does not belong (on the right).  When the facts do come out (no thanks to this same media), talking heads do all they can to spin things so that somehow, the right is still to blame.

If I were a quitting man, I would say that we have lost the battle.  However, I know the truth and the truth is that even though things look bad, God is in control.  Even if the right ends up losing, the fact is that we must continue the fight for what is right.  God expects that of us and will empower us to do so.  He wins in the end anyway.

Looking at our world today is not a pleasant thing to do.  We are overrun by the emotional virtue of political correctness and the arrogant lawlessness that results from it.  Those people who are part of the PC arena are not interested in justice.  They are only interested in the nebulousness “equality” and “freedom,” as defined by them, not anyone else.

Because of the attitudes of many today, lawlessness is at an all-time high.  The most tragic part is that society is not at its worst yet.  The apostle Paul sums it up neatly for us in his second letter to Timothy.

But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,” (2 Timothy 3:1-4).

Are we there yet?  We are definitely on our way.  Stay strong.  Be resolute.  Trust in God.

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  1. James M Nunes April 28, 2013 at 10:49 pm - Reply

    The Two Future Predictions of the Entire World Wide Collapse of the Financial Base of the Economic System and World War 111.
    1-The financial base will collapse from within. It will self destruct and go bankrupt.
    2-The agenda of the Elite Lawyer Politicians, Bankers and Industrialist of the NWO that are in collusion wan’t to get rid of 90% of the world population through euphonasia by having a justifiable gencide war. The surplus industrial army of nearly 7 billion people that are consuming the resourses are no longer needed. Computerized industrial robots are replacing most of the workers in the assembly line in the factories. Even the jobs that have been outsourced off shore will be eventually replaced with machines. If you do not have a high tech skill or are not a professional, you are expendible.

  2. Mahomed Saleem Moorad April 27, 2013 at 2:59 am - Reply

    despite all the proof that the US govt has been taken over by Zionist Jews who collaborate with other corrupt US citizens in senior govt, military & financial position to use the US military to invade & loot other countries, you still have many people who REFUSE to accept the truth.
    they see muslims/islam as enemy no1 & see the gullible cowards serving in the military as “heroes”.
    why cant they at least be honest about this part & say:
    “our sons & daughters joined the military cos times are hard & this is the only job they could find-killing innocent people halfway around the world to help the Zionists steal their natural resources”
    what the US govt & military is doing is making you people make enemies of people who have done you no harm & have nothing against you.
    then when these people retaliate against those invading their lands, you call them terrorists?

    • 5 War Veteran April 27, 2013 at 4:12 am - Reply

      Excellent post! Sadly most readers will see your name and discount your words because they are already too mind washed to recognize the truth when it smacks them in the face.

      Also it is not fair to consider American soldiers as “gullible cowards”. They are in essence victims of very effective mind washing tactics. every day. Indoctrinations and briefings, deceptions of “Army of One” propaganda borne out of religion and media. Video games of killing and of course the ever constant canned radio that can be heard in every military facility.

      They are not allowed to think for themselves.

      You are correct many kids join the military for “JOB” and their parents allow them because they were raised to believe it was an honorable pursuit. I was drafted when defeating the “Red Communist” threat was the agenda. I served for 22 years, I helped push Iraq out of Kuwait and the people loved us for doing so. Not all military events are for the worse but all of them are nasty. I witnessed American and Kuwaiti soldiers who were hung outside second story windows in downtown Kuwait their skin flayed off their bodies. Where did you think the movie “Predator” got it’s muse?

      What message did the Iraqi military intend to send that day? It had nothing to do with religion. It has all to do with sending a message of fear, all it did do though was piss us off.

      Like you, I see the Zionists as the root of all evil but we have to be fair here now don’t we? Not all Jews are Zionists many are just misled sheeple.

      The fact remains that the Jewish Torah, is the basis of the Christian Old Testament and the first half of the Qur`an.

      It is the progenitor of the concepts of extermination of all non-believers whether it is the Gentiles, the non-Christians or the Infidels. You know as well as I do that the concept of taking advantage of the gentiles is a religiously promoted belief and it remains so in the Muslim religion as well. Christians do it too but they are too stupid to recognize it.

      When it comes to the Zionist Elite we are all Goyim, meaning sub human and therefore no more valuable than pigs. Kafirs are seen much in the same way.

      The Qur`an puts it this way:

      Unbelievers are described by Muhammad (in the Qur’an) as “the vilest of animals” and “losers.” Christians and Jews are hated by Allah to the extent that they are destined for eternal doom as a result of their beliefs. It would make no sense for Muhammad to then recommend them to be taken in as friends by Muslims. In fact, the Qur’an plainly commands believers not to take unbelievers as friends.

      So in all three of the religions and their many sects, 2000 alone for Christianity and 73 for Muslim and 42 for Judaism. (shows the Christians are even more confused)

      Even within those sects as I was raised, we were told not to befriend Catholics. Both Christian but it severely limited friendship. All bull crap anyway. As a child I realized that the religion I was force fed has little to no value and so I studied many religions.

      What did I learn?

      One cannot trust the teachings of men and one cannot trust any religion that teaches not to question. Why would it be forbidden to eat from the tree of knowledge unless it hides the truth.

      With more than 200 inconsistencies in the Old Testament alone how can it be considered “the word of God”?

      Now for a real eye opener. In my research I started learning to translate the old texts from the original languages and when Moses talks to YAHWEH on the mountain he asks Yahweh “Why should I choose you over the other gods?”
      “Other Gods?” “Choose you?”
      Kind of puts a whole new meaning on “Chosen People” now doesn’t it?

      In the Torah/Old Testament/Qur`an Yahweh was an “in person” god. Meaning he was really there in the flesh and he remained there until right around 300BC. Then he left. Why? The Jews do not say why, they do not even say he left but suddenly “God” becomes this etheric being who hangs with us a a ghost. WHAT?

      In the first 20 books of the Old testament as translated from the original texts I found it quite interesting that the “gods” flew around in vessels. Why would a “god” need a vessel? After all he/they is god now isn’t he?
      Also in every instance where “angels” are mentioned, they do not have wings and are only messengers. So where did the wings come from?

      For the readers look up the works of Vatican translator Mauro Biglino he has some excellent videos on Youtube and an excellent book as well.

      So where do we go from here?

    • doesntmatter April 27, 2013 at 9:50 pm - Reply

      nice post. the bully gets away with stealing and taking everyones lunch money and candy, until either the bullied join together and take him down, or someone bigger and more powerful (ie a big sibling of the bullied) takes him down….either way, no bully reigns forever.
      you know, when I think of evil, it doesn’t have a name or face or color or organization or religion or age…all it has are actions that harm a living being for any reason besides the food cycle. no man can eliminate evil, the world is actually saturated with it due TO man…so if we don’t have anything better than man to look to for achieving elimination of evil…where DO we go from here?

  3. Thorin April 27, 2013 at 2:33 am - Reply


  4. Tim April 27, 2013 at 1:37 am - Reply

    Obama is a scum bag liar. A cheat. He is taking the rights of the Americans and pushing his lies daily. How can people be so blind. How? Oh heres 1 way. They get all you on anti depresants. Your kids even your pets are probably needing them. Well noone needs the fda shit pills. How can you put that crap in your body. Have you read the side effects folks. Wow. Obama care. Yes I bet. More like Obama dont care. Not about your well being nor your health. Nor your rights. This is only the start people. Wake up.

  5. 5 War Veteran April 26, 2013 at 11:13 pm - Reply

    “The worst part? No one complained about it.”
    Ok that IS an assumption! Just because the Elite controlled media did not report it does not mean people did not complain about it.

    “Our country is overrun with illegal aliens”

    “(No, they are not guest immigrants, Mr. Obama!)”
    You left out “undocumented Americans” LOL!

    “lawless Islamists, Communists, Marxists, and Socialists and others who want to see America destroyed.”
    Again another assumption. Perhaps one the elite wants you to have because they portray all these people negatively while at the same time leave the borders open for their nearly unfettered ingress. A double standard here? Ask “Why isn’t the Government enforcing immigration laws already in existence?”
    Ask, “Why we have a CIA and FBI that seem to be at the root of the evil?”
    Ask, “Why has “national security and homeland security” been used to force un Constitutional activities against honest Americans?” Of course I am speaking about unlawful search and seizure bu the TSA. Not to mention their ever increasing theft of honest Americans private belongings. The list of TSA crime against passengers is nearing or has already surpassed 500 employees having been fired for stealing from passengers. Why don’t we hear about that? Why don’t we hear about the fact that TO DATE not one single terrorist, even those on CIA and FBI watch lists has not been caught or apprehended and instead we hear about how both those organization have ASSISTED persons on their watch lists?

    “We’ve heard Janet Napolitano testify before Congressional groups about this same Saudi national and it turns out that she lied.”
    No Shit? a “politician lied? Really? Uh here is a real eye opener remember Obama’s campaign promises? He lied too. So we have ascertained that Politicians lie and government agencies lie and billions of dollars disappeared into government black holes and the offices responsible both in the Pentagon and the WTC were hit DIRECTLY by “planes” (not to mention the safe at the bottom of the WTC was found EMPTY) Just sayin! And NOBODY was held responsible? Hmmm I wonder why?

    Wait till you see what they are going to do to your safety deposit boxes and banking accounts in short order. Is that when you will get pissed? Hey it already has happened! Who do you think is paying for that 10 trillion dollar bailout? YOU ARE!

    Did you sign up for that? Did you give “implied consent”? The US Government ASSumes you did.

    So why not pick up the abortion issue? How about picking up the media glorification of rampant uncontrolled sexuality issue? Viagra, 9 bra blowout, “Lost Girl” and the multitudes of other television shows that promote irresponsible sex. Guardasil,”because you know she will!”

    Who created this? The elite owned media! Who allowed this? WE DID! While many Americans have spoken about this an even greater amount sat on their hind ends and like Sheep did nothing..

    “However, I know the truth and the truth is that even though things look bad, God is in control.”

    Excuse me? “God is in control”? What? I suppose Obama is President because “god” wanted it?’ Well I cannot compete with that kind of circular thinking. Remember it is “Forbidden to eat from the tree of knowledge.” Why? Because the religious Elite do not want you to pay attention and realize they have used “god” as an excuse to commit atrocity. They would rather you remain the “flock”. (their term for sheeple) They want to lead you around and herd you and send you to the slaughter at their time of choosing.

    Come on man you are almost there, almost fully awake.

    I mean no disrespect to the Creator but it allows things to happen and most times for experience. Your experience and it’s experience. After all physics has proven that “all things in the universe are connected” which translates into we are connected undeniably to the Creator.

    We cannot blame the Creator for it gives us free will to do anything we choose right or wrong. Including free will to do the right thing. To choose to live in peace and to choose to police our world for the benefit of all, including policing our broken government, instead of allowing it to run rampant all over the other nations of this planet.

    We have to accept responsibility, we have to stop waiting for and relying on “god” or some other hero to save the day. They are not coming and God just sits back and watches us to see if we are worthy. Are we?

    “Those people who are part of the PC arena are not interested in justice.”
    Uh I need a translation of YOUR meaning on that one?

    PC arena? You mean the “blogosphere”? Are you indicating the mindless masses proud of then 1632 face book “friends” “this is living” ROTFLMAO!

    I would love to call THORIN a friend! But He does not know me and I do not know him. Instead I can say we are perhaps of like mind. I have not earned his friendship though I would like to. But as it sits both he and I are just words displayed on a 2 dimensional medium via the “cloud” called the internet. Stating that he or a myriad of Farcebook friends are really friends is like stating my 2 terabytes of data on my laptop is really heavy.

    I do appreciate Pakalert Press for allowing two way communication, unlike Ammoland that does not allow a dialog of any sort.

  6. Thorin April 26, 2013 at 11:00 pm - Reply

    Fantastic write up! I whole heartedly agree, it is so sad and so frustrating so see this once wonderful country if ours circling the drain. Things are going to get worse before they get better, but I won’t ever give up on this country! My wife and I will stand to the bitter end.

  7. Stan Sikorski April 26, 2013 at 10:47 pm - Reply

    SERF and people like you: Read the jew talmud, then read Mein Kampf, then compare those two books to modern history and you will see a pattern and the people behind that pattern. There is no Illuminati, there is no Masonic or Catholic Church conspiracy, no lizard people from the planet Yoranus. The “evil white men” are but servants or something resembling them on the outside. On the inside they are mankind’s most ancient and deadly enemy. “You will know them by what they do.” They are the destroyers, the original racists, the keepers of the goyim. They are jews.

    • 5 War Veteran April 26, 2013 at 11:20 pm - Reply

      Heck read the Koran and see how it is wonderful in the beginning and turns radical in the end and remember the change occurred when Mohammed got pissed off by the Vatican deception.
      Then include the difference between the Bible and the Koran which is: The Bible preaches that it is all “true and correct” (even though there are more than 280 direct contradictions within) and the Koran is written that new concepts supersede older concepts. In essence no confusing contradictions.
      Plus we must add in the understand that both were built upon the “foundation” of the Old Testament a convenient new name for the Torah the Israeli “bible”. The root of deception and the Talmud the root of all evil.

  8. SERF April 26, 2013 at 9:52 pm - Reply

    The fact is that the goverment stooges are all in the grip of the law of deminishing returns, that means that enough is never enough, and the more you have ,the more you want. This goes for material goods as well as power over others. You have to sell your soul to the devil to qualify. The American public are now in the hands of NAZI clones, with their ambition and goals. They will not rest untill they have achieved their objective, total dehuminization and subjection of the population. Gues what,: the same objectives and aspirations as the New World Order.Good luck, you are going to need it, but what you are going to need even more is GOD. Without Him you have no hope, and no future.temporal or hereafter.I love the American way of life and the warm hearted people. You are a great nation, but on this one you are going to have to pull together. The goverment pions are many, but they can be overcome and pushed back like you did the Brits. God bless you all and keep you from harm. Just another Patriot.

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