WW3 Brews As Nation Distracted By Trayvon Martin Case

truther July 16, 2013 4

Anthony Gucciardi

As the world reacts to the Trayvon Martin case, including prominent rappers calling out the media over its race baiting, reports detail around 160,000 Russian troops were called to ‘combat readiness’ following an Israeli strike on Russian-made missiles in Syria. 

WW3 Brews As Nation Distracted By Trayvon Martin Case

Is the nation too distracted by the George Zimmerman trial’s 24/7 news cycle to even know about this developing situation that coincides with escalating tensions between Russia and US-affiliated nations around the world?

First up is the new revelation that Israel was behind an attack on Syria that targeted Russian-made anti-ship missiles. According to the Israeli National News sources within the U.S., Israel recently launched an attack on Russian missiles that were apparently sold to Syria and stationed at a critical point within the country. Until now, it was unknown who had initiated the bombing that had rocked Latakia on July 5th.

Ultimately bombing the ‘critical point’ holding the Russian’s Yakhont anti-ship missile, Israel is believed to have initiated the bombing via aircraft or a ship in the Mediterranean. According to the anonymous U.S. official who corresponded with CNN:

“This attack was either by air raid or long-range missiles fired from boats in the Mediterranean.”

Now enter new reports surfacing from the Russian Defense Ministry on orders of Vladimir Putin that the largest military ‘state of full combat readiness’ drill is taking place with around 160,000 troops ordered to report from all corners of the military. Specifically, the translated reports detail how Putin is calling together not just Armed Forces of Russia troops, but all forms of long-range aircraft, 70 naval ships, bomber and fighter aircraft, and so on.

According to a syndicated Russian announcement:

“On Friday, during a meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu Russian, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an unexpected military drill, urging all forces to enter a state of full combat readiness on the night of July 13.”

In other words, these reports says that Putin is essentially assembling the entire military in the largest such event since the Soviet Union. This is coming in from the Russian language version of Forbes and other Russian sources translated to English.

Is this massive ‘state of full combat readiness’ initiated on July 13th just a training exercise with no further intention, or is it related to to the attack by Israel on Russian-made missiles in Syria? Whether this is truly the initiation of a massive conflict between world powers or not, it’s certainly worth the attention of the media and general public. While it does take a lot of digging to sort through all of these Russian language announcements and get to the bottom of the story, it’s much more important than what George Zimmerman’s lawyers ate for breakfast this morning.

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  1. 5 War Veteran July 16, 2013 at 10:01 pm - Reply

    Trayvon died because he made a poor choice. His parents failed in their responsibility to keep a 17 year old child from drugs and crime. When is it acceptable to allow a 17 year old out at 3 am?
    All the media racism hype is designed like smoke and mirrors to keep the people away from the crimes taking place in the background. I do not care if Angelina was stupid enough to cut her boobs off. Stupid is as stupid does and giving that any value means you are a sheep, easily led.

    • doesntmatter July 16, 2013 at 10:13 pm - Reply

      only God is to determine whether or not a life was taken in vain…and that’s in ANY situation. your mere puny imperfect dumbed down human thought doesn’t even have the capacity to explain how life began in the first place…yet you feel like you can justify when one ends…

      you can tell a countrys worth by the citizens it breeds…unfortunately most of the apples never fall too far from the tree….but THANKFULLY the tree was built near a hill, and this apple was able to roll far far away o_o

  2. doesntmatter July 16, 2013 at 8:40 pm - Reply

    “Is the nation too distracted by the George Zimmerman trial’s 24/7 news cycle to even know the rest of the world still exists??”

    what the hell do ya think? is there ever a time when the nation is not distracted from worldwide realities?? the usa is the LAND of distraction…ppl come here for ultimate distraction and debauchery…

    that’s why when real worldwide shtf, these poor mentality bred citizens will be like deer caught in headlights….simply due to distractions, if nothing else…

    and that’s also why majority of them will be snuffed out without hesitation by natives AND foreigners as if they never mattered from the beginning…cause in actuality, they didn’t, and they prove it more and more every damned day.

  3. Marie Lowrance July 16, 2013 at 8:16 pm - Reply


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