Zionist censors enabling war crimes

truther July 26, 2014 4

Kevin Barrett

During the past two weeks, a horrified world has witnessed accelerating Israeli war crimes in Gaza. Those crimes are enabled by the United States, Israel’s biggest backer on the world stage.

Why does the US support Israel? Because Americans have been robbed of the freedom to think and speak freely about Zionism.

Zionist censors enabling war crimes

The United States of America is supposed to be a bastion of free expression. The courts have ruled that even the most lurid and depraved words and pictures are entitled to Constitutional protection.

Yet in the self-styled Land of the Free, an “apartheid wall of censorship” blocks the free expression of anti-Zionist arguments.

This censorship is not directly imposed by the government. The real enemy of free speech is the Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC).

In his book The Power of Israel in the United States, professor James Petras identified the ZPC as the source of that power. The ZPC is led by AIPAC, the most powerful lobby in America. It includes the 51 Major American Jewish Organizations, which are backed by only about one half million of America’s six million Jews. That is less than 10% of the total. But as Petras says, “what a half million!” He adds that “the 51′s hundreds of thousands of activists are strategically placed in institutions, as well as geographically, with a centralized command capable of mobilizing money, media attention and political leverage in any priority, political, cultural or social arena.”

This extremely well-financed mob of 500,000 pro-Israel fanatics can be counted on to make life miserable for anyone guilty of expressing an anti-Zionist opinion, or allowing one to be expressed. I know this from repeated personal experience.

For example, I recently gave an interview on WWUH, a radio station based at the University of Hartford, Connecticut. (You can listen by conducting an internet search for “WWUH 9/11 Wake-Up Call.”)

During the interview, I expressed the same views, and cited the same facts, that are featured in my opinion columns at Press TV. I presented empirical evidence that Israel and its American supporters orchestrated 9/11 in order to trick the USA into destroying or destabilizing “seven countries in five years” – as General Wesley Clark revealed. Those seven countries were the ones blocking Israel’s quest for regional domination.

I also explained why Zionism is morally indefensible and ultimately doomed, but persists by controlling the USA’s Middle East policy.

Predictably, a backlash from the ZPC ensued. A complaint was lodged against WWUH and copied to the University. According to the complaint, I had delivered “an anti-Zionist sermon” and my words were “biased.”

The implication: Americans must never hear anything but the pro-Zionist sermons the mainstream media continually inflicts on them.  Alternative views are forbidden.

The University of Connecticut knows that the ZPC is tightly organized and financed by hundreds of millionaires and a considerable number of billionaires. Zionist complaints like the one targeting my interview come with an implied threat to withhold funding from the University if it continues to allow the free expression of anti-Zionist views.

Such Zionist censorship is a pervasive feature of American university life. While teaching at the University of Wisconsin-Madison I was twice attacked by the legions of the ZPC. The second time, in 2006, after I appeared on Fox News arguing that 9/11 was an inside job, the University lost more than $500,000 in canceled contributions in less than 24 hours. I am currently unemployable in the American academy because any university that hired me would face this kind of financial attack from the Zionists.

It isn’t just the universities that are terrorized by Zionist censorship. The American media, too, is punished on the rare occasions that it diverges even slightly from the pro-Israel party line. A newspaper, magazine, or broadcast outlet that allows an anti-Zionist voice to be heard will be slammed with a barrage of complaints, and perhaps be hit in the pocketbook with an advertising boycott, from the ZPC.

Politicians are censored even more tightly. Whenever an American statesman stands up for the US rather than Israel – as in the cases of William Fulbright, Paul Findley, James Abourezk, Cynthia McKinney, James Trafficant, and many others – they are hounded out of office by the ZPC.

Even presidents are vulnerable. Many analysts believe that Jimmy Carter was made a one-term president by the ZPC due to his attempts to force peace on Israel. Some even argue that John F. Kennedy was removed from office in part because he had staked his life on an attempt to prevent Israel from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Even gatherings of American Muslims are subject to Zionist censorship. Last week when Obama hosted a White House Ramadan iftar (fast-breaking dinner) for Muslims he also invited Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer, a notorious racist who recently said the child-killing Israeli military should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Obama stubbornly intoned the Orwellian mantra “Israel has the right to defend itself” and clearly was not prepared to listen to the views of his Muslim guests.

Shortly after the Ron Dermer fiasco at the White House, I myself was viciously attacked by a Zionist Jew at a Ramadan iftar in Madison, Wisconsin. The Zionist started a conversation about “Israel’s right to defend itself” and proclaimed that Hamas was a terrorist group. When I responded by gently explaining some of the facts about the conflict, the Zionist iftar-infiltrator had a fit and repeatedly called me a Nazi. Then he lodged a complaint with the organizer of the iftar.

Apparently the Muslim-majority perspective cannot be voiced anywhere in America – not even at a Muslim celebration! It seems that every group in America – every civic group, church group, NGO, nonprofit, and even the Muslim groups – are infiltrated by the Zionist thought police, who are dedicated to preventing the American people from hearing any version of events except their own.

Why are the Zionists so desperate to suppress free thought and free debate about the Middle East? The answer is obvious: The Zionist position is indefensible. If Americans knew the horrors that the Zionists have inflicted not only on Palestine, but also on the United States – including the cold-blooded murder of almost 3,000 Americans on September 11th, 2001 – the bloody Zionist experiment would face its final reckoning.


Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He is the co-founder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance, and author of the books Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie (2007) and Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters (2009). His website is www.truthjihad.com.

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  1. Serf August 1, 2014 at 1:44 pm - Reply

    Everyone is starting to see through the lies of Talmudist Jews and Zionists. Hamas does not target Israel with rockets because the don’t have any. It’s because rockets being fired from Gaza into Israel are being fired by Mossad and this explains why the rockets hardly ever cause any damage to Israeli building or injure Israeli’s.

    Jews don’t like Hamas because Jews set up Hamas to destroy the PLO and instead Hamas set about providing humanitarian aid to the world’s largest concentration camp called Gaza and West Bank.

    Israel has never had any right to exist. The Palestinians have been proven to be the original descendants of ancient Jews from Judea. The land itself was only ever occupied by ancient Jews for a relatively short historical time and then only by the ancestors of Palestinians and not the Khazarian Jews from central Europe who were Jewish converts and have no genetic link to ancient Palestine. Most Israeli’s are foreign immigrants that stole Arab land by military force and terrorism against Arabs, Christians and non Jews.

    Israel is a creation from the Rothschild Banking family and all they care about is wealth and power even though they are already estimated to be worth $843 trillion which is half the world’s wealth.

    Talmudist Jews and Zionists believe they are god’s chosen ones (the real Jews) and that the lives of 1000 non Jews are worth less than 1 Jewish fingernail.

    Talmudist Jews believe that it is perfectly acceptable to lie, cheat, steal, rape and kill non Jews because non Jews (Gentiles) are nothing more than livestock and are no better that cattle and it’s why Jews refer to non Jews in a derogatory manner by calling non Jews Goyim (cattle) and they say ask for forgiveness from their [evil] god for this using the vile Prayer “Kol Nidre”.


    Talmudist Jews and Zionists hate everyone else (anyone who is not a Talmudist Jew or Zionist) and exploit everyone else to benefit themselves regardless of the human and environmental cost to others and have done so for thousands of years. It’s why Jews have been expelled from 109 countries since 250 AD. Any group that truly cares about others would not treat others in the evil way that Talmudist Jews and Zionists have done.

    Palestine has 1 UN Resolution against it.
    Israel has 102 UN Resolutions against it and this is more than all other countries combined.


    Israel is the Pariah rogue terrorist state and is a threat to global security with it stated aim to use the Samson option of nuclear preemptive attack against any country that disagrees with Israeli policy or actions as demonstrated against Japan with Fukushima.


    Israel is also controlling ISIS to break up neighbouring states in preparation for a larger ground war to seize and ethnically cleans Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Egypt (North West), Saudi Arabia to create a Greater Israel and will destroy Iran also to obtain it’s oil and gas. In addition to this evil megalomania the Rothschild’s are also seeking to seize Patagonia in Argentina for Israel 2. Later Israel 2 will get Britain to hand over Malvinas along with all oil, gas, coal, mineral, fishing rights and territorial waters along with all these rights for the British part of Antarctica that came with Malvinas.


    There have been plans for maps for locations of Israel (Hebrew Land)


  2. Dan Dearborn August 1, 2014 at 1:11 am - Reply



    Hamas militants not only commit a war crime each time they lob a rocket or mortar into Israel from Gaza by virtue of the fact that the targets of those attacks are specifically and purposely civilian, not military, assets—a violation of the “distinction” rule—but also, in not wearing military uniforms and often posing as civilians, Hamas terrorists are also committing another crime, that of perfidy.”

    I am not sure what you have been smoking but these comments are flagrant lies. Under international law (and numerous rulings by a multitude of international courts) The Palestinian people under the direction of their DULY DEOMCRATICALLY ELECTED AND INTENATIONAL VERFIED POLITICAL PARTY HAMAS HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO RESIST ILLEGAL MILITARY OCCUPATION OF PALESTINE BY ANY AND ALL MEANS UP TO AND INCLUDING RETURNING FIRE WITH “ROCKETS” OR ANYTHING ELSE THEY CAN GET THEIR HANDS ON .

    Your notion that Israel can by force of arms take people out of their homes, force them off their lands,killing those that resist and imprisoning the majority in an open air prison, deny them basic food, clean water, shelter, medical care and now even the space to exist and then go on to claim they are terrorists when they object is quite literally insanity.

    1.8 Million people now exist in a tiny 2.5 mile by 20 mile corridor. OF that number over half are under the age of 15, more than half of the rest are women. Israel has publicly admitted that at most there are only 15,000 male Hamas Patriots in Gaza. (less than 1%) At this point Israel has flattened HALF of Gaza. And in the process killed at least a thousand women and children.

    You claim 12,000 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel I say (and much of the international community) that you and Israel lie. People are never told by the US MSM that GAZA is a PRISON CAMP. It is surrounded by Israel and the sea guarded by Israel over 95% of its border. And Israel still controls access indirectly from the Sinai Desert. It would be physically impossible for Hamas to have amassed even a tiny fraction of that number of “rockets” (rockets by the way that actually have a range of a well under 10 miles) There ARE NO ROCKET FACTORIES IN GAZA) And the idea that “tunnels” allow thousands of Rockets” is equally idiotic. As Israel closely guards the entire perimeter. But even if a few were brought in Israel claims that Iron dome is well over 90% effective so the reality is that of the tiny fraction of rockets that actually were launched only a tiny fraction of those were not shot down. This is of course why No Israelis have died from this alleged hail of rocket fire in the last month and property damage has been miniscule. The “rocket attacks” are a myth. There has been ample proof that many of the alleged attacks were actually false flags launched by Israel.

    In 1945 just 6% of the land in Palestine (including what is now Israel) was owned by Jews. That means that nearly all the land that later became Israel was stolen from the Palestinians between late 1945 and 1948. Of course Israel had to kill nearly 3/4 of Million Palestinians to get it.

    I could go on all day about Israel’s war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide- but the international courts have already found Israel guilty. And I could discuss all the UN sanctions placed on Israel for its illegal actions–but Israel is already in violation of more UN sanctions than any other country on the Planet.

    Now as to your alleged “terrorist rockets” in the last 30 years according to Israel about 35 Israelis have been killed by these “rockets” And property damage has been minimal. In short no real threat what so ever.

  3. Janniejammergat July 31, 2014 at 1:40 am - Reply

    Here’s why Hamas acts the way it does, as stated in its charter:

    “So-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.”

    And furthermore:

    “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”

    So how exactly does Hamas act? For one, they use human shields to draw international criticism of Israel, despite Article 28 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which states that, “the presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.” Not only does Hamas explicitly target Israeli civilians, they also use their own population centers as launching pads for their indiscriminate missiles.

    In fact, Hamas’ own rockets have fallen back into Gazan population centers. That just goes to show how little they value human life, even that of their own people.

    The Palestinian attacks violate one of the most basic rules of international humanitarian law, the rule of distinction, which requires combatants to aim all their attacks at legitimate targets – enemy combatants or objects that contribute to enemy military actions. Violations of the rule of distinction – attacks deliberately aimed at civilians or protected objects as such – are war crimes, exactly what Hamas has been committing with its relentless rocket assaults.

    Hamas militants not only commit a war crime each time they lob a rocket or mortar into Israel from Gaza by virtue of the fact that the targets of those attacks are specifically and purposely civilian, not military, assets—a violation of the “distinction” rule—but also, in not wearing military uniforms and often posing as civilians, Hamas terrorists are also committing another crime, that of perfidy.

    Article 48 of Additional Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 is very clear about this prohibited behavior of combatants, stating that “[i]n order to ensure respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives.”

    Since the rockets Hamas aims at southern Israeli towns are launched randomly into civilian enclaves, and lack the technical sophistication to reliably be aimed at military targets even if that was Hamas’s actual intention, each of the 12,000 or so rockets that have come into Israel from Gaza since 2005 (including over 1000 this month alone) represents both an causis belli and a war crime.

  4. Stan Sikorski July 27, 2014 at 1:20 am - Reply

    Jews and their appeasers should be eradicated from the face of the Earth. There is no more destructive pollutant than them. Come’on envirohippies. There is your true enemies.


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