Alarmists Cover Up: Geoengineering Causing Climate Change

Susanne Posel

James Hansen, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and eco-fascist, predicts that the warming of the Earth is happening and his “projections about increasing global temperature have been proved true. But I failed to fully explore how quickly that average rise would drive an increase in extreme weather .”

The alarmist scientists claim that the global temperature has risen an estimated 0.8 degrees Celsius because of recent extreme events that are occurring with more frequency.

The study, headed by Professor Richard Muller, physicist with the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) was startled by the findings and commented: “We were not expecting this, but as scientists, it is our duty to let the evidence change our minds.” Muller, once a skeptic, now claims he is “converted”.

The team of scientists at Berkeley used data provided by NASA, NOAA and various weather station records. Funding for the project partly comes from the Charles G Koch Charitable Foundation.

Another $100,000 in monies was provided by the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research which was created by Bill Gates.

The most startling “evidence” in favor of man-made climate change is funded by many globalist organizations who are also heavily investing in geoengineering projects to alter the weather of the Earth in support of their false claims.

Andrew Weaver, professor and supporter of Hansen, calls his study excellent “and re-frames the question.”

In his paper, Hansen says “some additional warming will occur over the next few decades. However, we can slow, halt and reverse global warming over a period of several decades. The key requirement is to stop subsidizing fossil fuels and to begin to collect a fee from fossil fuel companies in proportion to the amount of carbon they are putting into the air.”

Carbon dioxide, being monitored in the Arctic by alarmist scientists, is being measured at 400 parts per million of the heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere.

Klaus–Ekart Puls, physicist and meteorologist, has analyzed the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claim that regulating CO2 will “regulate climate change.” Puls found that the IPCC’s assertion is based on “speculative model projections, so-called scenarios – and not prognoses. Because of climate’s high complexity, reliable prognoses just aren’t possible.”

Puls agrees that sea levels have risen, however “it’s important to remember that mean sea level is a calculated magnitude, and not a measured one. There are a great number of factors that influence sea level, e.g. tectonic processes, continental shifting, wind currents, passats, and volcanoes. Climate change is only one of ten factors.”

The American Geophysical Union commented on research into the melting of ice sheets that: “It turns out that past studies, which were based on computer models without any direct data for comparison or guidance, overestimate the water temperatures and extent of melting beneath the Fimbul Ice Shelf [in the Antarctic].

This has led to the misconception, Hattermann said, that the ice shelf is losing mass at a faster rate than it is gaining mass, leading to an overall loss of mass. The team’s results show that water temperatures are far lower than computer models predicted . . .”

In response to climate change, the UN, governments and private corporations have collaborated on geoengineering projects claiming to combat the effects of global warming. However, a team of European scientists are saying that geoengineering will cause serious global droughts. The artificial reduction of sunlight on the planet’s surface will create the problems that alarmists are claiming is being caused by human expulsion of CO2.

The authors of the study say that their computer models are not “meant to give realistic ideas about potential applications of climate engineering . . . [but] possible adverse effects that could come of such designed changes to the Earth’s climate.”

Bill Gates and Daniel Keith have joined forces to support the spraying of thousands of tons of sun-reflecting synthetic sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight back out into space. Although scientists are asserting that this action will alter earth’s natural weather patterns while environmental groups decry that geoengineering nullifies their efforts to purport their campaigns to convince the public that man-made climate change is directly causational to human emissions of CO2.

Keith manages the million-dollar geoengineering research that is funded by Bill Gates and the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research. These monies come directly from Gates’ personal funds.

Mainstream media reports that the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting at an exorbitant rate, which will free 240 billion tons of fresh water into the oceans annually. The IPCC is focusing on this as a cause for more alarm. Havoc will be realized as New York City will see seas rising which may displace residents and cause massive damage.

However, Danish researchers have studied archival photos to compare current claims of rapid melting.

Kurt Kjaer, led author of the study and professor at the University of Copenhagen, stated that the glacier is melting and reforming at a normal rate and therefore “it’s wrong to use the current melting rate to make predictions about sea level rise in the coming century, as some studies have done.”

Susanne Posel’s Website is Occupy Corporatism

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