CNN Caught Red-Handed Lying In Zimmerman Trial! Why Are Barack Obama & The MSM Pushing A Race War?


Why is the mainstream media pushing a race war in America? Is THIS how they think that they’re going to ‘create martial law’,  by LYING TO US about testimony in the Zimmerman murder case, trying to start massive black on white crime? Check this out, CNN just got caught RED HANDED in a HUGE lie! John Good, a witness to the murder who testified at the Zimmerman trial, clearly stated that he saw the “lighter skinned” person on the bottom getting punched, but this is how CNN is reporting it. Check out this screenshot and then compare it to the story from  Mediaite down below. CNN, you are GUILTY as found, time to get out of the news industry! For that matter, you’re HORRIBLE in the CIA’s propaganda industry, too! In the video below, ATLAHWorldwide and Dr. Manning, a black man, argues that Barack Obama is stoking a race war over the Trayvon Martin shooting, too

According to experts who appeared on Fox News earlier this morning, testimony from eye witnessJohn Good in the George Zimmerman murder trial could be “devastating” for the State of Florida’s case. Good testified Friday morning that he believes he saw Trayvon Martin on top of Zimmerman, furiously punching the man who is claiming self-defense in the trial.

After reviewing highlights from Good’s testimony, former federal prosecutor Annemarie McAvoy told Fox’s Bill Hemmer, “This is devastating for the prosecution.” Because Good described Trayvon Martin is being the consistent aggressor in the encounter, it will make it harder for the state to prove Zimmerman wasn’t acting in self-defense.

Former New York police sergeant Steve Kardian characterized Zimmerman’s position in the description from Good as “virtually indefensible.” As discussed during the testimony, Kardian said that Good likely knew about the “ground and pound” position from watching (Mixed Martial Arts) MMA or Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on TV. Noting the importance of Zimmerman’s physical capabilities, Kardian said looking at him he sees “a soft man, a soft person, not very tough, not very physical at all.”


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