EMP Attack ON USA Blackout USA Nuclear War World War III Could Start Between India Pakistan

EMP Attack ON USA Blackout USA Plus Nuclear War World War III Could Start Between India Pakistan Review On The Product.

BlackoutUsa New Broad – All you need to know about EMP attack is in the video and in these links:

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No matter how crazy Putin may try to act just to scare the West… he has so much to lose. He’s the most powerful man in Russia and he doesn’t want to just give that up. He’ll never go as far as self-destruction.

ISIS already set foot on American soil. The 3 terrorist arrested in Brooklyn for planning a bombing are part of a larger plot… A statement from the FBI suggests there are ISIS members in every state of the Union… just waiting for a sign.

But the part that the feds leave out is these fanatics plan something far worse and much more dangerous than 9/11…

ISIS plots to put the entire American nation on our knees… using a revolutionary weapon that could cripple the entire country.

Make no mistake, ISIS isn’t a rational actor like Russia… They have nothing to lose.

After they decapitated Americans and set people on fire… they burned all the bridges. They either die, or they destroy America.

They can’t do it with brute, military force. We’re too powerful for that… But we’re defenseless against a “smart bomb” that’s 1000 times more damaging than nuclear devices.

It’s a weapon that can instantly end modern life in America by knocking out our power grid. Nothing that has electronic components will ever work again. Cars won’t start, TVs, phones, the Internet will all be dead.

They’re going to send us back to the middle ages… You’ll have to make a fire to cook and use candles for light.

A small EMP device that fries your cellphone can be built with just a few bucks, some batteries and spare parts you can find in a camera. Even 12 year olds build EMP devices for science projects. There’s no need for fancy technologies or billion-dollar investments to make it.

HEMP stands for High-Altitude Electro Magnetic Pulse. It’s an EMP device that can be strategically detonated at an altitude of 20 miles above the surface of our country that will permanently cripple our power grid.

And let’s face it… the U.S. hasn’t exactly been making friends over the past decades. North Korea, Iran, Russia, Afghanistan, China, all the enemies we’ve been making back since World War II have the power to detonate an HEMP over U.S. soil. And as if EMPs aren’t easy enough to build, any kind of warhead can be easily bought on the black market, especially an HEMP device.

In fact, these enemy countries will gladly give this weapon to a terrorist organization like ISIS. They rip all the rewards of crushing the U.S. without the any risk.

However, the real danger of an EMP is it could happen without any signs or warnings… unlike an economic collapse that’s more like boiling a frog, when we would finally figure out that an EMP has struck it would be too late…


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EMP Attack ON USA Blackout USA Plus Nuclear War World War III Could Start Between India Pakistan


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