Hidden Dangers: Foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup

Elizabeth Renter


It’s super cheap—cheaper than sugar—and that means processed food manufacturers can load up on it, sweeting their goodies at rock-bottom prices and further driving our waistlines out. It’s high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and it’s found in some pretty surprising places. In fact, the foods with high fructose corn syrup may be foods you eat every single day.

While this Huffington Post article on the hidden presence of HFCS says “the jury is still out” on whether it’s dangerous or any more dangerous than sugar, we know differently. This cheap sweetener has been linked to obesity, learning ability and memory, and high blood pressure, to name a few health issues. As if that isn’t enough, it has also been shown to contain toxic mercury. So, while some would have you believe HFCS is no more dangerous than white sugar (as if that isn’t bad enough), we know differently.

Big money is made in the corn industry—big, big money—and therefore big money is spent counteracting every study and inkling that suggests any product of the industry is less than great for you (HFCS included). Of course consumers are increasingly realizing that HFCS and foods with high fructose corn syrup can be health-damaging, so manufacturers decided to change things up. As the morbid health effects of high fructose corn syrup continue to be brought to the forefront of the media, the Corn Refiners Association has decided in the past to give their cheap product a new name – corn sugar.

Staying informed on the latest research and watching your foods like a hawk can help keep you and your family safe.

Foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup

Here are some foods with high fructose corn syrup that you may have never expected to contain the ingredients – foods you may be eating every day.

  1. Yogurts
  2. Breads
  3. Frozen pizzas
  4. Cereal bars
  5. Cocktail peanuts
  6. Boxed macaroni and cheese
  7. Salad Dressing
  8. Tonic
  9. Applesauce
  10. Canned Fruit

Although their are 10 foods here, we bet you can find many more. It costs companies more to sweeten their foods with sugar, and even more with honey. So, because they are interested in nothing more than the bottom line – money, they often choose HFCS. It’s in ketchups, soups, cereals, pasta sauces, and more.

This is just another reason to steer clear of highly processed foods. Americans consume a whopping 35 pounds of HFCS each year, showing just how prevalent foods with high fructose corn syrup are. Stick with the natural stuff. If it comes in a box, bag, or can, be extra suspicious, or even better—just stay away.

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