The NFL’s Role In the Coming Martial Law

Dave Hodges

Whatever happened to just playing football? When I used to watch an NFL game on television, I onlywanted to watch the game. I never appreciated listening to their liberal political agenda often being spewed out by their talking heads such as Bob Costas.

The NFL and Its Globalist Agenda

The NFL now represents the antithesis of everything that comprises the backbone of traditional American values. I love the game of football. Football was one of the sports that I grew up playing and I later coached the sport as a former head in the high school ranks prior to moving to coach college basketball. I thoroughly enjoyed the competition at every level both as a player and a coach. However, the NFL has taken all the fun out of the game, because the league spouts the mantra of the globalist forces which seek sto enslave us.

The NFL Is An Extension of the TSA

Invasive  NFL security. What’s the difference?

 The NFL has decided it is not enough for Americans to be abused by the TSA at the airport, the NFL has become the newest version of the TSA.

Invasive TSA  security.

TSA perverted pat down.

This past November, as I have done so many times before, I was planning to drive my family from Arizona to San Diego to watch my favorite sports team, the Denver Broncos, play the San Diego Chargers. We were also going to turn the event into a mini-vacation.

NFL perverted pat down. What’s the difference?

However, I discovered the NFL has become an extension of the TSA. Subsequently, the NFL rolls out new DHS ”anti-terrorism” security measures at all stadiums.

The Hodges family vacation plans were cancelled. In fact, I have attended my last NFL game under the new Sovietization of the National Football League.

The National Football League has instituted new security rules at all stadiums which bans certain items. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: purses larger than a clutch bag, coolers, briefcases, backpacks, fanny packs, cinch bags, seat cushions, luggage of any kind, computer bags and camera bags or any bag larger than the permissible size.” And, they have granted themselves the “right” to touch you anywhere, in their enhanced pat downs from the ankles and above. Welcome to Police State America, NFL style.

                 TSA perverted pat down.

What’s the difference?

NFL perverted pat down.

The People React

In an Arizona Republic newspaper article (8/18/2013, B1, B6), people weighed in on the new NFL policies.

Sue Kish, 48, while attending an Arizona Cardinals game, found that she and her two daughters were told that their clear plastic container, designed to replace her banned purse, was too large and she would have to return her belongings to her car. Kish proceeded back to her car with her two daughters in tow. All three expressed frustration including her daughter, Natalie, as she asked if she had to “…put our tampons in a clear plastic bag? (Az Republic, B1).” Natalie gets it. Some people get it, but most Americans don’t, as they continue to tolerate the increasing level of tyranny in this country as evidenced by the following quote made by Heather Gunderson, an Arizona Cardinals season-ticket holder, who was quoted in the Arizona Republic about her response to the new invasive NFL security rules.

“It is kind of a nuisance…but I do understand the rule. It’s a whole new world, and you’ve got to follow the rules and regulations and be safe”.

Obviously, Ms. Gunderson never grasped the teachings of Ben Franklin and the folly of trading liberty for security in her high school history class. Henderson is correct about one thing: it is a whole new world, as in the new world order. The Gunderson quote is typical of our citizen sheep and her views represents why I believe we are losing our country. We have largely lost the ability to think for ourselves. Most of our people fail to appreciate where America is heading. Clearly, our national tyranny meters are turned off. Oh, I know, we have to worry about the terrorists. Since the first casualty on the war on terror has been the Constitution, I think we have pretty much lost that war.

The people that acquiesce to this tyranny would likely tell you that America is the best nation in the world. If you are a sheep, you probably believe the old Bush propaganda when he said “they” hate us because of our freedoms. Really?

The NFL Is An Extension of the NSA

The NFL has become your big brother.

In September of 2011, then Secretary of DHS, Janet Napolitano, announced new partnerships between the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) “If You See Something, Say Something” public awareness campaign and several sports organizations as well as various colleges and universities. Partnerships include National Football League (NFL) teams, Major League Baseball (MLB) teams, the U.S. Open Tennis Championships (USTA), Ohio State University and the University of Oklahoma.

Let’s make no mistake about it that this is a citizen spy program which is reminiscent of the same entity implemented by East German Stasi, resulting in the persecution of hundreds of thousands East German citizens. Should it come as a surprise to anyone since former Stasi chief, Markus Wolf, was paid $5 million dollars to set up DHS?

NFL Uses Taxpayer Money to Promote Obamacare

Despite the fact that Obamacare is “dead on arrival”, it has not stopped the administration and the NFL from shamelessly promoting the already failed healthcare system.

Your tax dollars at work.

In a “Sponsorship Agreement” between the Maryland Health Connection and the NFL football team, the Baltimore Ravens, the state of Maryland, with taxpayer money, will pay the 2012 Super Bowl champs $130,000 to shamelessly promote Obamacare on television, radio, the team’s official website, in its newsletter and in social media.

The NFL Has Become the New Gun Confiscation Lobby

The new symbol for gun confiscation.

Nice to know that the NFL, the UN, DHS and FEMA are on the same team when it comes to your gun rights.

Who will ever forget as sportscaster and pseudo-intellectual, Bob Costas, used a national football television audience to promote the anti-Second Amendment views of the NFL in reference to a gun control rant Costas made after former Kansas City Chiefs player, Jovan Belcher, was involved in a murder-suicide tragedy. Costas, during halftime of the Kansas City-Denver Broncos game, quoted Fox Sports columnist Jason Whitlock and said, “If Jovan Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today”.

It was disgraceful for Costas to use a tragedy on national TV to advance the NFL’s anti-gun agenda.

Below is an excerpt from the published NFL advertising list of banned items.

 2013 NFL Season


5. Firearms, ammunition or other weapons; however, stores that sell firearms and ammunition (e.g., outdoor stores and camping stores) will be permitted, provided they sell other products and the ads do not mention firearms, ammunition or other weapon.

Subsequently, we have seen the NFL support the erosion of the Constitution, namely, the First and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution and this is being done at a time when Obama is arming the al-Qaeda backed Syrian rebels. And let’s not forget that this same President was arming the Mexican drug cartels by shipping guns into Mexico under Fast and Furious.  

The NFL Promises to Participate in America’s Coming Dark Days

Seemingly, in the past few months, nearly every American community has been besieged with being the recipient of some form of martial law training in their community. Even our children are not immune to these practices. Every school requires bus evacuation drills from every campus in America. In Operation Mountain Guardian, the children are removed from their campus to a nearby stadium for martial law processing.

Every NFL Stadium Is a FEMA Camp Hiding In Plain Sight

At Giants Stadium, on March 24, 2011, DHS and local law enforcement conducted a “relocation” drill in which civilians were transported to the stadium.

FEMA and the NFL partnering for our safety.

On September 23, 2011, children, without warning, were abducted from their Denver schools by FEMA and taken to the Colorado Sports Authority football stadium. At my son’s middle school, we cannot even have my son’s aunt pick him unless she is registered with the school and shows identification. Yet, FEMA can literally abduct children from their schools without parental permission or notification? This is outrageous!

The drill went so far as to hire mock parents, trying to simulate a reuniting with “their fictitious” children (see the DHS recruitment letter written to the Denver Public Schools listed at the bottom of the page). The mock parent would beg DHS personnel to release their children. This was nothing but a desensitization exercise to get Federal personnel to become callous the pleas of parents.  Let me take this opportunity to state that drills are done with the expectation that the drill will someday reflect the same circumstances in real life. This drill clearly showed the intent to separate parents and children in times of crisis.

This is one of the signs outside of Arrowhead Stadium, home of the Kansas City NFL team. Notice the segregation of single females. Can you think of a legitimate reason why stadium authorities would segregate females…..?

At Arrowhead Stadium, home to the NFL Kansas City Chiefs, we see the segregation of women from other fans entering the stadium. Now, why would the officials at Arrowhead Stadium institute such a policy? Simple, they are conditioning the public to accept being separated from one another. What my insider sources tell me is that the future martial law detention camps will consist of men in one camp, women in another and children in a third camp.

FEMA/DHS tipped their hand at Operation Mountain Guardian when they snatched the kids from their elementary schools. I think it is highly likely that children will be taken while at school in order to lure their parents in to the public detention facilities. This sigh at Arrowhead Stadium demonstrates clear intent that the NFL is working DHS in order to become martial law ready.This also signals that the NFL stadiums are going to be staging areas for martial law. Perceived trouble makers will be lured to their final destination of justice as they try and retrieve their children. I will elaborate more fully on this in the next part of this series.

Here are children being separated from the authority of their parents as well as  the supervision of school officials. FEMA had no right to abduct these children. Again, it is all part of the conditioning process. According to the globalists, your children do not belong to you. Your body does not belong to you. Everything belongs to the state..


There are a number of ways that people could react to this information. I do not believe that denial would be one of the expected responses as there is just too much proof that the NFL is no longer just in the entertainment business. The NFL is firmly in the grip of the globalists and subservient to their agenda. Mainstream America is enthralled with this entity that made over $9 billion dollars last year. However, the NFL does not represent the values of the American middle class once the game action leaves the field.

If Americans wanted to strike a blow at the globalists, boycotting the NFL would prove to be an ideal course of action. What message would that send to the globalists if the NFL were to go down in flames for supporting the New World Order agenda?

Simply put, do not buy NFL clothing and write to their corporate partners telling them that you are boycotting their products, as well, because they are affiliated with the NFL. The initials, NFL, should come to stand for Not For Long. We have the ability to win this one battle. We can destroy this globalist entity by simply withdrawing our support. And if that strategy were to work in collapsing this entity, imagine how empowered the people would become in taking on other globalist-controlled programs.

In the next part of the this series, I am going to reveal what insiders are saying about the detention centers and what will happen when the forced incarcerations begin. To view the next part in this series, log on here. Just one hint about the next article in this series, getting people herded into the stadiums, is only the beginning.


Letter to recruit mock parents to participate in Operation Mountain Guardian.

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