“You Are Under Arrest!” “Me? For what?” “That’s classified information for national security reasons.”

J. Speer-Williams

The above interchange, or something similar, will likely be taking place ­ perhaps millions of times ­ in the United States of America. This is because of so many death-dealing snakes in our garden.

These stimulus/response serpents are creatures without souls, all hiding under the rocks provided by the mainstream media, and known to us as “our” US Intelligence Agents.

These vile creatures have infested and infected our physical plane, and are trying to ruin us spiritually with their street drugs, the torture of human beings, false flag operations, and behavioral modification programs with their control of the corporate media.

These poisonous vipers ship in street drugs from Mexico, Afghanistan, and Central and South America. They manage the heroin trade, while they have US Marines guarding their poppy fields of Afghanistan. They oversee the chemtrails that rain toxins from the skies on us and our environment. They spread DU (depleting uranium) from the Middle East to the rest of the world, especially to our ground troops who have “served” and are “serving” in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and soon Syria.

On the subject of US torture of detainees, former President Jimmy Carter told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “I don’t think it, I know it.”

And by some reliable accounts, the US torture of human life has gone from wildly horrible to sickeningly horrendous ­ all orchestrated by American and Israeli intelligence agents.

Undercover agents take us to endless wars, with their false flag events, such as Operation Northwoods, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and most assuredly the 9/11 disaster.

With little doubt, the latest US Intelligence provocation is the absurd acquisition that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad authorized a chemical attack on his own people.

These provocateurs steer the corporate media with lies, deception, and needless fears. Intelligence agencies are used by the Banking Cartel to enforce their various agendas on the American government with fixed elections, bribes, blackmail, and assassinations. These secret tools ensure compliance from “our” national leaders.

A mere sampling of these iniquitous dens of depravity (called US Intelligence Services) are the CIA, AIA, DIA, NGA, NBO, FBI, NSA, NCIS, ONI, DEA, and CID.

In collusion with these festering serpents are Israel’s Mossad and the British MI5 and MI6; all are controlled by a hierarchical pyramid that is kept secret from the world.

Take control of a nation’s intelligence network and you are one short step from subverting a nation’s entire government, something finally accomplished in America with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It was President Kennedy who had sworn he would bring the US intelligence network under governmental control by first tearing the CIA into a thousands pieces. It was, however, the soulless, limbless reptiles, with no eyelids, but with a venomous bite, who struck first, under orders from above.

The hundreds of thousands of undemocratic pages of government orders, directives, laws, and judicial interpretations forced on the US government by intelligence agencies have made America no better than any other out- of-control Banana Republic in history.

For some time, we have been ruled by a self-appointed, corrupt, and exceedingly small cabal of private, foreign, and sub-human clique of banking oligarchs.

As long as Americans continue to believe the lies promoted by intelligence agents, we will be held in the bondage of poverty and abject ignorance. We must begin to see that our unprovoked wars on sovereign nations in the Middle East serve only the darkest elements on Earth.

Can enough of our fellow Americans ever begin to have any self-generated thoughts, or will they continue to be simple machines that merely pass on media propaganda and then feel authoritatively informed when doing so?

We all have an obligation to try to inform our fellow citizens how intelligence agencies have turned our nation into the foremost terrorist operation in the world. And unless we can enlighten enough of our fellows, we could soon be hearing those four dreaded words: You are under arrest!

We are quickly running out of time to influence poplar opinion, so do not waste time arguing with anyone who supports our unilateral wars of aggression in the Middle East.

If someone believes that President Bashar al-Assad Assad of Syria has gassed his own loyal citizens, moved on, as that person is mired far too deeply in television ignorance to salvage.

If someone tells you that Saddam Hussein got what he deserved for harboring weapons of mass destruction, again move on, as you have come across another hopeless case.

A quick way to “cut to the chase” is to ask someone if they believe (the outrageous US Intelligence Agency lie) that Hussein’s solders threw sick babies out of their incubators to die on cold stone floors in the neighboring country of Kuwait, prior to our slaughter in what is being called the Gulf War.

For your own immediate safety there is, perhaps, a more important question: Do you believe we are justified in torturing our detainees?

Any slightly equivocal answer to the above question qualifies the respondent as a Dark Being ­ one who at the very least will bring you bad luck from too close an association with them.

Be careful, but polite with such a person, as they will likely be among the first to want you to hear the dreaded words: You are under arrest!

Under the cover of “national security” US intelligence agencies have increasingly become more powerful. They have turned America into a rogue state that is intent on destroying all of our liberties at home, while expanding their terrorist attacks and torture of innocent people both abroad and at home.

Ironically, all of the so-called security measures of the US government have made our country more insecure than ever in our history. From a plummeting economy, to wide-open borders, to dangerous full-body scanners, to poisonous vaccines, to chemtrails, to GMO foods, to the loss of habeas corpus, to the depleting uranium poisoning of our own troops, Americans have never been more insecure.

Robber barons, with the help of their lackeys in intelligence agencies, are throwing us back into the deep snake pits of the Middle Ages, all superimposed with poisons, radiation, a fascistic government, endless wars, and possibly our own imprisonment.

But if we could defang the intelligence agencies, we will have crippled the alien oligarchs of the International Monetary and Banking Cartel. Intelligence agencies are their Achilles Heel ­ a huge and potentially mortal weakness.

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