Anonymous Documentary: Rockefeller’s Elite Created The UN To Support The NWO

Pakalert January 10, 2017 28

Anonymous Documentary: Rockefeller’s Elite Created The UN To Support The NWO. Why we hate Rockefeller and the elite?
In this latest 2017 anonymous message, we expose the United Nations and how they created the new world order. We also tell you why we hate David Rockefeller and the Elite. As you saw in our other video, the end of David Rockefeller and the depopulation experiment, we hate him a lot.
Question is, after Donald Trump gets into office, will he do something to end the new world order or will he simply be part of it too?
Will the Elites, the Rothschild family, the Rockefeller family be able to get Donald Trump, future president of the United States, to cooperate with the Elite?
In this video you will see what symbols the illuminati use and how the new world order was created and who runs it now. Anonymous updates you so you can be awake and informed. The end of the elite and the new world order might come sooner than expected.
However, economic collapse could also happen in 2017.

some sources used: ApocalypseTruth/NowTheEndBegins/We Are Change Slovenia/walter veith/friendofYeshua/TruthUnveiled777

Subscribe for more:

???Watch more:???

? What Ended The American Dream Part 2:

? The American Dream Is Killing You Part 1:

? Anonymous US Government Using Wikileaks

? Anonymous The NWO Is Real

? Anonymous CIA Has Taken Julian Assange

? Anonymous The Satanic Secret Elite

? Anonymous Warning NWO Depopulation Plans

? Anonymous The NWO Has Been Launched

? Anonymous Donald Trump And Historical Changes

? Anonymous The Elite Who They Are And What They’ve Done

? Anonymous Playlist

? Anonymous – The Elite Have Lost Control:

? Anonymous Has Julian Assange Been Taken?

? Anonymous Who Is The Elite And What They’ve Done:

? Anonymous Timeline Of Wikileaks Takeover:

? Anonymous Pizzagate Information:

? Anonymous Be The Change You Want To See:

??? L I N K S & S U P P O R T ???




There is no copyright infringement intended for the video and/or material used in this video. If you have an issue with History Repeats Itself posting this, please contact us via private message and we can sort it out.

HRI 2017


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  1. tony paumbo January 31, 2017 at 2:31 pm - Reply

    God Bless you Anonymous : many on standby – "many"

  2. tony paumbo January 31, 2017 at 2:28 pm - Reply

    God Bless you brother Anonymous : many are on stanby "many"

  3. viktor kuzman January 29, 2017 at 6:07 am - Reply

    ₣Ʉ₵₭ Đ₳VłĐ ⱤØ₵₭Ɇ₣ɆⱠⱠɆⱤ ₳₦Đ ₣Ʉ₵₭ ₦₳₮Ø

  4. Cyndi Wallace-Murphy January 21, 2017 at 10:38 am - Reply

    Truth is so simple.

  5. James Oxford January 17, 2017 at 8:51 pm - Reply

    Get out of Chicago. There is more going on here than meets the eye; Trump will take us to WWIII. I am the tree of life, I am the Illuminati, only they don't tell you that growing up; I've only known that for a month or two. Chris Mies. The NWO is not a satanic cult so far as I can tell; it's the UN and is meant to usher in an era of world peace. Nations working together for the greater good. I promise its not as scary as it sounds.

  6. craig helman January 16, 2017 at 9:57 am - Reply

    That black mirror, takes 14 years to make and you have to mix certain materials at specific times during different celestial alignments celestial alignments o.o

  7. Oscar Ochoa January 15, 2017 at 2:26 pm - Reply

    can we still smoke weed

  8. Horst Lischka January 15, 2017 at 7:23 am - Reply

    Unitie is goed but not like this!!!!!

  9. Sally Frederick-Tudor January 14, 2017 at 5:19 pm - Reply


  10. Archer DeAngelo January 14, 2017 at 1:23 pm - Reply

    Informative.. YES, Loving NO… Love is more powerful than the message so you would be better off to spread love first.  No offence to the author or the intentions for they are genuine for what they offer to those that are looking. Love offers to all everything they need. Including a path beyond all this.  Don't shoot the messenger.

  11. Donna Riggs January 14, 2017 at 2:32 am - Reply

    Kill them all in the town square….let their bodies rot

  12. Happy Ellsworth January 14, 2017 at 12:35 am - Reply

    do some research on the catholic church you will see the same people as today the jews taken over the catholic church around the year 0055 C.E. THERE HAS BEEN NO CHRISTIAN FOR 2000 YEARS …..THE jews used the catholic church to kill off most of the real church ..we had to go underground….GOD has awaken us for this time this evil system put in place by the jews is over …..for years i couldn't understand who or what was behind the way things are do research on what i say one thing see who was the first god father of under world this system is ran by the jew mind to keep you a sleep …..they run foot ball when i say that what i mean is they make the money from it base ball basket ball boxing all that retarded stuff to put and keep you a sleep they run the tv stations radio stations news papers movies magazines banks insurance co most judges are jew lawyers jew doctors drug company's they are not the friend of truth and never have been thats why they had truth put on a cross the truth exposed them for the liars they are most of the so called royal fanilys had and has jew blood in there body Hitler had jew blood in his body they paid for his war don't believe me do the research as i have …see what the jews did in Russia 1917=1950's stallen was a jew this can be proven see how many the jew killed in russia they been this for 1000's of years they think they will be kings over the world sorry jew will never happen you have been exposed in this the end of all systems man made is all over for all liars GOD HATES LIARS ABOVE ANY OTHER SIN HE CAN NOT LIE ……BECAUSE WHAT I SAY WILL COME TRUE IF YOU BELIEVE IT OR NOT YOU HAVE NO CONTOR OVER WHAT IS COMING ……WE OF THE ONE TRUE LIGHT MUST TELL WHAT IS COMING THEN GOD WILL DO IT NOT BECAUSE WE TELL IT …ITS HIS WILL NOT OURS NOTHING CAN STOP IT 2017 IS THE LAST YEAR OF THIS SYSTEM 2018 WILL BE A NEW WORLD ORDER NOT FROM MAN ….GOD IS NOT GOING TO KILL ANYBODY WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO IS TAKE BACK HIS SPIRIT THAT GAVE YOU LIFE THERE IS NO HELL THAT IS A JEW LIE IT WILL BE AS IT WAS BEFORE YOU WHERE BORN NOTHING NO PAIN YOU WILL JUST NOT BE ANYMORE GOD IS LOVE REPENT SO HE CAN SAVE YOU HE WANTS NO ONE TO BE GONE NOT EVEN THE JEW WHO HATE HIM READ THERE BIBLE THE TALMUD SEE HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT JESUS …ALWAYS IN LOVE ….hap ellsworth

  13. alan seward January 13, 2017 at 11:27 pm - Reply

    where,s my comment gone?

  14. alan seward January 13, 2017 at 11:26 pm - Reply

    more fake bullshit,fuck the lot of you if your so bad get rid, thought not, a load of bullshit

  15. solomon mlambo January 13, 2017 at 9:23 pm - Reply

    Exactly what I was saying in my resume. Europe and USA should fight to free themselves from the diabolic control of the Illuminati then we shall all be free indeed. The secrecy with which your elites go about their business and their ruthless control of human agencies like the Spy Organisations tell us more about their satanic designs for mother planet and her peoples. Trump is a good start in that apocalyptic fight. May the Almighty protect him and his people in this anti-establishment rebellion. We need pro-planetary heroes to wrestle control of the captaincy of the ship from pretending usurpers!!

  16. Suzanne Behrens January 13, 2017 at 8:57 pm - Reply

    Hillary is a part of a political globalest special interest organization that has chosen the most evil religion Islam to bring in a new world order and to take away the second amendment, freedom of speech and Christianity. Hillary and Obama are letting Isis win to bring in a new world order, under Hillary Isis wins. Putin is right we are arming Isis to bring in a new world order .
    Revelation 13,
    Trump will build our military defenses Obama has neglected this. Hillary is a guaranteed failure. Isis is calling for knife attacks on beaches and camp sites and bus stops, Hillary will not care she will bring violence on America just like she did to the Ambassador, she will sacrifice anyone for the new world order.Hillary wants to bring in 5 million. America has never been more unsafe we need to vote for Trump. When I was younger I had a great vision of the Lord Jesus Christ blood going through my skin into my wrist. Jesus was wearing a heavenly blue garment and holding my hand and then I saw a sprinkle of the Lord Jesus Christ blood going through my skin into my wrist. Hebrews 12:22-28,Heavenly Jerusalem, Acts 2:17-21.Matthew 24,Heaven and earth shall pass away but by no means shall my word pass away. In revelations God says to come out of the whore that you receive not of her plagues and in her was found all the deaths of the Christians. This is saying to vote for Trump!Hillary is setting us up just like the 9-11 victims were set up.Voting for Trump is voting against evil.Trump will be bringing back the jobs that are disappearing and bring full time jobs.Wikkileaks prove that Hillary was a part of a arms deal to sell Isis weapons that she was paid off to do just like the 5 million that she plans to bring into America to disable Americans to bring in a new world order.Bringing jobs back and creating them go hand in hand with welfare and college degrees and only Trump has talk about this it is a easy decision he is best to save America.Go on you tube and listen to Wikileaks:Hillary Lied Under Oath About Arming Isis,subscriber Lionel Nation a attorney at Law and he says the media does not care about reporting about how dangerous Hillary and Obama are.This is a sign of the rapture or blessed hope that Jesus Christ Prophesied.Epistle of John.It is odd that in other airplane crashes there is always evidence left but 9-11 there wasn't any and many scientist are saying because there wasn't any and out of 86 videos only 1 video shows airplanes and a chemical that is only found in bombs was found in the Twin Towers and 3 weeks before it happened when it was close they where doing work in there when it closed and witness described what they where bringing in and it sounds like they may be right these scientist who investigated 9-11 properly.This is the reason the black boxes where never found which would of withstand the fire and crash.Some 911 researchers are saying that the radar showed military aircrafts behind all the airline planes and there is a way to leave that path and not be detected because of the same path and only a military drone plane would be able to have the speed a big airliner would not at the low atmosphere level and would not be able to hit the target and also weak parts of the plane like the wings or tail would fall off it wouldn't just disappear into the building perfectly unless it was a military drone which some witnesses say it looked like "That does not look like a commercial airliner ".Also a fox reporter and others are on video saying this does not look like a commercial airliner they thought it look like a military airplane these people witness the second airplane and this only makes sense with the science and thermite was found which melts steel which was flowing like lava and the perfect way all three buildings fell in 7 seconds prove that all where wired up with thermite according to the experts.The 3rd World Trade Center tower had nothing hit it and the steel frame melt when that is not possible unless it was wired up with thermite and it was a demolition which means all of them where.It collapsed 7 hours after the first two in a matter of seconds the experts are saying this is clearly evidence all three where wired up with thermite.According to the experts it would only take 7 minutes to make a 3 D Hexagram airplane added to the video of the towers, this is how far technology has gone.Some believe there was a emergency landing of flight 175 and 93 and they put all of the passengers together on the flight that went down because of a missile.Airport records show that flight 11 and 77 where never scheduled to leave that day and never left the gates.

  17. horsefaceemily January 13, 2017 at 8:34 pm - Reply

    There finished !, now Its up to us the people to finish them off by spreading the word.

  18. woden20 January 13, 2017 at 7:49 pm - Reply

    Nazis were Nationalists they closed down the Banks Freemasons and locked
    up a Rothschild. WW2 was about Hitler kicking out the Judaic usury
    banking system and became a success.
    "Germany’s most unforgivable crime before the Second World War was
    her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading
    system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit."
    Winston Churchill

  19. Saffon Sage January 13, 2017 at 12:49 pm - Reply

    I just can't understand, what's with the orchestra. I would like to hear what you are saying with out the utter in the back ground, thought you wanted to inform the people,  can't focus on what you are saying help me to help others, stop the background music so annoying gosh, something isn't right here.

  20. Ron Van Iorns January 13, 2017 at 12:19 pm - Reply

    OK. So, what is/are the answer/s?

  21. Atl Blessed January 13, 2017 at 7:52 am - Reply

    Stay focus GOD will manifest himself this year through his chosen people in 2017. have no fear. For the LORD will dominate all demons in JESUS NAME amen. #Kingsrule

  22. theNACHOwithCHEESE January 12, 2017 at 11:36 pm - Reply

    sadly people dont watch most these videos because they are so long

  23. Fearless One January 12, 2017 at 9:57 pm - Reply

    much love <3 thanks for sharing the vid!!

  24. curtisakalefty January 12, 2017 at 9:01 pm - Reply

    trump heraa

  25. Exploxer25 January 12, 2017 at 9:44 am - Reply

    Nobody own the world only God owns it

  26. Sylvie Pelletier January 12, 2017 at 8:42 am - Reply

    PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!2017; Prayer to our FATHER, SON and the HOLY SPIRIT,  for President Donald Trump, and what true Americans stand for, in the name of JESUS CHRIST, who LOVES ALL people, but hates evil. We thank you for filling President Donald Trump with your wisdom!! We thank you for your protection and promise: Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares THE LORD’.

  27. Sylvie Pelletier January 12, 2017 at 8:23 am - Reply

    PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!2017; Prayer to our FATHER, SON and the HOLY SPIRIT,  for President Donald Trump, and what true Americans stand for, in the name of JESUS CHRIST, who LOVES ALL people, but hates evil. We thank you for filling President Donald Trump with your wisdom!! We thank you for your protection and promise: Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares THE LORD’.

  28. KJB KJB January 12, 2017 at 8:16 am - Reply

    Anonymous…. you are all amazing …. Thank you as your messages daily continue to help me put together my own case and what part I can play and bringing these monsters down

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