Pakalert February 14, 2017 0


There is a new party on the political arena of Ukraine.

The “Front of Changes” – FoC, will work in all Ukraine through cells which together will form all Ukrainian public organization for achievement of changes in the country. “Front of Changes” calls to take part in “To front of changes” all, who share FoC’s goals – and ready to help to incarnate them into life. This help can be varied, but the purpose for all is to make changes in the country.

As soon as these cells are formed and will gather active thinking people, they will be the foundation, which will bring to power a new generation of politicians in a new party. FoC calls before a country that must unite us and mobilize for creation of a party which is built from the ground and up.

Therefore there is a call for all the Ukrainians to join the «Front of changes».

The leader of the Front Zmin (Front for Change) public initiative, MP Arseniy Yatseniuk has made public this communiqué on their web site (

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In order for us to understand the political foundation of the FoC, below you will find their 17 points communiqué and I have tried to translate it to English after my best ability for my English reading readers.

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Arseniy Yacenyuk: «I open the Front of Changes»

The purpose of our activity is to assemble all Ukrainians, regardless of their age, level, nationality and religion who are convinced of the future. The future depends on us and our choice. We must give adequate answers for 17 near-term calls.

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1. Maintainance of the democracy

The level of personification of the Democracy today depends on whom and as from how high-level officials explains this fundamental value.

– Ukraine must be a parliament-presidential republic. Our state will have neither Tsar nor Tsarina.

– It is necessary to stop «Ukrainian tradition» to make alteration in Constitution under a situation and personality.

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2. Overcoming the economic crisis

This crisis is measured, unfortunately, not only by numbers, and, foremost, by human stakes. It can outgrow in a social and political, cultural and spiritual crisis.

Near-term steps to overcome crises are:

– To create an internal market.

– To overcome import dependence of Ukraine.

– To halt political and social fireworks due to the state budget in order to please politicians and frank economic lie.

– Not to delay any more and begin to work.

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3. Forming a National Idea

is today in each  at large, a policy where the idea equates with the national.

In actual fact the National idea – is:

– Strong state and conscious citizen, proud that he has the Ukrainian passport.

– Family which has for what to live, and child which has for what to study, and knows, where it will go to work.

– Maintenance of language and culture, comprehension past and reflections about the modern aspects.

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4. Maintenance and increase of the national capital

For years an independentUkraine and a national capital were formed, though history of its forming was different.

Our task is to create terms in order that we can work on our state.

– It is needed to save not the oligarchs, but Ukrainian assets which influence the economy and which enable the work of hundreds of thousands of people.

– Capital must have equal terms. No businessmen can prevail and be a monopolist in the country.

– Basic rule of conduct with a capital should be to be gently to cherish and hard regulated. Only then will we be able to develop and multiply in interests of entire country.

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5. One of the main national capital values is the land

The land is the unique resource in the world, which does not recommence. How to save this capital is another call for the Ukrainian state.

Therefore we are for the removal of moratorium on land, but with clear 4 conditions:

– An observance of the having a special purpose setting of land and forced exception of earth is in the case of its targeted use.

– The proprietors of Ukrainian earth can only be residents of Ukraine.

– It is only possible to sell state lannd, and only in the states it is possible to purchase it.

For this purpose it is necessary to create a state agent for the market of buyers and sellers of land.

– A limit of volume of property which is in one person hand, straight or mediated –, not to create landlords.

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6. Forming of modern political nation

Make the national idea and national capital become the prime soil for creation of a political nation.

Conscious political nation:

– Perceives Ukraine not as territory, but as the strong state.

– Able to elect to itself power, but not to be select power.

– Able to change this power and build the strong state for a man, regardless of its nationality, language and confession.

– Has the formed world view which represents interests of all society, but not only for himself.

– Build the legal state and civil society.

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7. Balance in the Ukrainian power system

Today basic elements of the Ukrainian policy are plots, Visantisianism, treasons, cynicism and lie.

They are as a tumor which with every year grows and infects our society. But there are rules even in a war. There are simple recipes, to prevent growth of these tumors:

– To change the electoral system – to inculcate the opened lists on elections in Verkhovna Rada.

– To take away deputy immunity.

– To inculcate responsibility of deputies before the electors.

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8. Change of political elite

– To methodize authorities of not only youths but also the best. Create a real command of conscious Ukrainians not by nationality, but after calling.

– Forming a new political force, this will not be the charisma club of one leader. New parties, but not polytechnological projects are a way to the change the elite.

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9. Forming a layer of professional state management

The State needs new, professionally geared-up, with fresh vision and modern approaches, management, on all stages of government service.

It is necessary to form:

– A middle link of government service which will be permanent, regardless of political colors or events.

– A professional skilled reserve of government service.

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10. Modern education

The nation does not have the Nobel laureates.

There is not a single Ukrainian higher educational establishment which is brought to the international ratings. Close to 20% of the graduating students can not find work within its area of specialist background.

We have:

– To revive domestic education through the increase of professionalism of both teachers and students.

– To change financing and accreditations of higher educational establishments.

– To co-ordinate maintenance of education with realities and necessities of the Ukrainian economy.

– To adapt introduction of Bologonskogo process to conformed to Ukrainian realities.

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11. Freedom of religion

– In the spiritual world of man nobody has the authority to interfere.

– It is impossible to assume political pressure on a church and political influenceof church as such.

– Basic principle: « Keep a close love to it and respect his confession».

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12. The language must not be the article of political speculation

– The state must create terms, in order for the Ukrainians to be able to freely study and use, Russian, German, Polish, French and other English languages which consider the native or want to seize.

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13. Spiritual and physical health of Ukrainians

Tendencies are terrible – nation gets older, physically and weakens spiritually, and the best ones migrate out of the country.

– Ukraine needs system changes in medical service, through new standards, and introductions of protocols of treatment, connected with medical insurance.

– It is necessary to revive prophylactic medicine.

Analogical state and with cultural development.

– A hungry family will not sustain itself with classic music and modern literature. It thinks on how to survive, more so in the days of today’s global economic crisis.

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14. Ukrainian choice

– We will not get external confession without internal changes.

– Therefore we do not offer a European, but a Ukrainian choice. Make a Ukrainian choice of values and national interest, both for the state and for the individual citizen.

– The way to the European Union is distant and protracted. But on this way we must be interesting in each other. Ukraine must not be asked, it must invite.

– The Ukrainian presence abroad must be everywhere, where Ukrainian economic and political interest is. We will co-operate with all, except for those, who finances terrorism and diffuses a nuclear weapon.

– We must overcome a base problem in the Ukrainian foreign policy with relationships with Russian Federation.

– Ukraine must go out on the absolutely new level of socializing with new American Administration.

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15. Creation of the National plan of changes

– Changes can not come in one day, or even during one year.

– These changes one man can not do alone.

– But if we together will have a clear goal of these changes, they will be effective.

– Therefore the National plan of changes will be formed and realized jointly by all Ukrainians.

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16. Today to the country necessary changes

We must acknowledge that all of us and until now live in the post Soviet system of economic, political, social and mental co-ordinates.

Calls which appeared today before the state and each of us talk that change are needed to it all.

– Today to the country is in need of changes, cardinal changes, but not ordinary preformatted changeswhich we have lived by the last seventeen years.

– Having strong historical foundation, we must build the strong walls of the Ukrainian state system.

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17. Only together we will give effective answers for the calls of our time

– Independently will not do much. But millions of Ukrainians, which remember the history and are ill for the future, should go alongside.

– After my journeys on regions and meetings with people, I felt a public request for a new format. I will move further. I will try to meet with each, who share an interest to the future of Ukraine, and will search ideological supporters.

– For this reason Arseniy Yacenyuk begins initiative “Front of changes”. So far it is not a party. But already there are initiative groups in many areas. I am sure that the result of this initiative will be a party. A party, built from below. This is a party which does not have shareholders and leader.


Source by Stig Kristoffersen

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