Turn Your Back This Fourth of July

truther July 1, 2013 16

Eric, ericpetersautos

In a few days, we will all have an opportunity to peacefully inflict a major psychological blow on the rapidly coalescing police state by the simple but powerful act of refusing to play along with the absurd pantomime on the 4th of July that we live in an even nominally free country – one with the rule of law, an operative Constitution and respect for individual rights. One that isn’t a thugocracy.

Turn Your Back This Fourth of July

We can turn our backs on the flag. Decline to participate when urged to cheer and sing. No fireworks. No barbeques.

We can sit down – and bow our heads.

We can mention the unmentionable: That there is no longer any meaningful limit to the power of the government over our lives. No line beyond which it may not tread. That it lies, spies and tyrannizes.

We can admit to ourselves the shoddy – and frightening – reality bubbling up all around us.

By so doing, we can shatter the illusion that this government operates with anything remotely approximating our consent. This is absolutely essential. The 4th of July pantomime requires that we deny the obvious – that we instead pretend we’re free people living in a free country; one in which the government is accountable to the people, one in which the government is limited by law. One in which people can’t simply be dragooned into prisons without due process, held incommunicado, tortured. A country with a president who doesn’t have kill lists – or use the instruments of state power to punish and intimidate his political opponents. One in which citizens must be suspected of a crime before their personal correspondence is filched through and recorded for later use against them. One in which a traveler is free from arbitrary and random searches of his person and effects. One in which the attorney general of the United States isn’t able to get away with providing guns to gangs or brazenly lie about his use of the power of his office to go after political “enemies” rather than pursue justice.

back turned

All these things are everyday realities. And the reality is that the America we once celebrated on the Fourth of July is gone, replaced by something dark and ominous.

It is painfully obvious – so why pretend otherwise?

More to the point, why should we celebrate this ugly transformation?

Mourning is what’s called for.

If we decline to play along – and we still have this option, for the moment – we can shatter the idea that all of the foregoing loathsomeness is done with our approval. We can redefine the relationship between ourselves and the government in an honest way. No more pretending we’re free. No more pretending we’re protected by the rule of law – and not ruled over by a thug caste – a mafia – that does literally whatever it wants, to anyone, at any time – without any real consequences whatsoever. None of this requires elaboration. Everyone knows it to be true. The Constitution is no longer even payed lip service to. It is a sick joke.

We are in the position of a battered spouse who is expected to rouge her bruises and tell her friends that – whoops! – she fell down the stairs. But hubby is a swell guy.

beaten wife

I say, to hell with that.

I say, let’s not give them the cover they still apparently crave. I say, let’s out them – by openly displaying our bruises and no longer denying how we got them. Let the world see the true nature of the relationship between us and those who rule us.

China had its Tiananmen Moment – when one brave man stood up to a column of tanks and changed history by the simple act of refusing to play along. By peacefully forcing the thugocracy’s hand. It faced a hard choice: Either it could either run that man down in full view of live TV, crush him under the treads of a T-72 and thereby give real-life and incontrovertible evidence of the true nature of the relationship of the Chinese government vis-a-vis the average Chinese. Or it could back down – and thereby be compelled to alter the relationship in a way at least somewhat more favorable to the average Chinese.

4th final

We have a similar opportunity coming up. A chance to confront the police state by refusing to pretend it’s not a police state. By coming to grips with what it is.

And what it is is nothing to celebrate.

I urge you to join me this July 4th in turning your back on the flag – on all grotesque homilies to a country that no longer exists, because of the government which does exist – and which desperately wants us to keep on playing patty cake and pretending that it doesn’t.

Throw it in the Woods?    

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  1. doesntmatter July 3, 2013 at 2:24 am - Reply

    5 War Veteran
    I actually understand where you’re coming from…and I cant really fault you for it.
    >You are being reasonable.
    BUT, I was born into a hellhole…I watched my parents (unbeknownst at the time) do nothing while our country was getting in high gear to screw the ppl.
    >I completely understand.
    I blame the baby boomers, for not being vigilant while there was still opportunity to do so….and because they failed miserably, we are now dealing with the reaping of those poorly sown bad seeds.
    >I am a baby boomer that was drafted into the Viet Nam war. Because my family was poor I had no choice in the matter. As always the Elite treat the poor in such a manner. I also agree the baby boomers are responsible. But we cannot make excuses for them or place the final responsibilities on them because this is our America and it still remains our responsibility regarding our own future.
    I don’t kid myself into thinking now is the time to make a change and a difference, because I feel like that window of opportunity has closed shut tight,
    > A defeatists attitude.
    and TPTB knows that….that’s what they were striving for, and they have successfully achieved it.
    >It is only an achievement if we allow it and accept it, them who is to blame? We are.
    Not only have they achieved getting things in order throughout the world the way they would like, but they have also succeeded in breaking down the cloth of humanity…and without that cloth it is impossible to cloak ourselves together to become strong enough to fight against TPTB.
    >Then you have already given in and lost. Is that the legacy you choose to leave for your children? My children are grown and my grands are just a couple years away from having their own. Yes I will choose to do WHAT IS NECESSARY to give those great grands the opportunities I did not have, and those my own children have squandered.
    I am not responsible for something that has been brewing since before my own parents were even born…I am merely a victim in the madness that has boiled over from the pot that was left on the stove by so many generations before me…if you feel like you can still scrub that pot clean after it has been seared with everything uninmaginable, then go for it….
    >I do not in any remote manner believe the system can repair itself. One cannot expect the kind of thinking that created the problem could remotely be used to fix the problem that kind of thinking created.
    but don’t tell everyone else they are responsible for doing the same thing….I know how well pot scrubbers work, and I have YET to find one that will be able to scrub the pot of america, even remotely clean o_o. and unfortunately our dirty pot, has overflowed onto the rest of the world, and they have their own pots that has overflowed as well.
    >It is your choice to do nothing and allow the situation to devolve into the Elite and Slave castes where starvation and abuse of the common folk are daily occurrences but I would appreciate your support and backing when the time comes. Whether we are called freedom fighters or terrorists what happens will be solely with the intent of maintaining and recovering the American dream.
    if God isn’t letting you borrow HIS pot scrubber, you can forget about it…your scrubber will never be enough, you let the pot scorch beyond repair already…*sigh. but informing others of the realities we are enduring from day to day with eyes wide open, is something I will do until the day I die.
    >I hope it will always be that easy but I also know that it will not. We cannot live the dreams of our fathers and we cannot fulfill their dreams because they are theirs. We have our own dreams and they did not include the destruction of the United States from within.
    Nobody expected the people we placed our trust in to become the ones that destroyed our beautiful nation. We were asleep, not paying attention, doing our best to live that American dream. I never expected to find it necessary to house my children and their families because the employment situation which has shipped most jobs overseas just because the Elite want more wealth and less population to gain even greater control.
    Consider that factually less than ten thousand people control the wealth of the planet. How much is too much? That is the reality of the situation. 535 politicians are the focal point in the USA and then the few elite who operate them are the cusp of our problems. Of course there are their lackeys who play follow the leader and will follow orders whether they are wrong or not.

    you know, if I had children, I would be depressed as hell because I know that I have subjected another victim to this madness of the world….with no silver lining in sight. I don’t feel defeated, simply because I can look around, absorb things, and realize that we do not have the strength we need as the human race to overcome the corruption that is WORLDwide…but that has nothing to do with my personal defeat, its just reality im not afraid to accept. like I said before, this plot has been in full effect for centuries….and like you said, you cant expect it to be turned around in the blink of an eye. but think about it…it took centuries for the WORLD to become this way (step outside of lil ol america for a moment), are you saying it will take centuries to get it to functioning in a decent manner again? why did it take centuries for it to even get this way?? did it not take complacent dependant ppl to allow it to become this way??? you think we can foil a plot that was hatched before we even knew of its existence, although we have hordes more of the same type of ppl who allowed to become this in the first place…as well as hordes more ppl supporting the madness???

    I know us humans like to wish upon stars for the sake of sleeping better at night…but I haven’t been alive alllll that long, and I can already see those stars don’t exist, and ppls wishes are going in vain….in fact, ive been watching that happen all my lil life. I have just learned to put faith in whats the most powerful, and what isn’t possibly out for its own interests….and that will NEVER EVER be government or anything close. why is that? because its controlled and ran by man…the same men who has no clue how to run and control their damn selves…I have and will always pass on that highly poor concept of how ANY human should be dictated upon.

  2. common law p.a.g. Chris July 2, 2013 at 7:02 am - Reply

    Sorry i forgot: Nueve / November the true CREATOR’S 9th MOnth see http://www.freedom-school.com (the one in Texas), and view FREE Jerry Kirks portion on a very good site. Then LooK at Jerry’s gift from the CREATOR to You of many Hidden Truth like the colored as heretical or apocryphal texts of E NO Ch Steven James MariAH MagDAlenAH.. see Did AH Dom have a Wrist Watch, or the Old Car Jeep and Dodge Parcels Lots for Free or Donation if you freely choose?
    You may have NOT been told the absolute Truth?

  3. common law p.a.g. Chris July 2, 2013 at 6:54 am - Reply

    Perhaps this celebrated Day is More DECEIT/ Could it be a mere Pharisaic Phairy Tail to Fool AHmerci cAH with the word Trick Switchcraft pseudonym Fourth of Ju LIE to celebrate our
    IN- dependence to the Talmudic HIGH YAHooDAi Black Robed Archon Mystere Ba Ba’alYAHn Summar MO SODomite Priest Kults of Murderous Robber Rapist Child MOlesting Incestuous Thieving Liar Mercenary War Mongers DISguised as Merchant SEA People; See the Law of the SEA Treaty and their Universal Cainaanite Communist CODE? Is NOT SEPTember the 7th Month and OCTober the Eighth Month and DECA Decembr the 10th. MOnth do YOU not wonder WHO added the Two EXtRA Months to revere: Ju LIE US
    Caesar/ cAH-KA Czar and AH G[j] ust US cAH Czar? Is this NOT a
    M=Master’s KULT of RA (MK UltRA styled HA sHAtan masterful deceit Trick foisted to DIStroy America? Pray for DEVINE intercession?

  4. 5 War Veteran July 2, 2013 at 3:26 am - Reply

    I spent 22 years and gave my body in the service of my country. I love America and Americans.
    I do not love criminal politicians not conniving criminal Elite who choose profit over honor.
    I agree however that this holiday has lost it’s attraction in light of political corruption and Big Brother lies.
    Do as you choose but always remember that you are ultimately responsible for the actions of your government.

    • doesntmatter July 2, 2013 at 3:57 am - Reply

      I am not responsible for the actions of a gov I do not claim, never have claimed, and never will claim. speak for yourself there buddy.

      • doesntmatter July 2, 2013 at 4:00 am - Reply

        and after 22yrs of being used and abused by the gov YOU claim, you should be ashamed to take responsibility for their actions o_o…wtf? that’s the response someone will say after they have rolled over on their backs and gave in…instead of saying “the actions of my gov is out of control, I have nothing to do with them, and we as the ppl are gonna have to change it”.

        • 5 War Veteran July 2, 2013 at 5:21 am - Reply

          While I agree the Government IS out of control I have no shame. Because I have been active. I have been warning others for years. I have been speaking out and I have been harassed by the PTB for doing so.
          I write more than 30 letters to politicians every month and I am active in the local community asking the tough questions. When the SHTF I only ask that you stand up with other Americans and fight for your country against domestic threats.

      • 5 War Veteran July 2, 2013 at 5:15 am - Reply

        Ahh but in the end because the people did not choose to become active in the past when these things started we are ultimately responsible. When events took place that were blatant and in our faces those of us who chose not to become active are even more responsible than those who were just too stupid to recognize it.
        I chose to alienate my greater family and won the voices of my own family because even when they were not interested I still provided the information. Now the extended family also is becoming aware and now I am less the conspirist and more the one “In the know”.

        I did not get to choose the president and while overseas had that right stolen from me. I was forced to listen to BS propaganda while on active duty and had little voice. When I supported Ron Paul I was told by the command to keep my views private. I did not kiss a$$ and did not play reindeer games with those less intelligent and moronic that I was forced to call my “superiors”.

        Some people wake up before others and start paying attention.

        Yes I thug the “Army of One” commercials were cool but I knew that there is no such thing as an “army of one” we were all tools of the Elite to be used in foreign policy. To die on the battle field making the Elite even richer.

        It is acceptable that you think that you are not responsible but no matter how we may deny the truth, we are.

        If we accept the right to be an American and continue to live in this country then we are responsible. Whether we have a choice or not. To refuse to take responsibility is to condone the continued destruction of American rights and values.

        • doesntmatter July 3, 2013 at 12:08 am - Reply

          I actually understand where youre coming from…and I cant really fault you for it. BUT, I was born into a hellhole…I watched my parents (unbeknownst at the time) do nothing while our country was getting in high gear to screw the ppl. I blame the baby boomers, for not being vigilant while there was still opportunity to do so….and because they failed miserably, we are now dealing with the reaping of those poorly sown bad seeds.

          I don’t kid myself into thinking now is the time to make a change and a difference, because I feel like that window of opportunity has closed shut tight, and TPTB knows that….that’s what they were striving for, and they have successfully achieved it. Not only have they achieved getting things in order throughout the world the way they would like, but they have also succeeded in breaking down the cloth of humanity…and without that cloth it is impossible to cloak ourselves together to become strong enough to fight against TPTB.

          I am not responsible for something that has been brewing since before my own parents were even born…I am merely a victim in the madness that has boiled over from the pot that was left on the stove by so many generations before me…if you feel like you can still scrub that pot clean after it has been seared with everything uninmaginable, then go for it….but don’t tell everyone else they are responsible for doing the same thing….I know how well pot scrubbers work, and I have YET to find one that will be able to scrub the pot of america, even remotely clean o_o. and unfortunately our dirty pot, has overflowed onto the rest of the world, and they have their own pots that has overflowed as well.

          if God isn’t letting you borrow HIS pot scrubber, you can forget about it…your scrubber will never be enough, you let the pot scorch beyond repair already…*sigh. but informing others of the realities we are enduring from day to day with eyes wide open, is something I will do until the day I die.

          • 5 War Veteran July 3, 2013 at 1:14 am -

            I actually understand where you’re coming from…and I cant really fault you for it.

            >You are being reasonable.

            BUT, I was born into a hellhole…I watched my parents (unbeknownst at the time) do nothing while our country was getting in high gear to screw the ppl.

            >I completely understand.

            I blame the baby boomers, for not being vigilant while there was still opportunity to do so….and because they failed miserably, we are now dealing with the reaping of those poorly sown bad seeds.

            >I am a baby boomer that was drafted into the Viet Nam war. Because my family was poor I had no choice in the matter. As always the Elite treat the poor in such a manner. I also agree the baby boomers are responsible. But we cannot make excuses for them or place the final responsibilities on them because this is our America and it still remains our responsibility regarding our own future.

            I don’t kid myself into thinking now is the time to make a change and a difference, because I feel like that window of opportunity has closed shut tight,

            > A defeatists attitude.

            and TPTB knows that….that’s what they were striving for, and they have successfully achieved it.

            >It is only an achievement if we allow it and accept it, them who is to blame? We are.

            Not only have they achieved getting things in order throughout the world the way they would like, but they have also succeeded in breaking down the cloth of humanity…and without that cloth it is impossible to cloak ourselves together to become strong enough to fight against TPTB.

            >Then you have already given in and lost. Is that the legacy you choose to leave for your children? My children are grown and my grands are just a couple years away from having their own. Yes I will choose to do WHAT IS NECESSARY to give those great grands the opportunities I did not have, and those my own children have squandered.

            I am not responsible for something that has been brewing since before my own parents were even born…I am merely a victim in the madness that has boiled over from the pot that was left on the stove by so many generations before me…if you feel like you can still scrub that pot clean after it has been seared with everything uninmaginable, then go for it….

            >I do not in any remote manner believe the system can repair itself. One cannot expect the kind of thinking that created the problem could remotely be used to fix the problem that kind of thinking created.

            but don’t tell everyone else they are responsible for doing the same thing….I know how well pot scrubbers work, and I have YET to find one that will be able to scrub the pot of america, even remotely clean o_o. and unfortunately our dirty pot, has overflowed onto the rest of the world, and they have their own pots that has overflowed as well.

            >It is your choice to do nothing and allow the situation to devolve into the Elite and Slave castes where starvation and abuse of the common folk are daily occurrences but I would appreciate your support and backing when the time comes. Whether we are called freedom fighters or terrorists what happens will be solely with the intent of maintaining and recovering the American dream.

            if God isn’t letting you borrow HIS pot scrubber, you can forget about it…your scrubber will never be enough, you let the pot scorch beyond repair already…*sigh. but informing others of the realities we are enduring from day to day with eyes wide open, is something I will do until the day I die.

            >I hope it will always be that easy but I also know that it will not. We cannot live the dreams of our fathers and we cannot fulfill their dreams because they are theirs. We have our own dreams and they did not include the destruction of the United States from within.

            Nobody expected the people we placed our trust in to become the ones that destroyed our beautiful nation. We were asleep, not paying attention, doing our best to live that American dream. I never expected to find it necessary to house my children and their families because the employment situation which has shipped most jobs overseas just because the Elite want more wealth and less population to gain even greater control.

            Consider that factually less than ten thousand people control the wealth of the planet. How much is too much? That is the reality of the situation. 535 politicians are the focal point in the USA and then the few elite who operate them are the cusp of our problems. Of course there are their lackeys who play follow the leader and will follow orders whether they are wrong or not.

  5. Dave July 2, 2013 at 2:49 am - Reply

    The American Flag, the SYMBOL of our Nation as it is TODAY, WILL fly over MY house on the 4th.
    We need to honor it, and not turn our backs on it because it STILL REPRESENTS the best that we are, not the worst, which some if our “so called leaders” are TRYING to turn our National Character into.
    Our Flag has been CAPTURED, plain and simple, through Socialist policies developed by wealthy International human-manipulators, whose desire is to blow the walls of The United States down, through lies, deceits, corruptions, terror, murder, and the eradication if our Rights as Citizens as clearly spelled out in our Constitution.
    No matter WHAT we citizens have recently learned about our corrupted leaders, ALL American Citizens should STAND UP AND SUPPORT our Flag. We should continue to HONOR it, PRAY for it, SALUTE it.
    Our Flag represents all that is good and fair in the hearts of our FIRST patriots, who GAVE the FIRST citizens the rights we STILL have, and who, from their rightful place in Heaven, cheer us on to NEVER give up, but instead to Plan and work diligently to re-define, through watchfulness and voter action, what BOTH the CURRENT ADMINISTRATION and our SCOTUS of this “Beautiful Island Of Possibility” has recently been exposed to actually be;
    THAT is, a criminal, power-drunk legal arm of the largest International Corporations, AND The United Nations.
    We, the ALLIED RESISTANCE of MAN OVER ROTWORMS (A.R.M.O.R.) can, and MUST, do God’s work here on Earth. We were sent by Him as his Spirit Children, his Advance Intergallactic “Earth Unit”, to stop the wars, and THEN to heal the sick, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, educate those who seek knowledge, and, if necessary, to FIGHT in God’s name for our Natural “God-Given” Freedoms due the highly developed Humans that we ARE.
    Our Flag cheers us on to NEVER submit, to NEVER become the SLAVES of these Alien Conquerors, who were possibly sent by the highly advanced Inter-Gallactic Forces of Evil.
    Remember who you are, and ACCEPT the responsibility you undertook when you last raised your hand, or covered your American Heart, and freely offered, PLEDGED, your OATH OF ALLEGIANCE, to our Stars and Stripes; to our beautiful and STILL DEFENDABLE, American Flag.

    • doesntmatter July 2, 2013 at 2:56 am - Reply

      you do realize that the fluoride alone has already taken over so many brains in america, that your speech will resonate through only about 0.2% of still functioning brains out there o_o??? ijs…

      its bigger than us, and you are going to need more than a good motivational speech and waving flag to even put a slight dent in any of this madness…ALOT more.

      • doesntmatter July 2, 2013 at 2:59 am - Reply

        as I read the rest of your post, I realize the fluoride (and many other poisons) has pretty much taken over your lil brain as well *sigh*…good luck with that, smh.

  6. Chas July 1, 2013 at 8:58 pm - Reply

    No, I won’t turn my back on the flag. Despite what America is becoming, I will continue to be what America was. I will be that lone patriot, with his flag, standing in opposition to the establishment. Remember, the Flag is as personal to some of us as it is collective.

    • Dee July 2, 2013 at 1:15 am - Reply

      AMEN, I will have my American flag up, in fact I have bought more to put up, I also have a sign up that has the flag on it saying God Bless America. Just praying that God will bless America again before its too late. If you notice more are putting the American flag up! I don’t appreciate saying we need to turn our backs on the flag, turn your back on this so called government, & president we have.

      • doesntmatter July 2, 2013 at 2:50 am - Reply

        backs should’ve been turned on the gov and presidents a loooong time ago…like at least decades ago o_o…swinging a flag around now, is not going to change that. why would God bless a country full of lazy, greedy, hateful, complacent, violent, nonproductive, atheist supporting, gay life supporing, disrespectful, selfish individuals??? if God was blessing america in the SLIGHTEST, it wouldn’t be in the peril its in…but God steers clear of hate and wickedness…the only ones receiving assistance and protection from Him in the usa, are His true believers who still respects and adheres to His wishes…

        the american flag can never stand in the place of that, OR bring blessings of the Most High.

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