Australia Indonesia New Conflict World War 3?

Pakalert May 7, 2014 8

War in Australia Indonesia new world war 3 .


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  1. Kapten Drag October 17, 2015 at 11:26 am - Reply

    Indonesia is allies of USA And Russia what he will choose?

  2. Nuarta Bali October 17, 2015 at 11:26 am - Reply

    lol,…indonesian never die

  3. Spiritual€@nofwup@$$ October 17, 2015 at 11:26 am - Reply

    China is straining relations to cause infighting between borders and political groups. When it escalates the UN will be unable to decide an exact mission statement. China will invade under the guise of humanitarian aide relief efforts. The New Chinese Navy will move a Stealth submarine base to the eastern coast of Indonesia and activate sleeper cells throughout indian ocean and Pacifica. Terrorist groups in effected areas will attempt a coup and Islamist rebels will attack chinese aide workers. This will cause an emergency world summit with The Chinese attending as the liberators of Indonesia, Britain and US will walk out on talks further straining UN, NATO and EU relations causing family world wide faction race. North Korea will attempt coup on South attacking North American Alliance. Some EU members will leave union over claims of Western Imperialism and Pakistan will back Chinese aggressions. This will leave India Japan and Australia as the only Alliance Members in the theater. The US Navy will stagger blockades and utilize militia groups in enemy seas as privateers. The use of covert anti riot technology and ground to air Lasers will prompt dirtier tactics by the Eastern Confederated Forces. Nukes will be off the table until the US makes the wrong move, rather than to use traditional tactics. We will not be the first to launch, but the protagonist. American Society are after all the Sorest Loser of the World.
    America will show its
    True colors
    When it is revealed that MI5 and CIA had direct ties with Islamic terror groups setting off a dirty bomb. Most likely this will be in effect near border of Pakistan and the rest of the War Theater. Most directly afflicted entities will South East Asian coast Indochina and Australia. The US may very well lose the foothold of the Philippines before then. The corn belt will be hit hard by bad weather and economic conditions Leading to second Dust Bowl. Americans will rush for the borders having fled both coasts as well. Democratic party will dissolve due to heavy losses in Seattle, WA. And Neo Cons will overwhelm oval office and Senate. A permanent military takeover at state levels and control of federal forces in congressional hands will be a change of US government. Texas will attempt to secure it's borders and with Tea party aide secession will lead to internal warfare. Southwestern states fearing for safety and economic pressure will reach a partnership with Mexico. The US will be split up into 3 subsections. Alaskan economics will eventually strain and with oil reserves emptied a fight will ensue over last bit of wilderness oil and pipeline will be destroyed. Russian Federation will take northern pole and parts of Canada/ Alaska as annexed territories. The Federation will also break it's alliances with the Middle East to reroute it's forces to push russian borders back to Soviet era and Post WW2 positions following disbanded UN and full NATO withdrawl. The remainder of Europe EU and Britain will be forced to sign a peace treaty with the now more Soviet like Russo Fed. The only states to object and remain independent will be Ireland, Italy, Switzerland and Southern Greece. Mexico and Brazil will assume their places as the new centers of American Power and as the lone producers of petroleum and Ethanol. They will engage in free trade with the other independent countries as State support Mega Corp Synergies. Organized Crime Syndicates will be at an all time high. Extremist Christian groups will be the main target of State prosecution as the Narcotics business will be legalized and state sponsored. The Chinese will eventually regain some, but very little of its Stateship, and ally itself with the Russo Fed to acclaim itself the The Russo – Chinese Federation and will remain a dummy state to Russo Fed territorial warfare. Baja and California will bare the burden of refugee harbor likened to New York in the Early 20th century. Mexican authority with react by making it a labor state under the new partnership. California will be the worst off population Center in the mid 21st century and will not be liberated until well after the end of the Central American wars with the Remaining 13 States in the US. Terrorist activities will leave much of the US Eastern Seaboard unlovable for the next 200-300 years. However advances in technology will lead to revival of the Corn-belt and a new American golden age with currencies finally giving way to smart-trade and necessity-based resource policy. Self sustainability and unlimited power resource technology will eventually spread throughout the rest of World Society because of a new incarnation of the Internet. This will lead to the first stable world Union. *(/)*

  4. Alban Albani October 17, 2015 at 11:26 am - Reply

    Albania.Saudi Arabia,Iraq,Qatar, UAE,Bangladesh will never support NATO againts other muslim country.

  5. Rawon Keliling October 17, 2015 at 11:26 am - Reply

    Never going to war. Trust me, China, Russia, United States and his allies need south east asia.

  6. Dozodo Kun October 17, 2015 at 11:26 am - Reply

    I promise to my country I'm not scared to dead and our nations is strong..we have bineka tunggal ika if we have that we are not rasist always strong and our people have a good mental to kill all Australia 

  7. joey florez October 17, 2015 at 11:26 am - Reply

    Australia would defeat Indonesia in WW3.

  8. Andri A October 17, 2015 at 11:26 am - Reply

    listen before comment

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