CIA Turns On Obama – Indicating Significant Cover-Up

truther October 8, 2012 2

Bill Gertz | freebeacon

Revolt of the Spooks

Intelligence officials angered by Obama administration cover up of intelligence on Iranian, al Qaeda surge in Egypt and Libya

Weeks before the presidential election, President Barack Obama’s administration faces mounting opposition from within the ranks of U.S. intelligence agencies over what careerofficers say is a “cover up” of intelligence information about terrorism in North Africa.

Intelligence held back from senior officials and the public includes numerous classified reports revealing clear Iranian support for jihadists throughout the tumultuous North Africa and Middle East region, as well as notably widespread al Qaeda penetration into Egypt and Libya in the months before the deadly Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

…Intelligence officials pointed to the statement issued Sept. 28 by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) that raised additional concern about the administration’s apparent mishandling of intelligence. The ODNI statement said that “in the immediate aftermath, there was information that led us to assess that the attack began spontaneously following protests earlier that day at our embassy in Cairo.”

Officials say the ODNI’s false information was either knowingly disseminated or was directed to be put out by senior policy officials for political reasons, since the statement was contradicted by numerous intelligence reports at the time of the attack indicating it was al Qaeda-related terrorism.

Officials with access to intelligence reports, based on both technical spying and human agents, said specific reporting revealed an alarming surge in clandestine al Qaeda activity months before the attack in Benghazi.

Yet the Obama administration sought to keep the information from becoming public to avoid exposing what the officials say is a Middle East policy failure by Obama.

The first part of the apparent campaign, officials said, was the false information provided to U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, who appeared on Sunday television shows after the attack to say the event was a “spontaneous” response to an anti-Muslim video trailer posted online.

Officials said Rice was given the false information to use in media appearances in order to promote the excuse that the obscure video was the cause of the attack, and not the Islamic concept of jihad.

“The Obama Administration is afraid to admit al Qaeda is running rampant throughout the region because it would expose the truth instead of what President Obama so pompously spouted during the Democratic Convention” said the official.

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  1. cloud nine October 9, 2012 at 11:39 am - Reply

    Obooboobs will do whatever he’s told. Anything can be exposed. The CIA can kick, or kiss, his fanny. It doesn’t matter. Whatever the puppet masters determine is how it will play out. They just present this stuff to side track out thoughts. It was Romney who was invited to Bilderberg this year, as Obooboobs was 4 years ago. Keep your eyes on the matador and not the flapping red cape. Our greatest defense is prayer. Praise Jesus!

    • cloud nine October 11, 2012 at 12:55 am - Reply

      After viewing a vid clip with Alex Jones today I have to modify my comment from yesterday.
      It seems obooboobs is displeasing the elite by blocking the American flow of oil. Romney was sent to the debate to dress him down for it publicly. So our prayers are working and the inner core is being shaken!

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