Putin’s Secret Riches

Pakalert January 25, 2016 19


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  1. donald rege October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    The only man they revere but can't touch! he's not saddam hussein or muamar Gaddafi, he's putin

  2. Александр Тучков October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    hahah, when always drunked Yeltsin was destroing and selling Russia it was OK for West and it was democracy. Now we're getting stronger and democracy has gone! Isn't it hypocrisy?

  3. ბლიადიმერ ხუილო October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Кремлеботы, которые косят под иностранцев, напоминают обезьян, поверивших, что их невозможно отличить от людей.

  4. ბლიადიმერ ხუილო October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Если вашу пьяную соседку каждое утро привозят домой разные мужчины, то вы не можете утверждать, что она женщина сомнительной репутации. Вы что, свечку держали? Где факты? Опять одни голословные утверждения.
    © Блядимир Блядимирович

  5. Sandy Villarreal October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Good for Vladimir Putin! I don't know any President who doesn't have some blood on his hands. Look no further than the blood dripping from the hands of both Bushes, Bill & Hillary Clinton and traitor Obama. Our U.S. Government has been murdering millions upon millions of innocent men, women and children around the globe to enrich themselves with money. Here in America, we still admire, support and respect Putin far more than we ever will the Bushes, Clintons & Obama.

  6. Lenin Stalin Putin October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Yes he is a King.
    A liar King.
    Russia wake up.

  7. lkrnpk October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    It's so sad for me to see Western people fall into the same trap they were falling during the cold war. To use some problems in their countries (which are really minor, compared to problems in Russia) as a reason to support either communism during that time or some nationalist autocracy that Russia has now thinking that it is some kind of a better alternative. It's not. With all the minor problems you have in UK, USA etc… they are NOTHING compared to how Russian people live and what problems they face. I know that because I am from ex-USSR too and I know how things are here and how they are in the West, where people complain about things just because 1st world problems and stuff. Obama kills somebody with a drone, because somebody mixed up terrorists and wedding party- ok that's terrible, but I doubt it is the same as Putin ordering people to be beaten to death in broad daylight in Moscow.
    The biggest problem, of course, is the Russian fags themselves who equate Yeltsin to democracy itself, as if Yeltsin was some kind of a bright representative of democracy. Let's not forget who brought Putin to Kremlin? Putin! Let's not forget why he brought Putin to Kremlin? Because Putin was already a master of making himself rich with Russia's money and Yeltsin wanted a piece of the pie himself. And that's why he actually had to leave the post- because Yeltsin & Putin get rich quick scheme backfired and some names were named and to avoid trial Yeltsin had to give the post to Putin who then signed a document that gave Yeltsin immunity vs any crime he had committed or would be accused of.
    I know that nationalism clouds judgement, especially in post Soviet countries where people are still kind of naive or where ''patriot'' still means that you should support the government or whatnot, but in the meanwhile world's most expensive roads, skyscrapers and stadiums are still being built in Russia and while I or Americans and British can as well not give a sh**- I mean it's your money- I would hope some more people cared in Russia, but seems like all the people who cared are dead already, have emigareted or are in jail…

  8. Sam Bahri October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    This video is a big fat lie.

  9. Линар Шаймуллин October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Не ужели, западные журналисты и в правду верят что в таком жанре, и так преподнося фильм кто то в это поверит! Если же и поверит то этот человек не здраво мыслящий!

  10. Sabrina Ma October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Talk about Putin secret riches, these devils are so ignorant, Putin is rich in his character vs leadership role. He doesn't need to be rich in billion of dollars. All these idiots only interested in digging dirt because they have nothing to do, ugly and dirty politics, how about do something smart and constructive about how he rebuilds houses for the huge village fire and fix the country financial state from negative to a positive one. Negative jealous sinner talks all destructive things. They are Satan disciplines.

  11. Sabrina Ma October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Does Putin allow to be a billionaire after he have done for Russia, even the CEO of certain company becomes a billionaire. Bill Gate become a billionaire. Putin has 40 jets, so what ? it is not for his personal use, he only has one physical body, in other word, the jets are hosted the senior important officials for business in Russia. Should they fly on a kite instead or fly on an ordinary plane like us. These fools have no brain, like to criticize everything because of jealousy, Putin is more capable than many other leaders across the globe. Did Putin run Russia to bankruptcy. Does he deserve to live well or be rich or should he collect welfare then you guys will have nothing to say and laid a finger on him. These low class retarded people need a brain transplant in order to think logically, and have common sense and intellectual sense. Please go back in 1998 the collapse of USSR and today's Russia, who turns Russia around, you stupid idiots, have a life and think constructively.

  12. spinecure October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Putin began war in Ukraine and Syria , killed a lot of women and children there – he is bloody murderer

  13. Richard Falk October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    More lies, more propaganda, because Putin took the STOLEN assets of Rothschild (they own the UK government and Bank of England since 1815) agents and gave them back to the Russia people, he destroyed many corrupt Zionist oligarchs who were killing Russians, starving them, selling them into sex slavery, and selling their organs. Putin put an END to that, he took back his nation, increased living standards 1000% and cracked down on corruption. He is the greatest political leader in the last half century or more, he is only hated by Zionist parasites who destroy nations, Ukraine is already occupied, and is now NovoKhazaria, Ukrainian "Nationalists" are people who kill their own race, take orders from Jew oligarchs, and ally with Islamic terrorists like ISIS, Chechen extremists, and Tatars, they are HATED and real nationalists from Europe will not talk to them.

  14. David Rattigan. October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    "a secret CIA report agrees with Belkovskys figure (40b)" what nonce. tall tails for thirdgraders.

  15. Manga Man October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    The title of the video should be, "Jewish documentary on Putin".

  16. Stev3 October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Putin as corrupt as any politician in US/CHINA/EU etc..

  17. epiphany samy October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Putin is the best president ever. That's the reason people like nutty xaek and the rest hate him. Bravo, Putin ! Kick the hell out of corrupted Europe and US.

  18. epiphany samy October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply
  19. Steven Meyers October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

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