The Truth May Scare You – The Arrivals PT.25

Pakalert April 1, 2013 14

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  1. robert smith July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    All of this is true. Satan has used these various countries to rule the world and will inhabit a man and sit on his thrown in the temple mount in Jerusalem as the antichrist with the false prophet promoting him. However, the temple mount does not belong to Israel. It was recently signed over to the Vatican by Israel's prime minister. It is Rome (the Vatican, the popes, and the Jesuits) which Satan is using to push these nations into being weapons in order to regain the world-wide power and authority which Satan through the Vatican once possessed during the dark ages of the Inquisition. The Roman Catholic church is that Satanic organization behind the push for the Vatican II Ecumenical (one merged religion), Political, Economic, Military New World Order and it is the final pope who will be that man who Satan inhabits as the antichrist to rule the world.

  2. Alex Miletix July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    It is funny that the Promissed Land is exactly, and milimetrically from each point to point, where there is abandance of quality water and oil. From Nile to Eufrates and around it. A bity strange, no? Is it then maybe just the "desired land" because it is the most fertile for food plantation, and profitable for industry at the same time because of the oil"? If you cotrol that region, you are literally the ruler of the wolrd. Best water and best oil in the planet, means you can have a huge population while also having control over the richest and highest quality oil perforations of oil. Whoever gets hold of that desired (promissed?) land, will be the biggest, rrichest and most wealthy nation of the future world scene.

  3. Jdillalafilla July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    hey Ynnor Mark, I hope you are not the person making these videos, because a 6 year old with down syndrome could make a sharper analysis

  4. gordon culp July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    was good until islam….

  5. gordon culp July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    according to Christianity islam is the antichrist. which denies the son of God

  6. gordon culp July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    9/11 was done by british Saudi and Israel.

  7. abra cadabra July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    yes as stated in the book I said I have the( war of two world ) the mystics or( any one who is religious refured to as mystics) and value destroying neo cheaters have incountered there anti christ in neo tech. There armagedon has com the ulimate battle has begun. Latter on in the book refuring to the war of two worlds. This final most important and crutial battle for civilization is no contest in fact this battle is laughable! Need I say I was told that these books would be my bible. And to keep them in a safe dry place 4 they will be pased down from generation to generation.

  8. Gino C July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    why isnt this in one movie? or 2 movies. allah is satan or a demon. man you were doing good till you brought in the bogus religion. we can see it those that can discern see islam for what it is instantly! why would God sacrifice his son create a religion of millions then say oh i screwed up lets cut off some head ill use an apostate priest he wont know the difference.

  9. 2prophets July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    To: Ynnor Mark: There is no Such God As allah !!! mohammhead WAS NOT A HOLY PROPHET ! ! ! ! HE WAS A MURDERER, RAPIST, SEX TRAFFICKER, HUMAN SLAVE TRADER, A PEDOPHILE, AND CHILD SEX MOLESTER ! ! ! YOUR morehammerhead Is IN HELL, AND IS NOT A HOLY MAN !!! Thebonly place he got any Foreknowledge ofbANYTHING Was From satan himself ! ! ! ! GOD (YAHWEH, JEHOVAH, THE GREAT I AM, THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA) Sent That Monster To Hell the second he died. I know He DIED SCREAMING IN AGONY, AND YOU CAN BET YOUR OWN SOUL THAT IS JUST EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING IN HELL RIGHT NOW ! ! ! ! You Sir Need To Get Saved By Grace Through Faith in Jesus Christ, and you MUST REPENT, WALK AWAY FROM THIS BELIEF THAT mowhamhead is A Prophet at all. Until you repent of your sins of Worshipping a False God like allah ; You Will only be facing the very same fate as moehamhockhead. I DELIBERATELY MISOELL HIS/IT'S NAME BECAUSE OF MY UTTER CONTEMPT FOR THE DECEPTION HE HAS HELPED PROPOGATE Among the people of Earth. Because of him, and The cathlick poop in fattycan sitty in roame idoly called by a Woman's name (francis) ; Over 6 Billion People on Earth will die and wind in HELL Because of their GREAT DECEPTION! ! ! ! My own Brother is a cathlick, and my youngest two brothers are both ATHEISTS ! ! ! ! One Sister thinks "Everyone is trying to get to heaven: They are just doing it in different ways". Let me Tell All who are reading this post one PURE TRUTH. Jesus Christ said "I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: No Man Cones To The Father, Except Through Me". Jesus paid the penalty for the sins Of ALL MANKIND, And He LEFT NO ROOM FOR ANYONE TO DO IT "HIS OWN WAY" ! ! ! ! I am telling Everyone who reads this, That there IS HOPE FOR YOUR SOUL. All Men Must die a physical death on Earth, But Your Souls Live Forever Either in Heaven Wuth Jesus, Or You WILL Suffer Eternal Punishment In Hell with satan and all of his fallen angels. Believe me when I say: Hell WILL NOT BE A BIG PARTY ZONE WITH satan in charge. His SUFFERING WILL CAUSE EVERYONE WHO GOES TO HELL WITH HIM ; TO LAUGH AT HIS TORMENT. ETERNITY IN HELL IS A KONG LING LIBG TIME, AND INCE YOU GO TGERE: YOU WILL NEVER GET OUT, AND THE SAME GOES FOR ETERNITY IN HEACEN. INCE YOU GO THERE : YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO LEAVE, SUFFER, GROW OLD, BE SAD, CRY, OR FEEL PHYSICAL PAIN AGAIN. DOESN'T THAT SOUND BETTER THAN GETTING 72 VIRGINS ???? I Have A Greater Hope.Than That. Think About It. Your Eternal Soul's Fate depends on what decision you make about Jesus Christ Before You Die. You CANNOT BE GOOD ENOUGH TO GO TO HEAVEN ! ! ! I can tell you this. When I found out that Jesus died on The Cross to buy God's forgiveness for My sins : I BELIEVED IT, AND TOOK THAT FREE GIFT INSTANTLY. PLEASE DON'T WAIT EVEN ONE MORE SECOND. IT MAY BE ONE SECOND MORE TGAN YOU HAVE LEFT TO LIVE. PLEASE ! ! DO IT FOR YOURSELF !! YOU DON'T HAVE TO "CLEAN YOUR LIFE UP FIRST, OR GET YOURSEKF STRAIGHTENED OUT FIRST ". GOD WANTS YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE RIGHT NOW. HE WILL STRAIGHTEN YOUR LIFE OUT FOR YOU. YOU CANNOT DO IT ALONE. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. I WILL PRSY FOR YOU.

  10. tlotmb77 bmail July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    Why did those 700 people parish at the kabah ?? Is it because Allah is lucifer the deceiver and love the death of human beings and that Islam is satanic.????

  11. Kimmy July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    Wow! I was with you until this episode… So I am out! I believe in God the father and that he sent his only son to die on the cross for all of man's sins. I do not believe in your prophet Mohammed. You are not a peaceful religion. You blow up innocent people. You belittle your women and kill children. Find the truth and find peace to help change this world so that we all can live in peace together. Peace out homie!!!

  12. Jessica Parkerson July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    Islam and Christianity don't mix.

  13. Yonatan Calderon July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    Islam is fake! The only truth is Jesus Christ the true word of the living God.

  14. SongbirdGLS July 29, 2016 at 4:53 am - Reply

    Read Revelation. The Holy City was constructed by Christ. Who is Allah? What are they talking about? What a mishmash of craziness. Pray for clarity and read the Bible.

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