Videos: Survival Scenarios – Prepare For The Worst

Pakalert August 23, 2010 4


For all who have some sense of the worldclock it is obvious that very troublesome destructive times are right in front of us. It is clear that our time is up and we must do whatever we can, to find shelter and make sure we survive. Make no mistake, it truly is every man for himself.

I will try to define scenarios to describe what to do to prepare for your survival.

First scenario will be for those who can not leave their homes due to medical or transportation problems, or in case you just ‘get stuck’.

The second scenario would be for those who prepare to leave and expect things to stay within reasonable limits. This is the category that thinks they can just move somewhere safe for a while and return home after a few weeks or months.
The last scenario would be for those who understand time is up and they are on their own now with only wilderness to keep them in safety and alive.

Do not take this lightly nor wait with preparations. It is very likely that due to several organized and manufactured disasters currently developing soon you will be OUT of options and OUT of internet. So, by all means, copy this article and send it to whoever you know!

Good luck!

1. Preparations at home.

Let’s start with a list for ’home security’; that is for those people who want to know what may come in handy when an emergency occurs. So this may help you start survival at your house and maybe to prepare leaving.

  • Fresh water; at least 3 liters per person a day. Offcourse this water should be in closed packages (bottles, tons or packs) and should be stored on a safe place out of the sun.
  • Food; you can start today with making foodlists from several articles that you can keep in storage for longer times. Offcourse you can start with cans and boxes from stores with foods that can be kept in storage for longer periods. Another option is to freeze certain products, allthough that probably won’t stay good very long and what do you do with 40 pounds of meat when electricity is off? That will be one big barbecue. Another option is to buy freeze-dried foods. They can be stored much easier because the amounts and sizes are much smaller then regular cans and boxes, they can be bought in day portions, and need no electricity. Just – offcourse – store them wisely in closed containers somewhere cool out of the sunlight.
  • Medicine; all households should have an emergencykit in all circumstances. Make sure you have one and that the bandages and other products are updated. Second you can order the necessary prescribed medicine in case you need that for any condition you or your family has. Also don’t forget to buy some medicine from the drugstore that you usually always have at home like painkillers, tablets for diarrhea, for a sour throat, and so on.
  • colloidal Silver!!!
  • Vitamin; you can bet that in times of severe problems foodsupplies and healthy eating will not be taken for granted. It won’t hurt of you have some multi-vitamines at home.
  • Clove-oil!!! (Vital first aid medicine in case of dental caries!), disinfectant, H2O2 (for mouthinfections or rotting backteeth), and 95% alcohol (disinfectant).
  • Special products needed for small children (diapers, babyfood, milkpowder)
  • Articles needed to take care of pets; this might be more then just food. Don’t forget articles you use to keep cages clean, for hygiene, first aid petmedicine and so on.
  • Documents; make sure your passport is updated, that you have fresh sets of pictures for new passports from all family-members, medical papers, copies of insurances, drivers-license, passports, legal papers, and documents like birth certificates, visa and papers that prove your whereabouts and so on. Make sure you have double or triple sets of all that and store them on different places.
  • Have local currency at home on a secured place. You may be wise to have a sufficient amount of money at home to be able to survive the first weeks. Also to make sure you can buy tickets for trains or planes if needed in an emergency, for medical care, for fuel or whatever you may need. Do NOT count on ATM’s or banks to work when collapse comes. Some people have gold, silver or diamonds instead of hard currency. Offcourse such valuables need extra security.
  • A good sharp knife and a good axe.
  • Get a radio on batteries! Get a compass.
  • Needles, safety-pins and sewing-thread.
  • Buy lots of candles, baking oil, flower, salt, matches, rope, batteries, bleach.
  • Make sure you have fishing line and fishing hooks.
  • You may want to consider to buy some roles of sticky tape to put on windows in case of the risk of blasts, or have other materials available to secure windows. Some people have wooden or even steel lockers for windows in place or available to put on when necessary.
  • If you have a fireplace get extra wood and store it dry and safe. If you don’t have a fireplace consider getting a small woodstove to make sure you can keep yourself and your loved ones warm when heating is off.
  • If you can, buy a propane tank for cooking on gas, as you may use on camping normally

Storage of your supplies is another problem. There are several factors that are vital in this matter. First of all, the storage must be accessible for you and you alone. This means you need a location you can reach also in extreme circumstances. It also means that you and only you should have access. Don’t forget that when you are still in your normal neighbourhood the neighbours surely want part of your supplies. So your storage should be built and supplied in secret, it should be hidden and secured. You should take in account that your town may be under attack, so a secured storage that is bullet-, blast- and break in proof may be vital. Also you should have it fire-secured and it should be protected against weatherinfluences and floods.

Offcourse you start where you are today, and you probably can’t built such a storageroom within an hour or so. Sometimes certain places in regular houses may come in handy like cellars (unless in an area that risks floods!). It should at least be in the most protected and strongest part of your house, even if it is the crawl space under the house. Perfection probably will not work, so try the best you can and do NOT wait with these preparations because you doubt what is the best place or whatever. Start ordering today!

If you are wise you might still prepare to leave. So you make sure you have sufficient fuel stored safely to get you out of there if needed. And if the best transport you have is a bike well make sure you got spare tiers and a set to repair a flat tire and so on!

What you need to learn in all circumstances is how to make fire. It is vital that you know how to light a fire. And then I don’t mean using matches or just the electrical ignitions of your stove or fireplace. I will get back to making a fire someday soon. For now I suggest you check out the links on this page stored under ‘brave and courageous’.

One issue I did not mention in this matter is weapons. In some countries weapons are common good and most people have one at home, in other countries weapons are illegal unless you have a special license to keep arms. Weapons may be vital for survival, not only for shooting an animal if you need food but also to keep you safe when the hungry crowds come at your door to get whatever you have at home. Yes, in such cases a normal conversation, or 9-1-1 won’t do much good. I can not advice you what to do in this matter. If you are in the circumstances that arms are allowed and/or available I can imagine you get some. Then you’d also need ammunition and products to keep it in shape. As much logic as this may have for people who are used to having arms, I don’t really believe in them. And when it comes to that confrontation I don’t think we stand a real chance against herds of hungry people. Nevertheless I can see the usefulness under circumstances. As for killing animals for food, there are other ways to do that. You can make weapons as spears, snares, traps and use knifes or whatever works best. You can start trying to built some today.

Again, time is up. Start working on all these issues TODAY!

2. Survival outside your house.

For survival outside your house other rules and conditions count. As described in the previous article there are several priorities that come along. Maybe re-read that article before proceeding here.

When you decide to move away from your home for some time first thing you need to know offcourse is your destination. Maps of the area where you live, of the territory you travel through and of your destination are important. Buy those maps now. Get familiarized with the roads, with the terrain and with other aspects of the area you pass through. Google Earth can be very helpfull here, also to spot water, wood and mountains as well as shops and medical facilities for emergencies. Make sure you know where you are going.

Get a compass and learn how to work with it before you need to go. If you are out in nature it is also very important that you know how to orientate yourself without maps and compass. Simple knowledge of nature and the stars can be vital for survival. Being able to know north from south, east from west can mean life or death for example when you are out of water and need to find that small river close-by.

If you travel by car or motor you offcourse need your vehicle of choice in perfect condition. Bring it to the garage today to have it checked out and replace those parts that you know are vulnerable. But two jerrycans and fill them with fuel, store them safely. Make sure your vehicle is always fueled up so you can leave immediately and travel long distance immediately when leaving. When the moment comes that you must leave immediately gas-stations are probably closed or have queues with people waiting in line for those last liters. It is not unlikely you will be in a fight with other people who are in panic. I have been in several situation where fuel (and food) where rationed. Trust me, even in more or less peaceful situations without immediate danger such queues are already a danger to be in. So you be prepared!

You should have a backpack ready and standby at all times. Make sure you have an axe, knife, fire-steel, money, medicine and vital papers in a small handsome pack ready to stick with you always. Put a whistle on a cord around your neck. Knife and firesteel should be attached tou your clothes always.

Next thing is water. You may be travelling for some time. Travelling may take much longer then under normal circumstances. Most people know what happens when trains fall out or what it’s like to end up in a traffic jam. Again, I can not stress enough that you better be on location now before we even get into collapse. But for the sake of argument, we are now on our way. So first vital you need with you is water. Under normal conditions 3 liters a day are not luxurious. If you are stressed, if it is cold, if the air is dry (god bless airconditioning) or if it is very warm your body needs more fluids. It is a big mistake from most people who get in a survivalsituation that keeping warm is more important then drinking water. Dehydration is #1. danger in survivalsituations. So make sure that you have enough water with you.

Accompanied with that water make sure you have waterpurificationtablets and/or bleach/chloride to make water safe. Second if you have waterfilters bring them along. If not a simple coffeefilter can safe the day to filter the first part of the water. Other materials that may be used for filtering are simple cotton wool or just cloth. Offcourse this is just a first part of making water safe. Always use purification and/or cook the water you drink. Note: you must take in account that you probably have very limited space for what you can bring along. So bring enough water, but make sure you can travel fast and light first. You may need to walk parts of your journey so all extra weight you bring is just for finders keepers when you have to abandon your car.

Next in line is food. As I described before there are several options for food that you can store for longer periods. You can use any of those options that apply, but you must take in account that you probably have very limited space for what you can bring along. Having said that, freeze dried foods take much less weight and space and are preferable over cans and boxes with foods. You may need to take at least food for 4 – 6 days with you. Don’t forget the vitamins.

If you only have space to carry what you can in a backpack make wise choices. In emergencies tea, salt, and chocolate get you a long way. I like to keep simple cerealbars, snickers or similar bars standby always.

Clothes are important to take care of yourself under all circumstances. If you travel make sure you have good shoes for walking long distances. Good walkingsocks are expensive but no luxury when you have to walk long distances. Wear clothes form natural materials; cotton or wool are best. If it is cold or you are close to winter make sure you have warm clothes. Thermal underwear can be very helpfull. A good jacket is vital. It should protect you from wind and cold, keep you warm but should breath so you can transpire easily. If the jacket is waterproof that’s good, otherwise do bring rainclothes with you. There is nothing more miserable and dangerous for your health then to get wet and cold. When you sweat you get wet and when you take a break or need to stop for a while you can easily get cold because of those wet spots. Don’t be cheap on your health here and make sure you have some good jacket or parka. If you have one with some good pockets you can stash some first vital elements in there. Pack as little clothes as necessary. An extra pair of jeans, some extra underwear and socks, an extra shirt, blouse or sweater is a good start. Anything more then that is extra luggage that you probably need for other things.

Medicine are next in my list. Offcourse prescribed ones are important to take with you. Don’t forget to get extra recipes and possible a letter from your doctor that explains why you have extra medicine with you. Clove-oil, painkillers, anti-histamine, codeïne, colloidal silver, and antibiotics would be on my first prioritylist for medicine. Second, a tweaser, tickpincet, disinfectant, H2O2 (for mouthinfections or rotting backteeth), and 95% alcohol (disinfectant). As much as one likes to be prepared for anything, you probably can not. That means you will use the principle ‘first things first’. So look what you can get and pack wisely. Don’t forget that in the wilderness other principles count and other natural medicine are available. If you have the option I’d pack the vital medicine in two packages. First a very small one with a small amount of all vital medicine that you keep in your jacket or belt, and a larger quantity in your backpack (or suitcase). Same goes for your first aid kit: a small package in your backpack, the rest in other luggage. Don’t take too much, just enough for emergencies. Again, nature provides for her own bandage and necessities. Make sure you have several safetypins; just stick them on the inside of your jacket so you can not loose them.

A basha would be a very important first thing to buy if you don’t have one. A basha and some rope can provide a safe, dry place to sleep. This too can make the difference between staying healthy and in good spirit or to get sick and miserable. Don’t wait for the holiday to come to buy one, order one TODAY!

A good sleepingbag is very helpful and a good investment in your future as survivalist. It may cost some money to get a good one but you can’t really do without. Surely in certain climates, in warm weather, with extra shelter and thick clothes, or under hides one can stay warm. But chances are you may not have any of that. It is important that you sleep in a dry place. Your clothes can be wet after a day outside and it’s best to sleep with as little clothes as you can. Do not sleep in your clothes. Take them off, when you go to sleep, hang them out to dry close to your fire, so you have a fresh dry set to wear the next day.

Next would be gear you need for survival. Just a short list for starters: fishingline and hooks and if available a fishingnet, billy-can, candles, flashlight, matches, more rope, radio, batteries, small handmirror.

Hygiene is very important when you are living outside or travelling. Bring some toiletpaper, sanitary towel or tampons for women, get some small packed disinfecting cloth, toothpaste, toothbrush’ – no NOT the electrical one! – , floss, nailscissors, and offcourse disinfecting soap. Bring some dustbags. I’d advice you to cut your hair as short as you can before you go. Sure, long hair looks fabulous on ‘Mac Gyver’ and other heroes on tv, but reality is that lice, flees and scabies might be visiting when you live outside so better bold and clean then a scratching hero. It also means you MUST clean yourself daily. So make sure you choose a place where you have access to fresh streaming water. Make sure you have some razorblades. Better: buy one of those old fashioned razorknifes. Bring 2 towels per person. Also make sure you brush your teeth daily. You probably will not have access to warm water or a shower, get used to it! However if you come in a situation where you can have that warm hot safe shower, do take the opportunity! It just makes you feel good. If you are in arctic circumstances, with ice and snow wash yourself with snowballs. Yes it is cold, get used to it! It will keep you clean and healthy!

Next would be any special needs for either yourself, your partner or the children. If you have a baby or toddler and still use diapers be wise and bring 2 or 3 cotton diapers that you can wash and use again. Look what is necessary to bring but only take vital things.

Then offcourse if you bring a pet along it surely will need some food. Do NOT bring the big 3 month supplybags. Make small packages with food for 4 – 6 days. It is likely with several animals that you can not bring them with you. It might be necessary to leave them behind, for example with game or stock you have, with (small) farm-animals, with fish, rodents or birds. If you can set them free and give them a chance for survival like that don’t hesitate and do it. In some cases you may need to put the animal to sleep. That is sad but sometimes the best you can do. It is imaginable that you also use certain animals for their meat to bring with you. Most likely you don’t have space for a big coolbox though. As selfish and harsh as this may sound, animals are fantastic creatures and often our best friends as pets. But we are talking about survival hear, not a short holiday in a perfect world, so put yourself, and your loved ones first. To be even more clear, I’d strongly advice you to not take any animal with you other then a dog. If you can not take the animals with you, and they can not be set free, be so human to give them room to go free but leave fresh water and food for them. In case of the fish flush them. If you have an animal that can be dangerous (spiders, reptiles, snakes, alligators and so on) you probably will have to kill them if it is not safe to put them out in nature. Feed the spiders to the reptiles, the reptiles to the snake, and the snake to the alligator Sorry – humor will do you a lot of good in the coming time!

If you still have room in your luggage use some space for some of the following things:

  • tools: sharpening stone for the knife and axe, an extra knife, saw, axe, gouges,
  • blankets
  • water
  • waterpurification tablets
  • food
  • medicine
  • books on eatable plants, fungi & mushrooms, SAS handbook
  • walkman or cd-player with your favourite music
  • external harddisk or USB-stick with your personal documents, familypictures, files, music and so on (pack them waterproof!!!)
  • some herbs for spicing your food

It is wise to have your children carry their own backpack if possible. That is offcourse of they are old enough to carry it. Pack it with them with 1 extra set of dry clothes, sanitary articles, and some primal emergency-items for their survival like matches, flashlight with extra battery, some cerealbars, waterpurificationtablets, and just a few bandages for emergencies.

If your children are old enough to understand simple basic things for survival, say ages 5 – 12, explain to them how certain things work. So show them how to use waterpurificationtablets. Show them how to start a fire with matches. If they have medicine they can take themselves explain them how and give just small amount of medicine in their bag. Teach them in a playful way how to built a small shelter and how to hide. You can start all that today. It is no luxury to give them 1 or 2 lightsticks in their jacket to light in emergencies. Explain how it works. And offcourse give them a whistle on a cord around their neck.

Let small kids choose one favourite toy, doll or stuffed animal to bring along.

If you have a dog buy a special dog-backpack for your four-legged friend. There are some perfect ones where you can put small foodpackages on two sides along with folding water – and foodcups. You will have enough to carry with you if you start walking so anything the kids and the dog can carry is just wise and helpful.

It is important, when you have children, that you stay calm and that show confidence and stability in these new and frightening circumstances. If they are very small pretend to go on an adventure. If they are ages 6 – 12 explain that you need to go away for a short time because things are not so safe at home for the moment. Keep information simple, short and only on ‘need to know basis’. Make sure they feel you are in charge, that you know what to do, and that you will take care of it. If your child is 12 years or older explain clearly what the situation is like and what you are about to do. Approach them as partners in the experience but not as equals. Make sure they feel you are in charge, that you know what to do, and that you will take care of it. This offcourse is a general suggestion and can differ depending on how independent your child is, how much your child can handle and process and if your child is healthy and calm at the moment. Whatever happens they must feel that they are safe with you because you know exactly what you are doing. Do NOT yell at them, frighten them, give them unnecessary details of frightening things happening around you, and do NOT ignore them if they ask questions or show emotions. Try to be there for them and make sure you stay on track. For example if – while you are on the move and in a hurry- your child is frightened, hurt or upset, please take a minute, comfort the child, hold him/her, tell your child it is okay and things will be alright. Then explain that you understand what they are going through, that you listened carefully, and that you will take some time later on to check how they are doing. Then tell them you need to move on. It is better to immediately take that minute if it is necessary then to push and ignore and get worse problems while being on the move.

If you take a dog with you pay attention to its welfare and take breaks to have it pee or poo and take a little walk if possible. Keep the animal down on the floor at your feet if you are traveling in a car. And make sure you hush and comfort it when it gets scared.

3. Permanent survival in nature.

I can be short here. You probably can use the same list as you used before on 2, just prioritize more. Take less food, water and supplies but concentrate on what you need to survive outside. In this case the books I mentioned before are really helpful. If you don’t have them, order them today and read them tomorrow after delivery. Don’t start reading when you are on the move!

As I explained before most important for the long term are an axe, sharp knife, fire-steel, basha & rope, a sleeping bag, and sharpening stone for the knife and axe, fishing line, hooks and (if available) net. You can bring some medicine, soap, clove-oil and salt. That is if you can carry that with you for that long a time. Furthermore safetypins, a tweaser an tick-tweasers. Offcourse a good backpack is vital too, good walking shoes and jacket (see 2nd part!) Where you might be cheap or a bit reserved with buying stuff in a short-term situation of being away from home I hope it may be clear that for longterm survival you should definitely NOT be cheap or hesitant to buy the best possible knife, axes, backpack and shoes you can get!

Also in longterm survival a whistle stays on a cord around your neck and knife and firesteel should be attached to your clothes always.

I hope this was helpfull and gives you some ideas. It is for sure not perfect and complete. Do come with any suggestions if you have any.

Last tip: be smart and train for this situations. After reading this just switch off all electricity for your house for 72 hours and see how you deal with things. Go outside with your emergency backpack and try to see what you will do to survive. Good preparation also needs training!

to give some idea on what it means to stock up for survival watch these two clips. I’d make some different choices, since this is all pretty much typical American, but still it is very extensive and helpfull.

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  1. krys October 11, 2010 at 12:36 pm - Reply

    truely things are going to be your & god in the end,Believe me there are gonna be the ones who wanrt in & do nthing 4 it. I’ve known many over my life time I thought I knew but when times got hard didn’t know them at all,they turned into selfcentered monsters caring only for what they could get & the Bleep with you & everyone else. Where do you find the ones who are like minded & will do & share for the tribe.

  2. Jason September 6, 2010 at 3:06 pm - Reply

    Is it just me or is the blur and fog getting heavier these weeks? verybody playing cool an acting as if nothing is wrong, meanwhile the pressure builds up and chances diminish. I sincerely hope you are preparing, cuz time is practically up. When TSHTF it will be much too late and you won;t be able to safe yourself anymore. Check teh site, check the links, be your own hero – today!

  3. alan drobnak August 25, 2010 at 1:16 am - Reply

    Look at this link and the different suggestions with sources for making the proper choices for yourself. I have included many things to consider here. Obtaining freeze dried foods are one of the preferred options you will find in my research. Be safe and be prepared, not in fear but in knowing you are ready to accept the changes which are upon us.

  4. Anthony August 24, 2010 at 11:10 am - Reply

    I also bought the swedish firesteel army model and I think it’s a must have in any survivor-kit. It’s an awesome gadget.

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