Are the elite going into hiding? Pope quits. Head of DHS quits. Rockefellers flee to Fiji. Queen cancels engagements,+ more & list growing daily!

truther March 6, 2013 59

Pope “quits” first time in 600 years.

Rockefellers flee to Fiji after they “stripped the US Federal Reserve System of all major assets, just as previously they had stripped Fort Knox of all deliverable, non-tungsten, gold.”


Congress leaves town for a quote “LONG WEEKEND” with no deal struck. Sequester hits the fan.

Head of DHS “quits” unexpectedly


“I extend my deepest appreciation to DHS Chief of Staff Noah Kroloff for his over four years of service to the Department of Homeland Security and his eight years of service to me while I served in Arizona as Governor and Attorney General. Noah has been a trusted advisor, a good friend, and a superb Chief of Staff to this department. Since January 2009, he has been instrumental in establishing and guiding many of the department’s key initiatives,” wrote Napolitano, according to the email obtained by Mike Allen. – See more at:

Queen Lizzy cancels all engagements.

Dutch Queen Beatrix announced that she will abdicate on April 30 after 33 years as head of state, clearing the way for her eldest son, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, to become the nation’s first king in more than a century.

This CANNOT be ignored. The list keeps growing.
Something IS up. Time to bring in the tomatoes.

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  1. Bob Spittler March 16, 2013 at 3:44 pm - Reply

    Well, all those surrounding Eric Holder in the Dept of JU$T U$ have bailed out and jumped ship so none of this should be surprising.

    • Elaine March 16, 2013 at 3:57 pm - Reply

      Bob, I did NOT know that the Dept. of Justice bailed on him. You don’t happen to have the url of the article, do you? I haven’t seen that…and you just made me very happy!

      • Bob Spittler May 18, 2013 at 2:25 pm - Reply

        Been a while….it had to do with some kind of inquiry that was getting too close to ground zero. I’ll see if i can find it.

      • Bob Spittler May 18, 2013 at 2:44 pm - Reply

        It was in a column by Melanie Morgan re how the Assistant AG, Ron Weich, jumped ship on Holder after a number of other fairly high ranking bureaucrats, BATfinks, etc., associated with Fast & Spurious, distanced themselves almost en masse from Holder after Issa started turning the heat on for 1300 pages of unredacted documents relating to the bogus Op…just google Melanie Morgan Holder DOJ deserts Holder

  2. Elaine March 13, 2013 at 1:49 am - Reply
  3. Elaine March 13, 2013 at 1:46 am - Reply

    WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2012

    WHERE LIES GO TO DIE – Evidence discovered shows British Protectorate of East Africa recorded Obama’s birth records before 1963 and sent returns of those events to Britain’s Public Records Office and the Kew branch of British National Archives.
    By Dan Crosby
    of The Daily Pen

    (Updated 7/23/2012)
    KEW, SURREY, GB – The last place anyone would think to look for a birth record of someone claiming to be a “natural born” U.S. citizen is Great Britain. The very inclusion of the Article II eligibility mandate in the U.S. Constitution was explicitly intended by the founding fathers of America to prevent a then British-born enemy usurper from attaining the office of the U.S. presidency and thereby undermining the sovereignty of the newly formed nation.
    In the absence of honor, courage and justice on the part of those serving in the U.S. Congress and Federal Judiciary, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case investigative group has concluded the only law enforcement analysis of the image of Obama’s alleged “Certificate of Live Birth” posted to a government website in April, 2011 and found it to be the product of criminal fraud and document forgery.
    The seeming endless evidence against Obama…..
    Continue Reading:

  4. Elaine March 13, 2013 at 1:45 am - Reply

    Classmate: Obama Told Us He Was A Indonesian Prince Or Kenyan Royalty

  5. Elaine March 13, 2013 at 1:42 am - Reply
    I am proud to be back home in Kenya
    Obama: “Honor the Birthplace of Obama in Kenya
    “Not a native American.”
    “A Kenyan ruling the United States of America”
    2008: Nigerian Observer: Americans will go to the polls…..the Kenyan Born Senator will face….
    MSNBC openly referred to the Kenyan Born “from an entiredly different country…born in Kenya
    and, more!

    “Usurped by a Foreign Power.”

  6. Elaine March 11, 2013 at 8:21 am - Reply

    To start off with, We have %4″ Politicians who took $$ from CAIR and HAMAS for their Campaigns. Nancy Peliosi (sp?) took $ the next day.
    We now have Muslims in the Pentagon.
    We now have Brennan, a Muslim Convert, heading up the CIA;
    and Obama is a Muslim.

    • Elaine March 11, 2013 at 8:22 am - Reply

      Correction: We have “54” Politicians…..

    • voyeur March 12, 2013 at 5:02 am - Reply

      obama and the whitehouse are certaintly not muslim, are you fucking delusional? he has given over $170Bn in last three years to israel! and your moaning about them, just because they are muslims or atleast claim to be does not mean that all muslims are nwo elites

      • Elaine March 12, 2013 at 10:51 pm - Reply

        Voyeur…He admits he is a Muslim and Thanks John McCain for Keeping His Secret.

        • 5 War Veteran March 12, 2013 at 11:41 pm - Reply

          Nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.

      • Elaine March 12, 2013 at 10:52 pm - Reply

        He has also given $ to our enemies. What do you think that horror at Benghazi was all about? He was running guns through our Embassy.
        Where in the world have you been?!!

      • 5 War Veteran March 12, 2013 at 11:05 pm - Reply

        obama and the whitehouse are certainty not muslim, are you fucking delusional? he has given over $170Bn in last three years to israel! and your moaning about them, just because they are Muslims or at least claim to be does not mean that all Muslims are nwo elites

        Obama is a Muslim and there are a few Muslims in the Government (very few).
        You are correct..

        However giving money to Israel is not something relatively new, We have been doing it for decades. A good portion of the bailout went to Israel, (opinion) who owns the banks?
        I found the answers by searching US foreign aid to Israel.

        – The close relationship between the two states is reflected in the volume of aid Israel receives from the US. Since World War II Israel has been the largest overall recipient of US aid: from 1949-2006 Israel received more than $156 billion of direct US aid.

        – Until 2003, Israel received approximately one-third of the annual US foreign aid budget.
        In 2005, the US gave Israel more than $2.6 billion in aid, a budget exceeded only by US aid to Iraq. By comparison, Jordan received $683.6 million, Rwanda received $77 million, and the Occupied Palestinian Territories received $348.2 million.

        Military aid.

        U.S. military aid to Israel was $2.775 billion in 2010, $3 billion in 2011, $3.07 billion in 2012 (and $3.15 billion per year from 2013-2018).

        America’s $84.8 billion in aid to Israel from fiscal years 1949 through 1998, and the interest the U.S. paid to borrow this money, has cost U.S. taxpayers $134.8 billion, not adjusted for inflation. Or, put another way, the nearly $14,630 every one of 5.8 million Israelis received from the U.S. government by Oct. 31, 1997 has cost American taxpayers $23,240 per Israeli.

        No matter how one crunches the numbers or cries political or religious bias, American taxpayers are still paying a whole lot of money to an ally that has attacked us multiple times.

  7. Elaine March 11, 2013 at 2:32 am - Reply

    I do hope I am putting this information together correctly.
    A few months ago, there was an article that Obama was in deep water with the Elites, and others because he, basically, went rogue from the blue print. He has placed too many Muslims in place as well as other acts he has committed.

    Now? Now they fear for their own lives. He IS committed to Islam and not the U.S. or the peace among peaceful nations.

    • carl March 11, 2013 at 5:29 am - Reply

      Please name all Muslim appointee’s that Obama has put in office,and how they are part of this agenda you speak of.

      • 5 War Veteran March 11, 2013 at 7:03 am - Reply

        Please name all Muslim appointee’s that Obama has put in office,and how they are part of this agenda you speak of.

        Department of Homeland Security, Arif Alikhan was appointed assistant secretary for policy development by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

        Kareem Shora, who was born in Damascus, Syria, resigned from the advisory board in the fall of 2009 to become a senior adviser in the department’s Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. Upon taking the job at the civil-rights office, Shora also resigned as national executive director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

        Tehran-born Dr. Vali Nasr was appointed to co-direct Obama foreign policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan. Former Saudi Arabian supplicant Charles Freeman was appointed by Obama to chair the Administration’s National Intelligence Council, but withdrew his name when it was revealed he issued a 2-page screed in which he postulated a conspiracy theory claiming he had been ‘victimized’ by American supporters of Israel. In addition, John Limbert was appointed to direct U.S. policy toward the Islamist regime in Iran. Limbert, who was taken hostage during the Iranian upheaval of the late 70s-early 80s, is an Iranian sympathizer who advocates negotiation with one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world.
        Obama’s top national security advisor declared that the Muslim Brotherhood is a ‘secular’ organization, non-extremist, and dedicated to ‘peace.’ Obama himself, in an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, refused to refer to the Brotherhood as an Islamic extremist organization, in spite of the fact that the group’s own charter, and recent statements made by its leadership, indicate exactly that.

        And a Muslim board member of CPAC, of all things, declared in a news conference that ‘there is no Muslim Brotherhood in the United States,’ despite the fact that the group issued a document in 1991 indicating its North American objectives.

        • carl March 11, 2013 at 7:43 am - Reply

          Thank you for that info,it is interesting and I would hope that others in the government are well aware of this.

          • 5 War Veteran March 11, 2013 at 8:18 am -

            Thank you for that info,it is interesting and I would hope that others in the government are well aware of this.

            You are very welcome Carl. Just ask and If it is available I can find it.

  8. James M Nunes March 11, 2013 at 1:22 am - Reply

    The dollar has lost 95% of it’s purchasing power since 1913. 1913 1 dollar equals 1 dollar. 2013 1 dollar equals 5 cents. In the last 5 years food and gas has went up 400%. There has been 2,000% inflation since 1913. Wake-up America before it is too late. Why isn’t there anyone protesting in Washington. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!
    The U.S. is technically bankrupt and is floating on a sea of credit. Very soon the new dollar will be the $100 dollar bill. Just move the decimal point to the right and add 2 zeros. What is it going to take for people to revolt against the system, a wheel barrow full of worthless Federal Reserve Notes!

    • carl March 11, 2013 at 5:26 am - Reply


  9. James M Nunes March 11, 2013 at 1:08 am - Reply

    The Elite Globalist Banking CABAL of the NWO have abscounded with the national treasury and usurped the peoples wealth. From the very on-set their primary purpose was to confiscate all the gold and silver repalacing them with worthless non -redeemable paper notes. They have prospered through the paper gimick. It is their method by which they take money and give paper in return. They have skimed the top off of the financial pyramid and they bail-out with their golden parachutes with a silver lining while the debt surf slaves crash to the ground and bear the full blunt of the blow. They have refuges off shore and their money in off shore banks. When the dust clears they will come back and buy real assets with pennies on the dollar.

    This financial crisis will still be further magnified by an economic crisis which will stop dealing on the exchanges and bring industry to a stand-still. The Internatiional Bankers shall create by all secret sub-terranian methods open to them and with the aid of gold which in all their hands and international economic crisis that will throw whole mobs of workers on to the streets through-out all the countries of the world.

    The aristocracy of debt surf slaves is dead we need not take into account. As landed proprietors they can still be harmful to us in the fact that they are sufficing off the resourses upon which they live, therefore it is essential for us to deprive them of their property. This measure can be best attained by increasing the burdens upon landed property, loading lands with debts, these measures will keep land holdings in a state of humble and unconditional submission.

    What also is a loan, especially a foreign loan. A loan is a government bill of exchange containing a percentage obligation commenserate to the loan capital. If a loan bears a charge of 5% than the state vainly pays away in interest in 20 years a sum equal to the amount of the loan borrowed. In 40 years double and in 60 years tripple. An all the while the debt remains an upaid debt.

    The debt surf slaves will have no other reason to exist except from the crumbs that they fling from our table.

    • carl March 11, 2013 at 7:49 am - Reply

      I must disagree that land owners should be taxed.All people have property rights, and it is just that which will spread the wealth throughout the country and the world.Individuals as land owners large and small are the answer not the problem,that anyone can hold land as their own and accumulate wealth and have the use of that land as they see fit.A country that has no property rights have a weak people and a dictatorial government.

      • 5 War Veteran March 11, 2013 at 8:48 am - Reply

        I must disagree that land owners should be taxed.All people have property rights, and it is just that which will spread the wealth throughout the country and the world.Individuals as land owners large and small are the answer not the problem,that anyone can hold land as their own and accumulate wealth and have the use of that land as they see fit.A country that has no property rights have a weak people and a dictatorial government.

        You are correct Carl. The system was originally set up that corporations were taxed to pay for government operation. Only in times of war were the people to be taxed to pay for the war. When WWI started taxation of the people began and when it finished so did taxation. Then WWII began and taxation began again, but this time it never stopped and since that time we have been fed one cold war lie after another about some threat from far away. Russia may have posed a threat but none of the others have.
        The Elite started taking over the government during the depression and their hold has increased ever since.
        When LBJ and George Bush senior succeeded with the CIA to throw a coup bu killing JFK and calling it an assassination the people were too stupid by that time to recognize anything.
        Since then America has spiraled downhill at the hands of the Elite.
        Here we are today looking at a police state and an even more greedy Elite who is hell bent on genocide of the American people.

  10. Elaine March 9, 2013 at 3:45 am - Reply

    Please read all of this. This is ONLY an excerpt:

    August 16, 2012 – The White Hats Report #47

    Watergate revisited?

    The beginning of the end of the Obama Presidency has begun. The only questions that remain are:
    How will the charade play out before the American public and the rest of the world?
    How many will the cabal sacrifice to keep their agenda alive?
    Will an insider FINALLY come forward, turn Patriotic…and reveal all the secrets?
    When will it all begin?
    The most likely starting volley in this unfolding historic process could very well be the resignation of Vice President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

    Whether he uses a fabricated medical condition, or if they make more out of the “slaves and chains” comment he fumbled through the other day, the political machine has to come up with a very convincing reason for his exit. The White Hats believe the brain tumor story, which has come to the forefront again, would be a very good reason for the comments he has been making. Most of our counter parts in the international intel circles see the handwriting on the wall and say expect it this mid-week … and we are there … right now.

    What does this mean in the big picture?

    Obama is in serious trouble … on multiple fronts.
    Continue Reading:

  11. Elaine March 8, 2013 at 3:04 am - Reply

    Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. It seems Obama has run too off from the reservation, and now they are afraid of him.

    • Ivette Vale March 8, 2013 at 9:26 am - Reply

      Somebody here is inlove with the President, lol.

      • Elaine March 9, 2013 at 1:23 am - Reply

        Who in their right mind would love that man!!

        • 5 War Veteran March 9, 2013 at 1:47 am - Reply

          Who in their right mind would love that man!!

          A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.
          In April, WND reported a federal judge dismissed a libel case against Larry Sinclair, a homosexual who claimed Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign had paid to rig a polygraph test regarding Sinclair’s sensational charge that he had sex and used cocaine twice with Obama while Obama was an Illinois state senator. Sinclair tells his story in “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder.”

          WND also reported former radical activist John Drew has said that when he met Obama when Obama was a student at Occidental College, he thought Obama and his then-Pakistani roommate were “gay” lovers.

          Choir director Donald Young and Kal Penn and Reggie Love all apparently had trysts with dear old Barry O.

          • Elaine March 9, 2013 at 8:01 am -

            Michelle was no saint either. She…what’s the legal term? Oh! She could either be prosecuted (I think?), kicked out by the Bar or “surrender her license.” She chose to surrender her license. I don’t have the article in my files, but I remember reading that she made a TON of $$ which was questionable.
            I found it. She “surrendered her law license to avoid ETHICS CHARGES:

            That’s the kind of person that goes after a man who has “connections”; and he did. They weren’t necessarily “stand up business people.”

            Think about it. He had a degree from Harvard (provided by the Saudi(s)). He was in all of the news papers in Africa…”Kenyan-born Barrack Obama heads for U.S. Senate.”

            IF I can put my hands on it, I’ll find the article. She was worth a lot of $. She was corrupt. Hell, she is the one who was his running-buddy.

          • 5 War Veteran March 9, 2013 at 9:01 am -

            I remember now. She got him the job at the law firm where she was working. He NEVER tried a case the entire time he was there.
            I worked for law firms. I have met the new guys coming in and had to “teach them” what to file first in court, then 2nd, etc., until they caught on. Basically, he was a Lawyer’s Clerk vs. being an attorney.

            I recall the article and read it a couple years ago as well as again last week. Obama also surrendered his license for the same reason as well.

          • Elaine March 9, 2013 at 8:03 am -

            I remember now. She got him the job at the law firm where she was working. He NEVER tried a case the entire time he was there.
            I worked for law firms. I have met the new guys coming in and had to “teach them” what to file first in court, then 2nd, etc., until they caught on. Basically, he was a Lawyer’s Clerk vs. being an attorney.

  12. Fanny Adams March 7, 2013 at 10:43 pm - Reply

    HI I would like to say to the administrators, because of the colour scheme you are using it is very difficult to read. Sorry

  13. NORM March 7, 2013 at 10:22 pm - Reply


    • 5 War Veteran March 8, 2013 at 11:23 pm - Reply

      ” NORM March 7, 2013 at 10:22 pm

      If you really believe this then stock up on vitamin D3, colloidal silver, Lglutamine, Selenium and Zinc.

      I will not hold my breath.

  14. Laura F. March 7, 2013 at 8:57 am - Reply

    The best lies are 90% true. To put the royal dog and pony show to the test, tell all about Until we get off of all the destructive technologies that are destroying our world in favor of beneficial philosophies, technologies, economics, and waste management policies that will heal our world– it is ALL just TALK. For a team that is the Real Deal, visit CCRG . info

    • 5 War Veteran March 7, 2013 at 10:28 pm - Reply

      Laura F.
      The best lies are 90% true. To put the royal dog and pony show to the test, tell all about Until we get off of all the destructive technologies that are destroying our world in favor of beneficial philosophies, technologies, economics, and waste management policies that will heal our world– it is ALL just TALK. For a team that is the Real Deal, visit CCRG . info

      It is true the best disinformation comes with the most truth. That is why religion lasted for so many centuries. Moses spoke to YHWH-true. The church tells a story of the burning bush-true. Moses asks “Why should I choose YOU over the other gods-true. Church lies and says Israel is gods chosen people-deception.
      Mose chose YHWH-true. YHWH did not choose, it was an agreement-true.
      Problem with that? Learn to read the ancient original text, translate it yourself then decide.

      CCRG = NESARA = OPPT = Ashtar Command = Council of the 12 = aliens or SOMEBODY Else Will SAVE US = DECEPTION You have to decide if you will take up the task. When will you act?

      Only a United PEOPLE with a Common Goal (restore the Constitution) will succeed in freeing America and then the planet.

      This is not a fight, it only qualifies as a fight if there is a possibility you can lose.

      315 million Americans VS 535 Zionist controlled Politicians is not a fight. Majority Rules.

      Remember a time when the majority determined the path of politics?

      OK if you are not old enough then think the late 1950’s. JFK was murdered by the Cabal that runs the world today. (1963)

      • 5 War Veteran March 7, 2013 at 10:40 pm - Reply

        Know that this is not about just you or I. It is about all Americans, even those too afraid or sheeped to act.
        If a person is too afraid they are sheeped. They fear the Wolf in Zionist Elite clothing. Suits do not carry guns they hire others to. They pass BS laws to take away Second Amendment rights to self protection. They disarm the people so only their goons are armed. Then they slaughter the people to make them controllable. Population reduction.
        How does this happen? Ask those who did not stand for their rights. They complain today because of their oppression. They whine and cry (those who are still alive) about how their governments committed genocide on them.
        When the guns are taken away then only criminals and criminal Elite dictators will have the guns.
        Politicians and Elite kill millions, they do it for profit, they do it to control populations and steal the wealth from their own and other peoples.
        Bayou Corne = Oil Industries most recent attempt to get rid of the people of the Atchafalaya Basin and surrounding communities so they can have complete unfettered access to the oil rich lands underneath.
        Iraq war ? WMD???? Translated into George Bush and oil rich lands underneath. George Bush convicted for War Crimes = true Jailed? Nope!
        Queen, Pope + lackeys convicted of crimes against humanity = true Jailed? = Nope!

        Wealth does have privilege the people united can change all that. If they have the balls.

        • carl March 9, 2013 at 7:36 am - Reply

          If they have the balls.You see most have bought the lie it makes them happy and the world is OK.When the truth is found out it upsets the good feeling and the world is upset so they cling to the lie that made them happy and the liars know this that is why every election they repeat them selves over and over .Look at the tapes of Obama running for Pres. both times they are the same thing,nothing was changed.Insane but true .When you are supposed to bring the truth and its not fact but a biased opinion and a interpitation of fact that is twisted and made to fit a biased point of view you too are a liar.Check all of the facts and with proof take action ,no more talk.

          • 5 War Veteran March 9, 2013 at 7:52 am -

            When you are supposed to bring the truth and its not fact but a biased opinion and a interpretation of fact that is twisted and made to fit a biased point of view you too are a liar.Check all of the facts and with proof take action ,no more talk.

            I am not quite sure of your meaning? Please explain.

          • carl March 9, 2013 at 10:52 am -

            My meaning is that we buy the lie because it is put foward as truth by our leaders,and its a feel good lie easy to take and think as true.But then you and others may think you have found truth and everyone will say finally a true fact about this or that ,and everything will change because its true and right.The world is not true and right its not fair and the good guy will not always win,what makes sence and seems the answer to correct problems is obvious to you but is lost on everyone else because they have chosen the lie its part of their lives and their comfort zone.We are the problem and the solution what is the key to unlock wisdom for justice and equal oppertunity for all people,I don’t know. Leaders bring the sheep along and they follow .If you are not with the flock of sheep you are lost to the group and looked down apon as a stragler.Martin luther King was a man of peace & unity trying to unite a country of diffrent types of people and overcome hate and bias, he was a leader of a diffrent kind.They killed him for that.He and others like him are what we need and the price to pay is high,not many can pay that cost sadly few and far btwn.Am I clear ?

          • 5 War Veteran March 9, 2013 at 11:44 am -

            My meaning is that we buy the lie because it is put foward as truth by our leaders,and its a feel good lie easy to take and think as true.But then you and others may think you have found truth and everyone will say finally a true fact about this or that ,and everything will change because its true and right.The world is not true and right its not fair and the good guy will not always win,what makes sence and seems the answer to correct problems is obvious to you but is lost on everyone else because they have chosen the lie its part of their lives and their comfort zone.We are the problem and the solution what is the key to unlock wisdom for justice and equal oppertunity for all people,I don’t know. Leaders bring the sheep along and they follow .If you are not with the flock of sheep you are lost to the group and looked down apon as a stragler.Martin luther King was a man of peace & unity trying to unite a country of diffrent types of people and overcome hate and bias, he was a leader of a diffrent kind.They killed him for that.He and others like him are what we need and the price to pay is high,not many can pay that cost sadly few and far btwn.Am I clear ?

            “But then you and others may think you have found truth and everyone will say finally a true fact about this or that ,and everything will change because its true and right”

            At what point do you think that I remotely believe that “everything will change”? I do not expect anything to change. Besides how do you determine if I am or am not right? Where does your wealth of knowledge and experience come from?
            I can say that through my many years in the military, my connections that I still have as well as being on the front line taking the orders to do the dirty deeds of the Government for the Elite for some odd reason I believe I have pretty damned good grasp of what is taking place. But I can add to that, the research I have been doing full time since 1996. You see being in this wheel chair gives me plenty of free time since I have no interest in sports or NASCAR or BS television of any kind. I didn’t earn a masters degree in science by sitting on my butt playing video games. I didn’t become a MCSE just to play network in my home nor learn to mine the internet just to buy into quack stories coming out of Russia Today.
            I qualified as a marksman in boot camp re-qualified numerous times and medaled four times. I am damned well prepared and ready to do what is necessary when the time comes whether or not others have the balls to do as I will.
            I know I cannot rely on most Americans to do what is right because their fear overrides their intelligence.
            Will you stand beside me? It is OK to decline, I expect it. Americans live down to the expectations the Elite has trained them to have. Why else can they be called sheeple.

          • carl March 9, 2013 at 12:13 pm -

            5 war vet, I don’t decide if your right you do .I decide if I am right and others will decide for themselves.You can be angry but it won’t help it may hurt you not those you are angry at I know its not easy to keep cool I get angry too.That is a waste of time makes my blood pressure go up and hurts me.We the people need a leader who can like other leaders capture the public and show them a way out of this hole ,but you see it will not stay bad like this and the people will forget these troubles and those who want change will lose their voices.Its people that make a country and destroy it too.Yea I have already stood up at the local level here and the gov. bullied me and thought I would just give up but I fought and won the last word was mine.But winning the battel and loseing the war is not winning.In the end they win anyway.We make our choices and pay our prices.

  15. Stan Sikorski March 7, 2013 at 8:29 am - Reply

    A lot of jews and their servants are flying the coop. In WN circles this is a final indicator before SHTF. Lock and load!

  16. Leo March 7, 2013 at 7:55 am - Reply

    In addition to my earlier comment , THEY realize thermonuclear war is about to erupt between the U S and Russia, tense situation at the moment .

  17. freda March 7, 2013 at 7:13 am - Reply

    I don’t believe any of your nonsense after all the body bag crap you went over and over about the Olympics last summer. Nothing you have stated that would happen has. I am sick of your constant buffoonery.

    • 5 War Veteran March 7, 2013 at 10:49 pm - Reply

      I don’t believe any of your nonsense after all the body bag crap you went over and over about the Olympics last summer. Nothing you have stated that would happen has. I am sick of your constant buffoonery.

      The Olympics was a deception just like this years Super Bowl. Who initiated the deception? The Media. They provided the fodder and let conspiracy types jump on.
      Body bage? True.Jjust like 1.6 million rounds of ammo and 2700 armored vehicles for the DHS and 500 thousand 4 person coffins. How about the detention camps for political dissidents? Still true.
      Explain those facts away. Provide reason for their existence. Not terrorists we have not caught any. Where are they?
      Oh that is right the DHS listed all retired disabled and returning military veterans as terrorists? Why? Why would veterans have a reason to be terrorists? What gives them that reason? Why would the DHS and the government call their own patriots terrorists and why would they push the disarmament of all veterans? For What Reason?
      Still the facts.
      You decide.

    • Ivette Vale March 8, 2013 at 9:23 am - Reply

      Well said, Freda.

  18. Sarabella March 7, 2013 at 4:13 am - Reply

    Follow the construction of The Ozark Castle … hundred of miles of Under Ground tunnels so watching who goes there will be tricky …but start by watching the timing of the fortress… this is for the 1% behind the 1%

  19. Jordan Richardson March 7, 2013 at 3:48 am - Reply

    can this be related to the one people public trust?

  20. Don De March 7, 2013 at 3:37 am - Reply


  21. carl March 7, 2013 at 3:03 am - Reply

    the pope will be at the vatican city the others are just nuts,who like to travel and they always have.You have some of the craziest crap on this site WHY? do you think we are just that retarded.??

    • phugemawl March 7, 2013 at 6:54 am - Reply

      But this site has far less crap than the Alex Jones show which I jokingly call “” ….. I think we should all keep an open mind …. I worked 40 years in mainstream media in Australia and have seen more than my share of bullshit

      • carl March 9, 2013 at 3:30 am - Reply

        Crap is crap why put it in at all ,this is comic book stuff.A free press has to have at least 2 seprate sources to back up a story before its printed .3 would be even better.

  22. gary March 7, 2013 at 2:54 am - Reply

    Best way I have found to get rid of Prarrie Dogs is to dump liquified cow dung down the holes, let it ferment in the buckets for a few weeks first.

  23. 5 War Veteran March 7, 2013 at 2:38 am - Reply

    They are readying to enter their underground holes while they dust us off the surface.

  24. triple O March 7, 2013 at 1:47 am - Reply

    King = Anti christ??

  25. Leo March 6, 2013 at 10:23 pm - Reply

    No they are not going into hiding the way most people would relate to hiding, I would use the word regrouping .. Not hiding

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