Confessions From Illuminati Insider Who Witnessed Human Sacrifice At Vatican

truther April 21, 2015 1

This interview with ‘Svali’ (pseudonym) was conducted by investigative journalist and Illuminati researcher Greg Szymanski. Sadly Greg has not been heard from since late Aug 2013. Greg was about to re-air his ‘hard hitting’ radio show at the time and suddenly vanished from public view. A large volume of his articles and interviews with Catholic Church / Illuminati  insiders are archived at this link.

Confessions From Illuminati Insider Who Witnessed Human Sacrifice At Vatican

Also visit this link for similar human sacrifice testimony from many others. Following Svali’s testimony is a damming expose of Pope Francis by professor Michel Chossudovsky who is very familiar with the Pope’s sinister background in Argentina. Many now believe that Pope Francis may be the long awaited  ‘False Prophet’ who will team up with the Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama. Watch for Obama’s coming assassination and miraculous head wound recovery found in Rev. 13 scripture.


GS: Okay, we’re back. It’s eight minutes after the hour, and we’re going to get deep inside the Illuminati, the Family, the Order. We have a guest who was involved with this group, born into it, for over thirty years. Her name is Svali. Svali, are you with us?

SV: Uh, yes I am.

GS: Well, it’s nice to have you here. I know you don’t give radio interviews, and I really want to thank you, because I think it really does help the American people understand about this secret organization that you were born into. So I guess we can just start from the beginning. Tell us – right from the beginning you were born into this, from wealthy parents. Tell us about your training in this group when you were a young child and then up until your orientation at the Vatican. Go ahead.

SV: (surprised, laughing) Well, that’s a pretty broad area, Greg! That could take hours, if you know what I mean.

GS: Yes, but do it, you know, if you could just outline it for us.

SV: Yeah. I mean, I was born in the group, I was born in Germany, and came to the US very young. I basically went through all the training that the group… all members of the group do undergo training to various degrees, depending on the role.

By the time I was a teenager, I was a youth leader, and by the time I was 22, I became the youngest member of Leadership Council in San Diego County . At that time I was a head trainer. I was the sixth trainer and eventually moved up to the second position.

GS: Mm hm.

SV: When I was twelve, I had mentioned with you the ceremony at the Vatican…

GS: Right.

SV: …that they really do make all leadership in the group undergo at some point.

GS: Now basically when you were growing up, I remember you told me that you were instilled at a young age. You were born to a very wealthy, well-to-do family.

SV: Yes.

GS: You moved back to the States. You were told at a very young age you were special, you were “chosen.” Correct?

SV: Well, they tell everyone in the group that they are special and chosen, and that’s one of the things that made me very cynical when I was older. You will never meet a person who is an Illuminati who has not been told or programmed for years that they’re special, they’re the only one that can do things for quote-unquote “Family”.

But I was told, yes, I would do great things for Family one day. The reason why I can filter some of this with an objective view is that I know what my role in the group was. It was over quite a significant number of other people. So I don’t evaluate my role or specialness within the group so much by what I was told, but by what I did.

(regretful downturn in voice on “what I did”)

GS: So you reached the age of 12, and then you’re told by your parents you’re going to an induction ceremony in the Vatican.

SV: Yes.

GS: Can you tell us how that happened and what occurred at that ceremony when you went there?

SV: (deep breath, voice becomes stressed) Okay. Um, this isn’t easy to talk about, as you know.

When I was twelve, I was flown over to Germany. And I was at, I’ll call them the German Fathers’ house, over there. And, there was some preparation for a few days, beforehand, and I was told that there would be a very important ceremony. And it was considered a sealing ceremony at that point. And basically I was told a little bit about what I was expected to do during the ceremony.

When we got there, we went through the Vatican. Underneath the Vatican there is a large room that I described to you when we talked before. It has 13 catacomb chambers leading into it. And what they do is as you go down these steps into the room, you can see that it’s circular, so they’re all rounded. They bring out the mummies from the catacombs. And they set them beside each one [each of the 13 catacomb chambers], and they say “That’s the spirit of the Fathers watching over the ceremony.”

During the ceremony, there was a large table in the center of the room. It was on top of this huge golden pentagram. They had a ceremony there.

GS: So how many kids, how many other children were with you being inducted into the Family or the Order, as they call it?

SV: There were two other children at that point. But there were several adults too.

GS: Okay.

SV: See, the Church also brings in adults to swear their allegiance, too, just so you know. I was told, and I don’t know if this is true, that if you want to rise to a certain position within the Catholic Church hierarchy, you do have to go through that ceremony as well.

GS: Okay, so you’re down in this room. Your parents weren’t present.

SV: No. No. The German Father and the French Father were.

GS: Okay, and at that point tell our listeners what you witnessed.

SV: (pause, additional voice stress) Well, there was a table. It looked like dark glass in the center of the room. It was made out of a stone, but it was very shiny and darkened black. It may have been something like obsidian or onyx, I’m not sure. This was the only time I’ve seen stone like that.

Around the corners it had these gold channels that, you know, collect fluids. A little boy was placed in the center of the table and drugged. I think he was drugged, because he was very quiet. He didn’t move or say anything.

GS: This was a little three or four-year-old boy, right?

SV: Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

GS: Then they continued to do a child sacrifice.

SV: Yes, they did. Yes. I told you about that before. Yeah.

GS: Now afterwards, quite, what an unbelievable experience for a youth, a 12-year-old. What went through your mind when that happened?

SV: I was terrified! I mean, I was absolutely horrified. I… I… I… I can’t describe the terror you feel when you go through something like that.

GS: And do you remember the words they were saying as this was going on?

SV: (pause) The man was in scarlet – he was speaking in Latin. And basically he was saying, “Please accept the sacrifice on this day.” And then he said, “This sacrifice will seal the ceremony.” And then he did it.

Again, I was so terrified that… (sighs) Have you ever been in a situation where your heart’s racing, but you can’t do anything? You’re just kind of sitting there, and you’re kind of fading in and out?

GS: Well, I can remember as a youth being frightened, but I don’t think I’ve ever…

SV: (crosstalk) No. All right.

GS:… had anything quite like what you’ve had.

SV: Imagine your heart rate going up to about 220. You can’t move. You’re kind of shaking, but you’re trying not to show it.

GS: Mm hm.

SV: It was horrible. Actually, I keep thinking inside, “I can’t wait ’till it’s over. I can’t wait.” You don’t say this, but inside you’re just saying over and over, “I can’t wait ’till this is over. I can’t wait ’till this is over. I can’t wait ’till it’s over.”

GS: Mm hm.

SV: Afterwards, the man in scarlet, he had a huge golden ring on his hand. He came over to the center of the room. Each of the people that were swearing that day had to go forward and kneel before him and kiss his ring, and swear my allegiance to the New Order, to the New World Order for all… until my death.

GS: Hm. Now at that point you were escorted out.

SV: Yes. Yeah. After the ceremony was all over. I mean, the other people also did theirs as well. They had to swear their allegiance too.

GS: And they were the same age as you?

SV: The two children were, but there were also three adults that went forward and did the same. And afterwards, we were told, (slowly and precisely): “May the same to you or worse occur should you ever break this oath.”

GS: Hm. So it’s basically… whew! Imagine at that age, what [this would do]. And you weren’t really prepped for this, were you? You were told there was a ceremony, but you didn’t expect anything like this, from what I’ve gathered talking to you.

SV: It was very difficult to go through, just because the sense of horrific oppression down there was the worst I’ve [ever felt.] I’ve gone through some ceremonies in my life in the Illuminati, you do go through them. But I have to say that in my experience this was the worst, just because… I can’t explain the amount of darkness in that room. It was just pure evil. And unless you’ve ever been in a… seen a person… it was just horrible.

It wasn’t just what happened, but just… I mean, the oppression. And I’m a Christian now, and I know the difference between when there is evil present – oppression – or when God’s love is present, which is joy and peace. That’s the exact opposite of what there was in that room.

GS: Now you know what I find quite interesting about this? About 25 years ago, I was a reporter and a freelance writer in Rome, and I spent six years there. I walked through the Vatican many, many times… hundreds of times. I covered the papal addresses, things like that.

During that time I was there during a Vatican scandal, which involved the Church bank and other things… members of the Illuminati, the Freemasons. I was approached by a woman, Maria Vendital (ph), and I’ll never forget this. Rome’s a small town. People knew I was covering stories about the secret societies, things like that. I had to ask people.

Well, this woman came up to me and told me similar stories. She wasn’t quite as specific because she couldn’t handle it without breaking out crying, and tried to commit suicide twice because she couldn’t get out of the Illuminati. She was a member, born into it from a very wealthy northern Italian family. She told me basically the same ceremony took place with her.

And so, when I started talking to you, I wanted to relay that to you, and also to relay to my listeners that I also heard about this, 25 years ago, from a woman by the name of Maria, and several other people in Italy that I talked to. I was never able to locate or really, probably for my own safety, ever find out what happened.

But again, Svali’s corroborating a story that I heard about 25 years ago. We’ll get back after the break with this incredible story of a member who is now out of the Illuminati, out of the group and safe, on the Republic Broadcasting Network.

[commercial break – Resume at 23:15]

GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal. I’m your host, Greg Szymanski. We’re talking to Svali, a member of the Family, the Order, the Illuminati, for thirty years.

Svali, you leave the induction ceremony. You walk out into the Vatican courtyard with one of the fathers, I believe. What did he tell you then?

SV: At that point he just told me to never forget. He told me that I had performed well during the ceremony because I didn’t scream or pass out or anything like that. He said “You did very well,” and he was pleased. Then we stayed at a home nearby. It must have been a local person. I didn’t know them. We spent the night there before we went back to Germany.

GS: Okay, and what about the other people during the ceremony. How did they handle themselves? Do you remember?

SV: (sighs) I’m going to say, unfortunately, I was so… when you’re in that kind of situation, the last thing you’re thinking about sometimes is what the other people are doing. (Laughs) I was just so trying not to lose it myself. I do know that no one screamed or shouted or anything like that. Everyone was quiet. I think to say ‘dead silence,’ is, unless the person was spoken to, true – or unless they had to go forward and kiss the ring.

GS: All right, let’s move on. I think we’ve, uh…

SV: Yeah.

GS: A question I’ve wanted to ask you, and this is such a wide subject. I’ve had a chance to talk to you for a number of days, and I’ve done some stories about it.

You go back home, you’re twelve years old. You say you were schooled in the twelve disciplines.

SV: Yes.

[12 disciplines, from Svali’s online book:

1. To not need. 2. To not want. 3. To not wish. 4. Survival of the fittest. 5. The code of silence. 6. Betrayal is the greatest good. 7. Not caring. 8. Time travel: ” The child will be taught spiritual principles of “traveling” both internally and externally, with set ups, role playing, and guided exercises reinforced with trauma. The goal will be to reach “enlightenment”, an ecstatic state of dissociation reached after severe trauma.”

9,10,11: “Sexual trauma, learning to dissociate and increase cognition, decrease feeling.” (Details of these 3 steps vary according to child’s future role in the cult. These roles include Informers, Breeders, Prostitutes, Pornography, Media personnel, Preparers, Readers, Cutters, Chanters, High Priest/Priestess, Trainers, Punishers, Trackers, Teachers, Child Care, Couriers, Commanding Officers and Behavioral Scientists.)

12. Coming of age ceremony (Vatican underground sacrifice).]

GS: So your life begins, and you know now you’re in some type of organization that is very different than what most people experience. Tell us… I guess what I want to do is leave it open to you to begin. You’ve written so in-depth on this story. I’m just going to give you the microphone and let you begin. Tell the listeners what you think is important about your original training, about the group and about many things that I know people want to know about the Illuminati. Go ahead.

SV: Okay. Well Greg, first I want to say that my purpose in talking about this is not to glorify evil. There are very wicked people out there, very powerful people. I don’t want to at all magnify their power, but I do want people to know that this is real. These people exist. People who say there are people out there that are involved in these activities… it really happens.

I also, because I know that there are children being hurt in the group every day, and that’s my motivation for coming forward.

I don’t like giving interviews for obvious reasons. I am willing this one time to lay aside my privacy and personal safety because these people need to be stopped. They need to be stopped.

GS: Okay. SV: Okay? GS: Go ahead.

SV: Normally children in the group are born into it. The Illuminati very rarely does outside recruitment. That’s not their main method. It’s just passed down generally, generationally from father to son, and mother to daughters to children. And so the whole family line has been in it.

Throughout the centuries people have tried to escape, but a lot of times they were either poisoned, murdered or set up to look like a suicide. They don’t like it when people leave, and they try to make it very difficult – simply because it looks bad. (slight laugh)

They go through an enormous amount of training, from the time they are an infant. You undergo indoctrination. And when I say indoctrination, I don’t just mean like cult programming so much as watching your parents and seeing what they do.

My parents modeled their behavior. To them the group was very important for growing up. I saw that three times a week, everything was dropped to tend to the activities. Okay?

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  1. steve April 22, 2015 at 12:53 pm - Reply

    poor sound quality!!!1???wheres the rest of the transcript????
    steve n.

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