False Flag-O-Meter reaches the red zone: Why a government-orchestrated distraction event is highly likely to occur in the next 7 days

truther May 13, 2013 9

Mike AdamsNaturalNews

This is a short but urgent warning: A false flag event, an act of war, a bombing or some other headlines-grabbing orchestrated event is very likely to occur in the next seven days precisely because the Obama administration is under intense fire right now and needs a quick distraction. In stage magic, it’s called the “art of misdirection.” In politics, it’s called the “Clinton method.”

False Flag-O-Meter reaches the red zone Why a government-orchestrated distraction event is highly likely to occur in the next 7 days

This is exactly what Bill Clinton did over and over again during his administration: Any time he was about to be raked over the coals for some political scandal, he would simply order the bombing of another “terrorist factory” somewhere around the globe. Magically, the Clinton News Network (CNN) would shift coverage to this heroic act of “national defense” and stop asking questions about his scandal back at home. That would give the Clinton administration enough time to intimidate, threaten or murder whoever might have been involved. (Vince Foster, remember?)

Right now, Hilary Clinton and President Obama are facing the possible downfall of their political careers over the Benghazi cover-up. Thanks to recent testimony, we now know that the Obama administration actually ordered the stand-down of U.S. military forces, directly causing the death of a U.S. ambassador as well as those in the embassy who attempted to save his life.

This is a scandal many times more explosive than Watergate. As the Benghazi investigation unfolds, it may very well end up in the forced resignation of Obama himself.

“Greenlighting” a pre-planned operation

To avoid that from happening, Clinton, Obama and all the other globalist minions in Washington D.C. are trying to figure out what false flag scheme they have ready to go right now. They desperately need to pull the trigger on something: a bombing, a mass shooting, a hundred dead kids bleeding out on public sidewalks or something that can distract the media (and the public) from asking too many questions on Benghazi.

Hence the red zone of the False Flag-O-Meter. It’s now sitting in very dangerous territory, and the worse the scrutiny gets over Benghazi or the recent revelations that the IRS targeted conservative groups and Jews for punitive scrutiny during the 2012 elections, the more likely a false flag event becomes.

Just so you understand real history here, false flags are the primary way governments affect sweeping policy changes. They are acts of political theater played out for the purpose of causing enough real mayhem and carnage — and blaming the right culprits — so that the public will demand government action. This plays right into the hands of government which incessantly wants to concentrate power and destroy civil liberties. Every crisis that unfolds allows it to move one step closer to its goal of dictatorial police state control.

Watch for a major event in the next 7 days

Understanding this, there is a high probability of a false flag event occurring within the next seven days: A staged terror attack on a U.S. embassy, a shooting on U.S. soil, a bombing of a government building, someone blowing up a bridge… anything to get the attention off Benghazi-gate.

FBI agents are no doubt scurrying across the country right this very minute, taking inventory of all their pre-planned terror plots and trying to determine which one they can make “real” at short notice. The FBI, in case you didn’t know, openly plots and carries out terror attacks all across the USA in order to show that it’s “stopping terrorism.” This has been confirmed by the New York Times, which rarely admits anything true about terror plots.

Whatever it is, this false flag event needs to be visually and emotionally shocking. So expect children to be sacrificed as part of it. Nothing grabs headlines on CNN faster than the blood of children, and that’s what Hilary Clinton needs right now more than anything else: a powerful, revolting distraction from her own abject criminality.

And believe me, these people would order a thousand children killed if it was necessary to save their political careers. Have no illusions about the kind of power-addicted monsters who are running the U.S. government today. There is nothing they won’t do to weasel out of being caught in a devastating lie.

I hope I’m totally wrong about this prediction, but just in case you may want to be extra vigilant for the next week or so, and if something does happen, don’t believe the White House narrative which is almost 100% guaranteed to be complete fiction.

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  1. gilbert May 14, 2013 at 5:37 pm - Reply

    keep ur camera ready so we do catch them while they do a false flag pass the word keep them camera ready.

  2. National Socialist May 14, 2013 at 11:28 am - Reply

    Well Said. Bring the heat

  3. carl May 14, 2013 at 8:43 am - Reply

    the clock is ticking ,now we will see if any of these false flag nonsense events are real.

    • 5 War Veteran May 14, 2013 at 9:11 am - Reply

      This time I agree with you. I do not expect any false flags through the 20th because everybody IS expecting them. It is the expectation that delays the activity. I would be entirely surprised if something false flag related did happen.

  4. Curious Dude May 14, 2013 at 3:15 am - Reply

    This is an interesting website to get ones alternative news but is anyone else put off by the fact that your presence here is automatically fed through google analytics and dumped right into a government database, i’d hate to be labeled negatively by our gov because these articles intrigue me.

    • 5 War Veteran May 14, 2013 at 7:51 pm - Reply

      We already know that. LOL The FBI/CIA/DHS/TSA/WTF organizations monitor every communication there is except waxed string and Dixie cups and I am sure they are working on that as well.
      There can be no question as to what I stand for and will not stand for. I do not post what I do not want them to read. If there is any confusion as to what it really means to be an American I am sure they are learning that now.
      I am quite sure that they understand that home invasions and taking peoples inalienable rights is WRONG. They know the difference between good and bad and know exactly who is wrong for ordering it.
      It all depends on what they think their future is when aligning with established criminals.
      Knowing that the Elite intend the deaths of 6.5 billion people in any way they can. the odds that you are one of the ones to be allowed to live are not that great. They also know that the Elite will turn on their own kind if profit is to be made.
      If you ever wondered which personalities the Star Trek Ferengi were modeled on all you have to do is pay attention to the Elite and ask why one of the smallest countries on the planets has the most nukes per-capita. Why they are at the heart of most war generating schemes and who plays the politicians like pawns in a worldly game of chess.


  5. 5 War Veteran May 14, 2013 at 1:48 am - Reply

    ” these people would order a thousand children killed if it was necessary to save their political careers.”

    Truer words were never written. 9/11 hid a scandal of 17 trillion missing from government budgets. Ask Donnie Rumsfeld about that one he dodged. Then the offices involved were located on the floor that were hit by the “planes” as well as in the Pentagon where I lost a good friend.

  6. elmer johnson May 14, 2013 at 12:57 am - Reply

    Well Cheney ordered a stand down during 911! Anybody remember The Attack on the USS Liberty? McNamara ordered a stand down there and many more were killed and injured.

  7. Leo May 13, 2013 at 4:49 pm - Reply

    I would state at the moment there is a 50/50 likelihood of a false flag . the heat is hot

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