For First Time, Most Americans Believe Federal Government Threatens Personal Freedoms

truther February 4, 2013 4

Noel Brinkerhoff

Distrust of the U.S. government has reached an all-time high among Americans, a majority of whom now say Washington represents a threat to their personal freedoms.

According to a new poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 53% of respondents said the federal government threatens their own personal rights and freedoms. Those disagreeing numbered 43%.

 For First Time, Most Americans Believe Federal Government Threatens Personal Freedoms

The percentage of those viewing the government as a threat represents a six-point increase from nearly three years ago, when 47% said they felt that way, and a 23% jump from November 2001, when Americans rallied around their government following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Conservative Republicans are the largest group who distrust Washington, with 76% expressing fear for their personal freedoms. A majority (54%) described the government as a “major” threat.

Three years ago, 62% of conservative Republicans said the government was a threat to their freedom, while 47% said it was a major threat, according to the Pew survey.

Meanwhile, only 38% of Democrats see the government as a threat to personal rights and freedoms, with 16% viewing it as a major threat.

Among gun owners, 62% see the government as a threat, compared with 45% of those without guns.

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  1. david frobel February 9, 2013 at 1:43 am - Reply

    can see that every day,,people out of work,banks running the show,higher taxes,the UN want us to tern in our guns,,the list gose on and on,,it will all come to a head some time.

  2. James M Nunes February 7, 2013 at 12:43 am - Reply

    It is the entire political, economic, monetary and banking system that needs major reforms and changes. You cannot pour new wine into an old wine skin. The U.S. Government must declare National Sovereignty. Only National Socialism will free the common man from economic bondage and slavery. The control freaks don’t wan’t to give-up their control and power of the monetary and banking system. The only solution is to abolish the Federal Reserve, nationalizing the central bank and restoring monetary authority to the U.S. Treasury to create and extinguish honest debt free money based on a 3 legged stool of a market basket precious metals, barter exchange contracts and labor treasury certificates for goods produced, services rendered and work performed. There are only 2 choices. 1-Do you wan’t to live under monopoly and predatory capitalism with no middle class. 2-Or do you wan’t a more equitable distribution of wealth where the scales of economic justice are more evenly balanced?

  3. Rev. Bob Celeste February 4, 2013 at 9:27 pm - Reply

    I will believe this when I see members of Congress treated like the lying treasonous scum they are instead of having the ground they walk on worshiped by the voters at home.

  4. Stan Sikorski February 4, 2013 at 9:03 pm - Reply

    When the American People understand who really runs the country in high number, then we can start getting somewhere. It’s the jews, stupid.

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