George W Bush Practically Admits 9/11 was a ‘Conspiracy’ Plot

truther April 29, 2013 8

Interesting recent interview:

George almost slips – 9/11 was a cons plot!!! see it for yourself.

George W Bush Practically Admits 9 11 was a 'Conspiracy' Plot

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  1. upaces88 April 30, 2013 at 7:16 am - Reply

    This is ONLY my theory:

    Little Bush boy Met the Bin Ladens when Daddy Bush (head of CIA) helped them when Russia was invading their country.
    They were NOT wealthy but the Bush family was so they went into the oil business. Both got very wealthy from their business venture.
    At first, the war was about capturing the “oil.”
    Then later, What neither Bush’s men understand is that Muslims are taught from birth that there is no sin in telling lies to the infidel no matter who he is. That is why Bush Boy looked stunned and couldn’t tell the same story twice the right way after 9/11…when he said, (paraphrase) “nawww, Bin Laden didn’t do it). However, it sure looks suspicious when the Bin Laden family slept in a Bedroom at the WH witin 24 hrs Prior to 9/11 and were rushed out of the country (Of course, the same thing happened when Pearl Harbor was bombed). My question is, “Like Pearl Harbor”… were the ambassadors there to “declare the intentions to bomb Pearl Harbor” and the U.S. AGreed? Were the Bin Ladens there to do the same?

    The old man Bush was more deviant than young Bush…that’s why young Bush’s face looked like “Yes I am NOT telling you everything I know”; OR was he shocked that it happened?”
    It becomes more interesting that the Man (if you want to know his name, I’ll get it for you) who was a Bush confidant, and close advisor was found murdered and in a dumping area…was he going to tell all about the association? What he knew?

    Bush Sr. (and I have this video also) believed in NWO. Bush Jr does not and I think he is a man of weird conscience and that is why he can’t lie to save his own life. When he was in the Air National Guard…he crashed a plane because he was drunk and never showed up for formation. His daddy was in his ear, I think, most of the time when he spoke in the State of the Union Addresses.

    One of Bush Sr.’s friends in Afganistan got in touch with him to warn him of 9/11 (within a few hours, HIS FRIEND was dead)

    Even if Bush Sr had Muslim friends, AND he thinks we will be NWO in our lifetime, I sincerely don’t think either of the Bush men understood that Muslims are like locusts. They go into a land to control it leaving it in shambles…then move on. I also don’t think either of the Bush men understand that Muslims are NOT capable of Leading a “peaceful nation.” How could they be when they have been inbreeding for eons, and are all, basically, criminally insane?
    They can’t have known that sociological impact on their own people as well as part of the community in the U.S.
    Bottom Line? THEY BOTH FUCKED UP BIG TIME and we are having to pay for it!

  2. 5 War Veteran April 30, 2013 at 2:37 am - Reply

    Go back to You Tube and watch Bush+911+lies.
    Watch his eyes.
    He is basically an honest man or he wouldn’t have such a hard time telling lies. lol

    I do not know if I would make that judgement, after all his lies resulted in the killing of hundreds of thousands and the spreading of depleted uranium across Iraq.
    Then there are the deaths and disabilities of American soldiers who were injured in doing so.

  3. 5 War Veteran April 30, 2013 at 2:17 am - Reply

    Rain tax/rain water must come under the New GOD Act??????

    Uh, Wrong blog?

  4. 5 War Veteran April 30, 2013 at 2:16 am - Reply

    OK that was just downright irritating isn’t three times enough? Really?
    Yes he is an idiot is there really any question about that?

  5. Elaine April 29, 2013 at 10:47 pm - Reply
  6. RINGO April 29, 2013 at 10:00 pm - Reply

    Rain tax/rain water must come under the New GOD Act??????

  7. Michael J. Marsalek April 29, 2013 at 9:55 pm - Reply

    While in office and with the Iraq adventure still ongoing, George W. Bush said that there would be plenty of time ” later on ” to discuss the justification and necessity for the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Well, it’s well past the time that that discussion should have taken place. It has not because the U.S. invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, unjustified and illegal. Also, because of the sensitive nature of 9-11-01, the fact that the event could have been more easily prevented than being the success that it was has not been made public. Just as Bush knew Saddam Hussein at one time had U.S. supplied WMD, at least 14 of the 17 attempted terrorist attacks in the U.S. since 911 have been stopped ( at the last moment ) because the partipants were recruited by and working for the FBI.There is a very simple & inexpensive solution to America’s homeland security problem. Stop provoking America’s enemies by interfering with the internal affairs of other countries and stop attempting to overthrow foreign governments.

  8. Elaine April 29, 2013 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    Go back to You Tube and watch Bush+911+lies.
    Watch his eyes.
    He is basically an honest man or he wouldn’t have such a hard time telling lies. lol

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