How to Address Growing Poverty? More Confiscation by Government

truther January 2, 2014 1

Kurt Nimmo

CNN, home to the Army’s Fourth Psychological Operations Group, admits the “war on poverty,” launched 50 years ago this month, is a dismal failure and more People in america than ever are stuck in poverty.

How to reverse this long-running trend? Well, since the problem is all about “income inequality,” the natural solution is to tax the rich, although CNN does not directly say this. Instead, it cites nonpartisan congressional analysts who blame “less redistributive” government for the yawning chasm between rich and poor.

How to Address Growing Poverty More Confiscation by Government

In other words, more confiscation will be required. Not from the 1% that offshores its cash and devises other ways to avoid taxation, but from helpless victims in the millionaire class and the middle class directly below it.

How to accomplish this? Get out the vote… again.

“Statistics do show lower-income people are less likely to vote. According to CNN exit polls, those who made less than $15,000 per year comprised 6% of voters in 2008. More than 13 percent of the overall population fell below the poverty line that year,” CNN reports.

Liberals hope 2016 will be different as they push people like Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren to run for president. A neophyte politician, Warren is a champion of liberal economic policies.

And progressives believe the election of Democrat Bill De Blasio as Mayor of New York, the world’s financial capital, is a promising sign the nation may be more ready to discuss issues pertaining to poor people.

A populist, De Blasio has stressed a tale of “two cities” theme that illustrated a division of rich and poor.

CNN says establishment Republicans are also looking to court poor people. “Democrats tend to support policies that involve more government and equitable wealth distribution while Republicans tend to back a ‘trickle-down’ approach in which stronger upper and middle class economies benefit the poor,” CNN explains.

“Trickle down” is a buzzword that drives liberals bats. They prefer direct confiscation and never seem to notice that this does nothing to ameliorate the lot of the poor.

“Government’s power and money doesn’t trickle down,” writes Jeffrey Tucker. “It takes money and pours it into ever more bureaucracy and gives it to the elites. Its power grows and grows at the expense of society.”

It looks like a new war on poverty is about to be launched by the establishment. Like the last one, this new boondoggle will not reduce the number of poor people, but it will grow government and create a new class of bureaucrats.

Of course, so long as the economy is the play thing of banksters and their coterie at the Federal Reserve, nothing significant will change, except maybe the rhetoric and a march to the polls where rigged voting machines wait.

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  1. levi January 5, 2014 at 3:28 am - Reply

    When the communists took over the church seminaries and then public offices in the late 1800’s and 1913 the “War to make Poverty” is result of rejecting a system of just weights and measures for a monetary system. Money is not just any agreed upon exchange. It is defined in the Law of Nations as “a just medium of exchange”. It has to be of intrinsic value. The precious metals are elements and have value in and of themselves. Any smelter can put their stamp of purity and weight on the metal. When the government puts its stamp of purity and weight (measure) on the metal we call it coin and money. It was the death penalty to debase the coin of the United States and when the “satanic jew” took over the issuance of the means of exchange the penalty was dropped and imprisonment and fine was instituted for counterfeiting. John Meynard Keynes said “the surest way to overthrow an existing society was to debase its monetary system” and this “engaged all the hidden forces of destruction”. I say that fellow in the picture has had his existence overthrown and destruction is staring him in the face. The sins of the fathers (his, his father and grandfather back to at least 1913) are being visited on the third and fourth generations. Central banking has historically a 70 year or 100 year existence before the dislocations in society cause a collapse. Russia 1917 to 1987. U.S. 1913 to this year. And now we are seeing the land vomit out its inhabitants because we reject knowledge. You can’t own property under communism. The first Plank, abolition of property rights in the land, and land rents–i.e. land taxes. He will have to resettle the land by going out of sight and make a dugout like our forefathers did and reconquer the wilderness to have something to eat. This means growing his own food which he is totally removed from. Multiply this by millions and by the Law of Nations he can take for his bare existence. He doesn’t know though and like Gerald Celente says “When people lose it all, then they lose it”. Jesus said “These be the days of vengence.” That is describing societal collapse. Good luck and good hunting.

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