Occupying America: Sowing the Seeds of a Second American Revolution

Pakalert October 20, 2011 6
Lori Spencer

“There are combustibles in every state which a spark might set fire to.”
— George Washington’s letter to General Henry Knox concerning the
Shay’s Rebellion, 1786

One month ago, a group of some 1000 demonstrators gathered in Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park to protest the pillaging of the nation’s economy by powerful corporations and international houses of high finance. While these young activists were entirely peaceful, they also made it clear that this would be no hippie-dippy flower-twirling love-in, sit-in, teach-in, or even a camp-in; this was an occupation. The demonstrators announced that they intended to Occupy Wall Street 24/7, staying until hell freezes over if need be.

The New York City police welcomed them warmly with pepper spray and more than a few violent smack-downs, even going so far as to arrest some 700 protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge who werelured into a position where they could be charged with blocking traffic.

After video of these outrages went viral on the Internet, a wave of righteous indignation swept the land. Hastily-formed Occupy groups proclaiming themselves in solidarity with the NYC protesters began to spring up in big cities and small towns across America. At first it was just a handful: 20-30 groups in the first week, growing to a few hundred in the second week, then rapidly mushrooming to today’s current total of 1,947 cities around the globe.

The most common critique leveled against the Occupy demonstrators is that they don’t seem to have a plan. “Disorganized,” “unfocused,” and “aimless” are buzzwords the movement’s detractors — both liberal and right-wing — like to toss around. Last week former President Bush’s key political adviser Karl Rove cynically opined in the Wall Street Journal that Democrats should distance themselves from the Occupy Wall Street movement to avoid alienating potential voters in 2012.

And it’s true that even those Americans who are in fact part of the 99% and generally support OWS’s principles are themselves unclear as to what the protesters ultimately want and how exactly they are going to accomplish it. What are their demands? How long are they going to keep this up? Have they proposed any concrete solutions? But that’s an awful lot of pressure to put upon a spontaneous social movement that is only little over a month old.
Sign on the side of a tent at the Occupy Oklahoma City encampment (photos by Lori Spencer)

Sign on the side of a tent at the Occupy Oklahoma City encampment (photos by Lori Spencer)

Certainly these are valid questions. In defense of the revolutionaries, though, remember that the last time we had a revolution in this country , it took 20 years to start it, eight years to fight it, and still another six years to fully secure and implement a new government. If the Occupy movement is indeed the genesis of a Second American Revolution, we should not expect its progenitors to simply cough up a prefabricated quick fix. After all, if our elected representatives couldn’t seem to figure out how to correct the country’s multitude of problems over a few decades, is it reasonable to expect a loosely-organized band of citizen activists to offer the solutions within just a few months? We may be sowing the seeds of a revolution now, but let’s not forget that it usually takes many years to reap the harvest.

History shows that revolutions do not occur overnight. Reasonable humans always prefer to work out their differences through lawful avenues and communication whenever possible. It is only after many years of futile petitioning that the oppressed are left with no other choice but to revolt. Some 236 years ago, the American colonists signed a Declaration of Independence – prepared to back it up through force of arms if necessary – but that unforgiving line in the sand was only drawn after 22 years of peaceful attempts to negotiate with Britain had failed.

The seeds of the American Revolution were planted not in 1776, but in 1754 during the French and Indian War. Colonists became further disenchanted when taxes were levied upon them to pay the costs of that war. A number of other encroachments added fuel to the fire: restrictions on settlement of the West, increased duties on imported goods, the Stamp Act, the banning of colonial currency, outlawing town meetings, quartering British troops among the citizenry, and closing Boston Harbor, just to name a few. Discontent festered for nearly 20 years whilst the Loyalists and Patriots argued amongst themselves as to whether or not they dared to overthrow British rule.

When the first armed conflict of the Revolutionary War began on April 19, 1775, only one-third of colonists supported the cause. The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, but it took another year for all the delegates to actually sign their John Hancocks, quite literally putting their lives on the line for what they believed in. Although the final battle was fought in 1782, the state of war did not formally end until the Treaties of Paris and Versailles were ratified in 1784. The U.S. Constitution was written in 1787 but was not ratified until 1789. This delay was the result of ongoing debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists over just how much power the new national government should have. Debates were so heated in fact that they frequently turned into armed skirmishes, standoffs, and deadly showdowns with authorities. One resonant example was Shay’s Rebellion, a populist uprising of debt-ridden New England farmers who had served their country in  the war, only to come home and have their lands foreclosed upon. (A scenario all too familiar for today’s veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the returned veterans of practically every war in the 20th century.).

“You say you want a revolution…well, you know…we’d all love to see the plan.”
— The Beatles, “Revolution”

Revolutions are a process of trial and error, of discarding what doesn’t work and eventually figuring out what does. Of course you can always count on revolutionaries to make some massive screw-ups along the way (such as George Washington’s bright idea to exclude blacks from the Continental Army, thus driving more than 20,000 African Americans to pick up guns for the British and turn them against their countrymen, for example). In truth, the original 13 American colonies were rarely in agreement on anything. While everyone could agree that the country was out of joint, reaching consensus on what to do about it proved far more difficult.

The Oklahoma City Occupation list of demands

The Oklahoma City Occupation list of demands

Even when all 13 colonies finally signed on the dotted line in 1776, they still didn’t have a plan for a new system of government to replace the old. And while the Declaration may have been a poetic statement of collective principles and grievances, it offered nothing in terms of solutions.

The Continental Army was a ragtag, disorganized, unruly band of volunteers who seemingly didn’t stand a snowball’s chance against the crushing might of Britain’s superior forces. These men fought an eight-year war without so much as a blueprint for what the hell they were going to do with their hard-earned freedom should they emerge victorious. Once the war was won, it took another six years of bickering, compromise, and re-tooling the Constitution before we finally had a supreme law of the land. All the while, Congress ran the United States because there was no leader; the new nation didn’t elect its first president until 1789.

All in all, the process of the American Revolution comprised 35 years–a generation.

What is happening in the streets today is being hailed by some as the Second American Revolution, and it may very well be that our tree of liberty is beginning to bloom anew. By that historical comparison, the agitators who are taking it to the streets would be the modern day Patriots. The majority who tell them to just sit down, shut up, get a job, and stop whining already are the Loyalists. All of these empty arguments being made today against the Patriots as a bunch of naive, ungrateful, disorganized fools are nothing new under the sun. We Americans have heard that old saw somewhere before. Washington, Adams, Jefferson and even Tom Paine didn’t have all the answers in the beginning, either.
Not until 1774 did the First Continental Congress convene to draft an official list of grievances, a statement of principles, and plans for organized resistance to England within the colonies. This bold first step towards independence had been 20 years in the making.

Today’s revolutionaries actually seem to be moving forward much, much faster. Already, an Occupy Wall Street working group is calling for the election of a National General Assembly to meet on July 4, 2012 in Philadelphia. According to the 99% Declaration, “870 Delegates shall set forth, consider and vote upon a PETITION OF GRIEVANCES to be submitted to all members of Congress, The Supreme Court and President and each of the political candidates running in the nationwide Congressional and Presidential election in November 2012.” Now that sounds like a plan!

It took many decades of unsustainable excess and deep-rooted corruption for America to reach this critical stage of mass unrest. So no one should expect us to get out of this mess tomorrow.

We’re done with trusting politicians to sort it out for us. We have finally come to the inevitable conclusion that if we want the job done right, we’ll have to do it ourselves. We The People will fix this, even if we don’t know quite how to do it just yet. We will win some, lose some, fall on our faces sometimes, and learn from our mistakes as our forefathers did. If it took them at least 35 years to come up with a system that worked. Instant gratification is not something we can expect this time around, either. Give it time. Better yet, roll up your sleeves and help if you want change to happen faster. Many hands make light work, and we’ve got a hell of a lot of work to do.

To borrow from President Kennedy, who outlined the New Frontier’s goals for the 1960s in his inaugural address and called his fellow Americans to action: “All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.”

LORI SPENCER is a veteran journalist and musician based in Austin, Texas. She spent 25 years in the trenches of radio and print newsrooms by day while playing her music by night. Most recently she became one of the 99% when the mega media corporation she worked for laid off more than 7,000 writers and editors, informing them via a cold and impersonal email that their services would no longer be needed. Now just another unemployed journalist, she’s hitting the road to document the occupation as it spreads across the American heartland. You may find her visiting your city soon. If you see Lori at a rally and would like to help fund her quest for reporting the truth, please toss some spare change in her guitar case. Lori wrote this piece for ThisCantBeHappening! and will be continuing to report on the movement from the nation’s heartland.

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  1. pookie boy October 28, 2011 at 4:16 pm - Reply

    I go to Zucotti park everyday.

    The ONLY ISSUE humanity MUST deal with is ZIONISM.

    Fix that and watch the wars stop, our rights restored and the fiat monetary system destroyed. Killing the Rothchilds is step #1. Removing Israel #2

    Watch everything else fix itself

    Of course no one wants to touch this topic with a 1000 foot pole. thus this movement is…. nothing but an awakening

  2. Eric V. Encina October 21, 2011 at 10:55 am - Reply

    Dear Friends in the Western worlds,

    Please take time to read the benefits of debt-free money and distribution of unconditional and unearned income financial dividend to every citizen on earth:

    1. No more unnecessary material – and, *ipso facto*, monetary – poverty
    2. No more homelessness
    3. No more hunger, malnutrition and starvation
    4. No more unemployment, as everyone can be potentially self-employed at his/her productive initiative
    5. No more inflation, since there would be sufficient purchasing power in the hands of every man, woman and child
    6. Far less crime, or no more poverty-related or money-related crimes
    7. Little, or possibly no more, discrimination on the basis or race or sex
    8. Fewer threats of war
    9. Fewer threats of rebellion and insurrection
    10. Fewer rallies and insurrections
    11. Less environmental degradation
    12. Less beggary and unnecessary mendicancy
    13. Happy communities and happy nations
    14. Happy working conditions and work-force
    15. Fewer bankruptcies, or possibly, no more bankruptcies at all
    16. Fewer illegal activities, or possibly no more illegal activities at all
    17. Less killing of – or, possibly, no more killing of – innocent born and unborn children
    18. Less suicide – or possibly no more suicide – because of poverty, unemployment and money problems
    19. Fewer cases of divorce – or possibly no more divorce and family breakdowns – caused by money problems.
    20. Less overseas aid or foreign aid necessary, or possibly no more necessity of massive foreign aid from foreign taxpayers
    21. Less brain drain – or possibly no more brain – from each nation on Earth, except by choice
    22. Less sending out of overseas workers, or possibly no need of sending our people overseas for overseas employment, who oftentimes suffer exploitation and abuses.
    Pragmatically, this extra basic income can be of help to every man, woman and child:
    1. For “rainy days” or in times of calamity
    2. For their old age, as pension is almost always not enough
    3. For their hospital stay and additional medical costs
    4. For educational, cultural and religious travel, etc.
    5. For primary, secondary university and post-university education, to liberate people from tuition-fee debt-bondage
    6. For house or shelter / home security.
    There are other great benefits – probably hundreds and maybe even thousands – if supplementary basic income for every person is given as a matter of economic BIRTHRIGHT: not as a matter of welfare or dole-out, nor as a charity, but as a birthright.

    Eric V Encina

  3. Eric V. Encina October 21, 2011 at 10:54 am - Reply

    Please help usher a new world for all of us where economic justice and security is going to be guaranteed to all

    GREAT AND UNIVERSAL BENEFITS OF DEBT-FREE MONEY CREATION AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF UNCONDITIONAL FINANCIAL DIVIDEND TO EVERY CITIZEN IN THE PHILIPPINES AND IN THE WORLD in the 21st century. Please agree, and support without second thought. Let us stop our hypocrisy, egoism, bureaucracy and pride. Let us unity for the common cause and ground.

    There is plenty of money in this planet that accordingly around US$600 Trillions in excess in Value of all global money currencies existing, unfortunately, controlled by the banksters and vultures, supposed to be for distribution. This is why hunger, starvation, poverty and deprivations are still permitted in this global age of plenty? Money is unavailable for life and for giving financial-economic bill of rights for everyone but enormously available for life-family-community-environmentally-nations-destroying aims. These must come to an end.

    US$10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Dollars) or P430,000 or P500,000 annual financial dividend to every Filipino man, woman and child. Likewise, US$30,000.00 (Thirty Thousand Dollars) annual financial dividend to every American/Canadian/Australian, or UK20,000 pounds sterling or twenty thousand pounds sterling to every Briton, et al, ~ man, woman and child without condition and discrimination to keep the economy moving with equilibrium in justice, charity and equality in this age of of global plenty without unnecessary debt and usury. Please see further for all people as per below.


    In the Philippines, the total private bank assets, which are supposed to be PUBLIC ASSETS are more than P6.4 TRILLION Pesos or P600 Billion as of 2010. We might also have Trillions of Pesos circulating in the Philippines but also monopolized by the private banking system. WE MUST HAVE THE RIGHTFUL SHARE according to Divine Providence and our Constitution OF ALL THESE MONIES – the symbol of wealth of the nation(s) in the 21st century to end our monetary miseries which can never be justified by all fronts and philosophies, and thus to bring about the blossoming of the new civilization.

    These are the debt-free nations on earth as listed below. These nations create their own money by the facilities of their own government public banking without interference and intrusion of the IMF and WB. They are independently sustainable nations on earth without any need of foreign borrowings at interest.

    1. China
    2. Taiwan
    3. Hong Kong
    4. Singapore
    5. Brunei

    There are 194 nations on earth and only 5 nations are in debt-free economies. And this is indeed catastrophic, by adroit designs leading us to being skinned alive to savage cruelty of debt.

    Eric V. Encina

  4. Eric V. Encina October 21, 2011 at 10:53 am - Reply

    Dear Friends,

    “Life itself is nothing until we share it, or give it up for others.” – Amergo Raz

    “The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.” – Lord Action.

    Occupy London Stock Exchange is also very commendable and timing. Let millions of Britons go there and join in bravery and principles and get back people’s money and get benefit from it in real economic democracy.

    The financial system is based on ex nihilo creation of money and compounded interest is in the process of collapse (October 2011? or sometimes this year?) and to be replaced by the new system, however, under meticulous observation.

    We are eventually in the process of transition globally. Times and situations are indeed savagely difficult and outrageous more than ever in the wake of the man-made crisis, calamities and tragedies but nevertheless “exciting”. Debts will be eventually written off and interest payments thereof and the new laws will also come up for the good of all humanity in the 21st century.


    US$66 Trillion to US$600 Trillion dollars must be distributed to every citizen of the earth at least $1 Million each annually to have a guaranteed financial economic security. PEOPLE’S MONEY IS FOR ALL PEOPLE, NOT ONLY FOR THE BANKERS AND POLITICIANS.

    We musty never doubt as the very last resort that THE ONE BILLION PEOPLES of thoughtful, committed and zealous citizens across the planet in solidarity, charity and in the noble visions and common and ultimate objectives can emancipate and save the world from the total annihilation of the cataclysm of the debt finance-disaster-corrupt capitalism and sucking usury which is the banking arithmetic of and weapon of mass destruction.

    Global reform is hopefully is at hand. One Billion people across the planet are needed today, tomorrow in 2011. Those who think right and straight irrespective of their educational backgrounds and religions or races must fully participate and cooperate for the real change that we “desperately” need, not in sham, not in delusion or illusion or hypocrisy or indifference or complacency, but in authentic love for all humanity.

    There is plenty of money in this planet that accordingly around US$600 Trillions in excess in Value of all global money currencies existing, unfortunately, controlled by the banksters and vultures, supposed to be for distribution. This is why hunger, starvation, poverty and deprivations are still permitted in this global age of plenty? Money is unavailable for life and for giving financial-economic bill of rights for everyone but enormously available for life-family-community-environmentally-nations-destroying aims. These must come to an end.

    US$10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Dollars) or P430,000 or P500,000 annual financial dividend to every Filipino man, woman and child. Likewise, US$30,000.00 (Thirty Thousand Dollars) annual financial dividend to every American/Canadian/Australian, et al, ~ man, woman and child without condition and discrimination to keep the economy moving with equilibrium in justice, charity and equality in this age of of global plenty without unnecessary debt and usury. Please see further for all people as per below.


    In the Philippines, the total private bank assets, which are supposed to be PUBLIC ASSETS are more than P6.4 TRILLION Pesos or P600 Billion as of 2010. We might also have Trillions of Pesos circulating in the Philippines but also monopolized by the private banking system. WE MUST HAVE THE RIGHTFUL SHARE according to Divine Providence and our Constitution OF ALL THESE MONIES – the symbol of wealth of the nation(s) in the 21st century to end our monetary miseries which can never be justified by all fronts and philosophies, and thus to bring about the blossoming of the new civilization.

    Eric V. Encina

  5. m October 21, 2011 at 9:14 am - Reply

    Thanks Lori

    • Lori Spencer October 21, 2011 at 6:19 pm - Reply

      You’re welcome! glad you enjoyed the article.

      Viva la Revolution!

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